11 resultados para Achnanthes minutissima

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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分别于2004年5月和11月对雅砻江(锦屏段)及其主要支流22个采样点的底栖藻类进行研究。共采获底栖藻类150种,分属3门(硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻),37属。其中硅藻门占绝对优势(96.5%),线性曲壳藻(Achnanthes linearis)和Achnanthesdeflexa为绝对优势种,其相对丰富度分别为35.3%和11.0%。细端菱形藻(Nitzschia dissipata)和小型异极藻(Gomphonemaparvulum)是雅砻江(锦屏段)干流的优势种,而线性曲壳藻、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconei


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以香溪河干流上5个连续的小水电站为对象,于2005年10月20—22日分别对其浮游藻类和主要理化指标进行研究.结果表明:硅藻占绝对优势(95.54%),其中,线性曲壳藻(Achnanthes linearis)、披针曲壳藻椭圆变种(A.lanceolatavar.elliptica)、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeisplacentula)为绝对优势种,其平均相对丰富度分别为23.96%、18.62%和12.48%;所有样点的平均藻类密度为6.29×105ind.L-1,最高为1.81×106ind.L-1,


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武汉东湖是一个浅水富营养湖泊,其沿岸带底栖藻类群落的季节分布特征明显,夏季的优势种群是一些体积很小的硅藻类曲壳藻(Achnanthes spp.),其他大部分季节是绿藻门的团集刚毛藻(Cladophora glomerata)和硅藻门的变异直链藻(Melosira varians)。不同样点间的底栖藻类现存量差异不显著,但优势种类不同,以团集刚毛藻为优势的绿藻在处于中富营养区域的磨山样点比例最高,以变异直链藻为优势种的硅藻在严重富营养化的水果湖样点中比例最高。底栖藻类月平均现存量(以叶绿素a计)的时间变化


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江汉平原47号钻孔,位于湖北省江汉平原的江陵县,在其上段的46.6-2.2m层位上,有丰富的化石硅藻,约有26属148种,其中绝大多数是现存的淡水种类,并以附生性、沿岸带和浅水性的种类为主。种类较多的属有:Navicula(28种)、Cymbella(23种)、Achnanthes(15种)、Gomphonema(14种)和Eunotia(13种)。主要种类有Gomphonema tropicale var. nonpunctatum、Cyclotella comta、Cocconeis placemul


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<正> 本文仅将在西藏发现的硅藻门,舟形藻属Navicula中的2新变种、曲壳藻属Achnanthes中的2新种作一报道,附图均按西藏标本绘制。1 布鲁克曼舟形藻波缘变种 新变种 图1:1


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This study consisted of sampling benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River, an important upstream tributary of the Yangtze River. Our aims were to characterize the benthic algae communities and relationships with environmental variables. Among the 162 taxa observed, Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species (17.10% and 14.30% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Major gradients and principal patterns of variation within the environmental variables were detected by principal component analysis (PCA). Then non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) divided all the sites into three groups, which were validated by multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that three environmental variables (TN, TDS, and TP) significantly affected the distribution of benthic algae. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration produced strong models for predicting TN and TDS concentration, which enabled selection of algae taxa as potentially sensitive indicators of certain TN and TDS levels: for TN, Achnanthes lanceolata, Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica, and Cymbella ventricosa var. semicircularis; for TDS, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella alpina var. minuta, and Fragilaria virescens. The present study represents an early step in establishing baseline conditions. Further monitoring is suggested to gain a better understanding of this region.


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We surveyed the benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River system during May 2005. Among the 162 different taxa observed, 88.8% were diatoms. Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species, comprising 17.1% and 14.3% of the total relative abundance, respectively.


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Benthic diatom communities were sampled monthly from May 2004 to May 2005 at four different sites in the littoral zone of Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic lake of China. The seasonal patterns of the total abundance, which were lowest in summer and highest in spring, were found at all sites. Total densities of diatom assemblages were significantly higher at hyper-eutrophic sites than at moderately eutrophic sites. Melosira varians was the most abundant species and dominant contributor to total abundance at all sites during spring, autumn and winter, whereas Achnanthes exigua dominated benthic diatom assemblages at the site with the highest nutrient concentrations during the summer. Achnanthes lanceolata var. dubia, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula similis, Navicula verecunda and Nitzschia amphibia were generally observed at all sites throughout the year and were dominant at higher-nutrient sites. The abundance of ambient nutrients was probably responsible for the spatial variation in biomass, composition and diversity of benthic diatom assemblages, and lake water temperature was the major factor that controlled seasonal distribution.


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From June 2000 to June 2002, four sites on the mainstem of the Xiangxi River and one site on each of its major tributaries were sampled 16 times each for benthic algae. All total, 223 taxa (most to species and variety levels) were found (193 Bacillariophyta, 20 Chlorophyta, nine Cyanophyta and one Xanthophyta). The diatoms Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthes linearis, and Diatoma vulgare dominated the system, with relative abundance of 33.3%, 18.8%, and 6.4%, respectively. The abundances of all the other taxa were under 5%, and 210 taxa collectively contributed less than 1% of the total abundance. Taxa diversity peaked in winter and reached a minimum in summer. Species richness varied considerably but was not significantly different over time. Maximum algal density occurred in later winter/spring (1.4 x 10(9) ind./m(2)) but was not significantly different from the minimum density, which occurred in August. Chlorophyll a showed similar seasonal fluctuation but also was not significantly different over time. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that water hardness, depth, conductivity, and alkalinity had important influences on variation of epilithic algae in the Xiangxi River system.


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木材腐朽菌是生物多样性的重要组成部分,在森林生态系统中起着关键的降解还原作用;同时,木材腐朽菌还是重要的生物资源,与人类的生产与生活密切相关,具有重要的经济价值。因此,木腐菌一直是真菌研究的重点领域之一,然而过去对华东地区木腐菌的研究还非常薄弱,对华东地区木腐菌的种类和资源还缺乏清晰的认识。本文对华东地区不同森林生态类型中的木腐菌进行了广泛的调查采样,通过形态学、分子系统学和单孢融合交配实验,对华东地区的木腐菌多样性与资源进行了系统的研究,同时对具有重要经济意义和潜在应用价值的种类进行了菌种的分离保藏,并初步分析了华东地区木腐菌的区系特点。通过本论文的研究,提高了对华东地区木腐菌资源与多样性的认识,丰富了我国木材腐朽菌的种类,为控制林木病原菌、开发利用有益真菌资源提供了基本信息和科学依据。本论文的主要研究结论如下: 1.华东地区的木腐菌有3目13科92属270种,其中真菌新种6个,分别是:铁杉集毛孔菌Coltricia tsugicola Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui,香榧嗜蓝孢孔菌Fomitiporia torreyae Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui,拟囊状体大孔菌Megasporoporia cystidiolophora B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai,菌索多年卧孔菌Perenniporia rhizomorpha B.K. Cui, Y.C. Dai & Decock,微小硬孔菌Rigidoporus minutus B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai,浅黄芮氏孔菌Wrightoporia luteola B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai;中国新记录种9个,分别是:紫多孢孔菌Abundisporus violaceus (Wakef.) Ryvarden,卡玛蜡孔菌Ceriporia camaresiana (Bourdot & Galzin) Bondartsev & Singer,撕裂蜡孔菌Ceriporia lacerata N. Maek., Suhara & R. Kondo,塔斯马尼亚集毛孔菌Coltriciella tasmanica (Cleland & Rodway) D.A. Reid,瑞克纤孔菌Inonotus rickii (Pat.) D.A. Reid,骨质多年卧孔菌Perenniporia minutissima (Yasuda) T. Hatt. & Ryvarden,灰硬孔菌Rigidoporus cinereus Núñez & Ryvarden,凹形栓孔菌Trametes ectypus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden,变形干酪菌Tyromyces transformatus Núñez & Ryvarden。 2.利用分子系统学方法,确定了一些通过形态学研究难以鉴定或容易混淆的种类的分类地位,并对嗜蓝孢孔菌属、彩孔菌属和多年卧孔菌属进行了系统发育分析,发现木腐菌新种3个:Fomitiporia sp.、Hapalopilus sp. 和Perenniporia sp.。 3.华东地区的异担子菌为岛生异担子菌,并且存在两个生物种:T生物种和Y生物种。T生物种为腐生菌,Y生物种为兼性腐生菌,华东地区不存在多年异担子菌这一严重的森林病原菌。 4.华东地区的木腐菌种类丰富,组成复杂多样。优势科为多孔菌科,其次为锈革孔菌科,这两科的种类构成了华东地区木腐菌类区系的主体;优势属主要有多年卧孔菌属、多孔菌属、针层孔菌属和泊氏孔菌属。 4.华东地区木腐菌科的地理成分分为3类:热带亚热带成分,北温带成分和世界广布成分,以世界广布成分为主。属的地理成分分为5类:世界广布属,北温带分布属,热带–亚热带分布属,东亚–北美分布属,大洋洲–北温带分布属,以世界广布属和北温带分布属为主。种的地理成分分为8类:世界广布种,北温带分布成分,泛热带分布成分,亚–欧共有成分,东亚–北美共有成分,东亚–澳大利亚共有成分,东亚成分,中国特有种,以北温带分布种和世界广布种为主。 5.华东地区木腐菌的各主要区系成分均有分布,以世界广布成分和北温带成分为主,表现出明显的北温带性质,可能起源于北半球,华东地区木腐菌类的区系地理成分与其所处的地理位置、气候特点与植物区系的组成密切相关。此外,华东地区的中国特有种类也较为丰富,说明了华东地区木腐菌类的区系具有一定的独特性,也在一定程度上反映了华东地区生态环境条件的特殊性,而木腐菌的生长与环境条件和寄主树木种类有很大的关系。 6.华东地区的木腐菌资源非常丰富,林木病原菌有36种,其中新发现的病原菌有3种;野生的食用木腐菌有11种,野生的药用木腐菌64种,工业用木腐菌有28种。对其中的一种重要经济真菌——黄白多年卧孔菌进行了分离培养,找出了最佳生长条件:最适生长温度为25℃左右,相对最适pH值为5.5,相对最好的碳源为可溶性淀粉和葡萄糖,相对最好的氮源为酵母汁。


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九寨沟自然保护区地处四川盆地北部岷山山脉南段,属川西高原气候中的暖温带。保护区内分布着118 个串珠状排列的高山湖泊,核心景区共有湖泊20 个(组),集中在海拔2000 米到3000 米之间。水资源是九寨沟的灵魂,保护水生生态系统是九寨沟生态旅游可持续发展的立足之本。本研究以九寨沟湿地生物多样性保护项目为依托,于2007 年5 月~2008 年4 月对九寨沟核心景区湖泊水体硅藻植物进行调查,分析了其密度与环境因子的相互关系,旨在为九寨沟湖泊生态系统保护提供科学依据和基础资料。主要有以下几点结论: (1)九寨沟硅藻植物丰富,调查统计为2 纲6 目10 科35 属159 种(包括变种和变型),水体硅藻中真性浮游种类较少,着生种类多,羽纹纲的脆杆藻属、舟形藻属、桥弯藻属、异极藻属、曲壳藻属的种类最多,常为优势属组成湖泊硅藻群落,只在长海是小环藻属占绝对优势。 (2)九寨沟水体中硅藻细胞密度不大,多在4×104~30×104 个/L,长海最高,五花海最低。在年变化上,不同的湖泊水体中硅藻的生长高峰季节不尽相同,在夏季、秋末和冬末春初均有可能出现高密度。在空间上,整体看来密度与海拔有一定的正相关,但由于水温不是单一主导因素,密度受多种环境因子影响,在海拔梯度上呈现一定的波浪状变化。 (3)影响九寨沟湖泊水体硅藻细胞密度较重要的环境因子是海拔、水温和pH。硅藻细胞密度年变化幅度大的湖泊水体,年平均细胞密度大。因此,环境因素不太稳定的湖泊水体,更可能出现高的硅藻细胞密度。11 月份响应于水量剧烈的减少,细齿菱形藻大量出现在五彩池成为优势种群,造成水体硅藻细胞密度的大幅增加。 (4)九寨沟湖泊水体水质几乎达到国家地表水I 类标准,但是,硅藻商指数以及代表多样性的Cairns 指数计算的结果不能反映水质的情况,这是由于水质状况不是决定九寨沟湖泊水体中硅藻生存的种类和数量的主要因素。因此在用各种指数分析水质的时候,都应该先判断计算该指数的参数是否主要由水质状况决定,然后再综合理化性质等其他指标分析和比较。 (5)人类的活动对九寨沟湖泊水生态系统有一定的影响。一方面,在低海拔景点人类活动的干扰比海拔高处相对要大,干扰引起低海拔景点湖泊硅藻Cairns指数较高;另一方面,旺季的影响比淡季大,水体中出现了典型富营养种类。因此,应加强低海拔景点和旺季的管理,并限制淡季的人类活动以保证九寨沟生态系统的自我恢复。 Jiuzhaigou nature reserve is located in north Sichuan, at the south section of Minshan Mountain, having a warm temperate climate which belongs to West Sichuan plateau climate. It includes 118 mountain lakes, and 20 of them between 2000 and 3000 altitude degree constitute the core area of Jiuzhaigou. The water is Jiuzhaigou's soul, so it is the basis of sustainable tourism development of Jiuzhaigou to protect the water ecological environment. Research depends on Jiuzhaigou wetland biodiversity protection program in this paper, invested the diatom plants in 17 lakes at the core area from May 2007 to April 2008. The composition and the correlation of diatom density and the environment were studied, which could provide scientific and basic information for the protection of the ecological environment of Jiuzhaigou. The main conclusions were: 1 The diatom species were in abundance, investigation showed that there were 159 species belong to 10 families and 35 genera. Most diatoms were benthos, euplankton were less. Genera Fragilaria, Navicula, Cymbella, Gomphonema and Achnanthes had the most species, which always were the dominant genera. Only in The Long Lake genus Cyclotella possessed a predominant status. 2 The diatom cell density was not very high, always between 4×104 cell/L and 30×104 cell/L, highest in The Long Lake and lowest in The Colorful Lake. In one year's time, diatom in different lakes had different growth type. The maximum could be in summer, late autumn and late winter early spring. The cell density showed a positive correlation to altitude in the whole, but fluctuated in details along altitude because of comprehensive influence by many environmental factors. 3 Altitude, water temperature and pH were the more important factors to determine the cell density. There was a positive correlation between the range of cell density in one year and the average cell density. So high annual cell average density probably will appear in lakes which has an unstable environmental condition. The boom of Denticula elegans in The Jade-Colored Lake in November was corresponding to the large decrease in water quantity. 4 The water quality of Jiuzhaigou was near the National Surface Water Standard rank I, but the Diatom Quotient and the Cairns Index didn't reflect the water quality accordingly. It was because the water quality wasn't the most important factor here which determined the species number and species quantity, so the index based on these items would not reflect it. Therefore, it is recommended that, when we use indices to evaluate the water quality, we should know first whether the water quality is the main determinative factor inflects the items used to compute the indices, and then combined with other chemical indices to analyze and do comparison. 5 The tourists' activities had influenced the water ecosystem of Jiuzhaigou. On the one hand, disturbance was relatively high at the lower altitude, it resulted in higher Cairns index; on the other hand, influence in high season was more severe than in low season, some typical species indicating eutrophication were observed in the water. It is suggested that the management at lower altitude and in high season must be strengthen, and less people activity in low season is necessary to fulfill the recovery of the water ecosystem.