35 resultados para Affective priming

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The attentional blink reveals the limits of the brain's ability in information processing. It has been extensively studied in people with neurological and psychiatric disturbances to explore the temporal characteristics of information processing and exami


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栉孔扇贝是我国重要的海水养殖品种,自1997年以来陆续爆发的大规模死亡,不仅造成了巨大的经济损失,而且直接威胁到现有产业的生存和发展。本研究通过比较扇贝在连续刺激条件下的不同免疫反应,推测栉孔扇贝中有无免疫致敏和记忆现象,观察短期免疫刺激对扇贝再次遇到相同病原物刺激时死亡率的影响,探讨栉孔扇贝的免疫致敏作用,并对其机制进行初步探讨,以期更好地了解扇贝的免疫防御机制,为扇贝病害防治提供参考。 利用荧光实时定量PCR技术检测了扇贝受到鳗弧菌连续等量刺激后两种重要病原识别受体(PRR)基因的表达。结果显示,在受到连续两次刺激后CfPGRP-S1、LGBP基因的表达量均有不同程度的增加。其中CfPGRP-S1基因在受到第二次刺激后表达量增加的幅度高于第一次,且基因表达显著性增加的时间比第一次提前;LGBP基因在第二次刺激后,表达量显著性增加的时间也比第一次提前。同时,对同批处理的扇贝进行重要免疫指标的检测分析发现两次刺激后吞噬率变化不显著,而第二次刺激后吞噬指数的最大峰值高于第一次,并且最大峰值出现的时间比第一次提前;血淋巴中的抗菌活力和肝胰腺中SOD、MDA含量在两次刺激前后的变化不显著。在脊椎动物中,识别能力和抗菌能力的提高是免疫记忆的两个重要特点,栉孔扇贝在第二次免疫刺激后PRR识别能力的提高和吞噬作用的增强,说明扇贝中可能存在类似脊椎动物免疫记忆的免疫致敏作用。对扇贝进行两次鳗弧菌浸泡刺激,第一次为短期浸泡刺激,第二次为长期浸泡刺激。结果发现,第一次浸泡过的扇贝在遭受相同病原第二次刺激时,在一定时间段内其死亡率比未受第一次刺激的扇贝极显著降低,表明第一次的短期病原刺激增强了扇贝对第二次刺激的抵抗能力。同时比较第二次刺激过程中扇贝免疫指标的变化发现经过短期刺激扇贝的吞噬作用、ACP和AKP活性比未受过刺激的扇贝显著增强,而其他指标包括POL、SOD则差异不显著,说明增强的吞噬作用、ACP和AKP活性与扇贝的死亡率下降有关。研究结果表明栉孔扇贝中存在免疫致敏(immune priming)现象,短期刺激可以提高扇贝的免疫反应能力,增强扇贝机体对相同病原物的抵抗能力。


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大气CO2 浓度和降水量增加有可能大幅提高中国北方部分草地生态系统净初级生产力,进而导致向土壤中输送的有机物相应增加。本研究以位于内蒙古自治区东乌珠穆沁旗内的半干旱草地生态系统为研究对象,通过向10−20 cm 土层添加不同质量和数量的植物凋枯物碎屑模拟有机物输入增加和喷灌模拟降水量提升,同时测定土壤微生物群落动态和植物生长指标,探讨在增加有机物输入和土壤水分的情况下土壤生物过程的变化及其对土壤碳排放和贮存的反馈作用。 研究结果表明,有机物添加可促进植物地上部分及根系的生长,并显著提高土壤中可溶性有机碳(能量)和氮(养分)的含量。土壤能量和养分水平的提高促进了土壤微生物的生长:在底物可利用性水平较高时,r−对策微生物(指具有生长迅速、C/N 值较低的微生物群组)在群落中占优势地位;随着底物水平的降低,土壤中K-对策微生物(指具有生长缓慢、C/N 值较高的微生物群组)在群落中逐渐占据优势地位。土壤微生物群落组成的改变进一步导致了微生物功能群代谢活性和特征的变化,具体表现为提高了有机物添加处理中土壤细菌群落的代谢潜能,并使细菌在群落水平上的生理剖面特征明显区别于未添加有机物的处理。 研究样地内土壤微生物主要受到底物中的能量(碳)限制,土壤活性有机质库作为可利用性较高的能量和养分的重要来源,对土壤微生物活性和土壤碳周转起着比水分因子更加重要的作用。土壤水分主要影响植物生长和根系活性,并增加了土壤微生物对底物响应的复杂性,但它对地下生物过程的作用程度以底物中能量和养分水平为前提。 利用稳定性13C 同位素示踪技术测量后发现,添加C4-植物凋枯物会加速C3 底物中碳的分解速度。结合有机物添加后土壤有机质库的变化,可以推测植物凋枯物(即能量物质)输入增加会导致土壤原生有机碳的正向激发效应。在此过程中,土壤微生物群落组成及功能群代谢活性的变化起着至关重要的作用。 不同光合途径(C3 和C4)的植物和同一植物不同器官组织(地上部分和根系)的凋枯物添加对地下生物过程,特别是土壤微生物群落代谢功能的影响是不同的。在添加C3-草本凋枯物的处理中,土壤细菌群落主要利用的碳源为氨基酸类化合物;而在添加C4-植物凋枯物的处理中,土壤细菌群落主要利用的碳源为羧酸类化合物。 本研究在野外自然条件下证明了在能量缺乏的中国北方草地生态系统中,土壤有机物输入增加不但不会提高土壤有机碳库的大小,而且可能导致土壤原生有机碳的激发效应。在利用土壤呼吸与环境因子(如温度)的关系进行模拟预测土壤碳排放时,需要考虑不同生态系统底物中的能量和养分水平,以及土壤微生物和植物根系等地下生物过程对底物水平的适应性。


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Stress in early life is believed to cause cognitive and affective disorders, and to disrupt hippocampal synaptic plasticity in adolescence into adult, but it is unclear whether exposure to enriched environment (EE) can overcome these effects. Here, we rep


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Clinical studies demonstrate that prenatal stress causes cognitive deficits and increases vulnerability to affective disorders in children and adolescents. The underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Here, we reported that prenatal stress (10


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以黄土高原从北向南不同地区典型土壤类型为对象,采用Bremner淹水培养法,研究铵态氮肥对黄土高原典型土壤氮素的激发效应。结果表明,在测定NH4+-N的激发效应时,只有考虑粘土矿物对有机氮矿化产物或者添加NH4+-N的固定,才可获得可靠结果。在培养20 d和60 d时,NH4+-N对不同土类氮素激发效应存在极显著和显著的影响(P≤0.01和<0.05);培养40 d时,尽管不同土类氮素激发效应也存在很大差异,但统计检验不显著。从整体评价,NH4+-N对土垫旱耕人为土和黄土正常新成土表现出正的激发效应,而对干润砂质新成土表现出负的激发效应,对简育干润均腐土在培养20 d和40 d时无激发效应,而在培养60 d时,表现出显著的负激发效应。结果还看出,在培养40 d和60 d时,NH4+-N对农田土壤表现出负激发效应,对林地和裸地土壤表现出正激发效应,而草地土壤在培养40 d时为正激发效应;培养20 d和60 d时无激发效应。添加有机物料在培养20 d和40 d时对激发效应的影响不显著(P=0.0872和0.1641),培养时间延长至60 d时影响显著(P=0.049)。添加紫花苜蓿(Medicago sati-v...


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海马是中脑边缘系统的一个重要区域,不仅在学习和记忆中起着重要作用, 还在应激调控中起着关键作用。越来越多的报道表明,海马可能参与毒品成瘾。 本文围绕海马与成瘾、海马与应激的相互关系,应用行为学及电生理技术手段探 讨了海马在成瘾中的作用,并对应激的作用机制进行了研究。 第一部分试验首先研究了长期成瘾药物暴露对两种不同类型学习记忆的影 响,从而揭示成瘾对不同脑区的影响;我们还研究了长期毒品戒断对学习和记忆 的影响。用条件化位置偏爱/厌恶模型对海马在成瘾相关记忆中的作用进行了探 讨。实验结果提示,在成瘾过程中不同脑区发生了不同程度的适应性改变,从而 影响了该脑区相关的正常学习和记忆,其中慢性吗啡暴露损伤了海马依赖的空间 记忆提取,但长期戒断(戒断5 个星期)可以缓解成瘾导致的这些影响。另外, 海马在成瘾相关记忆中同样发挥了重要作用。吗啡偏爱形成后的环境线索再暴露 损伤海马突触长时程增强,提示了海马在环境线索诱导的药物渴求和复吸中可能 起着关键性作用。 第二部分试验主要探索了应激效应的作用机制及海马VR1 受体对抗应激效 应。发现含NR2B 的NMDA 受体参与了应激导致的海马突触可塑性改变,其阻 断剂Ro25-6981 阻断了应激易化的海马长时程抑制,避免了应激损伤的长时程增 强。另一方面,应激损伤海马依赖性的空间记忆提取,但是辣椒素(VR1 受体的 激动剂)直接注射入海马能逆转这种应激的损伤效应。相反,VR1 受体拮抗剂 capsazepin 处理产生了类似应激的损伤效应。提示了海马内VR1 受体可能是海马 记忆功能的一种重要受体系统。


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SR型人工降雨装置是一种多喷头、多单元组合式的间歇降雨装置。选用目前国内外较理想的喷头 ,在喷头处辅以可改变喷头降水方式的机械传动装置 ,以间歇方式降雨来满足其降雨强度 ,雨滴直径大小及其分布与自然降雨相似。每个单元的有效降雨面积为 2 m× 5 m;如果 4个单元组合成 ,其长度可增加 4倍 ,有效降雨面积即 2 m× 2 0 m。装置采用轻型铝合金材料制成 ,结构简单 ,易于安装拆卸 ,适用于野外工作。


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A more rapid and powerful response against repeated exposure of same pathogen in vertebrates is usually considered as the reflection of immunological memory, but it is not well understood in invertebrates. In the present Study, the temporal expression profiles of Chlamys farreri peptidoglycan recognition protein-S1 (CfPGRP-S1) gene after two challenges of Listonella anguillarum were examined to evaluate priming response in scallops. The up-regulation of CFPGRP-S1 mRNA occurred 3 h earlier, and the expression level was significant higher (P < 0.05), after the second challenge than that after the first challenge. The preliminary results Provided new insights into invertebrate immunological memory, and they also would be helpful to develop strategies for disease control. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that invertebrates are devoid of adaptive immune components and rely primarily on innate immunity to defend against pathogens, but recent studies have demonstrated the existence of enhanced secondary immune protection in some invertebrates. in the present study, the cumulative mortality of scallops received two successive Listonella anguillarum stimulations was recorded, and variations of immune parameters including phagocytosis (phagocytic rate and phagocytic index), phenoloxidase-like enzyme, acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase activities were also examined. The scallops received a previous short-term L anguillarum stimulation were protected against a long-term stimulation of L. anguillarum. Significantly higher level of phagocytic activities and acid phosphatase activity were observed in the scallops received twice stimulations compared with those only received the secondary stimulation. These results indicated that a short-term immersion with L. anguillarum modulated the scallops' immune system and endowed the scallops with enhanced resistance to the secondary bacterial stimulation: phagocytosis and acid phosphatase were suspected to be involved in the protection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. sinensis occurs mainly in the and regions of northwest China. The wood stands of this subspecies play an important role in maintaining the local ecosystems in these regions. In addition, the genetic characteristics are essential to understand the historical range changes of this subspecies and its morphological differentiation with other subspecies. In this study, we developed nine microsatellite loci for this subspecies for the first time. We used the combining biotin capture method to enrich AG/CT/AC/GT/CG/GTG/CCA microsatellites. Twenty-six microsatellites were isolated from the enriching library and nine of them were found to be polymorphic through screening 12 distantly distributed individuals. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to twelve and expected heterozygosity from 0.2659 to 0.4767, respectively. We further performed cross-priming tests in another subspecies and two congeneric species. These firstly isolated loci will provide a useful tool to investigate the genetic structure of this subspecies and its morphological differentiation from the other subspecies.


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Objective: To study the episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability and inhibition ability in MHD patients. Method: Neuropsychological research methods such as Action memory of verb-object phrase, Trail Making Test (A and B), Verbal Fluency Test, Go-No/Go test and Stroop Color Naming Task were used to investigate Episodic Memory 、Semantic Memory、Executive Function of 40 MHD and 40 NC. Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Social Support Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and biochemical examination were applied and their relationships with cognitive function were analized. The mean age and education level of MHD group and NC group have no significant difference. Result: 1.Action memory of verb-object phrase differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 2.Two tests of Verbal Fluency differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 3.Trail Making Test A, Trail Making Test B, the baseline condition of Go-No/Go Test and Stroop Color Naming Test differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 4.There is no significant difference between MHD group and NC group on the correct rate of No/Go Test and the baseline condition. Both groups showed Stroop Effect in Go-No/Go test, but MHD group performed significantly worse. 5.In Stroop Color Naming Task Test, NC group showed Stroop Effect, significant Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and significant Negative Priming Effect,while MHD group showed only Stroop Effect and no Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and no Negative Priming Effect. There is significant difference in Stroop Effect between MHD group and NC group. Conclusion: 1.Comparing with NC group, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability, and inhibition ability of MHD group were impaired significantly. 2.The pathological aging of Executive Function in MHD group showed: executive Function should be a unitary system. 3.Cognitive impairment is negatively correlated with serum creatinine, blood pressure and anxiety score in MHD patients; and is related with hemoglobin, hematocrit, social support and life satisfaction. Keyword: maintenance hemodialysis, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning, inhibition ability.


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Objective: Type 2 diabetes patients’ performances of action memory , semantic memory and working memory and the related factors were explored. Methods: 60 Type 2 diabetes patients were compared with 60 age and gender and level of education matched non-diabetes controls. Mood were tested by SAS and SDS, MMSE was used to test the basic cognitive function, Trail Making Test A and B, Verbal fluency test, Go-No/Go test, and Stroop color-word test were used to investigate the executive function of Type 2 diabetes patients and normal controls (NC). Patients’ GLU, TG, TCH, HbA1c, insulin and Cp were tested and correlated with their action memory and working memory. Results: There was no difference between NC group and Type 2 diabetes patients in MMSE scores. There is depression and anxiety mood in Type 2 diabetes patients. Type 2 diabetes patients get lower score in action memory test. Comparing to NC group, Type 2 diabetes patients performed significantly worse in Trail Making Test A and B and verbal fluency test. In Stroop Test, NC group showed significant Stroop Effect and Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and Negative Priming Effect. However, In Type 2 diabetes group, only the Stroop Effect appeared, but no Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and Negative Priming Effect. There is no difference between Type 2 diabetes and NC in Stroop Effect. In Go-No/Go test, both of two groups showed significant Stroop Effect, however, there was no difference between them. And also there is no difference on error rate of all levels between them. The course of disease, GL, HbA1c, TG, TCH, INS and Cp affected action memory and working memory. Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes patients’ action memory, semantic memory and working memory were partially impaired. Controlling the levels of GLU, TG and TCH can delay these kinds of impairment.


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Empathy was defined as affective experience isomorphic to another person’s affective experience elicited by the person’s affective state in this research. By constructing questionnaires and situational measurement approaches, the relationship among empathy, perspective-taking, imagination, empathic concern, distress, and interconnectedness and helping was analyzed. Perspective-taking and imagination were regarded as arousal mechanisms of empathy. Empathic concern and distress were reactive outcomes of empathy. Interpersonal outcomes of empathy were discussed in this research were empathic interconnectedness and helping. The results showed that perspective-taking had significant positive influence on empathic concern. Empathy partly mediated the effects of perspective-taking on empathic concern. Influence of imagination on empathic distress was partly mediated by empathy also. Perspective-taking had significant negative influence on empathic distress. Empathy had direct effects on its reactive outcomes, and indirect effects on its interpersonal outcomes mediated totally by empathic concern. Classification analysis according to the relationship among empathy, its arousal mechanisms, and reactive outcomes of empathy showed that disposition of empathic reactivity could be divided into 4 styles: general high empathy (22.5%), general low empathy (25.7%), empathic concern (24.4%) and empathic distress (27.3%). 4 styles were different in interpersonal acuity and mental health. It was suggested that adaptive function of 4 styles was different. And the styles of disposition of empathic reactivity significantly predicted situational empathy and its intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes.