47 resultados para B-17

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The total reaction cross section (1724 +/- 93 mb) of B-17 at the energy of 43.7 A MeV on C target has been measured by using the transmission method at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL). Assuming B-17 consists of a core B-15 plus two halo neutrons, the total cross section of B-17 on C target was calculated with the zero-range Glauber model, where double Gaussian density distributions and Gaussian plus HO density distributions were used. It can fit the experimental data very well. The characteristic of halo structure for B-17 was found with a large diffusion of the neutrons density distribution.


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The reaction cross section of B-17 on C-12 target at (43.7 +/- 2.4) MeV/u has been measured at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL). The root-mean-square matter radius (R-rms) was deduced to be (2.92 +/- 0.10) fm, while the R-rms of the core and the valence neutron distribution are 2.28 fm and 5.98 fm respectively. Assuming a "core plus 2n" structure in B-17, the mixed configuration of (2s(1/2)) and (1d(5/2)) of the valence neutrons is studied and the s-wave spectroscopic factor is found to be (80 +/- 21)%.


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本文通过LnCl_3·nTHF和[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)]Na反应得到了两类配合物[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2·nTHF (Ln = Nd,Sm,Gd;n = 0,1,2)、[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2·HCl·nTHF (Ln = Nd,Sm,Gd;n = 1,2)。通过元素分析、红外分析、质谱、核磁共振和热重分析确定了配合物的分子组成,特别是带氯化氢的产品在红外光谱中有1250 cm~(-1),835 cm~(-1),748 cm~(-1)自的三甲基硅基特征吸收峰。对氯化稀上进行了结构分析,结果发现LnCl_3·4THF (Ln = Sm,Gd)是与NdCl_3·4THF之间存在着变态关系。GdCl_3·4THF。晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/C,晶胞参数为a = 30.765(7),b = 8.219(3),C = 17.534(3)A~·,β = 93.71(2)°;SmCl_3·4THF。晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/C,晶胞参数为a = 30.921(13),b = 8.287(7),C = 17.665(8),β = 94.17(4)°。LnCl_3·4THF的单位晶胞中存在着八个分子,每对分子互相等同,但每对分子内部两个分子之间互不等同。SmCl_3·2THF·DME晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/a,晶胞参数为a = 13.547(8),b = 8.607(4),C = 16.029(9)A°,β = 90.53(5)°。铲原子与三个氯原子。两个四氢呋喃中的氧原子以及DME中的两个氧原子键合,形成七配位的配合物,但是配位多面体不是理想的五角双锥,而是形成了比五角双锥(D_(5h))对称性更低的多面体(C_(3v))。它能看作是在正八面体的一个面的中心加上第七个原子的结果,而且这八面体主要受到决定上述那个面的三个原子伸展开的畸变。在制备C_5H_5SiMe_3时,如果不用减压蒸馏,而在常压下直接蒸馏,则得到的不是C_5H_5SiMe_3而是它的二聚体(C_5H_5SiMe_3)_2。用红外光谱和核磁共振确定了它的组成和结构,特别是在1650 cm~(-1)处出现(C_5H_5SiMe_3)_2的孤立双键吸收峰。用C_5H_5SiMe_3和Ee(CO)_5回流反应制得了[C_5H_4(SiMe_3) Ee(CO)_2]_2。经过元素分析,红外光谱,质谱,顺磁共振确定了配合物的组成,红外光谱中有桥羰基的吸收峰,质谱图中498的离子峰的出现标志着上述二聚体的存在。用[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2作为制备双金属配合物的原料,用Na/Hg并还原[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2。反应时间为6-7小时得到中间体[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2Na·4THF的深紫红色晶体。反应时间加长,中间体被破坏,反应到15小时时生成了[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA的黄色晶体,特别是中间体的获得及晶体结构的测定对我们解释反应的机理非常重要。[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2Na·4THF为单斜晶系,空间群为P21/n,晶胞参数为a = 10.155(5),b = 17.121(4),C = 18.667(6)A°,β = 97.61(3)°,V = 3216.9A°~3, 2 = 4。铁的配位数为七,钠的配位数为六,钠离子和桥连羰基氧以配位键结合,每个钠离子连结着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2~-,而每个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2~-又连结着两个钠离子,组成一个无限链状分子,键状分子间以Van de W力结合。[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA正交晶系,空间群为P_(2,2,2,)。晶胞参数为a = 6.001(4),b = 10.644(6),C = 24.214(11)A~·。α = β = r = 90°。z = 4 V = 1546·7A°~3,铁的配位数为五。钠的配位数为四,钠离子和羰基氧以配位键结合,每个钠离子连结着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]~-,每个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]~-又连结着两个钠离子,体系就是以这种连结方式或正负电荷交替的形式无限螺旋分子,每个链节存在着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA分子,链节的长度为a轴的轴长,说明螺旋分子以a轴轴长向上平移。用LnCl_3·nTHF和[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na反应制得了[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2·nTHF (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd; n = 1, 2),用[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2和[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)]Na或用[C_5H-4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2和[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na得到[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl·nTHF (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd; n = 0, 1, 3),配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2·nTHF及[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl·nTHF中存在着2000 cm~(-1)左右的终端羰基吸收峰及1766 cm~(-1)左右的桥连羰基吸收峰。说明稀土和铁之间是以羰基相连的。在TOTOE质谱仪上,配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Gd~·Cl·THF出现[C_5H_5Fe(CO)]GdCl_2、[Fe(CO)_2] Gd~+Cl_2的离子峰,配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]-[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] GdCl·THF出现[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4]Gd~+Cl、[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Gd~+Cl·[C_5H_4C(SiMe_3)] Gd~+Cl等离子峰。所有稀土有机配合物都溶于四氢呋喃、苯,对空气和水敏感。


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本文通过无水LnCl_3(Ln = Pr.Nd.Gd)与两倍摩尔的叔丁基环戊二烯基碱金属盐在THF中60-80℃反应,分离到一类新的二(叔丁基环戊二烯基)稀土氯化物(T-DuCp)_2 2net.nTHF (Ln = Pr,Nd,n = 2 Ln = Gd,n = 1),对它们进行了元素分析。红外光谱及水鲜色质谱的表征。对于配合物(t-BuCp)_2PrCl·2THF的单晶,测定了它的晶体结构,晶体层单斜晶系P21/C空间群,晶胞参数为:a = 15.080 b = 8.855 c = 21.196A, β = 110.34°V = 2653.9A~3 δ = 4,结构分析表明此配合物是一中性的单分子配合物。最后的R = Rw = 0.058平均Pr-C.2.81 Pr-Cent 2.53A, Pr-Cl及Rr-O键长分别为2.72与2.62A。本文通过Lnel_3(Ln = Nd.Pr.Ga)与等摩尔的叔丁基环戊二烯基碱金属盐在THF中60-80℃反应,分离到一类中性的单(叔丁基环戊二烯基)稀土二氯化物,并对它们进行了元素分析,红外光谱及水鲜色质谱的表征。本文通过轻稀土元素La,Pr的三氯化物与带基钠以1:2摩尔比在THF中70-80℃反应,分离到了二带基轻稀土氯化物(CaH_7)_2LaCl.2THF及[(CqH_7)_2PrCl.THF]_2。并且对此二配合物进行了元素分析。红外光谱及水鲜色质谱的表征。对于[(CuH_7)_2PrCl.TH]_2配合物,测定了它的晶体结构,这是第一个得到结构表征的茚基稀土氯化物,晶体层于单斜晶系,P_(21)/C空间群,晶胞参数为a = 7.808 b = 17.796 c = 14.070A β = 93.97°v = 1950.31A. E = 2最后的R = 0.045. Rw = 0.039结构分析表明此配合物以中性的二聚体形式存在。平均的Pr-C.2.81 Pr-Cent 2.53. Pr-Cl.2.84H Pr-O钻长2.54A。为了进一步研究不同配体对配合物结构的影响,我们还研究了Gael_3与Nae_5Mes以1:1摩尔比在THF中的反应,分离到了两种配合物[(NaTHF)(C_5MesGd.THF)_2Cl_5]_2.6THF(I)及L_5Me_5GdCl2.3THF(II)并且对配合物(I),测定了它的晶体结构,晶体层于三斜晶系。Pi空间群。晶胞参数a = 12.183 b = 13.638 c = 17.883A, α = 110.38 β = 94.04 γ = 99.44°, V = 2721.20A, E = 1。结构分析表明,此配合物是一种以两个Na原子通过THF中的O原子而桥联的金层有机配合物,在结构上有十分新颖的特点。在此配合物分子中含有四个Gd原子及二个Na原子,Na及Gd间以Cl桥键相联结,Gd-Gd_2 = 4.033 Gdll-Na = 2.818A。最后的R = 0.04M Rw = 0.042。本文还对(t-BuCp)_2P_2Cl.2THF与NaH及LiAlH4的反应进行了初步的研究,分离到(t-Bucp)_2PrH.2THF及(t-Bucp)_2P_2RIH_4.3THF两种新的氢化物,并且对它们进行了元素分析,红外光谱的表征,对于它们水鲜产物的气相分中的H_2,用气相色谱法进行了定性表征。


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本文通过LnCl_3·2LiCl (Ln=La, Nd)和等摩尔的CH_3C_5H_4Na在四氢呋喃中于室温反应,得到了一种新的阴离子型配合物[Li(THF)_2]_2 (M-Cl)_4[(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)Ln·THF] (Ln=La, Nd),对其进行了元素分析,红外光谱和核磁谱的鉴定,并测得了[Li(THF)_2]_2 (M-Cl)_4[(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)Nd·THF]的X-光晶体结构。晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P_(21/n),晶脆参数为a=12.130(5),b=17.343(5),c=17.016(5)A,β=108.54(3)°,V=3393.87A~3,E=4,R=0.0505,中心钕原子分别与CH_3Cp~-。THF和四个桥氯配位,形成稳定的八配位的八面体结构。通过[Li(THF)_2]_2(M-Cl)_4[(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)Nd·THF]与2摩尔的t-BuLi在四氢呋喃和戊烷的混和溶液中反应,分离得到一种新的阴离子型配合物晶体,经元素分析,红外光谱,核磁和水解色质谱的鉴定,证明为[Li(DME)_3][(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)Nd(t-Bu)_3],此配合物不仅对空气和水汽极为敏感,而且对温度也很敏感,即使在-5 ℃下放置也会逐渐分解,发生β-H消除。我们进一步研究了LnCl_3·2LiCl与2摩尔的C_5H_5Na的四氢呋喃反应液在低温下与等摩尔的CH_3Li乙醚溶液反应,从中分离得到一种新的阴离子型烷基配合物晶体[Li(DME)_3][(η~5-C_5H_5)_3LnCH_3] (Ln=La, Nd)对其进行了元素分析,红外光谱,核磁和水解色质谱的鉴定。此外,从这一反应中还得到另一种副产物,经X-光结构鉴定为[Li(DME)_3]~+{[(η~5-C_5H_5)Nd(M-Cl)_2Nd(η~5-C_5H_5)](M-Cl)_4(M_4-D)[(η~5-C_5H_5)Nd(M-CH_3)_2Nd(η~5-C_5H_5)]}~(2-)[Li(DME)_3]~+。本文还研究了NdCl_3·2LiCl与2倍摩尔的CH_3C_5H_4Na的四氢呋喃反应液和等摩CH_3Li乙醚溶液于-78 ℃下反应,从中分离得到另一种新的阴离子型配合物[Li(DME)_3][(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)_3NdCH_3]并对其进行了元素分析,红外光谱的鉴定。我们还研究了配合物[Li(DME)_3][(η~5-CH_3C_5H_4)Nd(t-Bu)_3]对苯乙烯的催化聚合活性,发现它可以单独引发苯乙烯聚合,得无规聚苯乙烯。


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Within the Boltzmann-Langevin equation, the neutron cluster production cross sections in the reactions induced by Be-14, He-8, He-6, Li-11, B-17, Be-11, C-19 on C-12 at 35MeV/u were studied. The experimental data for (4)n production cross section from Be-14+C-12 at 35MeV/u can be reproduced. It is found that the production cross section of neutron cluster is large in the reaction that the projectile has more halo nucleons. And the projectiles with big mass number are easy to produce the neutron cluster, when they have the same number of halo nucleons. The neutron cluster is probably mainly from the halo nucleons of projectile.


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In this paper, we will report the preparation of a mixed-valence polyoxometalate compound (Bu4N)(4)[PMo12O40].2DMF.H2O (TBA = tetrabutylammonium; DMF = N,N-dimethyl formamide). The title compound has been photochemically synthesized and characterized by using elemental analysis, IR, solid diffusion reflectance electronic spectra, ESR spectra, XPS, CV and X-ray single-crystal analysis. The crystal lographic data are as follows: monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 14.124(3), b = 17.481(4), c = 22.744(5) Angstrom, beta = 101.66(3)degrees, V = 5500(2) Angstrom(3), C70H160Mo12N6O43P, M-r = 2956.29, Z = 2, D-c = 1.785 g/cm(3), F(000) = 2970 and mu(MoKalpha) = 1.412 mm(-1). The structure has been refined to R = 0.0638 and wR = 0.1975 by full-matrix least-squares methods. The title compound is composed of four tetrabutylammonium cations, one [(PMoMo11O40)-Mo-V](4-) heteropoly anion, two N,N-dimethyl formamide and one H2O molecule.


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The title compound, [H3PMo12O40][CO(NH2)(2)](3). 5H(2)O, was synthesized and characterized by IR, C-13 NMR and X-ray diffraction. This is the first example of a urea-heteropoly acid species. Crystal data: monoclinic, C2/c, a = 17.790(4) Angstrom, b = 17.158(3) Angstrom, e = 25.512(5) Angstrom, beta = 100.65(3)degrees, V = 8514(3) Angstrom (3), Z = 6, R-1 = 0.0437, wR2 = 0. 1092. In the unit cell, the urea molecules occupy cavities in the polyoxometalate lattice ordered along b-axis. Water molecules occupy the space left by polyoxometalates, and urea. Polyoxometalate O atoms, the N atoms of urea and O atoms of water molecules are involved in hydrogen bonding. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of anhydrous PrCl3 with Na(C9H7) in 1.2 mole ratio in THF gives [(C9H7)(2)PrCl(THF)](2)1. 1 crystallized in monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/c with a = 7.808(2), b = 17.796(6), c = 14.070(4) Angstrom, beta = 93.97(2)degrees, V= 1950.3(9) Angstrom(3), Dcalcd = 1.63 g/cm(3) and Z = 2. Each Pr ion is surrounded by two indenyl, two Cl and one THF in a roughly trigonal bipyramid arrangement with average Pr-C(ring) and Pr-Cl distances of 2.81 and 2.84 Angstrom. The reaction of LaCl3 with Na(C9H7) in 1:3 mole ratio gives (C9H7)(3)LaTHF 2, which crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/a with unit cell constants a = 21.871(8), b = 10.585(3), c = 23.652(7) Angstrom,beta = 114.62(2)degrees, V = 4977.9 Angstrom(3) and Z = 8. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Reaction of [Ph(4)P]2WS4 With NiCl2 in methanol solution in the presence of NaOCH3 leads to the formation of [Ph(4)P](2) [S2W(mu-S)(2)Ni(S-2)] (I) A Similar reaction between (NH4)(2)WS4 and NiCl2 under O-2 atmosphere in the presence of Ph(4)PCl or (n)Bu(4)NCl affords [Ph(4)P](2)([(S-2)W(O)(mu-S)(2)]Ni-2] (IIa) and [(n)Bu(4)N](2)([(S-2)W(O)(mu-S)(2)]Ni-2} (IIb) Under argon the same reaction gives [Ph(4)P](2)[Ni(WS4)(2)] (IIIa) and [(n)Bu(4)N](2)[Ni(WS4)(2)] (IIIb). [Ph(4)P](2)[Ni(WOS3)(2)] (IV) and [Ph(4)P](2)[Ni(WO2S2)(2)] (V) can be prepared from the reaction of [Ph(4)P]2WOS3 and [Ph(4)P]2WO2S2 with NiCl2. Treatment of (NH4)(2)WS4 with CuCl in the presence of PPh(3) in boiling pyridine produces W(mu-S)(4)Cu-2(PPh(3))(3) (VI), which can further react with excess PPh(3) to give W(mu-S)(4)Cu-2(PPh(3))(4) . py (VII). Complex I crystallizes in the space group P2(1)/n with the cell parameters: a = 20.049(4), b = 17.010(4), c = 14.311(7) Angstrom; beta = 110.24(3)degrees and Z = 4; R = 0.058 for 4267 independent reflections. The structural study confirms that complex I contains two terminal sulfide ligands, two bridging sulfide ligands, a side-on disulfide ligand, and a planar central W(mu-S)(2)Ni four membered ring. Complex VII crystallizes in the space group C2/c with the cell parameters: a = 26.436(8), b = 20.542(6), c = 19.095(8) Angstrom; beta = 125.00(3)degrees and Z = 4; R = 0.080 for 3802 independent reflections. The structural study reveals a perfect linear arrangement of the three metal atoms Cu-W-Cu.


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Dinuclear complexes [Mo-2(mu-pyS)(2)(CO)(4)(PPh(3))(2)] (1), [Mo-2(mu-pyS)(2)(CO)(5)(PPh(3))] (2) and a trace quality of trinuclear complex [Mo-3(mu-pyS)(2)(mu(3)-pyS)(2)(CO)(6)] (3) were obtained from the reaction of [Mo(CO)(3)(MeCN)(3)] with pyridine-2-thione (pySH) and PPh(3) in THF. The crystal structures of 1.2C(7)H(8) and 3.7 C7H8 have been determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Crystals of 1.2C(7)H(8) are monoclinic, space group C2/c and Z = 4, with a = 18.797(3), b = 11.143(4), c = 28.157(7) Angstrom, beta = 101.23(2)degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.050 and Rw = 0.057 for 3146 observed reflections, Crystals of 3.7 C7H8 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/a and Z = 4, with a = 13.912(2), b = 17.161(2), c = 15.577(3) Angstrom, beta = 101.17(1)degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.046 and Rw = 0.051 for 4357 observed reflections. The molecule of 1 consists of two Mo(CO)(2)(PPh(3)) fragments linked by an Mo-Mo bond (2.974(2)Angstrom) and by two doubly-bridging pyS ligands. The compound 3 contains a bent open geometry of three molybdenum atoms (Mo(1)-Mo(2)-Mo(3) angle 122.99(3)degrees) linked by two Mo-Mo bonds (2.943(1) and 2.950(1) Angstrom) and by two doubly- and two triply-bridging pyS ligands.


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The title complex was prepared by reacting Yb(NO3)3 (12-crown-4) with 1, 10-phenanthiroline (hereafter phen) in acetone. It crystallized in the triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 10.095(5), b = 17.415(4), c = 8.710(2) angstrom; alpha = 92.45(2), beta = 115.83(3), gamma = 74.08(3)degrees and D(c), = 1.85 g cm-3; Z = 2. The metal ion in this complex is nine-coordinated to three bidentate nitrate ions, two nitrogen atoms of a phen and a water molecule. The crown ligand is hydrogen bonded to the coordination water molecule. The symmetry change of the crown ether is also discussed.


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The reaction of LnCl3.2LiCl with 1 equiv of MeCpNa in THF gives the complexes [(THF)2Li(mu-Cl)2]2[MeCpLn(THF)] (Ln = Nd (1), La (2)) in good yield. These precursors react further with 2 equiv of LiNPh2 to produce the new complexes [Li(DME)3][MeCpLn(NPh2)3] (Ln = La (3), Pr (4), Nd (5)). They have been characterized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR spectra, as well as by structural analyses of 1 and 3. The chloride 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n (No. 14) with a = 12.130 (5) angstrom, b = 17.343 (5) angstrom, c = 17.016 (5) angstrom, beta = 108.54 (3)-degrees, V = 3393.87 angstrom3, Z = 4, and D(c) = 1.45 g/cm3. Least-squares refinement led to a final R value of 0.051 (I greater-than-or-equal-to 3-sigma(I(o))) for 2004 independent reflections. Complex 3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c (No. 14) with a = 18.335 (6) angstrom, b = 16.576 (5) angstrom, c = 17.461 (6) angstrom, beta = 96.04 (3)-degrees, V = 5277.17 angstrom3, D(c) = 1.26 g/cm3, Z = 4, and R = 0.057 (I greater-than-or-equal-to 2.5-sigma(I(o))) for 3378 reflections. The structure of 3 consists of discrete ion pairs [Li(DME)3]+ and [MeCpLa(NPh2)3]- with average La-N and La-C(ring) distances of 2.459 (8) and 2.84 (1) angstrom, respectively.