149 resultados para Black Mamba Venom

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By Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, cation-exchange CM-Sephadex C-25 chromatography and reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a novel serine protease inhibitor named bungaruskunin was purified and characterized from venom of Bungarus fasciatus. Its cDNA was also cloned from the cDNA library of B. fasciatus venomous glands. The predicted precursor is composed of 83 amino acid (aa) residues including a 24-aa signal peptide and a 59-aa mature bungaruskunin. Bungaruskunin showed maximal similarity (64%) with the predicted serine protease inhibitor blackelin deduced from the cDNA sequence of the red-bellied black snake Pseudechis porphyriacus. Bungaruskunin is a Kunitz protease inhibitor with a conserved Kunitz domain and could exert inhibitory activity against trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase. By screening the cDNA library, two new B chains of beta-bungarotoxin are also identified. The overall structures of bungaruskunin and beta -bungarotoxin B chains are similar; especially they have highly conserved signal peptide sequences. These findings strongly suggest that snake Kunitz/BPTI protease inhibitors and neurotoxic homologs may have originated from a common ancestor. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) has an unusual karyotype of 2n = 8 in females and 2n = 9 in males. We have studied the evolution of this karyotype by hybridising chromosome-specific paints derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the Chinese muntjac (M. reevesi, 2n = 46) to chromosomes of the black muntjac. The hybridisation pattern allowed us to infer chromosomal homologies between these two species. Tandem and centromeric fusions, reciprocal translocations, and insertions are involved in the reduction of the diploid number from 2n = 46 to 2n = 8, 9. The painting patterns further show complex chromosomal rearrangements in the male black muntjac which involve more than half the karyotype, including both sex chromosomes. Since early meiosis is reported to be normal without any visible inversion loops of the synaptonemal complex, the observed chromosomal rearrangements would lead to heterosynapsis and, therefore, leave a large fraction of the male black muntjac karyotype balanced between the two sexes.


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Conserved chromosomal segments in the black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (DB1, 2n = 84), and its African sister-species the white rhinoceros, Ceratotherim simum (CSI, 2n = 82), were detected using Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellii, EBU, 2n = 44) chromosome-specific painting probes supplemented by a subset of those developed for the horse (Equus caballus, ECA, 2n = 64). In total 41 and 42 conserved autosomal segments were identified in C simum and D. bicornis respectively. Only 21 rearrangements (20 fissions and I fusion) are necessary to convert the Burchell's zebra karyotype into that of the white rhinoceros. One fission distinguishes the D. bicornis and C simum karyotypes which, excluding hetero- chromatic differences, are identical in all respects at this level of resolution. Most Burchell's zebra chromosomes correspond to two rhinoceros chromosomes although in four instances (EBU 18, 19, 20 and 21) whole chromosome synteny has been retained among these species. In contrast, one rhinoceros chromosome (DBI1, CSI1) comprises two separate Burchell's zebra chromosomes (EBU11 and EBU17). In spite of the high diploid numbers of the two rhinoceros species their karyotypes are surprisingly conserved offering a glimpse of the putative ancestral perissodactyl condition and a broader understanding of genome organization in mammals. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Base


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons, 2n = 8 female/9 male) is a critically endangered mammalian species that is confined to a narrow region of southeastern China. Male black muntjacs have an astonishing X1X2Y1Y2Y3 sex chromosome system, unparalleled i


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The large-insert genomic DNA library is a critical resource for genome-wide genetic dissection of target species. We constructed a high-redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of a New World monkey species, the black-handed spider monkey


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A specific blood coagulation factor X activator was purified from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah by gel filtration and two steps of FPLC Mono-Q column ion-exchange chromatography. It showed a single protein band both in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The mol. wt was estimated to be 62,000 in non-reducing conditions and 64,500 in reducing conditions by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point was found to be pH 5.6. The enzyme had weak amidolytic activities toward CBS 65-25, but it showed no activities on S-2266, S-2302, thrombin substrate S-2238, plasmin substrate S-2251 or factor Xa substrate S-2222. It had no arginine esterase activity toward substrate benzoylarginine ethylester (BAEE). The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was absolutely Ca2+ dependent, with a Hill coefficient of 6.83. It could not activate prothrombin nor had any effect on fibrinogen and thus appeared to act specifically on factor X. The procoagulant activity of the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by serine protease inhibitors like PMSF, TPCK and soybean trypsin inhibitor; partially inhibited by L-cysteine. Metal chelator EDTA did not inhibit its procoagulant activity. These results suggest that the factor X activator from O. hannah venom is a serine protease.


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A specific activator of blood coagulation factor X was purified from the venom of Bungarus fasciatus by gel filtration and by ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column (FPLC). It consisted of a single polypeptide chain, with a mel. wt of 70,000 in reducing and non-reducing conditions. The enzyme had an amidolytic activity towards the chromogenic substrates S-2266 and S-2302 but it did not hydrolyse S-2238, S2251 or S-2222, which are specific substrates for thrombin, plasmin and factor Xa, respectively. The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was Ca2+ dependent with a Hill coefficient of 7.9. As with physiological activators, the venom activator cleaves the heavy chain of factor X, producing the activated factor Xa alpha. The purified factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom did not activate prothrombin, nor did it cleave or clot purified fibrinogen. The amidolytic activity and the factor X activation activity of the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom were readily inhibited by serine protease inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), benzamidine and by soybean trypsin inhibitor but not by EDTA. These observations suggest that the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom is a serine protease. It therefore differs from those of activators obtained from Vipera russelli and Bothrops atrox venoms, which are metalloproteinases.


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A novel plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) has been identified and purified to homogeneity. It is a single chain glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.2. It specifically activates plasminogen through an enzymatic reaction. The activation of human native GIu-plasminogen by TSV-PA is due to a single cleavage of the molecule at the peptide bond Arg(561)-Val-(562). Purified TSV-PA, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of several tripeptide p-nitroanilide substrates, does not activate nor degrade prothrombin, factor X, or protein C and does not clot fibrinogen nor show fibrino(geno)lytic activity in the absence of plasminogen. The activity of TSV-PA was readily inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and by p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate. Oligonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the N-terminal and the internal peptide sequences of TSV-PA were used for the amplification of cDNA fragments by polymerase chain reaction. This allowed the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding TSV-PA from a cDNA library prepared from the venom glands. The deduced complete amino acid sequence of TSV-PA indicates that the mature TSV-PA protein is composed of 234 amino acids and contains a single potential N-gIycosylation site at Asn(1G1). The sequence of TSV-PA exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with other snake venom proteases: 66% with the protein C activator from Aghistrodon contortrix contortrix venom, 63% with batroxobin, and 60% with the factor V activator from Russell's viper venom. On the other hand, TSV-PA shows only 21-23% sequence similarity with the catalytic domains of u-PA and t-PA. Furthermore, TSV-PA lacks the sequence site that has been demonstrated to be responsible for the interaction of t-PA (KHRR) and u-PA (RRHR) with plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.


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The specific plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) is a serine proteinase presenting 23% sequence identity with the proteinase domain of tissue type plasminogen activator, and 63% with batroxobin, a fibrinogen clotting enzyme from Bothrops atrox venom that does not activate plasminogen. TSV-PA contains six disulfide bonds and has been successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli (Zhang, Y., Wisner, A., Xiong, Y. L,, and Bon, C, (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 10246-10255), To identify the functional domains of TSV-PA, we focused on three short peptide fragments of TSV-PA showing important sequence differences with batroxobin and other venom serine proteinases. Molecular modeling shows that these sequences are located in surface loop regions, one of which is next to the catalytic site, When these sequences were replaced in TSV-PA by the equivalent batroxobin residues none generated either fibrinogen-clotting or direct fibrinogenolytic activity, Two of the replacements had little effect in general and are not critical to the specificity of TSV-PA for plasminogen. Nevertheless, the third replacement, produced by the conversion of the sequence DDE 96a-98 to NVI, significantly increased the K-m for some tripeptide chromogenic substrates and resulted in undetectable plasminogen activation, indicating the key role that the sequence plays in substrate recognition by the enzyme.


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Rong Gao, Yun Zhang, Qing-Xiong Meng, Wen-Hui Lee, Dong-Sheng Li, Yu-liang Xiong and Wan-Yu Wang. Characterization of three fibrinogenolytic enzymes from Chinese green tree viper (Trimeresurus stejneger ) venom. Toxicon 36, 457-467, 1998.-From the venom of Chinese green tree viper (Trimeresurus stejnegeri), three distinct fibrinogenolytic enzymes: stejnefibrase-l, stejnefibrase-2 and stejnefibrase-3, were purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance chromatograghy (HPLC). SDS-PAGE analysis of those three enzymes showed that they consisted of a single polypeptide chain with mel. wt of -50 000, 31 000 and 32 000, respectively. Like TSV-PA (a specific plasminogen activator) and stejnobin (a fibrinogen-clotting enzyme) purified from the same venom, stejnfibrase-1, -2 and -3 were able to hydrolyze several chromogenic substrate. On the other hand, different from TSV-PA. and stejnobin, stejnefibrase-l, -2 and -3 did not activate plasminogen and did not possess fibrinogen-clotting activity. The three purified enzymes directly degraded fibrinogen to small fragments and rendered it unclottable by thrombin. Stejnefibrase-2 degraded preferentially BE-chain while stejnefibrase-l and -3 cleaved concomitantly Ax and B beta-chains of fibrinogen. None of these proteases degraded the gamma-chain of fibrinogen. When correlated with the loss of clottability of fibrinogen, the most active enzyme was stejnefibrase-l. The activities of the three enzymes were inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB), indicating that like TSV-PA and stejnobin, they are venom serine proteases. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.