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Bats (Chiroptera) are the second-most abundant mammalian order in the world, occupying a diverse range of habitats and exhibiting many different life history traits. In order to contribute to this highly underrepresented group we describe the sleep architecture of two species of frugivorous bat, the greater short-nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx) and the lesser dawn fruit bat (Eonycteris spelaea). Electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) data were recorded from multiple individuals (>= 5) by telemetry over a 72-h period in a laboratory setting with light/dark cycles equivalent to those found in the wild. Our results show that over a 24-h period both species spent more time asleep than awake (mean 15 h), less than previous reported for Chiroptera (20 h). C sphinx spent significantly more of its non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) quotas during the light phase, while E. spelaea divided its sleep-wake architecture equally between both light and dark phases. Comparing the sleep patterns of the two species found that C. sphinx had significantly fewer NREM and REM episodes than E. spelaea but each episode lasted for a significantly longer period of time. Potential hypotheses to explain the differences in the sleep architecture of C. sphinx with E. spelaea, including risk of predation and social interaction are discussed. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is characterized by extremely high radiation, which may induce down-regulation of photosynthesis in plants living in this alpine ecosystem. To clarify whether photoinhibition occurs in the alpine environment and to discern its underlying mechanisms, we examined photosynthetic gas exchange and fluorescence emission in response to the changes in photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and leaf temperature under natural regimes for two herbaceous species: prostrate Saussurea superba and erect-leaved Saussurea katochaete from altitude 3250 m on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. S. superba intercepted a higher maximum PPFD and experienced much higher leaf temperature than the erect-leaved S. katochaete. S. superba exhibited a much higher light saturation point for photosynthesis than S. katochaete. Under controlled conditions, the former species had higher CO2 uptake rates and neither species showed obvious photosynthetic down-regulation at high PPFD. Under natural environmental conditions, however, apparent photoinhibition, indicated by reduced electron transport rate (ETR), was evident at high PPFD for both species. After a night frost, the photochemistry of S. katochaete was depressed markedly in the early morning and recovered by mid-day. After a frost-free night, it was high in the morning and low at noon due to high radiation. S. superba did not respond to the night frost in terms of daytime photochemical pattern. In both species, photochemical depression was aggravated by high leaf temperature and the erect species was more sensitive to high temperature. This study suggests that the high radiation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is likely to induce rapidly reversible photoinhibition, which is related closely to plant architecture. Photochemistry in the prostrate species seems able to tolerate higher PPFD, without obvious suppression, than the erect species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The compounds (het)(PtCl6)2H(2)O 1, (het)(HgI4).H2O 2 (het = 2-(alpha-hydroxyethyl)thiamine) and (hpt)(Hg2Br6) 3 (hpt = 2-(alpha-hydroxypropyl)thiamine) have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography in order to study the influence of the anion and molecular conformation on the formation of supramolecular architectures that adsorb anionic species. Both het and hpt molecules adopt the usual S conformation for C2-substituted thiamine but differ from the F conformation for C2-free thiamine derivatives. Two types of characteristic ligand-anion complexation are observed, being of the forms C(6')-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 1 and 2) and N(4'1)-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 3). The reaction of het with PtCl62- or HgI42- gives a 1-D double-chain in 1, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded het chains, which are cross-linked by anions through hydrogen bonding and anion...aromatic-ring interactions, or a cationic 3-D framework in 2 formed by the stacking of hydrogen-bonded sheets with anion-and-water-filled channels. In the case of 3, hydrogen-bonded hpt dimers and HgBr62- anions form alternate cation-anion columns. A comparison with the cases of C2-free thiamine-anion complexes indicates that the change in molecular conformation results in novel supramolecular assemblies in 1 and 2 and an analogous architecture in 3, which also depends on the nature of the anions.


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磷缺乏已成为制约世界农业生产的重要因子。植物根系的大小和形态是决定植物吸收土壤磷能力的重要因素,而且根系的生长发育与磷素的分布及其有效性密切相关。关于磷酸盐调节植物根系生长研究已有很多报道,但其生理和分子机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮 (NO) 是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与调控植物的生长发育和对多种逆境胁迫的应答反应。本文选用拟南芥为实验材料,研究探讨了NO与缺磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态变化之间的关系,主要结果如下: 用正常磷水平 (1 mM) 和低磷水平 (1 µM) 处理拟南芥幼苗,发现低磷抑制主根伸长,刺激侧根发生。外源NO供体销普纳 (SNP) 也抑制主根、刺激侧根生长,与低磷诱导根系形态变化相似。NO清除剂c-PTIO和一氧化氮合成酶 (NOS)抑制剂L-NNA均可部分减缓由低磷引起的对主根生长的抑制和对侧根的刺激作用。暗示低磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态的变化可能与NO含量的降低有关。 利用NO荧光标记物DAF-FM和激光共聚焦显微成像技术,本研究发现缺磷6 h和24 h后根细胞内源NO含量显著增加,而且NOS 抑制剂能减少低磷诱导的根细胞NO含量的增加。与正常供磷处理相比,低磷处理6 h和24 h,拟南芥根中编码与NO合成相关的基因(AtNOA1)的表达量增加,缺磷24 h后根中NOS酶活性升高。为了明确低磷诱导的NO 增加是否与硝酸还原酶(NR)介导的NO合成有关,本论文进一步研究了低磷对拟南芥硝酸还原酶活性和编码NR基因 (AtNR1和AtNR2)表达的影响。研究发现低磷处理6 h和24 h后和AtNR1和AtNR2基因的表达均没有变化,且蛭石中生长的拟南芥缺磷1个月后NR活性也没有发生变化;拟南芥的NR双突变体nia1,nia2在低磷处理24 h后,其根中的内源NO含量表现出与野生型相同的增加。因此这些研究结果表明,缺磷后拟南芥根细胞NO的含量增加主要由于NOS的活性升高,而与NR介导的NO合成无关。 已有资料表明低磷诱导植物根细胞内源过氧化氢(H2O2)分布和含量的变化。本论文研究了低磷处理对用H2O2标记物CM-H2DCFDA标记不同磷处理下的拟南芥根中的H2O2。研究发现,缺磷6 h根中H2O2的分布无明显变化,缺磷24 h后H2O2呈斑块状分布,且多集中在根尖伸长区。缺磷24 h后,叶片中的抗氧化保护酶—超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性没有明显变化。说明缺磷24 h 后产生的H2O2没有引起氧化胁迫,而是作为一种信号分子,与NO相互作用共同介导低磷胁迫的应答反应。关于NO与H2O2在低磷诱导的根形态变化中的信号转导过程还有待进一步研究。


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A multi-mode logic cell architecture in a tile-based heterogeneous FPGA is proposed, and a logic synthesis tool, called Vsyn, based on this architecture is presented. The logic cell architecture design and its synthesis tool development are strongly influencing each other. Any feature or parameter from one needs to be fully exercised and verified on the other. In this paper, we presented experimental results based MCNC benchmarks to show that the integration of the synthesis tool and the FPGA architecture can achieve high performance in the targeted FPGA applications. In addition, Vsyn can also target embedded special-purpose macros for the heterogeneous FPGA.


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运动目标跟踪技术是未知环境下移动机器人研究领域的一个重要研究方向。该文提出了一种基于主动视觉和超声信息的移动机器人运动目标跟踪设计方法,利用一台SONY EV-D31彩色摄像机、自主研制的摄像机控制模块、图像采集与处理单元等构建了主动视觉系统。移动机器人采用了基于行为的分布式控制体系结构,利用主动视觉锁定运动目标,通过超声系统感知外部环境信息,能在未知的、动态的、非结构化复杂环境中可靠地跟踪运动目标。实验表明机器人具有较高的鲁棒性,运动目标跟踪系统运行可靠。


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针对传统的分层式体系结构在UUV 控制系统开发设计、维护和升级过程中所遇到的困难,首先分析了集中式控制和管理方法的不足和原因。在此基础上,借鉴自主计算的思想,提出了分散控制和管理的体系结构。这种方法把系统中每个独立的功能模块都抽象成为具有相同模型的控制基元,称之为“自主基元”,然后通过自主基元层次式、嵌套式的组织,构成完整的系统。分析表明,这种方法能够缩短控制系统的开发周期,也降低了维护和升级的难度。


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This dissertation tries to combine the new theories of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and reservoir architecture with fine sedimentology to form a integral theory system -"high-resolution sequence sedimentology", which can be applied widely ranging from the early petroleum exploration to the tertiary recovery stage in marine and terrestrial basin. So the west slope area in south of Songliao basin, in which, early-fine exploration have been developed, and Xingnan area of Daqing placantictine in high water-bearing and tertiary recovery stage, are selected as target areas to research and analyze. By applying high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory as well as analysis of source area-facies, the west slope area has been divided into two source areas and three drainage systems and the following conclusions have been drawn: three high values sandstone areas, two sandstone pinchout zones and one stratigraphic pinchout overlap; the facies between Baicheng-Tongyu drainage system is frist ascertained as large-scale argillaceous filled plain facies; fine-grained braided channel-delta depositional system has been found; plane sedimentary facies and microfacies maps of different-scale sequence have been completed, and then twenty-eight lithologic traps have been detected in the east of Taobao-Zhenlai reverse fault zone; In no exploration area of the west, large-scale stratigraiphic overlap heavy oil reservoirs has first been found, which has become an important prograss. In Xingnan area, in the view of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the surface of unconformity (the bottom of SSC13) in P I group has been identified, and the following method and technique have been advanced: the division and correlation methods of short-scale base-level cycle sequence (SSC); the comprehensive research methods of SSC plane microfacies; the division technique of hierarchy and type of flow unit, the origin of large-scale composite sandbody and flow unit; And ,on the basis of these, 103 monosandstone bodies and 87 flow units of the third levels have been identified, and four levels of flow units model of five sandstone-bodies types have been established. Because it is a very difficult task all over the world to research architecture in subsurface monosandstone body, brings forward a series of techniques as follows: technique of researching architecture of thin interbed in subsurface monosandstone body; classification, type and liquid-resisting mechanism of thin interbed; multiple-remember vertical subsequence model of remaining oil in monosadstone body. Models of heterogeneity and architecture of thin interbed in five types of monosandstone body have been established. Applying these techniques, type and distribution of remaining oil in different types of monosandstone bodies have been predicated.


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High sensation seekers have unusual creativities. Recent years Furnham Adrian et al, found that the groups have different arts tendency have higher difference in Sensation seeking dimension than in Big 5. Some studies found arts students have higher level in many dimension. Sensation seeking has an important influence to peoples` aesthetic conception. This thesis measured art (including painting, music, dancing) students and non-art students` trait of sensation seeking Personality, and looked for the similarities and differences between art students and non-art students in development of sensation seeking personality. Try to find the influence of different procession of art study to sensation seeking level. The outcome of this study: 1. In non-art students, sensation seeking level has a decrease from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in college students, especially in males. Male has higher sensation seeking level than female, especially in TAS, DIS and GEN. 2. There are differences between art students and non-art students in sensation seeking. In ES and GEN Painting students have higher level than non-art students, but in TAS dancing students have lower level than non-art students, in BS students studied in music have lower level than non-art students. 3. Tendency of arts development in art students and non-art students has difference from grade 1 to grade 3. Tendency in non-art students has a decrease, but in art students is not so obviously. The developments in TAS、ES、GEN of painting students, in ES、BS、GEN of dancing students, in TAS、ES、GEN of music major students have differences towards to non-art students. Different art studies have possibility to improve opening of experiment and normal sensation seeking level. All the Different art kinds may affect the development of ES and GEN, and ES and GEN may become commonness gradually within all kind art groups. But this commonness is not so notable in Grade 1-3. 4. Between different art kinds have differences. TAS Scores of dancing group is notably lower than scores of music and painting groups, score of painting group in ES BS and GEN is remarkably higher than that of music and dancing groups, and painting group in DIS has a higher score than music group and dancing group. Painting group has highest sensation seeking in all art kinds students, and dancing group has lowest score in TAS. 5. For female, development tendency of all art kinds dimensions have no remarkable difference, except DIS. Interaction in female DIS dimension may be aroused by scores increase of painting group. In other scores development tendency of different kinds arts have no notable difference.