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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the competitive adsorption between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and type I collagen on hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon wafers. BSA showed a grain shape and the type I collagen displayed fibril-like molecules with relatively homogeneous height and width, characterized with clear twisting (helical formation). These AFM images illustrated that quite a lot of type I collagen appeared in the adsorption layer on hydrophilic surface in a competitive adsorption state, but the adsorption of BSA was more preponderant than that of type I collagen on hydrophobic silicon wafer surface. The experiments showed that the influence of BSA on type I collagen adsorption on hydrophilic surface was less than that on hydrophobic surface.


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The competitive adsorption of collagen and bovine serum albumin (BSA) on surfaces with varied wettability was investigated with imaging ellipsometry, and ellipsometry. Silane modified silicon surfaces were used as substrates. The results showed that surface wettability had an important effect on protein competitive adsorption. With the decrease of surface wettability, the adsorption of collagen from the mixture solution of collagen and BSA decreased, while the adsorption of BSA increased. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ab levels in the genital tract may be important in fertility and in preventing sexually transmitted diseases, In this study, I-125-labeled polymer or monomer mAb IgA (C4pIgA or C4mIgA) and IgC2b (C4IgC) to murine lactate dehydrogenase C4 and a polymer mAb IgA (npIgA) not cross-reacting with mouse sperm were intravenously injected into BALB/c mice, and the relative distribution of these Abs was determined. Polymer IgA was transported much more efficiently into the genital tract, trachea, and duodenum of both sexes than C4IgG and C4 mIgA (p < 0.01), The transport of polymer IgA (C4pIgA and npIgA) into the male genital tract greatly increased following orchiectomy (p < 0.01); this change was not affected by testosterone, suggesting that the unknown regulatory factor(s) from the testis may suppress polymer IgA transport, However, the transport of polymer IgA into female genital tissues was significantly decreased by ovariectomy (p < 0.01); this decline can be rectified by P-estradiol but not progesterone treatment, suggesting that estradiol may stimulate polymer IgA transport, Furthermore, the transport of C4IgG into tissues of the Fallopian tubes and the uterus was significantly decreased by treatment with progesterone (p < 0.01). Together, these findings indicate that serum polymer IgA can be transported selectively into the genital tracts of both sexes, that this transport is strongly under the control of gonads, and that transport of Ige into the Fallopian tubes and uterus is downregulated by progesterone.


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Antigen-specific circulating immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) migrate to various secondary and tertiary lymphoid tissues. To understand the migration of the cells into the genital tract and its regulation by sex hormones, spleen-derived SG2 hybridoma cells secreting immunoglobulin G2b (IgG2b) and Peyer's patch-derived PA4 hybridoma cells secreting polymer IgA were labelled with (3) H-TdR, and intravenously injected into syngeneic mice of both sexes. Using flow cytometry, surface molecular markers of plasma cells, CD38 and CD138, and adhesion molecules, CD49d, CD162, and CD11a were found to be positive in SG2 and PA4 cells, but CD62L, alpha4beta7 and CD44 were not expressed on these cells. The relative distribution indexes (RDIs) of the cells in genital tract and other tissues were measured. The means of RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in female genital tissues were 6.5 and 4.5 times as many as the means in male genital tissues, respectively. The treatment of ovariectomized mice with beta-oestradiol significantly increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in cervix and vagina, but decreased the RDIs of SG2 cells in vagina, horn of uterus, uterus and rectum (P <0.05). Progesterone treatment increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in vagina and rectum (P <0.05). The treatment with testosterone significantly increased the RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in epididymis and accessory sex glands (P <0.05). These results demonstrate that the female genital tract is the preferable site for the migration of circulating hybridoma cells to the male genital tract, and sex hormones play an important role in regulation of the migration of circulating ISC to genital tracts.


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To understand better the molecular mechanisms of differential migration of antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) into mouse genital tracts, and regulation by sex hormones, surface markers, hormone receptors and adhesion molecules in mouse SG2 and PA4 hybridoma cells, respectively, secreting IgG2b and polymeric IgA antibody were detected by flow cytometry or RT-PCR. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was also used for measuring mRNA expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines (VCAM-1, ICAM-1, P-selectin, JAM-1 and CXCL12) in genital tracts of various adult mouse groups. The mRNAs of androgen receptor, estrogen receptor beta and CXCR4 were expressed in the ASCs. Sex hormones had no effect on expression of these molecules in ASCs. Except for VCAM-1, mRNA of all examined genes was expressed in normal mouse genital tracts. The mean of relative amounts of ICAM-1 and CXCL12 mRNA in all examined organs of females were higher (2.1- and 1.9-fold) than those in males. After orchiectomy or ovariectomy, the expression of ICAM-1, CXCL12 and P-selectin mRNA in the examined organs increased, except JAM-1 in male and CXCL12 in female. Sex hormone treatment recovered the changes to normal levels of mRNA expression in many examined genital tissues. In combination with our previous work, preferential migration of ASCs into female genital tract and regulation of migration by sex hormones are associated with expression patterns of adhesion molecules and chemokines in genital tract rather than in ASCs. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The conformation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), as well as its interactions with negatively charged mica surfaces in saline solutions of different pH values, have been studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and chemical force microscopy (CFM), respectively. A new approach to extract the contribution of elementary interactions from the statistically averaged force-extension curves through self-consistent fitting was proposed and used to understand the effects of pH on the interactions and conformation of BSA in saline solutions. When pH increases, the SANS results reveal that the sizes of BSA molecules increase slightly, while the statistical analysis of the CFM results shows that the averaged pull-off force for the elongation monotonously decreases. The decrease of pull-off force with the increase of pH results from the decrease in the strength of hydrogen bonding and the number of interaction pairs, as well as the slight increase of the strength of van der Waals interaction. When pH approaches the isoelectric point (pI) of BSA, results from both SANS and CFM suggest a loss of long-range interactions in BSA molecules. Our results also suggest that the force-extension curve is mainly contributed by the van der Waals interaction. The combination of SANS and CFM provides new insight to understand the interactions and conformation of BSA molecules


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The binding-site number was calculated by using fluorescence spectroscopic method with bovine serum albumin(BSA) and Indo-1 as protein and ligand models, respectively. The method for calculating binding-site number in BSA for Indo-1 was developed based on the relationships between the changes of Indo-1 fluorescence intensity and the analytical concentration of BSA. And the interaction of BSA with Indo-1 was investigated comprehensively by using fluorescence techniques as well as fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and the thermodynamic parameters were calculated according to the changes of enthalpy on temperature.,


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The electrooxidation of bilirubin (BR) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) complexes was studied by in situ circular dichroism (CD) spectroelectrochemistry. The result showed that the mechanism of the whole electrooxidation process of this complex corresponded to electrochemical processes (EE mechanism) in aqueous solution. Some parameters of the process were obtained by double logarithm method, differential method and nonlinear regression method. In visible region, CD spectra of the two enantiomeric components of the complex and their fraction distribution against applied potentials were obtained by singular value decomposition least-square (SVDLS) method. Meanwhile, the distribution of the five components of secondary structure was also obtained by the same method in far-UV region. The peak potential gotten from EE mechanism corresponds to a turning point for the component transition, beyond which the whole reaction reaches a new equilibrium. Under applied positive potentials, the enantiomeric equilibrium between M and P form is broken and M form transfers to its enantiomer of P, while the fraction of alpha-helix increases and that improves the transition to P form.


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In this paper, the binding of neutral red (NR) to bovine serum albumin (BSA) under physiological conditions has been studied by spectroscopy method including fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The Stern-Volmer fluorescence quenching constant (K-SV), binding constant (K-b) and the number of binding sites (It) were measured by fluorescence quenching method. Fluorescence experiments were also performed at different ionic strengths. It was found K-SV was ionic strength dependent, which indicated the electrostatic interactions were part of the binding forces. The distance r between donor (BSA) and acceptor (NR) was obtained according to Foster's non-radiative energy transfer theory. CD spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy were used to investigate the structural information of BSA molecules on the binding of NR, and the results showed no change of BSA conformation in our experimental conditions.


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The irreversible conformational transition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) from alpha-helix to beta-sheet, induced by electric field near the electrode surface, was monitored by circular dichroism (CD) with a long optical path thin layer cell (LOPTLC).


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The conformational transition of disulfides in bovine serum albumin (BSA) induced by electrochemical redox reaction of disulfides were monitored by in-situ circular dichroism (CD) spectroelectrochemistry, with a long optical path thin layer cell and analyzed by a singular value decomposition least square (SVDLS) method. Electrochemical reduction of disulfides drives the left-handed conformation of disulfides changed into the right-handed. At open circuit, eight of the 17 disulfides were of left-handed conformation. Four of the 17 disulfides took part in the electrochemical reduction with an EC mechanism. Only one-fourth of the reduced disulfides returned to left-handed conformation in the re-oxidation process. Some parameters of the electrochemical reduction process, i.e. the number of electrons transferred and electron transfer coefficient, n=8, alphan=0.15, apparent formal potential, E-1(0') = -0.65(+/-0.01) V, standard heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant, k(1)(0) = (2.84 +/- 0.14)x 10(-5) cm s(-1) and chemical reaction equilibrium constant, K-c=(5.13 +/- 0.12) x 10(-2), were also obtained by double logarithmic analysis based on the near-UV absorption spectra with applied potentials. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interactions of lanthanium trichloride and terbium trichloride with bovine blood Cu (Zn)-superoxide dismutase [Cu(Zn)-SOD] in the aqueous solution of hexamethylenetetrarnine buffer (pH = 6.3) have been studied by using fluorescece, CD and ESR spectra. The results indicated that rare earth ions were coordinated to the carboxyl groups of acidic amino acid residues which were far from active center of the Cu(Zn)-SOD molecule and only lightly disturbed the secondary structure of the enzyme protien, and made the coordination structure of enzyme-bound CU2+ come from the rhombchedron to the axial shape at 77 K and the activity of Cu(Zn)-SOD enzyme was not nearly changed at room temperature.


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In this paper. the interaction of tripositive terbium ions (Tb3+) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been investigated in the presence of some alkaline earth metals and citric acid (Cit) by using fluorescence spectroscopy. The results show that Tb-31. BSA and Cit can form ternary complex BSA . Tb-2. Cit(4) in mu =0.1 mol/l NaCl. pH6.3 hexamethylenetetramine buffer. Other tare earths are able to compete for the same binding site in BSA with Tb3+-. The sequence of con,petition is Eu3+>Pr3+>Yb3+>Gd3+>La3+>Ca2+ and Mg2+ cannot replace Tb bound to BSA.