11 resultados para BIOFILMS

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The effects of single Cd2+ and Pb2+, and combined Cd2+ and Pb2+ on dehydrogenase activity and polysaccharide content of the substrate biofilms in the integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland (IVCW) were studied. Dehydrogenase activities decreased linearly with the increasing concentrations of Cd2+ and Pb2+ at different times (6, 24, 72, and 120 h). The activities at both 6 and 24 h were significantly higher than that at 72 and 120 h in the case of single and combined treatments. The single Cd2+ and Pb2+ treatments significantly inhibited dehydrogenase activities at concentrations in excess of 20 mu mol/L Cd2+ and 80 mu mol/L Pb2+, respectively. The inhibitory effect of Cd2+ was much greater than that of Pb2+. At the same time, the combined treatment of Cd2+ and Pb2+ Significantly inhibited dehydrogenase activities at all five concentrations studied and the lowest combined concentration was 1.25 mu mol/L Cd2+ and 5 mu mol/L Pb2+. A synergistic effect of Cd2+ and Pb2+ was observed. On the other hand, polysaccharide contents varied unpredictably with the increasing concentrations of Cd2+ and Pb2+ and extended experimental time. There were no significant statistical differences within the range of concentration and time studied, whether singly or in combination. These results implied that the effects of heavy metals on biofilms should be a concern for the operation and maintenance of constructed wetlands.


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A L9 orthogonal array design involving 3 factors (C6H12O6, KNO3 and NaH2PO4) and 3 levels for each (C6H12O6: 0.2, 0.4 or 0.8 g/L; KNO3: 0.4, 0.8 or 1.6 g/L, NaH2PO4: 0.05, 0.1 or 0.2 g/L), was used to study the effects of nutrients on dehydrogenase activity and polysaccharide content of substrate biofilms in the integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland (IVCW). Results showed that C6H12O6 and KNO3 were the main factors for dehydrogenase activity and polysaccharide content of biofilms, respectively. The combinations of three nutrients at different concentrations had different effects on dehydrogenase activity and polysaccharide content of biofilms. The optimal combination for dehydrogenase activity was obtained by locating the concentrations Of C6H12O6, KNO3 and NaH2PO4 at 0.2, 0.8 and 0.05 g, and the optimal combination for polysaccharide content was obtained by locating the concentrations Of C6H12O6, KNO3 and NaH2PO4 at 0.2, 0.4 and 0.2 g/L, respectively. The corresponding maximum activity and polysaccharide content were 5.40 mu g TF/g substrate/12 h and 3454.6 mu g/g substrate, respectively. These results would provide the laboratory foundation for optimizing the purification function of the wetland systems.


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In this study, the possibility of establishing a dual-species biofilm from a bacterium with a high biofilm-forming capability and a 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (3,5-DNBA)-degrading bacterium, Comamonas testosteroni A3, was investigated. Our results showed that the combinations of strain A3 with each of five strains with a high biofilm-forming capability (Pseudomonas sp. M8, Pseudomonas putida M9, Bacillus cereus M19, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida M21 and Aeromonas hydrophila M22) presented different levels of enhancement regarding biofilm-forming capability. Among these culture combinations, the 24-h dual-species biofilms established by C. testosteroni A3 with P. putida M9 and A. hydrophila M22 showed the strongest resistance to 3,5-DNBA shock loading, as demonstrated by six successive replacements with DMM2 synthetic wastewater. The degradation rates of 3,5-DNBA by these two culture combinations reached 63.3-91.6% and 70.7-89.4%, respectively, within 6 h of every replacement. Using the gfp-tagged strain M22 and confocal laser scanning microscopy, the immobilization of A3 cells in the dual-species biofilm was confirmed. We thus demonstrated that, during wastewater treatment processes, it is possible to immobilize degrader bacteria with bacteria with a high biofilm-forming capability and to enable them to develop into the mixed microbial flora. This may be a simple and economical method that represents a novel strategy for effective bioaugmentation.


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The changes of corrosion potential (E-corr) of metals immersed in seawater were investigated with electrochemical technology and epifluoresence microscopy. In natural seawater, changes of E-corr were determined by the surface corrosion state of the metal. E-corr of passive metals exposed to natural seawater shifted to noble direction for about 150 mV in one day and it didn't change in sterile seawater. The in-situ observation showed that biofilms settled on the surfaces of passive metals when E-corr moved in noble direction. The bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to exponential law and it was in the same way with the ennoblement of E-corr. The attachment of bacteria during the initial period played an important role in the ennoblement of E-corr and it is believed that the carbohydrate and protein in the biofilm are reasons for this phenomenon. The double layer capacitance (C-dl) of passive metals decreased with time when immersed in natural seawater, while remained almost unchanged in sterile seawater. The increased thickness and reduced dielectric constant of C-dl may be reasons.


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自养硝化过程在自然界氮素循环和污水处理系统脱氮过程中起着关键作用。因此,了解有机碳对硝化的影响和硝化菌与异养菌之间的竞争对微生物生态学和污水处理系统设计都很重要。目前对氨氧化到硝酸盐氮过程的研究文献很多,但对亚硝酸盐氧化过程在异养菌的存在下如何受到有机碳影响的研究甚少。本文从生理生化指标、基因组学、蛋白组学三方面考察了在实验室条件下有机碳(乙酸钠)对硝化细菌和异养菌组成的混合菌群的硝化性能、菌群结构及代谢功能的变化的影响。 全文分为两大部分: 第一部分为乙酸钠对游离态硝化混合菌群的硝化性能和菌群结构的短期影响。混合菌株先在自养条件下进行连续培养,两个月后硝化速率达到20 mg N/(L·d);而后离心收集菌体进行批式实验。在批式反应器中,初始亚硝氮均为126mg N/ L,乙酸钠-C 与亚硝酸盐-N 的比分别为0,0.44,0.88,4.41,8.82。结果表明:在低C/N 比(0.44 和0.88)时,亚硝酸盐去除速率比C/N=0 下高,细菌呈现一次生长;而在高C/N 比(4.41 和8.82)时,出现连续的硝化反硝化,亚硝酸盐去除率仍比对照下高,细菌呈现二次生长。不同C/N 比下微生物群落明显不同,优势菌群从自养和寡营养细菌体系(包括亚硝酸盐氧化菌,拟杆菌门,α-变形菌纲,浮霉菌门和绿色非硫细菌下的一些菌株)过渡到异养和反硝化菌体系 (γ-变形菌纲的菌株尤其是反硝化菌Pseudomonas stutzeri 和P. nitroreducens 占主导)。 第二部分为乙酸钠对硝化混合菌群生物膜的硝化性能和菌群结构的长期影响。接种富集的硝化混合菌群于装有组合式填料的三角瓶中,于摇床中自养培养;两个月后填料上形成生物膜的硝化速率达到20 mg N/ (L·d);而后进行长期实验,每12 小时更换混合营养培养基(亚硝氮约200 mg N/ L,C/N 比同上)。结果显示:相较于C/N 比=0 时的亚硝酸盐氧化反应来说,低C/N 比出现了部分的反硝化,而高C/N 比则是几乎完全的反硝化。与对照比,C/N=0.44 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率并未受乙酸钠的影响,反而上升了,但C/N=0.88 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率有所下降。菌群结构分析表明自养对照与混合营养下微生物群落的不同;PCR-DGGE未检测出混合营养下硝化杆菌的存在,而显示异养菌尤其是反硝化菌的大量存 在。荧光定量PCR 结果表明随C/N 比上升,硝化杆菌数量从2.42 × 104 下降到1.34× 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA,反硝化菌由0 增加至2.51 × 104 nosZgene copies/ ng DNA。SDS-PAGE 的结果表明不同C/N 比下的蛋白组较为复杂且呈现一定的差异性。 有机碳对亚硝氮氧化及微生物群落的影响很复杂,本文分别讨论了对游离态和生物膜固定态两种状态的混合菌群相应的短期和长期影响研究。研究发现,有机碳并非一定带来硝化的负影响,如果控制在适当的C/N 比范围,有机碳是有利于亚硝氮氧化的。这些发现阐明了有机碳和硝化反硝化的关系,填补了硝化微生物生态学上的空白,对污水处理系统中减少异养菌的影响并提高氮去除率有一定理论指导意义。 Nitrification plays a key role in the biological removal of nitrogen in both nature and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). So, understanding of the effect of organic carbon on nitrification and the competition between nitrifying bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria is important for both microbial ecology and WWTP design and operation. Despite the fact that the nitrification process of ammonia to nitrate has been extensively investigated, it is not known how the process of nitrite oxidization is affected by organic carbon when heterotrophic bacteria are present. By measuring different physiological and biochemical parameters, as well as using genomic DNA and proteome analysis, we investigated the influence of organic (acetate) on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under laboratory conditions. The dissertation involves two parts: Part one deals with the effect of organic matter on functional performance and bacterial community shift of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under suspended state. The bacteria were prepared in a continuous-flow stirred reactor under autotrophic condition; after two months, the nitrification rate of the culture reached about 20 mg N/ (L·d); then the bacteria were harvested for the next batch experiments. The initial concentrations of nitrite were 126 ± 6 mg N/ L in all flasks, and sodium acetate (C) to nitrite (N) ratios were 0, 0.44, 0.88, 4.41, and 8.82, respectively. The results showed that at low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88), the nitrite removal rate was higher than that obtained under autotrophic condition and the bacteria had single growth phase, while at high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), continuous aerobic nitrification and denitrification occurred besides higher nitrite removal rates, and the bacteria had double growth phases. The community structure of total bacteria strikingly varied with the different C/N ratios; the dominant populations shifted from autotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria (NOB, and some strains of Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and green nonsulfur bacteria) to heterotrophic and denitrifying bacteria (strains of Gammaproteobacteria, especially Pseudomonas stutzeri and P. nitroreducens). Part two describes the influence of acetate on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria in biofilms. Bacterial enrichments was transferred into flasks with polypropylene carriers and cultured under agitated and autotrophic condition. After two month, the biofilms grown on the carriers had a nitrification rate of about 20 mg N/ (L·h); then the biofilms were refreshed with mixotrophic medium (nitrite were 200 mg N/ L in all flasks, and C/N ratios was the same as above) every 12 h. the results show: normal nitrite oxidization reactions were performed when C/N = 0, but nitrite oxidization and partial denitrification occurred with low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88). At high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), we mainly observed denitrification. In contrast to C/N = 0, the nitrite oxidization rate was unaffected when C/N = 0.44, but decreased with C/N = 0.88. The structure of bacterial communities varied significantly between autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. Nitrobacter was hard to detect by PCR-DGGE while heterotrophs and especially denitrifiers were in the majority under mixotrophic conditions. Real-time PCR indicated that the Nitrobacter population decreased from 2.42 × 104 to 1.34 × 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA, while the quantity of denitrifiers obviously increased from 0 to 2.51×104 nosZ gene copies/ ng DNA with an increasing C/N ratio. SDS-PAGE indicated the complexity of and a certain difference between the proteome of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria at different C/N ratios. We conclude that the influence of organic matter on nitrite oxidation and the community structure of NOB and heterotrophic bacteria is complex. In this dissertation, we focused on how sodium acetate influenced the system both under suspended state and in biofilms. We observed that acetate did not necessarily have a negative impact on nitrification. Instead, an appropriate amount of acetate benefited both nitrite oxidization and denitrification. These findings provide a greater understanding about the relationship between organics and nitrification; they fill the gaps in the field of microbial ecology of nitrifying bacteria; they also provide insight into how to minimize the negative impact of heterotrophic bacteria and maximize the benefit of nitrogen removal in biological treatment systems.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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The use of biofilms as nanostructure-engineering materials is discussed and exemplified using ZnO nanorods. Three examples are presented for illustration, the immobilization of ZnO-nanorod arrays on the inner wall of a polystyrene centrifuge tube using S. thermophilus, the morphological organization of ZnO "filters" using S. thermophilus. And the design and implementation of a ZnO-decorated Ag framework using E. coli.


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Bacterial surface colonization is a universal adaptation strategy in aquatic environments. However, neither the identities of early colonizers nor the temporal changes in surface assemblages are well understood. To determine the identities of the most common bacterial primary colonizers and to assess the succession process, if any, of the bacterial assemblages during early stages of surface colonization in coastal water of the West Pacific Ocean, nonnutritive inert materials (glass, Plexiglas, and polyvinyl chloride) were employed as test surfaces and incubated in seawater off the Qingdao coast in the spring of 2005 for 24 and 72 h. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the recovered surface-colonizing microbiota indicated that diverse bacteria colonized the submerged surfaces. Multivariate statistical cluster analyses indicated that the succession of early surface-colonizing bacterial assemblages followed sequential steps on all types of test surfaces. The Rhodobacterales, especially the marine Roseobacter clade members, formed the most common and dominant primary surface-colonizing bacterial group. Our current data, along with previous studies of the Atlantic coast, indicate that the Rhodobacterales bacteria are the dominant and ubiquitous primary surface colonizers in temperate coastal waters of the world and that microbial surface colonization follows a succession sequence. A conceptual model is proposed based on these findings, which may have important implications for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function of marine biofilms and for developing strategies to harness or control surface-associated microbial communities.


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海洋电活性微生物(又称电活性生物膜,electroactive biofilms, EABs)是自然界存在的一类功能性微生物,能够将代谢有机物产生的电子直接或间接传递给电极,人们对其在环境中的广泛性及其在生物防腐、生物能源和生物修复中的应用正在开展广泛的研究。 本论文着眼于海洋天然生物膜的电活性,从微生物腐蚀和微生物燃料电池的角度,考察研究了海洋天然生物膜对316L SS腐蚀行为的影响,发现海洋天然生物膜能抑制316L SS腐蚀,系统研究了海洋生物膜与石墨等电极的电子传递过程,提出了电活性生物膜(EABs)与电极间的电子传递机制,并初步研究了海洋电活性生物膜在微生物燃料电池(MFCs)中的应用。 对附着天然海洋生物膜的316L SS研究发现,生物膜使316L SS电位正移了500mV (vs. Ag/AgCl)。316L SS表面附着海洋生物膜后,其孔蚀电位由原来的50mV增加到540mV,孔蚀敏感性降低;同时,海洋生物膜的附着导致316L SS的阻抗增加,由此,我们明确提出海洋生物膜能够抑制316L SS腐蚀的发生。进一步研究了生物膜抑制腐蚀发生的可能机理。循环伏安实验表明,海洋生物膜与不锈钢电极之间存在电子传递过程。扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱(EDS)分析发现有钙盐的沉积生成。通过以上结果我们提出了生物膜对腐蚀的抑制机制假设,即在电极与电活性海洋生物膜间发生了电子传递,海洋生物膜能够将电子传递给不锈钢,316L SS作为电子接受体受到保护。 为进一步研究天然海洋生物膜的这种电活性,我们选择不会发生腐蚀的惰性电极材料石墨,玻碳,碳纸电极验证生物膜的电活性。 首次考察了天然海洋生物膜对石墨电极和玻碳电极的开路电位变化的影响,结果显示随电极在天然海水中浸泡时间,石墨电极正移50mV vs. Ag/AgCl,玻碳电极正移了300 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl)。与316L SS相似,三种电极的变正趋势相同,都经历了三个阶段,即初始缓慢变正期,随后的指数变正期和以后的稳定期,此与生物膜在固体表面形成的趋势相似。伏安曲线及阻抗实验结果表明,在石墨,玻碳和碳纸电极材料表面附着海洋生物膜后,电流密度增加,电荷转移电阻减小,说明生物膜与电极间存在电子传递,并能加速电子传递过程,不同材料表面生物膜的电活性能力由大到小为石墨>316L SS>碳纸>玻碳。 进一步研究了海洋沉积物-海水生物膜微生物燃料电池,初步建立了相应的电极材料和微生物燃料电池结构。我们选择石墨阳极和石墨阴极或316L SS阴极组装海泥沉积物(阳极区)和海水(阴极区)MFC,316L SS代替石墨做阴极最大输出电量达9mW.m-2,约为后者的2倍。两种MFC输出电流和功率密度随时间的延长而增加的趋势相同,都可以分为三个阶段,即初期的缓慢增加阶段,中期的指数增长阶段,后期的平台稳定期阶段。这也与生物膜在固体表面形成的趋势相似。此研究也说明优化316L SS表面性质筛选活性海洋生物膜用于MFC有其潜在的应用价值。


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The relationship between microbial colonization of two kinds of passive metals and ennobling of their corrosion potentials (E-corr) were studied. Two types of passive metal coupons were exposed to natural seawater for about ten days. Under laboratory conditions, all corrosion potentials of the samples ennobled for about 200 mV. Epifluorescence microscopy showed that bacteria adsorption was the main process during about the first day immersion and bacteria reproduced in the following days. The bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to an exponential law and the kinetics of bacteria adsorption at the metal surface during this period was proposed. The ennoblement of E-corr was similar to the increasing bacteria number: E-corr increased quickly during the bacteria adsorption process and increased slowly after biofilms had formed.