50 resultados para A-10 cells

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Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders is one of common kelps distributed in many coastal areas worldwide; however, in China, no reports have been made on cultivation of the genus. To investigate potential cultivation of the species in the northern part of China, trials on isolation and preservation of the gametophytes were conducted using C. costata from Korea; growth and development of the gametophytes were observed. We showed that at 10 +/- 1A degrees C, 60 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 12:12 h (L:D), freshly released zoospores settled down within 1 hour, and then developed into the primary cell during the following 2 days. After a vegetative growth phase lasting 6-8 days, female gametophytes became 3-4 times larger in diameter than that of the primary cell, but still remained at a unicellular stage, while male gametophytes divided into 4-10 cells with only a slight change in size. Fertilization occurred within 10 days after the zoospores were released from the sporangia, and the apical and basal tissues of the juvenile sporophyte divided and differentiated into the blade and stipe. Temperature and irradiance influenced gametophytic vegetative growth and developmental patterns. Generally, low irradiance (15 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) was unfavorable to the induction of fertility, but it enhanced female gametophyte division. The optimal conditions for vegetative growth were 15A degrees C and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1). After transplantation of the juvenile seedlings and after eight months cultivation, the harvested mature blade reached 194 cm in length and 32.7 cm in width. Our study proves that it is feasible to implement propagation and large scale cultivation of C. costata in northern China.


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Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) concentrations at various levels within the water column, together with salinity and temperature, were measured using water samples collected from six stations across the Straits of Dover. The sampling programme covered a 16-month period, undertaken during 23 cruises. On the basis of the spatial variability in the concentrations, the water bodies are divided by several boundaries, controlled by tidal and wind conditions. Within the water column, SPM concentrations were higher near the sea bed than in the surface waters. Throughout the cross-section, maximum concentrations occurred adjacent to the coastlines. Temporal variability in the SPM concentration exists on daily and seasonal scales within the coastal waters (4.2 to 74.5 mg L-1): resuspension processes, in response to semi-diurnal tidal cycles (with a period of around 12.4 h) and spring-neap cycles (with a period of 15 days) make significant contributions. Distinctive seasonal/annual concentration changes have also been observed. In the offshore waters, such variability is much less significant (0.9 to 6.0 mg L-1). In the summer the English Coastal Zone is associated with relatively high SPM concentrations: the Central Zone has a low and stable SPM concentration between these zones, there is a Transitional Zone, where there is a rapid response of SPM concentration to wind forcing. Finally, the French Coastal Zone is characterized by variable (sometimes high) SPM concentrations. Because of the zonation, SPM fluxes within the Dover Strait are controlled by different transport mechanisms. Within the Central Zone, the flux can be represented by the product of mean water discharges and SPM concentrations. However, within the coastal zones fluctuations in SPM concentrations on various time-scales must be considered. In order to calculate the maximum and minimum SPM fluxes, 10 cells were divided in the strait. A simple modelling calculation has been proposed for this complex area. The effect of spring-neap tidal cycles and seasonal changes can contribute significantly to the overall flux, which is of the order of 20 x 10(6) t.yr(-1) (through the Dover Strait, towards the North Sea). Such an estimate is higher than most obtained previously. (C) 2000 Ifremer/CNRS/IRD/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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Four new species, Eudesme huanghaiensis Ding et Lu, E. qingdaoensis Ding et Lu, E. shandongensis Ding et Lu and Sphaerotrichia huanghaiensis Ding et Lu, from the western Yellow Sea coast of China are described. Eudesme huanghaiensis is mainly characterized by its spherical or sub-spherical sub-cortical cells, its rhizoidal filaments developing from the basal cells of sub-cortex and its broad sub-cortical and medullary layers. E. qingdaoensis is mainly characterized by its long medullary cells, generally hollow center of the medulla, short sub-cortex with only 3-4 cylindrical cells and long, slender and clavate terminal cells of the rhizoidal filaments. E. shandongensis is mainly characterized by its hollow frond, thick cell walls of both medulla and inner sub-cortical layers and the spherical terminal cells of the rhizoid filaments. Sphaerotrichia huanghaiensis is mainly characterized by its cylindrical, sparsely branched frond with acute angle, and its thick 5-6 layered sub-cortex with long assimilating filaments of 6-10 cells.


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A visual observation of liquid-gas two-phase flow in anode channels of a direct methanol proton exchange membrane fuel cells in microgravity has been carried out in a drop tower. The anode flow bed consisted of 2 manifolds and 11 parallel straight channels. The length, width and depth of single channel with rectangular cross section was 48.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 2.0 mm, respectively. The experimental results indicated that the size of bubbles in microgravity condition is bigger than that in normal gravity. The longer the time, the bigger the bubbles. The velocity of bubbles rising is slower than that in normal gravity because buoyancy lift is very weak in microgravity. The flow pattern in anode channels could change from bubbly flow in normal gravity to slug flow in microgravity. The gas slugs blocked supply of reactants from channels to anode catalyst layer through gas diffusion layer. When the weakened mass transfer causes concentration polarization, the output performance of fuel cells declines.


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Camptothecin (CPT), a traditional anti-tumor drug, has been shown to possess anti-HIV-1 activity. To increase the antiviral potency, the anti-HIV activities of two CPT derivatives, 10-hydroxy-CPT and 7-hydroxymethyl-CPT, were evaluated in vitro. The therapy index (TI) of CPT, 10-hydroxy-CPT and 7-hydroxymethyl-CPT against HIV-1(IIIB) in C8166 were 24.2, 4.2 and 198.1, and against clinical isolated strain HIV-1(KM018) in PBMC were 10.3, 3.5 and 66.0, respectively. While the TI of CPT, 10-hydroxy-CPT and 7-hydroxymethyl-CPT against HIV-2(CBL-20) were 34.5, 10.7 and 317.0, respectively, and the TI of the three compounds against HIV-2(ROD) showed the similar values. However, when the antiviral mechanisms were considered, we found there was no inhibition of 7-hydroxymethyl-CPT on viral cell-to-cell transmission, and was no inhibition on reverse transcriptase, protease or integrase in cell-free systems. 7-Hydroxymethyl-CPT showed no selective killing of chronically infected cells after 3 days of incubation. In conclusion, 7-hydroxymethyl-CPT showed more potent anti-HIV activity, while 10-hydroxy-CPT had less efficient activity, compared with the parent CPT. Though the antiviral mechanisms remain to be further elucidated; the modification of -OH residues at C-7 of CPT could enhance the antiviral activity, while of -OH residues at C-10 of CPT had decreased the antiviral activity, which provides the preliminary modification strategy for anti-viral activities enhancement of this compound.


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Sertoli cells play a central role in the control and maintenance of spermatogenesis. Isolated Sertoli cells of mouse and rat testes have been shown to secrete plasminogen activator (PA) and a plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) in culture. In this study, we have investigated the hormonal regulation of PA and PAI-1 activities in cultured monkey Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells (5x10(5) cells/well) isolated from infant rhesus monkey testes were preincubated at 35 degrees C for 16 h in 24-well plates precoated with poly(D-lysine) (5 mu g/cm(2)) in 0.5 mi McCoy's 5a medium containing 5% of fetal calf serum and further incubated for 48 h in 0.5 mi serum-free medium with or without various hormones or other compounds, PA as well as PAI-1 activities in the conditioned media were assayed by fibrin overlay and reverse fibrin autography techniques respectively. The Sertoli cells in vitro secreted only tissue-type PA (tPA), no detectable amount of urokinase-type PA (uPA) could be observed, Monkey Sertoli cells were also capable of secreting PAI-1, Immunocytochemical studies indicated that both tPA and PAI-1 positive staining localized in the Sertoli cells, spermatids and residual bodies of the seminiferous epithelium; Northern blot analysis further confirmed the presence of both tPA and PAI-1 mRNA in monkey Sertoli cells. Addition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) derivatives or cAMP-generating agents and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist or phorbol ester (PMA) to the cell culture significantly increased tPA activity. PAI-1 activity in the culture was also enhanced by these reagents except 8-bromo-dibutyryl-cAMP, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthin (MIX) which greatly stimulated tPA activity, whereas decreased PAI-1 activity, implying that neutralization of PAI-1 activity by tile high level of tPA in the conditioned media may occur. These data suggest that increased intracellular signals which activate protein kinase A (PKA), or protein kinase C (PKC) can modulate Sertoli cell tPA and PAI-1 activities, The concomitant induction of PA and PAI-1 by the same reagents in the Sertoli cells may reflect a finely tuned regulatory mechanism in which PAI-1 could limit the excession of the proteolysis.


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Expression and cellular localization of orphan receptor TR2 mRNA in relation to germ cell apoptosis in cryptorchid testes of rat and rhesus monkey have been studied by using in situ hybridization and in situ 3'-end labeling of DNA fragments (TUNEL). The results show that: (i) TR2 mRNA is specifically expressed in the germ cells, mainly in the spermatocytes, round and elongated spermatids. The expression level of TR2 mRNA varies with the seminiferous cycle, (ii) In the rat cryptorchid testes on days 3 and 5 after the surgery, the germ cells began to undergo apoptosis with no evident decrease in TR2 mRNA level. On day 7.5, however, most germ cells underwent apoptosis, while the expression level of TR2 mRNA declined markedly, and TR2 mRNA was rarely expressed on day 10 thereafter. (iii) On days 15 and 20 of the cryptorchid testes of rhesus monkey, TR2 mRNA was only expressed in a few of primary spermatocytes and the mRNA was almost undetectable on days 30, 45, 60. These results suggest that TR2 mRNA probably plays an important role in spermatogenesis and germ cell apoptosis.


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Tobacco BY-2 cells were exposed to microcystin-RR (MC-RR) at two concentrations, 60 mu g mL(-1) and 120 mu g mL(-1), to study the changes in morphology and ultrastructure of cells as a result of the exposure. Exposure to the lower concentration for 5 d led to typical apoptotic morphological changes including condensation of nuclear chromatin, creation of a characteristic 'half moon' structure, and cytoplasm shrinkage and decreased cell volume, as revealed through light microscopy. fluorescence microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. Exposure to the higher concentration, on the other hand, led to morphological and ultrastructural changes typical of necrosis, such as rupture of the plasma membrane and the nuclear membrane and a marked swelling of cells. The presence of many vacuoles containing unusual deposits points to the involvement of vacuoles in detoxifying MC-RR. Results of the present study indicate that exposure of tobacco BY-2 cells to MC-RR at a lower concentration (60 mu g mL(-1)) results in apoptosis and that to a higher concentration (120 mu g mL(-1)), in necrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the role of the glutathione-involved detoxifying mechanism in defending the tobacco BY-2 suspension cells against microcystin-RR (MC-RR). Analysis showed that exposure of the cells to different concentrations of MC-RR (0.1, 1 and 10 mu g/mL) for 0-6 days resulted in a time and concentration-dependent decrease in cell viability and increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) content. Reduced glutathione (GSH) and total glutathione (tGSH) content as well as glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities significantly increased after 3-4 days exposure in the highest two concentration treated groups, while decreased until reaching the control values except for GPX at day 6. Oxidized glutathione (GSSG) content markedly increased compared with control in high concentration MC-RR treated group after 6 days exposure. The GSH/GSSG ratio was much higher than control in 10 mu g/mL MC-RR treated group at day 4, but after 6 days exposure, the ratios in all treated groups were lower than that of the control group.


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are an important class of halogenated organic brominated flame retardants. Because of their presence in abiotic and biotic environments widely and their structural similarity to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), concern has been raised on their possible adverse health effects to humans. This study was designed to determine the anti-proliferative, apoptotic properties of decabrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE-209), using a human hepatoma Hep G2 line as a model system. Hep G2 cells were cultured in the presence of PBDE-209 at various concentrations (1.0-100.0 mu mol/L) for 72 h and the percentage of cell viability was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The results showed that PBDE-209 inhibited the cells viability in time and concentration-dependent characteristics at concentrations (10.0-100.0 mu mol/L). We found that anti-proliferative effect of PBDE-209 was associated with apoptosis on Hep G2 cells by determinations of morphological changes, cell cycle and apoptosis. Mechanism study showed that PBDE-209 could increase the generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration-dependently. Antioxidant N-acetylcyteine partially inhibited the increase of ROS. The mechanism for its hepatoma-inhibitory effects was the induction of cellular apoptosis through ROS generation. In addition, activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release increased when the cells incubated with PBDE-209 at various concentrations and times. These results suggested that PBDE-209 had the toxicity activity of anti-proliferation and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells in vitro. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microcystins are cyclic heptapeptide hepatoxins produced by cyanobacteria. It has been shown that microcystins have adverse effects on animals and on plants as well. Previous researches also indicated that microcystins were capable of inducing oxidative damage in animals both in vivo and in vitro. In this study, tobacco BY-2 suspension cell line was applied to examine the effects of microcystin-RR on plant cells. Cell viability and five biochemical parameters including reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxide (GPX) and peroxide dismutase (POD) were investigated when cells were exposed to 50 mg/L microcystin-RR. Results showed that microcystin-RR evoked decline of the cell viability to approximately 80% after treating for 144 h. ROS levels, POD and GPX activities of the treated cells were gradually increased with a time dependent manner. Changes of SOD and CAT activities were also detected in BY-2 cells. After 168 h recovery, ROS contents, POD, GPX and CAT activities returned to normal levels. These results suggest that the microcystin-RR can cause the increase of ROS contents in plant cells and these changes led to oxidant stress, at the same time, the plant cells would improve their antioxidant abilities to combat mirocystin-RR induced oxidative injury. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A culture gill epithelium from seawater-adapted tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was developed for testing PAHs and dioxin-like contaminants in seawater. The epithelia consists two to three layers of epithelial cells incorporating both pavement cells and mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs). Polarity and a stable transepithelial resistance (TER) were maintained. and closely resembled those in fish gills in vivo. The tightness (integrity) of the epithelia remained unchanged upon exposure to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB#126), while a concentration-dependent response of EROD activity in the epithelia was induced within 18-24 h when the apical side was exposed to these toxicants. The 24 h EC50 of EROD activity was 2.77 x 10(-7) M for PCB#126, 1.85 x 10(-7) M for B[a]P and 7.38 x 10(-10) M for TCDD. showing: that the preparation was not only sensitive to PAHs and dioxin-like compounds, but also able to produce inductive potency of AhR agonists that generally agreed with those derived from other established in vitro and in vivo systems. The results suggest, that the cultured gill epithelia from seawater-adapted tilapia may serve as a simple. rapid and cost-effective tool for assessing exposure and potential effects of toxicants in marine waters. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is an important component in an antiviral defence pathway that is mediated by interferon (IFN) in vertebrates. Previously, some important IFN system genes had been identified from an IFN-producing CAB (crucian carp Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic) cells after treatment with UV-inactivated GCHV (grass carp haemorrhage virus). Here, a fish PKR-like gene, named CaPKR-like, is cloned and sequenced from the same virally infected CAB cells. It has 2192 base pairs in length with a largest open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 513 amino acid residues. BLAST search reveals that the putative CaPKR-like protein is most homologous to human PKR and also has a high-level homology with all members of a family of eIF2alpha kinases. Structurally, CaPKR-like possesses a conserved C-terminal catalytic domain of eIF2alpha kinase family and the most similarity to mammalian PKRs. Within its N-terminus, there are no dsRNA-binding domains conserved in mammalian PKRs instead of two putative Z-DNA binding domains (Zalpha). Like mammalian PKRs, CaPKR-like had a very low level of constitutive expression in normal CAB cells but was up-regulated in response to active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV and CAB IFN, implying that the transcriptional activation of CaPKR-like by viral infection is mediated possibly by newly produced CAB IFN, which was further supported by using cycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. The results together suggested that CaPKR-like was the first identified fish gene most similar to mammalian PKRs. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.