55 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f

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The purpose of the present study was to develop implantable BCNU-toaded poly(ethylene glycol)poly(L-lactic acid) (PEG-PLLA) diblock copolymer fibers for the controlled release of 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU). BCNU was well incorporated and dispersed uniformly in biodegradable PEG-PLLA fibers by using electrospinning method. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) images indicated that the BCNU-loaded PEG-PLLA fibers looked uniform and their surfaces were reasonably smooth. Their average diameters were below 1500 nm. The release rate of BCNU from the fiber mats increased with the increase of BCNU loading amount. In vitro cytotoxicity assay showed that the PEG-PLLA fibers themselves did not affect the growth of rat Glioma C6 cells. Antitumor activity of the BCNU-loaded fibers against the cells was kept over the whole experiment process, while that of pristine BCNU disappeared within 48 h. These results strongly suggest that the BCNU/PEG-PLLA fibers have an effect of controlled release of BCNU and are suitable for postoperative chemotherapy of cancers.


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20世纪90年代以来,为了确保日益增长的人口对蛋白质的需求,海洋鱼类养殖在全球范围内日趋发展。然而,许多养殖鱼类的品质如抗病力、口味等与野生种类相比大为降低。饵料对于鱼类品质的好坏起着至关重要的作用。在海洋的自然环境中,浮游动物,特别是数量庞大、种类繁多的桡足类是野生鱼类的天然活饵料。哪些桡足类适于作养殖饵料,如何获得、从何处获得桡足类,人工培养是否可行,能否通过加入桡足类来改善养殖鱼类的品质是长期以来业内人士一直关注的问题,需要大量的基础性探索研究工作。 开展有潜在开发价值种的生物学特性及室内培养的基础研究,进而开展大量生产技术的研究与应用,不仅是开发利用桡足类的一个重要途径,而且可以获得一些重要的生态学参数。 本论文自2003年10月-2004年9月之间,在胶州湾采集不同的桡足类种类,通过室内比较培养实验,选定双刺纺锤水蚤作为具有开发潜力的研究培养对象,对其展开一系列培养条件及生物学特性研究,在此基础上进行了小水体增殖培养,结合现场调查资料对与其生活策略相关的生态学问题进行了初步研究探索。结果如下: 筛选:2003年10月-2004年9月全年不同季节共采集11 种桡足类,在室内自然温度、自然海水(盐度30-32)下长时间培养,粗略筛选出能够经受实验室人工养殖水体生活的种类有:强额拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus. crassirostris)、汤氏长足水蚤(Calanopia thompson)、太平洋真宽水蚤(Eurytemora pacifica、双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)。对上述种类的成体和子代幼体分别测定其对不同盐度、温度的耐受能力。培养结果表明:18℃室温下,强额拟哲水蚤幼体在盐度20以上的环境中,存活时间不超过11天;汤氏长足水蚤雌体在培养温度低于20℃时,只能存活10天;25℃室温下,当盐度低于20时,汤氏长足水蚤雌体存活时间不超过9天,子代的存活时间不超过7天;太平洋真宽水蚤不适宜在温度较高的夏秋季培养,幼体在不同盐度的实验条件下存活时间不超过5天,不适宜长期培养;双刺纺锤水蚤在全年8-24℃的室内培养温度范围内保持了24-85%的存活率,雌体和子代在盐度10-35的范围内都能存活,最终结果表明双刺纺锤水蚤是其中最适宜进行人工培养的种类。 繁殖:对双刺纺锤水蚤雌体的培养条件和繁殖生物学的研究结果表明:在本实验所使用的6种微藻饵料:微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata、小球藻(Chlorella.sp)、等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana、三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)、亚心型扁藻(Platymonas subordiformis)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)中,亚心型扁藻和中肋骨条藻适宜成体培养,亚心型扁藻对雌体存活有利,排粪率也要比中肋骨条藻低得多,亚心型扁藻在高温条件下的饵料利用效率要高于中肋骨条藻,中肋骨条藻对产卵有利,二者混合优势互补;预饥饿处理的双刺纺锤水蚤恢复到最高产卵率需要较长的时间,并且一直保持较低的产卵率;该种繁殖的最适温度范围15-20℃;在10-25℃温度范围内的平均产卵率差异并不显著。 生长及发育:对双刺纺锤水蚤幼体培养条件及发育生物学研究结果表明:在本实验所使用的6种微藻饵料中,微绿球藻是比较理想的开口饵料;粒径小( 4 m)的微藻——微绿球藻和小球藻不能保证双刺纺锤水蚤后期无节幼体发育至桡足阶段,22℃以下采用微绿球藻 + 亚心型扁藻 + 中肋骨条藻的食物搭配,22℃以上需加入粒径在4m左右的等鞭金藻。 世代时间:通过一系列的温度梯度实验,证明在相同饵料的情况下,温度对双刺纺锤水蚤的发育具有显著的影响,在15-25℃的范围内,随着温度的升高,生长速度加快、世代周期缩短;在温度条件为15、18、20、22、25℃下的世代时间分别为25.5, 18.5, 13, 11.5, 9.5天。 群体培养:研究了适宜的微藻饵料种类搭配比例以及总饵料浓度对种群日均增值率的影响。结果表明:20℃下培养宜采用亚心型扁藻:中肋骨条藻:微绿球藻按含碳量2:1:1的比例组成混合饵料,达到最高增殖率的混合饵料浓度范围在1.0-4.0 μg C ml-1之间;25℃下培养宜采用亚心型扁藻:中肋骨条藻:微绿球藻:等鞭金藻按含碳量2:1:1:2的比例组成混合饵料,日均增殖率在混合饵料总浓度为1.0 μg C ml-1 时最高,低于和高于此浓度都会降低日增值率。 度夏机制:针对野外大面调查发现双刺纺锤水蚤在高温季节的胶州湾内仍然存在的事实(传统观点认为该种在夏季从水体中消失,通过休眠卵度夏),本论文从基础生态学研究出发,根据胶州湾夏季的温度和叶绿素浓度资料,设计实验研究了高温和饵料浓度对成体繁殖和幼体生长发育的影响。实验发现,饵料浓度对高温下雌体的繁殖有着明显的影响,15g Chla l-1浓度下的雌体在28℃都可以保持产卵状态,而且卵的孵化率也在50%以上;各处理中的卵都很快孵化,并保持了60%以上的孵化率;高浓度组15 g Chla l-1和10 g Chla l-1,无节幼体都能发育至成体,低浓度5 g Chla l-1处理组中,28℃下,不能发育至桡足阶段,而25℃下也只能发育至C4期。在本实验中没有发现双刺纺锤水蚤产生休眠卵。在胶州湾自然环境中发现该种全年存在。胶州湾中的双刺纺锤水蚤在夏季能够在不产生休眠卵的情况下安全度夏。


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The influence of diatoms on the reproduction and naupliar development of Acartia bifilosa was investigated under laboratory conditions, comparing initial in situ values and laboratory-food treatments. Egg production by A. bifilosa was significantly reduced by one diatom diet (Phaeodactylum tricornutum: Pt) and by two non-diatom diets (Platymonas subordiformis: Ps and Nannochloropsis oculata: No). It was less affected by the other diatom diet (Skeletonema costatum: Sc) or by two mixed-food treatments (D-mix and DG-mix), composed of two diatoms (Pt, Sc) and four species (Pt, Sc, Ps and No), respectively. The negative effect of Pt was eliminated when adult copepods were offered mixed-food diets. There were no significant differences between the hatching success values observed in filtered seawater and in algal exudates, indicating that diatoms did not produce active dissolved toxic substances under the different food concentrations tested. The mortality rate of nauplii was higher with Pt than the other diets, suggesting that this diatom species had a negative effect on egg production, hatching success and naupliar survival simultaneously. Compared to other diets, No and Pt were not beneficial food sources for reproduction and for female and larval survival. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Existing models of baroclinic tides are based upon the "traditional approximation'', i. e., neglect of the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation, leading to a well- known conclusion that no freely propagating internal waves can exist beyond the critical latitude and the wave rays are symmetric to the vertical. However, recent studies have contended that the situation may change if both the vertical and horizontal components of the Earth's rotation are taken into account. With the full account of the Coriolis force, characteristics of the internal wavefield generated by tidal flow over uneven topography are investigated. It is found that "nontraditional effects'' profoundly change not only the dynamics of internal waves but also the rate at which the barotropic tidal energy is fed into the internal wavefield. Discarding the traditional approximation, internal waves are proved to be able to generate poleward of the critical latitude, rays of which are no longer symmetric and the limiting values of ray angles become greater or less than 90 degrees, depending on the local latitude and the direction of ray. More importantly, in contrast to the predictions of models based upon the traditional approximation, a substantial conversion occurs in the situations when stratification is so weak that the buoyancy frequency is below the tidal one.


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The pure Coulomb explosions of the methane clusters (CA(4))(n), (light atom A = H or D) have been investigated by a simplified electrostatic model for both a single cluster and an ensemble of clusters with a given cluster size distribution. The dependence of the energy of ions produced from the explosions on cluster size and the charge state of the carbon ions has been analysed. It is found that, unlike the average proton energy which increases with the charge q of the carbon ions, the average deuteron energy tends to saturate as q becomes larger than 4. This implies that when the laser intensity is sufficiently high for the (CD4)(n) to be ionized to a charge state of (C4+D4+)(n), the neutron yield from a table-top laser-driven Coulomb explosion of deuterated methane clusters (CD4)(n) could be increased significantly by increasing the interaction volume rather than by increasing the laser intensity to produce the higher charge state (C6+D4+)(n). The flight-time spectra of the carbon ions and the light ions have also been studied.


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羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel),隶属禾本科赖草属,是欧亚大陆草原区东部重要建群种之一。羊草是牧草之王,是我国比较有优势的战略性生物资源,对我国北方畜牧业的发展以及生态环境的保育均具有重要意义。近年来,由于缺乏科学管理、过度放牧等不利影响,加之羊草本身固有的“三低”问题(即抽穗率低、结实率低、发芽率低)已对羊草生物多样性维持构成了严重的威胁,限制了我国人工草地建设和天然草地的改良及沙化治理的步伐。因此,如何通过细胞、分子生物学以及生物技术手段改良羊草、快速评价和创造新的种质;如何加快育种进程便成为当前亟待解决的问题。本文围绕这些问题开展了系统的研究并取得如下结果: 1. 建立了羊草离体培养再生体系,并研究了影响愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的因素,影响植株再生的主要因素为激素配比和基因型。将3~5mm的幼穗接种到含有2,4-D 0~5.0mg/L的N6基本培养基上,随着2,4-D浓度的变化,愈伤组织诱导率不同,最高诱导率为93.21%(基因型C6)、最低为33.35%(吉生1号);愈伤组织在N6(大)+B5(微)+KT1.0mg/L+BA1.0mg/L的培养基上可以分化出芽,并在1/2MS培养基上生根。羊草基因型W4不同幼穗诱导的愈伤组织在继代培养过程中其生长、褐化死亡等方面存在着差异;在分化培养过程中,不同幼穗的愈伤组织最高分化率为9.24%,最低分化率为5.26%。 2. 对来自同一基因型不同幼穗的愈伤组织中差异表达的基因进行了研究。采用DDRT-PCR技术对其差异表达的基因进行了分离,通过银染技术显示差异片段。将得到的差异片段进行回收、克隆测序,得到两个差异片段序列,经过序列分析表明,其中一个片段是与水稻翻译延伸因子eEF-1基因高度同源;另一差异片段与水稻谷胱甘肽转移酶GST基因高度同源。 3. 建立了羊草遗传转化方法。在获得羊草离体培养再生体系的基础上,采用基因枪法对羊草两个基因型进行转抗除草剂基因(PAT)的研究。对分别来自基因型W4和C3的愈伤组织各1430和1850块进行转化。在附加1.0mg/L PPT的培养基上进行一系列的筛选培养,共获得了23株再生苗,经过生根筛选培养,得到5株抗性苗,3株来自基因型W4,2株来自基因型C3。对5株植株进行PCR和Southern 检测,得到2株阳性苗,均来自基因型W4,对阳性植株经过无性繁殖得到的无性系进行PCR检测及Basta受性鉴定,外源基因可以在其无性系稳定遗传并表达,无性系除对Basta有抗性外,其表型特征与对照无明显区别。