8 resultados para BRs

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油菜甾醇类物质(Brassinosteroids, BRs)是植物生长发育必需的一类植物激素。在拟南芥中,BR可直接结合在位于细胞膜表面的受体激酶BRI1去激活BR的信号转导从而调节细胞核内的基因表达来调控植物的生长发育。为更好的了解水稻中BR信号的转导机理,我们利用反向遗传学研究了OsBZR1的功能并鉴定了一些与OsBZR1有相互作用的蛋白。利用RNAi干涉降低植物体内OsBZR1的表达可导致植株矮小,叶片直立,BR敏感性降低并改变一些BR响应基因的表达水平。此外我们利用酵母双杂交发现14-3-3蛋白可与OsBZR1发生相互作用,而去除推定的14-3-3结合位点的OsBZR1则不能与14-3-3蛋白在酵母和植物体内发生相互作用。去除14-3-3结合位点的OsBZR1转入拟南芥bri1-5突变体中可部分恢复bri1-5的表型而转野生的OsBZR1则对bri1-5的表型没有明显的影响。同时我们发现去除OsBZR1的14-3-3结合位点可影响OsBZR1在细胞内的分布,能增加OsBZR1在细胞核内的分布,这表明14-3-3蛋白至少可通过降低OsBZR1核内的分布来抑制OsBZR1的功能。这些结果有力的证明了OsBZR1和14-3-3蛋白在水稻BR信号转导中的重要功能。


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油菜素甾醇类(Brassinosteroids,BRs)是一类新的植物内源激素,在植物整个生长发育周期中发挥着很重要的作用。拟南芥中BR信号转导途径基本清晰,从膜受体BRI1到细胞质中的负调控因子BIN2,再到核内的转录因子BZR1和BES1。但是从BR信号感知到细胞质内的传递,再到细胞核内的调控特异基因的表达都还有很多问题有待于进一步的探索。 本研究运用激活标签pDSK15-11对大约5000株拟南芥bzr1-1D进行了转化, 得到抗性植株约50000株,构建了一个拟南芥激活标签突变体库,从中筛选到和BR相关的突变体七个,并对其中的B26和B16突变体进行了详细的分析。此外还筛选到若干个和BR没有关系的突变体,并对其中的一个表皮毛缺陷的突变体B11进行了分析。 B26是一株恢复了bzr1-1D茎叶处打弯表型的突变体,并且具有矮化、叶色深绿、晚花等特点。B26部分抑制了bzr1-1D对BR合成抑制剂BRZ的不敏感性,但仍然对BR超敏感。BR上调的基因SAUR-AC1在bzr1-1D中表达上升,而在B26突变体中SAUR-AC1的表达量比bzr1-1D中有所下降。B26突变体显示的表型是依赖于bzr1-1D突变的。我们通过T-DNA侧翼序列,RT-PCR,以及重现实验证实造成突变表型的基因,并命名为BZS1。BZS1编码一个B类锌指蛋白,在植物发育的各个时期各个器官中都有表达。亚细胞定位分析显示BZS1定位于细胞质和细胞核中,以上这些结果说明BZS1可能在BR信号途径中是位于BZR1的下游,作为一个负的调节因子调控下游BR反应基因的表达。 B16是从突变体库中筛选得到的一个叶柄明显增长,营养生长期延长,开花晚,结实率比较低的突变体。T-DNA侧翼序列和基因表达分析显示B16突变体中T-DNA插入点附近的一个基因表达量升高,这一基因被命名为BZE1。BZE1编码一个含有bHLH结构域的蛋白。BZE1 RNAi转基因植株的叶柄比对照明显变短,说明BZE1调控叶柄的伸长。在B16突变体中,CPD和DWF4的表达较bzr1-1D中增强了,而SAUR-AC1的表达减弱了,这一结果说明BZE1过表达减弱了BZR1对CPD的反馈抑制。Pro35S:BZE1 /bzr1-1D转基因植株对BRZ的敏感度与bzr1-1D相似。BR不调节BZE1的转录水平,却可以促进BZE1蛋白在核内积累。这些结果都说明BR处理不改变BZE1的转录水平,只是通过促进BZE1在核内的积累增加,从而参与调控下游基因的表达,如CPD。随着这些突变体研究的进一步深入,将有助于我们更好的理解BR信号转导途径。 B11是一个叶片(包括莲座叶和茎生叶)和茎表皮毛缺失,但根毛发育正常的突变体,T-DNA侧翼序列和基因表达分析显示B11突变体表型是由于ETL1的过量表达造成的。ETL1可能是一个表皮毛特异表达的基因,对根毛的发育影响不大。功能缺失突变体etl1-1和野生型拟南芥具有相似的表皮毛数量和分布,根毛的数量和分布也没有明显的变化,这就说明ETL1可能与其他同源基因功能冗余。ETL1在gl1中表达量增加,由此推测ETL1在表皮毛的发育中可能起负调控的作用。


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赤霉素(gibberellins,GAs)和油菜甾醇(brassinosteroids,BRs)在细胞伸长和植株形态建成等方面发挥重要的生理作用,但它们在分子水平上的相互作用仍然未知。在本实验室前期的芯片工作中筛选到受GA诱导表达的GAST家族基因OsGSR1(GA-stimulated gene in rice) (GenBank AY604180)。该基因全长cDNA为588 bp,编码110个氨基酸,OsGSR1具有GAST家族成员的共同特点。OsGSR1基因的表达受GA3诱导,同时受PAC抑制。基因表达模式分析表明OsGSR1在水稻的根、茎、幼穗和小花等多种组织和器官中表达。前期工作已获得转基因水稻。 本论文研究表明,OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻表现为初生根缩短、叶片直立、节间缩短和结实率降低等与GA和BR相关的表型。OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻对外源GA3敏感性降低,Real-time PCR分析表明在OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻中OsGA20ox2和SLR1的转录水平增高,GC-MS分析显示内源GA4含量增高,这些结果说明转基因材料中GA信号削弱。因此,OsGSR1是GA信号途径的正调控因子。另一方面,实验证据表明,外源BL处理可以抑制OsGSR1基因的表达,OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻不但可以响应外源BL处理,并且在叶夹角实验中显现出对外源BL更加敏感的特性。在OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻中,BR受体基因OsBRI1与合成基因OsDWARF表达量上调。外源添加BL可以恢复OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻矮化表型,上述结果说明OsGSR1可能作用于BR生物合成途径。酵母双杂交筛选、体外Pull-down结果和体内BiFC实验都证实OsGSR1可以与DIM/DWF1互作。在BR生物合成途径中,DIM/DWF1催化从24-亚甲基固醇(24-methylenecholesterol)到油菜甾醇(campesterol)的转化。GC-MS测定内源BRs含量结果进一步证实,转基因水稻中DIM/DWF1催化反应产物积累量减少,说明该反应受到明显抑制。所以,OsGSR1是通过直接作用于BR合成酶来调控BR生物合成。 综上所述,OsGSR1是GA信号途径的正调控因子,并且OsGSR1通过调节SLR1的表达参与到GA信号转导途径。OsGSR1和DIM/DWF1的互作说明OsGSR1直接参与了BR的生物合成过程。因此,我们的实验证明OsGSR1介导了GA和BR这两条激素信号转导途径的相互作用,从而调节了水稻植株的生长发育。


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We have demonstrated an electroabsorption modulator and semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with novel dual-waveguide spot-size converters (SSC) at the input and output ports for low-loss coupling to a planar light-guide circuit silica waveguide or cleaved single-mode optical fibre. The device was fabricated by means of selective-area MOVPE growth, quantum well intermixing and asymmetric twin waveguide technologies with only a three-step low-pressure MOVPE growth. For the device structure, in the SOA/EAM section, a double ridge structure was employed to reduce the EAM capacitances and enable high bit-rate operation. In the SSC sections, buried ridge structure (BRS) was incorporated. Such a combination of ridge, ATG and BRS structure is reported for the first time in which it can take advantage of easy processing of the ridge structure and the excellent mode characteristic of BRS. At the wavelength range of 1550-1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25 dB dc and more than 10 GHz 3 dB bandwidth is successfully achieved, The beam divergence angles of the input and output ports of the device are as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, resulting in 3.0 dB coupling loss with a cleaved single-mode optical fibre.


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We have demonstrated an electroabsorption modulator (EAM) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) monolithically integrated with novel dual-waveguide spot-size converters (SSCs) at the input and output ports for low-loss coupling to planar light-guide circuit silica waveguide or cleaved single-mode optical fiber. The device is fabricated by means of selective-area MOVPE growth (SAG), quantum well intermixing (QWI) and asymmetric twin waveguide (ATG) technologies with only three steps low-pressure MOVPE growth. For the device structure, in SOA/EAM section, double ridge structure was employed to reduce the EAM capacitances and enable high bit-rate operation. In the SSC sections, buried ridge stripe (BRS) were incorporated. Such a combination of ridge, ATG and BRS structure is reported for the first time in which it can take advantage of both easy processing of ridge structure and the excellent mode characteristic of BRS. At the wavelength range of 1550-1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25 dB DC and more than 10 GHz 3-dB bandwidth is successfully achieved. The beam divergence angles of the input and output ports of the device are as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, resulting in 3.0 dB coupling loss with cleaved single-mode optical fiber. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated an electroabsorption modulator (EAM) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) monolithically integrated with novel dual-waveguide spot-size converters (SSCs) at the input and output ports for low-loss coupling to planar light-guide circuit silica waveguide or cleaved single-mode optical fiber. The device is fabricated by means of selective-area MOVPE growth (SAG), quantum well intermixing (QWI) and asymmetric twin waveguide (ATG) technologies with only three steps low-pressure MOVPE growth. For the device structure, in SOA/EAM section, double ridge structure was employed to reduce the EAM capacitances and enable high bit-rate operation. In the SSC sections, buried ridge stripe (BRS) were incorporated. Such a combination of ridge, ATG and BRS structure is reported for the first time in which it can take advantage of both easy processing of ridge structure and the excellent mode characteristic of BRS. At the wavelength range of 1550-1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25 dB DC and more than 10 GHz 3-dB bandwidth is successfully achieved. The beam divergence angles of the input and output ports of the device are as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, resulting in 3.0 dB coupling loss with cleaved single-mode optical fiber. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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用蘸根和叶面喷施不同浓度油菜素内酯(BRs)的方法,在人工控制土壤水分条件下,对黄土高原重要造林树种文冠果苗木重要的抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化剂含量变化进行研究。结果表明,用0.05~0.4 mg/L BRs处理文冠果苗木,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在中度干旱胁迫下较清水对照增加,但差异不显著,重度胁迫下增加显著;在中度和重度胁迫下,各处理文冠果苗木过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性均较清水对照升高,且差异显著;在中度和重度胁迫下,5个浓度BRs处理对抗坏血酸(ASA)和还原型谷光甘肽(GSH)含量均具显著的增加效应。轻度和重度胁迫下,0.2 mg/L BRs处理对文冠果苗木抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化剂含量的增加效应均最为显著。


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Thirteen extracting solutions of rare-earth metallofullerenes containing La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb respectively have been investigated by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-night, mass spectrometry. The influences of the positive-ion/negative-ion mode, laser intensity, matrix and mass discrimination to the analytical results are studied, based on which the optimal analytical conditions have been determined. The results show that the extracting solutions contain large quantities of rare-earth metallofullerenes brs;des empty fullerenes, On the basis of comparing their relative intensities, the different structure stabilities and solubilities of metallofullerenes with different rare-earth metals encapsulated into the fullerene cages, as well as some possible reasons to those differences, are discussed.