12 resultados para Bambusoideae

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本研究以河北围场县广发永化石点早中新世地层中的球果和果实、浙江宁海县杜岙化石点早上新世地层中的半矿化化石木、云南寻甸县金所和先锋化石点晚上新世地层中的丝炭和褐煤化木材为研究对象,对这三个化石点数百个植物大化石的形态或解剖结构进行了详细研究,鉴定出6个新的化石种,4个新记录种,7个未定种;其中2个化石属为我国新记录。根据其结构特征探讨这些化石类群与相关化石和现代植物的系统关系。并依据其现代亲缘种生长的生态和气候范围,对化石点沉积时期的植被和气候类型进行了推测。 果实中含有多种有价值的分类和系统发育的信息,对于种子植物的演化和系统发育研究具有重要的意义。在河北围场县发现大量保存较好的松科球果和姜科化石,为我们进一步研究松科植物和姜科植物解剖结构,以及探讨其系统演化提供难得的机会和直接的证据,同时为该化石地的植被演替和地层对比研究提供更多的植物学证据。对河北围场县广发永化石点球果和果实的形态研究,鉴定出三种松科球果化石种和一种姜科植物。分别为围场松(Pinus weichangensis sp. nov.)、围场云杉(Picea weichangensis sp. nov.)、围场铁杉(Tsuga weichangensis sp. nov.)以及化石Spirematospermum属未定种。其中围场云杉、围场铁杉球果在形态上与相应现代类群具有明显的差异,可能代表已灭绝的种类。Spirematospermum属未定种为一绝灭类型,是该属在我国的首次记录。这四种化石类群发现,反映早中新世化石该化石点气候与现代完全不同,为湿润的暖温带和亚热带气候。 浙江省在地质结构上位于东亚大陆边缘,是环太平洋岩浆活动带的重要组成部分。宁海县属于浙东南区属华南地层区,其第三纪地层嵊县群在该区分布广泛,其古植物研究仅限于孢粉和叶化石。本报告中首次对该层铜岭祝组的木化石进行了报道。对浙江宁海杜岙化石点早上新世地层中化石木样品的解剖研究,鉴定出三种木材类型,为史马库栎型木Quercus shimakurae、Liqumdambar cf. hisauchi和蔷薇科未定种。前者与现代栎属槲栎类、后者与枫香树属分别具有密切的亲缘关系,是我国首次报道栎属和枫香树属化石木。 云南现今复杂的地势地貌,独特的气候,丰富的植物种类和多样的植被类型是经历了长达数百万年的地质构造运动和自然环境演变的结果。第三纪时期由于大陆板块运动导致印度板块与亚洲板块的对接和碰撞,其地壳构造运动异常活跃。其第三系陆相地层广泛分布于古生代褶皱区的200多个互不相连的中、小型盆地及中、新生代断陷和拗陷型山间盆地中,并蕴涵了丰富的植物化石,为我们研究植被和植物演化提供了众多的证据。本次研究基于云南中部寻甸县金所煤矿和先锋煤矿的大量褐煤化和丝炭化材料,为进一步恢复云南晚第三纪气候和植被提供更多的依据,尤其是丝炭材料保存了木材精细而真实的结构,为木材准确鉴定和演化提供了可靠的依据。根据对云南金所和先锋化石点晚上新世沉积中褐煤化材料和丝炭样品解剖结构的研究,鉴定出8种化石木,包括2种裸子植物,5种双子叶植物和1种单子叶植物;分属5科7属。化石类群包括松属(Pinus)五针松组未定种Section Cembra sp.、云杉属未定种Picea sp、寻甸含笑Michelia xundianensis sp. nov.、多角含笑 Michelia angulata sp. nov.、Lithocarpoxylon cf. radiporosum、Castanoradix sp.、寻甸珍珠花Lyonia xundianensis sp. nov.、竹亚科未定种Bambusoideae sp。根据现今这些化石对应类群的生长和分布的气候区域,沉积时期的气候与现代气候较为接近。


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The study of biogenic proxy of tropical and subtropical regions provides important evidence about the process and history of vegetation and environmental changes, and is of globally importance for understanding the dynamic mechanism of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. The sediments from the Huguangyan Maar lake in Guangdong Province offer a continuous high-resolution record of the past 55 ka about environmental and vegetational changes. The studies of chronology, and physical, chemical environmental proxies have provided much important information about the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic histories. The phytolith, a new biogenicl proxy, has been used to determine the nature and types of plants in this area since the last 55 ka. This study presents a preliminary result about the characteristics of phytolith shapes, the variations of the fossils assemblages, and their significance for environmental changes. Moreover, the author probes the process of special specie evolution and their relationship to climatic parameters. The history of fire has been reconstructed based on the variations in charcoals. The main results and conclusions include: 28 types of phytoliths from 233 samples have been identified. Their environmental meanings are investigated in detail. Based on the variations in phytolith associations, the history and process of climatic and environmental changes in the last 55 kaBP have been established for this region. Climatic changes experienced eight intervals during this period, showing the variations of hot-humid to cool-try climate in the ten thousands years scale, and a shorter dry-hot climate condition in millennial scale. The history of palm plant has been established in this region. Two peaks appeared from 55-39 ka and since the Holocene. Plants in Bambusoideae have been growing in this area all the period, representing the impact of the East Asian summer monsoon. Bamboo plants have similar tendency in their abundance to palm plants, but with a lag of 1-2 ka BP. Panicoideae plants, the representative of C4 plants, have 6 flourishing periods occurred at 54.5, 44, 41.5, 32.5, 14, and 10 kaBP, respectively, reflecting 6 times short-term arid events. Charcoal record from the Huguang Marr lake reveals the history of nature fire, that mostly happened in dry period of last glacial from 55-10 kaBP, centered at 50-45, 40-35, 30-25, and 20-15kaBP, showing about a cycle of 10,000 years.