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小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是世界上种植面积最大,总产量最高,食物加工种类最丰富的粮食作物,占世界人口35 %-40 %的人们以此为主要食物。因此小麦产量的高低和品质的优劣直接影响人们对食物需求的安全和满意程度,也影响着人类的营养平衡以及面粉和食品加工业的发展。随着生活水平的提高,人们对于小麦的品质越来越重视。培育优质专用小麦新品种,制定优质专用小麦品种品质生态区划,从而在不同程度上实现小麦的区域化种植和产业化经营具有重要的意义。 影响小麦品质的因素主要是遗传因素和环境因素,其中环境因素又包括各种自然生态因素和人为因素。研究表明,小麦品质的环境间的差异大于品种间的差异,气候条件是影响小麦品质的最重要的因子,小麦品质的地域间的差异反映出了小麦的品质区域分布规律。为了满足市场对不同品质小麦的需求,对小麦进行区域化研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究结合四川的地理、气候特点,研究不同品质类型与生态环境的关系,为在复杂的生态环境内进行品质区划提供依据。 本研究首先根据四川省小麦种植区域的生态特点,在四川省多个典型生态区:川南丘陵的荣县、川西南高原的西昌、川西平原的双流布点种植,采用的小麦试验材料为不同品质类型:中筋小麦川育12、川育14、川育16由本所提供;弱筋小麦川麦32和强筋小麦川麦36由四川省农科院作物所提供。通过研究品质性状与品种及各个生态因子包括地点、土壤土质差异等的关系,明确不同生态环境中适宜种植的小麦品种类型,强筋小麦、中筋小麦更适合于在荣县、双流地区种植,弱筋小麦更适合于在西昌地区种植,为品种品质区划奠定基础。 其次,选择了本课题组育成的稳定中间品系,对其品质性状SDS沉降值进行了多年测定。分析了品质性状SDS沉降值与多种气候因子的相关性,结果表明SDS沉降值与日均温、日照时数成正相关,与降水量成负相关,为品质育种提供了理论依据。 此外,以中筋小麦新品种小麦川育14为材料,应用三元二次正交旋转回归模型设计试验,研究主要栽培因子播期、密度和施肥量对产量的影响,并建立函数模型。经计算机模拟寻优,筛选出了高产高效栽培组合措施,并确定了置信域。结合四川省不同的地理情况,在平原和丘陵地区分别进行实验,并各自建立了高产高效栽培组合措施,为川育14品种的推广提供了理论指导。 Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world. About 35%-40% people all over the world, take the wheat as their most important food. So the quality, as well as the quantity of the wheat makes a direct effect on people’s demands of food and their satisfaction. It also effects on human’s healthy, and the development of the Food processing industry. With the development of the living standard, people pay more attention to the quality of wheat. So, we set a special ecology zoning for wheat. It is significant to carry out planting the wheat in special zoning in varying degrees. The main factors affecting wheat quality are heredity and environment including many ecological factors and the factors in cultivation. As to the quality,the difference between ecology and cultivation is more important than the difference between special wheat. In so many factors, climate is the most important one. From the difference in quality between different zones,we can conclude the rule of distribution abort quality of wheat. Finding out the intersection of numerous wheat not only can meet the demand of food production,but also has important signification in theory and realism。In our research, according to the complex geography in Sichuan province, we study the relationship between numerous kinds of quality characters in wheat and the ecology. So, we can set a foundation for more research. In this research, firstly, we plant wheat in some typical ecological regions of SICHUAN province: RONGXIAN(south of SC)、XICHANG(south of SC), SHUANGLIU(west of SC). The materials of the experiments: ChuanYu12, ChuanYu14, ChuanYu16(from our institute), Chuanmai32, Chuanmai36 (from the Chinese academy of agriculture sciences of Sichuan. Through the research on the relationship between the quality of wheat and those ecology factors, we can make a definition that which area is perfect matched with which kind of wheat. And it can satisfy the demand of people. Secondly, select many sorts of wheat from our research group. All of them are selected and bred more than 3 years(2003-2005). And we make every-year determination as well. We’ve gotten SDS value from those 9, and various data on factors of climate. We also got to know the relation ship between those numbers. Thirdly, use Chuanyu14 as material, the mathematical model of the relation between the production of wheat and main agricultural measures such as date, density and fertilizer. The model was established by association of three elements two return, rotate and regression. We set a suitable model and get a suitable method which can make high harvest. Based on various kinds of geographical regions in Sichuan province, we set different models which can be used in plain and hill. So, we can plant Chuan Yu 14 in Sichuan province under the result in research.


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利用ERA40逐日再分析资料、NCEP/NCAR2逐日再分析资料、中国740个测站日降水资料、上海台风研究所提供的西太平洋热带气旋资料、Kaplan等重建的月平均SSTA资料、NOAA逐日长波辐射(OLR)等资料,应用离散功率谱分析、带通滤波、EOF分析等统计方法,研究了东亚夏季风(EASM)的移动特征、东亚地区季节内振荡(ISO)的基本特征、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风活动的影响、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风异常活动的影响机理。主要结论如下: (1)综合动力和热力因素定义了可动态描述东亚夏季风移动和强度的指数,并利用该指数研究了东亚夏季风的爆发和移动的季节内变化及其年际和年代际变化特征。研究发现,气候平均东亚夏季风前沿分别在28候、33候、36候、38候、40候、44候出现了明显的跳跃。东亚夏季风活动具有显著的年际变率,主要由于季风前沿在某些区域异常停滞和突然跨越北跳或南撤引起,造成中国东部旱涝灾害频繁发生。东亚夏季风的活动具有明显的年代际变化,在1965年、1980年、1994年发生了突变,造成中国东部降水由“南旱北涝”向“南涝北旱”的转变。 (2)东亚季风区季节内变化具有10~25d和30~60d两个波段的季节内振荡周期,以30-60d为主。存在三个主要低频模态,第一模态主要表征了EASM在长江中下游和华北地区活动期间的低频形势;第二模态印度洋-菲律宾由低频气旋式环流控制,主要表现了ISO在EASM爆发期间的低频形势;第三模态主要出现在EASM在华南和淮河活动期间的低频形势。第一模态和第三模态是代表东亚夏季风活动异常的主要低频形势。 (3)热带和副热带地区ISO总是沿垂直切变风的垂直方向传播。因此,在南海-菲律宾东北风垂直切变和副热带西太平洋北风垂直切变下,大气热源激发菲律宾附近交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播,副热带西太平洋ISO以向西传播为主。中高纬度地区,乌拉尔山附近ISO以向东、向南移动或局地振荡为主;北太平洋中部ISO在某些情况下向南、向西传播。 (4)季风爆发期,伴随着热带东印度洋到菲律宾一系列低频气旋和低频反气旋, 冷空气向南输送,10~25天和30~60天季节内振荡低频气旋同时传入南海加快了南海夏季风的爆发。在气候态下,ISO活动表现的欧亚- 太平洋(EAP)以及太平洋-北美(PNA)低频波列分布特征(本文提出的EAP和PNA低频波列与传统意义上的二维定点相关得到的波列不同)。这种低频分布形式使得欧亚和太平洋中高纬度的槽、脊及太平洋副热带高压稳定、加强,东亚地区的低频波列则成为热带和中高纬度ISO相互作用影响东亚夏季风活动的纽带。不同的阶段表现不同的低频模态,30~60d低频模态的转变加快了EASM推进过程中跳跃性;30-60d低频模态的维持使得EASM前沿相对停滞。 (5)30-60d滤波场,菲律宾海域交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播到南海-西太平洋一带。当南海-西太平洋地区低频气旋活跃时,季风槽加强、东伸,季风槽内热带气旋(TC)频数增加;当南海-西太平洋低频反气旋活跃时,季风槽减弱、西退,TC处于间歇期,生成位置不集中。 (6)在El Nino态下,大气季节内振荡偏弱,北传特征不明显,但ISO由中高纬度北太平洋中部向南和副热带西太平洋向西的传播特征显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第三模态为主,EASM集中停滞在华南和淮河流域,常伴随着持续性区域暴雨的出现,易造成华南和江淮流域洪涝灾害,长江和华北持续干旱。在La Nina态下,大气季节内振荡活跃,且具有明显的向北传播特征,PNA低频波列显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第一模态单峰为主;EASM主要停滞在长江中下游和华北地区,这些地区出现异常持续强降水,华南和淮河流域多干旱;在El Nino态向La Nina态转换期,ISO活动以第一模态双峰为主,长江中下游常常出现二度梅。


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Sediment transport in rill flows exhibits the characteristics of non-equilibrium transport, and the sediment transport rate of rill flow gradually recovers along the flow direction by erosion. By employing the concept of partial equilibrium sediment transport from open channel hydraulics, a dynamic model of rill erosion on hillslopes was developed. In the model, a parameter, called the restoration coefficient of sediment transport capacity, was used to express the recovery process of sediment transport rate, which was analysed by dimensional analysis and determined from laboratory experimental data. The values of soil loss simulated by the model were in agreement with observed values. The model results showed that the length and gradient of the hillslope and rainfall intensity had different influences on rill erosion. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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By combining grain boundary (GB) and its influence zone, a micromechanic model for polycrystal is established for considering the influence of GB. By using the crystal plasticity theory and the finite element method for finite deformation, numerical simulation is carried out by the model. Calculated results display the microscopic characteristic of deformation fields of grains and are in qualitative agreement with experimental results.


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A scale-similarity model for Lagrangian two-point, two-time velocity correlations LVCs in isotropic turbulence is developed from the Kolmogorov similarity hypothesis. It is a second approximation to the isocontours of LVCs, while the Smith-Hay model is only a first approximation. This model expresses the LVC by its space correlation and a dispersion velocity. We derive the analytical expression for the dispersion velocity from the Navier-Stokes equations using the quasinormality assumption. The dispersion velocity is dependent on enstrophy spectra and shown to be smaller than the sweeping velocity for the Eulerian velocity correlation. Therefore, the Lagrangian decorrelation process is slower than the Eulerian decorrelation process. The data from direct numerical simulation of isotropic turbulence support the scale-similarity model: the LVCs for different space separations collapse into a universal form when plotted against the separation axis defined by the model.


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Lake Dianchi is a shallow and turbid lake, located in Southwest China. Since 1985, Lake Dianchi has experienced severe cyanabacterial blooms (dominated by Microcystis spp.). In extreme cases, the algal cell densities have exceeded three billion cells per liter. To predict and elucidate the population dynamics ofMicrocystis spp. in Lake Dianchi, a neural network based model was developed. The correlation coefficient (R 2) between the predicted algal concentrations by the model and the observed values was 0.911. Sensitivity analysis was performed to clarify the algal dynamics to the changes of environmental factors. The results of a sensitivity analysis of the neural network model suggested that small increases in pH could cause significantly reduced algal abundance. Further investigations on raw data showed that the response of Microcystis spp. concentration to pH increase was dependent on algal biomass and pH level. When Microcystis spp. population and pH were moderate or low, the response of Microcystis spp. population would be more likely to be positive in Lake Dianchi; contrarily, Microcystis spp. population in Lake Dianchi would be more likely to show negative response to pH increase when Microcystis spp. population and pH were high. The paper concluded that the extremely high concentration of algal population and high pH could explain the distinctive response of Microcystis spp. population to +1 SD (standard deviation) pH increase in Lake Dianchi. And the paper also elucidated the algal dynamics to changes of other environmental factors. One SD increase of water temperature (WT) had strongest positive relationship with Microcystis spp. biomass. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total phosphorus (TP) had strong positive effect on Microcystis spp. abundance while total nitrogen (TN), biological oxygen demand in five days (BOD5), and dissolved oxygen had only weak relationship with Microcystis spp. concentration. And transparency (Tr) had moderate positive relationship with Microcystis spp. concentration.


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Anisotropic exchange splitting (AES) is induced by the joint effects of the electron-hole exchange interaction and the symmetry reduction in quantum wells and quantum dots. A model has been developed to quantitatively obtain the electron-hole exchange energy and the hole-mixing energy of quantum wells and superlattices. In this model, the AES and the degree of polarization can both be obtained from the reflectance difference spectroscopy. Thus the electron-hole exchange energy and the hole-mixing energy can be completely separated and quantitatively deduced. By using this model, a (001)5 nm GaAs/7 nm Al0.3Ga0.7As superlattice sample subjected to [110] uniaxial strains has been investigated in detail. The n=1 heavy-hole (1H1E) exciton can be analyzed by this model. We find that the AES of quantum wells can be linearly tuned by the [110] uniaxial strains. The small uniaxial strains can only influence the hole-mixing interaction of quantum wells, but have almost no contribution to the electron-hole exchange interaction. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A simple model is presented to discuss the effect of As precipitates on the Fermi level in GaAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at low temperature (LT-GaAs). This model implements the compensation between point defects and the depletion of arsenic precipitates. The condition that the Fermi level is pinned by As precipitates is attained. The shifts of the Fermi level in LT-GaAs with annealing temperature are explained by our model. Additionally, the role of As precipitates in conventional semi-insulating GaAs is discussed. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)09905-9].


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The formation of arsenic clusters in a system of vertically aligned InAs quantum islands on GaAs during thermal annealing under As overpressure has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman scattering. Semicoherent arsenic clusters, identified by TEM examination, have been formed on the surface of the GaAs capping layer. The existence of arsenic precipitates is also confirmed by Raman spectra, showing new peaks from the annealed specimen at 256 and 199 cm(-1). These peaks have been ascribed to A(1g) and E-g Raman active phonons of crystalline arsenic. The phenomenon can be understood by a model of strain-induced selected growth under As overpressure. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)02045-8].


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Genetic variation of four populations of Sargassum thunbergii (Mert.) O. Kuntze and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 28 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers were amplified, showing 174 loci and 125 loci, respectively. Calculation of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate levels of genetic variations within each S. thunbergii population. High genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST) between the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and FST were highly correlated, whether from RAPD or ISSR data, r=0.9310 (P = 0.008) and 0.9313 (P=0.009) respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variations between and within the S. thunbergii populations. It indicated that the variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 57.57% versus 42.43% by RAPD and 59.52% versus 40.08% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that the genetic differentiations between the four populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.5), i.e., they conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. As a whole, the high genetic structuring between the four S. thunbergii populations along distant locations was clearly indicated in the RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.8) in our study.


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Groundwater basin is important for water supply in northern China. The paper took the Jingsheng Basin in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province as a case to study the basin groundwater system by numerical modeling. The hydrogeological characteristics were analysed basing on the field investigation, and a three-dimensional groundwater flow model was established to describe the groundwater flow system in the Jingsheng groundwater basin. The boundary of the model was determined by using geophysics and GIS data, and the lumped parameter model of runoff was used to depict the transform between the surface water and groundwater, and the groundwater dating data was used to calibrate the model. All these methods were used to improve the model. The Software Visual MODFLOW 2000 was applied to set up the numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater flow pattern in the average year, the high-water year and the low-water year were simulated respectively by the model. Some new cognition to the groundwater movement in Jingsheng Basin was obtained in the paper. The difficult problems were resolved when using the conventional and theoretical analysis to forecast and appraise the exploitation of the groundwater, and supplies the instructional technology base for the reasonable exploitation and optimization collocation. The numerical model will improve evaluation of the basin groundwater resources.


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The dynamic prediction of complex reservoir development is one of the important research contents of dynamic analysis of oil and gas development. With the increase development of time, the permeabilities and porosities of reservoirs and the permeability of block reservoir at its boundaries are dynamically changing. How to track the dynamic change of permeability and porosity and make certain the permeability of block reservoir at its boundary is an important practical problem. To study developing dynamic prediction of complex reservoir, the key problem of research of dynamic prediction of complex reservoir development is realizing inversion of permeability and porosity. To realize the inversion, first of all, the fast forward and inverse method of 3-dimension reservoir simulation must be studied. Although the inversion has been widely applied to exploration and logging, it has not been applied to3-dimension reservoir simulation. Therefore, the study of fast forward and inverse method of 3-dimension reservoir simulation is a cutting-edge problem, takes on important realistic signification and application value. In this dissertation, 2-dimension and 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media are discretized by finite difference, obtaining finite difference equations to meet the inner boundary conditions by Peaceman's equations, giving successive over relaxation iteration of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media and the dimensional analysis. Several equation-solving methods are compared in common use, analyzing its convergence and convergence rate. The alternating direction implicit procedure of 2-dimension has been turned into successive over relaxation iteration of alternating direction implicit procedure of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media, which possesses the virtues of fast computing speed, needing small memory of computer, good adaptability for heterogeneous media and fast convergence rate. The geological model of channel-sandy reservoir has been generated with the help of stochastic simulation technique, whose cross sections of channel-sandy reservoir are parabolic shapes. This method makes the hard data commendably meet, very suit for geological modeling of containing complex boundary surface reservoir. To verify reliability of the method, theoretical solution and numerical solution are compared by simplifying model of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media, whose results show that the only difference of the two pressure curves is that the numerical solution is lower than theoretical at the wellbore in the same space. It proves that using finite difference to solve fluid equations in porous media is reliable. As numerical examples of 3-dimension heterogeneous reservoir of the single-well and multi-well, the pressure distributions have been computed respectively, which show the pressure distributions there are clearly difference as difference of the permeabilities is greater than one order of magnitude, otherwise there are no clearly difference. As application, the pressure distribution of the channel-sandy reservoir have been computed, which indicates that the space distribution of pressure strongly relies on the direction of permeability, and is sensitive for space distributions of permeability. In this dissertation, the Peaceman's equations have been modified into solving vertical well problem and horizontal well problem simultaneously. In porous media, a 3D layer reservoir in which contain vertical wells and horizontal wells has been calculated with iteration. For channel-sandy reservoir in which there are also vertical wells and horizontal wells, a 3D transient heterogeneous fluid equation has been discretized. As an example, the space distribution of pressure has been calculated with iteration. The results of examples are accord with the fact, which shows the modification of Peaceman's equation is correct. The problem has been solved in the space where there are vertical and horizontal wells. In the dissertation, the nonuniform grid permeability integration equation upscaling method, the nonuniform grid 2D flow rate upscaling method and the nonuniform grid 3D flow rate upscaling method have been studied respectively. In those methods, they enhance computing speed greatly, but the computing speed of 3D flow rate upscaling method is faster than that of 2D flow rate upscaling method, and the precision of 3D flow rate upscaling method is better than that of 2D flow rate upscaling method. The results also show that the solutions of upscaling method are very approximating to that of fine grid blocks. In this paper, 4 methods of fast adaptive nonuniform grid upscaling method of 3D fluid equations in porous media have been put forward, and applied to calculate 3D heterogeneous reservoir and channel-sandy reservoir, whose computing results show that the solutions of nonuniform adaptive upscaling method of 3D heterogeneous fluid equations in porous media are very approximating to that of fine grid blocks in the regions the permeability or porosity being abnormity and very approximating to that of coarsen grid blocks in the other region, however, the computing speed of adaptive upscaling method is 100 times faster than that of fine grid block method. The formula of sensitivity coefficients are derived from initial boundary value problems of fluid equations in porous media by Green's reciprocity principle. The sensitivity coefficients of wellbore pressure to permeability parameters are given by Peaceman's equation and calculated by means of numerical calculation method of 3D transient anisotropic fluid equation in porous media and verified by direct method. The computing results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by the direct method, which shows feasibility of the method. In the dissertation, the calculating examples are also given for 3D reservoir, channel-sandy reservoir and 3D multi-well reservoir, whose numerical results indicate: around the well hole, the value of the sensitivity coefficients of permeability is very large, the value of the sensitivity coefficients of porosity is very large too, but the sensitivity coefficients of porosity is much less than the sensitivity coefficients of permeability, so that the effect of the sensitivity coefficients of permeability for inversion of reservoir parameters is much greater than that of the sensitivity coefficients of porosity. Because computing the sensitivity coefficients needs to call twice the program of reservoir simulation in one iteration, realizing inversion of reservoir parameters must be sustained by the fast forward method. Using the sensitivity coefficients of permeability and porosity, conditioned on observed valley erosion thickness in wells (hard data), the inversion of the permeabilities and porosities in the homogeneous reservoir, homogeneous reservoir only along the certain direction and block reservoir are implemented by Gauss-Newton method or conjugate gradient method respectively. The results of our examples are very approximating to the real data of permeability and porosity, but the convergence rate of conjugate gradient method is much faster than that of Gauss-Newton method.


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As a kind of mood, depression is one of the emotions which people experienced usually. Depressive disorder is one of the common mental diseases. There are about 100 million people in the world be disturbed by depression every year. So it is long history that depression is investigated widely in medicine, psychology, and sociology. There are many theorial problems remain to be solved. Viewed from latest vocuments, the development of depression theory is tending to become more complicated. Most of the prior depression theory focused on relation between one factor and depression. Because depressed individuls have various characteristics and factors that cause depression are different, and each factor can explain only part of depression variance, these prior depression theories are defected. As the knowledge about depression accumulated, the view that depression be caused by multifactor is clearer. There is tendency to integrate these cooperational factor into a model while developing a depression theory. In the present study, depression status of 1625 middle school students from junior 1 to senior 3 are measured using Depression Scale of Middle-school Student which is developed by ourselves. From approach of depressive mood, the present study explored depressive diathesis including attributional style, personality, coping style, and self. The relation among depressive diathesis, stress and depression is analysed. The relation between depression and school life adaptation, depression and cohesion, adaptation in family are also analysed from environmental view. At last, relation among environment, stress, depressive diathesis is examined by using covariance structure modelling. Synthesizing the results from the present study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) There is grade-characteristics in development of depression in middle school students. Depression degree increased with grade. The main reason may be that the stress middle-school students experience increase and self-acceptance decrease with grade; (2) High depressive diathesis is different from low depressive diathesis. the features of high depressive diathesis are that attributing failure to ability or background, low capacity for status, low sociability, low independence, low self-blame, more illusion. The features of low depressive diathesis are that not attributing failure to ability or background, high capacity for status, high sociability, high independence, high self-acceptance, while facing difficulties, using problem-resolving coping strategy, less self-blame, less illusion. Individuals who have high depressive diathesis showed serious depression, and individuals who have low depressive diathesis showed light depression; (3) Depressive diathesis had accumulative effect on depression. More low depressive diathesis, more light is depression. More high depressive diathesis, more serious is depression; (4) Depressive diathesis can predict present depression and future depression. Predicting present depression is more effective than predicting future depression; (5) Individual who has different depressive diathesis experiences different level of stress. Higher the depressive diathesis individual has, higher stress he will experience. Lower the depressive diathesis individual has, lower stress will he experience; (6) There is correlation between life event pressure and depression. Life event pressure can predict a part of variance of depression. Life event pressure has accumulative effect on depression. More life event and higher life event pressure, more serious depression individual will experience; (7) There exits high correlation between depression and school life adaptation which can predict depression; (8) There is high correlative relation between depression and cohesion, adaptation in family which can predict depression; and (9) Environment have more effect on diathesis than on stress. Diathesis has more effect on depression than stress does. The past depression can predict future depression. This study had enlarged the domain of depressive diathesis such as attributional style, personality, coping style, and self, which are analysed wholly. This study had also enriched the connotation of diathesis=stress theory. Above two aspects are theoretical significance of the study. This study provide a framework of mental health educational curriculum in high school and provide the guideline for prevention and cure of depression. It is the practical significance of this study.


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The growth behaviour of zero-mean-shear turbulent-mixed layer containing suspended solid particles has been studied experimentally and analysed theoretically in a two-layer fluid system. The potential model for estimating the turbulent entrainment rate of the mixed layer has also been suggested, including the results of the turbulent entrainment for pure two-layer fluid. The experimental results show that the entrainment behaviour of a mixed layer with the suspended particles is well described by the model. The relationship between the entrainment distance and the time, and the variation of the dimensionless entrainment rate E with the local Richardson number Ri1 for the suspended particles differ from that for the pure two-layer fluid by the factors-eta-1/5 and eta-1, respectively, where eta = 1 + sigma-0-DELTA-rho/DELTA-rho-0.


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