15 resultados para Astrophysics and Astronomy

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In this paper we discuss coupling processes between a magnetic field and an unsteady plasma motion, and analyze the features of energy storage and conversions in active region. It is pointed out that the static force-free field is insufficient for a discussion of storage processes, and also the pure unsteady plasma rotation is not a perfect approach. In order to analyze the energy storage, we must consider the addition of poloidal plasma motion. The paper shows that because the unsteady poloidal flow is added and coupling occurs between the magnetic field and both the toroidal and the poloidal plasma flows, an unsteady process is maintained which changes the force-free factor with time. Hence, the energy in the lower levels can be transferred to the upper levels, and a considerable energy can be stored in the active region. Finally, another storage process is given which is due to the pure poloidal flow. The article shows that even if there is no twisted magnetic line of force, the energy in the lower levels may still be transferred to the upper levels and stored there.


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The influence of the momentum addition, which may be associated with the average or fluctuation transverse component of the magnetic field or others, on the acceleration the solar wind or stellar wind is studied in a local streamtube. The results show that the larger the momentum addition the stronger the acceleration of the wind. For example, if the typical transverse magnetic field is about 0.1 of the longitudinal field, the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU may be increased by 40%. The coronal hole may be considered as a streamtube, the presence of a high stream from the coronal hole may be explained by the existence of an average or fluctuation transverse magnetic field in the streamtube. A similar conclusion may be applied to the polar region, where the velocity of the solar wind will be larger than elsewhere as if there is a transverse component of magnetic field, as well as to the stellar wind. The influence of other parameters on the acceleration of the solar wind is also discussed. From the viewpoint of the solar wind mechanism, the present paper shows that the momentum addition in the subsonic flow region can increase the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU.


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.


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This paper extends two-dimensional model of symmetric magnetostatic flux arches confined in stratified atmospheres (Zhang and Hu, 1992, 1993) to asymmetric models. Numerical results show that the flux structure is influenced greatly by the boundary condition of magnetic field, the force-free factor, the atmospheric pressure distribution and the position of footpoints (especially the width ratio of outlet to entrance, which differs from symmetric case).


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Two-dimensional magnetostatic models of flux structure confined in stratified atmosphere are discussed in the present paper. The magnetic field in the flux structure is assumed to be force-free at the first step. Numerical solutions for this nonlinear free boundary problem are obtained by finite element method. Results show clearly the relation between the inside fields and outside pressure, especially the influence of atmospheric pressure distribution on the flux structure.


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In this paper an isolated magnetic flux tube confined in stratified atmosphere is studied for slender and axisymmetric model. The functions of the pressure, density, and temperature are expanded as a Taylor series of magnetic surface function psi. Several models of an isolated magnetic flux tube confined in a stratified atmosphere are constructed, and the external pressure of the stratified atmosphere decreases reasonably with increasing height. The distribution of thermal dynamic quantities and the magnetic pressure in the flux tube are also obtained.


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been analyzed in detail. The effects ofm icroscopic energy transfer from


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In the present paper, the piston model of the coronal transient (see Hu. 1983a, b is discssed in detail, and the quantitative results of unsteady gasdynamics are applied to the coronal transient processes. The piston model explains the major features of the transient observations, such as the density profile, the geometric configuration, the kinetic process and the classifications of the coronal transient. Based on the idea of piston model, the bright feature and the dark feature of the transient are the gasdynamical response of the dense plasma ejecting into the corona, and associate with the compressed and rarefied flows, respectively. The quantitative results show that the density increment in the compressed region and the density decrement in the rarefied region are one order of magnitude larger and smaller, respectively, to the density in the quiet corona, it agrees quantitatively with the observations, and both the bright feature and dark feature are explained at the same time.


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In Paper I (Hu, 1982), we discussed the the influence of fluctuation fields on the force-free field for the case of conventional turbulence and demonstrated the general relationships. In the present paper, by using the approach of local expansion, the equation of average force-free field is obtained as (1+b)×B 0=(#x002B;a)B 0#x002B;a (1)×B 0#x002B;K. The average coefficientsa,a (1),b, andK show the influence of the fluctuation fields in small scale on the configurations of magnetic field in large scale. As the average magnetic field is no longer parallel to the average electric current, the average configurations of force-free fields are more general and complex than the usual ones. From the view point of physics, the energy and momentum of the turbulent structures should have influence on the equilibrium of the average fields. Several examples are discussed, and they show the basic features of the fluctuation fields and the influence of fluctuation fields on the average configurations of magnetic fields. The astrophysical environments are often in the turbulent state, the results of the present paper may be applied to the turbulent plasma where the magnetic field is strong.


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The statistical correlation between an eruptive prominence and the coronal transient associated with this prominence implies that there should be a relationship between these two kinds of dynamical processes. This paper analyzes the dynamical effect of a plasma


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The status of the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Facility in Lanzhou) - Cooler Storage Ring (CSR) at the IMP is reported. The main physics goals at the HIRFL-CSR are the researches on nuclear structure and decay property, EOS of nuclear matter, hadron physics, highly charged atomic physics, high energy density physics, nuclear astrophysics, and applications for cancer therapy, space industries, materials and biology sciences. The HIRFL-CSR is the first ion cooler-storage-ring system in China, which consists of a main ring (CSRm), an experimental ring (CSRe) and a radioactive beamline (RIBLL2). The two existing cyclotrons SFC (K=70) and SSC (K=450) are used as its injectors. The 7MeV/u12C6+ ions were stored successfully in CSRm with the stripping injection in January 2006. After that, realized were the accelerations of C-12(6+), Ar-36(18+), Kr-78(28+) and Xe-129(27+) ions with energies of 1GeV/u, 1GeV/u, 450 MeV/u and 235 MeV/u, respectively, including accumulation, electron cooling and acceleration. In 2008, the first two isochronous mass measurement experiments with the primary beams of Ar-36(18+) and Kr-78(28+) were performed at CSRe with the Delta p/p similar to 10(-5).


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The nuclear symmetry energy E-sym(rho) is the most uncertain part of the Equation of State (EOS) of dense neutron-rich nuclear matter. In this talk, we discuss the underlying physics responsible for the uncertain E-sym(rho) especially at supra-saturation densities, the circumstantial evidence for a super-soft E-sym(rho) from analyzing pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and its impacts on astrophysics and cosmology.


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Nuclear collisions recreate conditions in the universe microseconds after the Big Bang. Only a very small fraction of the emitted fragments are light nuclei, but these states are of fundamental interest. We report the observation of antihypertritons-comprising an antiproton, an antineutron, and an antilambda hyperon-produced by colliding gold nuclei at high energy. Our analysis yields 70 +/- 17 antihypertritons (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and 157 +/- 30 hypertritons (H-3(Lambda)). The measured yields of H-3(Lambda) (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and He-3 ((3)(He) over bar) are similar, suggesting an equilibrium in coordinate and momentum space populations of up, down, and strange quarks and antiquarks, unlike the pattern observed at lower collision energies. The production and properties of antinuclei, and of nuclei containing strange quarks, have implications spanning nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.