7 resultados para Armeria alpina, calyx
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毛茛科(Ranunculaceae )铁线莲属(Clematis L.)长瓣铁线莲组(Sect. Atragene) 植物全世界约有14-18 种,我国约有6 种,广泛分布于北温带的高山上。该组植物由于外部形态变异大,种间或种下划分十分困难,目前已发表的种及种下分类群名称多达130 余个,名称使用较为混乱,组内系统关系尚存争议。本文通过文献考证、标本研究、野外观察及形态性状统计分析的综合研究,对长瓣铁线莲组进行了全面的分类学修订,结果如下: 1、性状分析 深入研究了1000 余号该组植物标本的形态性状变异式样、范围及其相关性,发现复叶类型、小叶大小、萼片毛被和质地、萼片脉突出与否、退化雄蕊长度等是较为稳定的分种性状。生长习性、萼片颜色、萼片边缘是否具短绒毛带、退化雄蕊形状等对种下划分具有重要的意义。 2、分类学处理 1)根据该组植物的萼片和退化雄蕊的特征和演化趋势,建立了5 个新系:Ser. 1. Occidentales、Ser. 2. Alpinae、Ser. 3. Koreanae 、Ser.4. Tomentosae 和Ser. 5. Macropetalae 。 2)对长期以来分类上争议很大,且分类十分困难的类群作出以下新的处理:把C. sibirica 和C. ochotensis 作为C. alpina 的亚种;把日本的C. fusijamana 和C. fauriei 降级为半钟铁线莲C. alpina ssp. ochotensis 的变种;把伊犁铁线莲C. iliensis 降级为西伯利亚铁线莲C. alpina ssp. sibirica 的变种;把C. chiisanensis 降级为朝鲜铁线莲C. koreana 的变种;把紫红花长瓣铁线莲C. macropetala var. punicoflora 和石生长瓣铁线莲C. macropetala var. rupestris 处理为长瓣铁线莲C. macropetala 的异名;把C. dianae 归并入白色长瓣铁线莲C. macropetala var. albiflora;支持长白铁线莲C. nobilis 作为一个独立的种。此外,还新指定了5 个名称的后选模式;纠正了前人对中国C. subtriternata 的鉴定错误。 3)确认该组植物有9 种2 亚种和9 变种(包括3 新等级),给出了各个分类群详细的文献引证、描述、生境、地理分布、标本引证和外部形态图,并编写了组下分系和分种检索表。认为亚洲东北部是本组植物分布的多样性中心。 3、形态性状演化趋势和各系的亲缘关系 探讨了该组植物形态性状演化的趋势和新建立的5 个系的亲缘关系,提出:退化雄蕊可能由外部雄蕊演化而来,并沿两条路线演化发展:其一是退化雄蕊伸长,与萼片近等长或长于萼片,顶端渐狭,呈披针形;其二是退化雄蕊不伸长,与雄蕊近等长,上部加宽,顶端由钝形、圆形发展至微凹,呈匙形。萼片演化的趋势可能由质地薄到质地厚,萼片脉由不凸出到3 条脉凸出。由此推测北美洲类群Ser. Occidentales 可能是本组的原始类群;Ser. Macropetalae 可能是退化雄蕊在第一条演化路线上最进化的类群;Ser. Alpinae 和Ser. Koreanae 之间亲缘关系较近;Ser. Tomentosae 的系统位置尚未确定。
黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina因繁殖季节其腹部有黑斑而得名,是北半球最常见的鸻形目鸟类之一.黑腹滨鹬历史上共命名过11个亚种,经过2次主要的系统厘定后,目前认为分化有10个亚种.亚种间除在量度性状、体色性状和地理分布有区别外,还在换羽模式、线粒体谱系组成等方面有所不同,从而使其成为研究种群分化的理想对象之一.本文介绍了黑腹滨鹬的亚种分类性状、分类修订以及亚种分类系统,并就非繁殖期的相关研究作了概述.由于混群,非繁殖地的亚种鉴定与繁殖地的亚种鉴定在性状的使用侧重上有很大的不同.非繁殖地亚种的划分,以环志回收结果和线粒体DNA谱系组成为主,其它性状为辅.中国究竟有几个亚种分布还需要进一步研究后才能确定.
This study consisted of sampling benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River, an important upstream tributary of the Yangtze River. Our aims were to characterize the benthic algae communities and relationships with environmental variables. Among the 162 taxa observed, Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species (17.10% and 14.30% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Major gradients and principal patterns of variation within the environmental variables were detected by principal component analysis (PCA). Then non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) divided all the sites into three groups, which were validated by multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that three environmental variables (TN, TDS, and TP) significantly affected the distribution of benthic algae. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration produced strong models for predicting TN and TDS concentration, which enabled selection of algae taxa as potentially sensitive indicators of certain TN and TDS levels: for TN, Achnanthes lanceolata, Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica, and Cymbella ventricosa var. semicircularis; for TDS, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella alpina var. minuta, and Fragilaria virescens. The present study represents an early step in establishing baseline conditions. Further monitoring is suggested to gain a better understanding of this region.
We present a species list of the Gomphonemataceae and Cymbellaceae occurring in the Hengduan Mountains re-ion. These two families were found to be presented in the area by 117 species, varieties and forms belonging to four genera (Amphora, Cymbella, Didymosphenia and Gomphonema). Size, striae density, habitat and distribution in China are given for each taxon. The common taxa were Cymbella aequalis var. piscicultis. C. affinis, C. cesatii, C. cistula var. gibbosa, C. delicatula. C. gracilis, C. hustedtii, C. minuta f. latens, C. minita var. silesiaca, C. naviculiformis, C. parva. C. turgidida, Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum, G. gracile, G. intricatum, G. olivaceum. G. parvulum and G. truncatum var. capitatum. Some morphological features of Cymbella cistula var. capitata, Cymbella sinica var. miyiensis, Gomphonema hedinii and G. kaznakowii were found to differ from previously published descriptions. Taxa typical of high latitude climates encountered during the present study were Cymbella affinis, C. alpina, C. cistula var. cistida, C. delicatula. C. naviculiformis. Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum, G. constrictum var. capitatum f. turgidum, G. kaznakowii, G. olivaceum, G. subtile var. subtile, G. tergestinum and G. ventricosum.
Floral organogenesis and development of Przeivalskia langutica Maxim, endemic to China and Hyoscyamus niger L. , which belong to the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae), were studied using scanning electron microscope. They have three common characters of floral organ initiation and development: 1) initia-tion of the floral organs in the two species follows Hofmeister's rule; 2) the mode of corolla tube development belongs to the "late sympetaly" type; 3) primordia of the floral appendages initiated in a pentameroua pattern and acropetal order. But initiation of the calyx-lobe primordia showed different modes in these two species. The calyx-lobe primordia of H, niger have simultaneously whorled initiation, while those of P, tangulica have helical initiation, but the five calyx-lobe primordia form a ring after all five calyx-lobe primordia occur. The systematic significance of the present results in the genera Hyoscyamus and Przeivalskia is discussed in this paper.
The distribution and species diversity of plant communities along a 600 km transect through the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (32 degrees 42'-35 degrees 07' N, 101 degrees 02'-97 degrees 38' E) with altitudes from 3255 to 4460 m are described. The transect started from the Youyi Bridge of Banma through Dari, Maqin and Maduo to Zaling Lake. The data from 47 plots along the transect are summarized and analyzed. The mean annual temperature, the mean annual rainfall and the length of growing season decreases from 2.6 to -4.5 degrees C, from 767.2 to 240.1 mm, from 210 to 140 days, respectively, along the transect from the southeastern Banma to northwestern Zaling Lake. The number of vascular plant species recorded in 47 plots is 242 including 2 tree, 34 shrub, 206 herb species. Main vegetation types on the transect from southeast to northwest are: Sabina convallium forest, Picea likiangensis forest, Pyracantha fortuneana + Spiraea alpina shrub, Hippophae neurocarpu shrub, Sibiraea angustata + Polygonum viviparum shrub, Stellera chamaejasme herb meadow, Potentilla fruticosa + Salix obscura + Carex sp. Shrub, Kobresia capillifolia meadow, P. froticosa + Kobresia humilis shrub, Caragana jubata + S. obscura shrub, Kobresia tibetica meadow, Kobresia pygmaea meadow, K. pygmaea + Stipa purpurea steppe meadow, Stipa purpurea steppe. Plant richness and diversity index all showed a decreasing trend with increasing of elevation along transect from southeast to northwest. Detailed information on altitudinal ranges and distribution of the alpine vegetation, vascular flora and environments over the alpine zone at northeastern Tibetan Plateau provides baseline records relevant to future assessment of probable effects of global climate changes.