5 resultados para Albedo

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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环境流体力学――它的意义,内容与方法 李家春

用于大气环流模式的陆面物理过程参数化研究进展 戴永久,曾庆存,欧阳兵

植被-陆面过程耦合模式的动力框架 欧阳兵


干旱地区陆面过程的研究 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

阿克苏地区陆面蒸发的数值研究 沈卫明,姚德良,李家春

塔里木盆地陆气水热交换数值模拟 姚德良,沈卫明,李家春

植物固沙区土壤水热运移耦合模型研究 姚德良,李家春,沈卫明

Numerical simulation of watercycling and heat balance in agricultural ecosystems D.L.Yao,W.M.Shen and J.C.Li

在植物耗水条件下土壤水分动态的数值模拟 姚德良,邱克俭,冀伟,孙菽芬

干旱地区陆面过程耦合模式及其应用 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

Modelling of terrestrial ecosystem B.Ouyang

森林生态系统生物循环过程的耦合模型(BCM)及其数值模拟 欧阳兵

森林生态系统生物能流的瞬态分析 欧阳兵


Turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean J.C.Li

非均匀下垫面上大气边界层的研究进展 徐大鹏

非均匀植被的群体蒸发 徐大鹏

第四部分 区域尺度以上的陆面过程与水文模型

Sensitivity of IAP two-level AGCM to surface albedo variations Z.H.Lin,Q.C.Zeng and B.Ouyang

估算区域蒸发的能量法研究 聂松媛,徐丰

用卫星数据估算区域水资源蒸发研究 聂松媛

负轮分析法在水环境规划与管理中的应用 聂松媛

第五部分 陆面过程观测的指标体系

Mathematical modelling and index system in ecology J.C.Li

陆面过程的观测指标体系研究 欧阳兵,李家春,姚德良


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Biological soil crust exists in desertification-prone areas.This paper focuses on ecological function of biological soil crust,including water relations,soil stabilization,carbon and nitrogen fixation,albedo and effects on vascular plants.Some preliminary suggestions are given for further understanding the relationship between biological soil crust and revegetation of degraded ecosystem in desertification-prone areas in Northwestern China.


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Video-based facial expression recognition is a challenging problem in computer vision and human-computer interaction. To target this problem, texture features have been extracted and widely used, because they can capture image intensity changes raised by skin deformation. However, existing texture features encounter problems with albedo and lighting variations. To solve both problems, we propose a new texture feature called image ratio features. Compared with previously proposed texture features, e. g., high gradient component features, image ratio features are more robust to albedo and lighting variations. In addition, to further improve facial expression recognition accuracy based on image ratio features, we combine image ratio features with facial animation parameters (FAPs), which describe the geometric motions of facial feature points. The performance evaluation is based on the Carnegie Mellon University Cohn-Kanade database, our own database, and the Japanese Female Facial Expression database. Experimental results show that the proposed image ratio feature is more robust to albedo and lighting variations, and the combination of image ratio features and FAPs outperforms each feature alone. In addition, we study asymmetric facial expressions based on our own facial expression database and demonstrate the superior performance of our combined expression recognition system.


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To reveal the potential contribution of grassland ecosystems to climate change, we examined the energy exchange over an alpine Kobresia meadow on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The annual pattern of energy exchange showed a clear distinction between periods of frozen soil with the daily mean soil temperature at 5 cm (T-s5 ≤ 0 ° C) and non-frozen soil (T-s5 > 0 ° C). More than 80% of net radiation was converted to sensible heat (H) during the frozen soil period, but H varied considerably with the change in vegetation during the non-frozen soil period. Three different sub-periods were further distinguished for the later period: (1) the pre-growth period with Bowen ratio (β) > 1 was characterized by a high β of 3.0 in average and the rapid increase of net radiation associated with the increases of H, latent heat (LE) and soil heat; (2) during the Growth period when β ≤ 1, the LE was high but H fluxes was low with β changing between 0.3 and 0.4; (3) the post-growth period with average β of 3.6 when H increased again and reached a second maximum around early October. The seasonal pattern suggests that the phenology of the vegetation and the soil water content were the major factors affecting the energy partitioning in the alpine meadow ecosystem. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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[1] The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may play a significant role in the regional carbon cycle. To assess the CO2 flux and its relationship to environmental controls in the ecosystem, eddy covariance of CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes was measured with an open-path system in an alpine meadow on the plateau at an elevation of 3,250 m. Net ecosystem CO2 influx (Fc) averaged 8.8 g m(-2) day(-1) during the period from August 9 to 31, 2001, with a maximum of 15.9 g m(-2) day(-1) and a minimum of 2.3 g m(-2) day(-1). Daytime Fc averaged 16.7 g m(-2) day(-1) and ranged from 10.4 g m(-2) day(-1) to 21.7 g m(-2) day(-1) during the study period. For the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), gross CO2 uptake (Gc) was significantly higher on cloudy days than on clear days. However, mean daily Gc was higher on clear days than on cloudy days. With high PPFD, Fc decreased as air temperature increased from 10degreesC to 23degreesC. The greater the difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures, the more the sink was strengthened. Daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem (WUEe) was 8.7 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1); WUEe values ranged from 5.8 to 15.3 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1). WUEe increased with the decrease in vapor pressure deficit. Daily albedo averaged 0.20, ranging from 0.19 to 0.22 during the study period, and was negatively correlated with daily Fc. Our measurements provided some of the first evidence on CO2 exchange for a temperate alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is necessary for assessing the carbon budget and carbon cycle processes for temperate grassland ecosystems.