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兰科植物是被子植物中物种最丰富和最进化的类群之一,具有精巧、多样化的花部结构以及独特的吸引传粉者方式。开展兰科植物传粉生物学的研究对理解自然选择机制和异花授粉优势学说具有重要的理论意义。广西雅长兰科植物自然保护区是我国第一个以兰科植物命名的保护区,本文通过对保护区内同域分布的流苏贝母兰(Coelogyne fimbriata)和兔耳兰(Cymbidium lancifolium )传粉过程观察和繁殖成功等方面的研究,探讨兰科植物传粉机制和防止同株异花授粉的机制。同时结合传粉生物学研究的结果,对兰科植物多样性保护提出相关建议。主要研究结果如下: 1.流苏贝母兰的传粉生物学 在保护区2 个居群内对流苏贝母兰花期物候、传粉者种类和行为进行了连续3 年(2005-2007)的观察,对花和传粉者形态学指标进行了测量,对两个居群内所选取实验样地的花粉移走率、花粉接收率和结实率进行了详细的统计,通过动物行为学实验检测了花香对传粉者吸引方面的影响。并通过人工繁育系统实验检测流苏贝母兰的繁殖特征。结果显示,流苏贝母兰为具有特殊气味且无花蜜的兰科植物,由一种黄胡蜂属(Vespula)昆虫的雌性个体专性传粉,此为第二例由胡蜂专性传粉的具有食源性欺骗机制的兰科植物,且在传粉者行为和吸引机制与第一例存在很大差异。行为学实验显示花香对传粉者具有吸引作用。流苏贝母兰的花期与实验地黄胡蜂的繁殖季节和种群扩张期相吻合,在此期间,为了满足自身和幼虫的需求,黄胡蜂对碳水化合物需求大大增加。推测流苏贝母兰利用了黄胡蜂在繁殖和种群扩张期间需要大量摄取碳水化合物类物质,通过模拟碳水化合物来源(如果实或有花蜜、汁液分泌的植物)的气味,吸引传粉者。居群内花粉移走率、花粉接收率和结实率分别为0.069-0.918,0.025-0.695和0.014-0.069。结实率较低的原因可能与流苏贝母兰的自交不亲和特性和传粉者连续访问造成的同克隆授粉有关。其自交不亲和特性能有效地阻止自交,促进异交,同时蕊喙在接收花粉24 h 内与柱头愈合也能够减少花粉浪费,提高雄性适合度。 2.兔耳兰的传粉生物学 在保护区1 个居群内对兔耳兰进行了连续2 年(2005-2006)的观察和实验。观察发现兔耳兰唯一的传粉者为膜翅目蜜蜂科的中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)。中华蜜蜂在花内的停留时间为8-71 s。根据观察我们推测兔耳兰可能是通过其唇瓣上无规则的紫栗色小斑点(假蜜导)来吸引中华蜜蜂为其传粉, 属于食源性欺骗方式。在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂胸背部。药帽的存在能够阻止下一朵被拜访的花实现雌性功能。兔耳兰药帽高度加上传粉昆虫胸高大于传粉通道入口的高度, 支持兔耳兰可能通过药帽来减少同株异花授粉现象的推测。蕊喙会在花粉接受72 h 内逐渐下弯并与柱头愈合,将接受的花粉包裹,且有些花的花萼片和侧面的两个花瓣会环抱住唇瓣侧裂片及蕊柱形成的入口,即传粉通道,避免继续接收花粉,增加花粉输出,提高雄性适合度。2005 和2006 年该兔耳兰居群的自然繁殖成功率分别为0.211 和0.213。繁育系统实验证明兔耳兰是高度自交亲和物种,不存在无融合生殖和自动自花授粉的现象, 其结实依赖传粉者。TTC 法检测结果显示兔耳兰种子活力达85.78%因此推断种子活力不是制约兔耳兰种子萌发的主要原因。而传粉者的密度和访问频率可能是影响兔耳兰结实的重要因素, 并最终影响兔耳兰种群的维持和扩张。 3.兰科植物促进繁殖成功的机制 植物通过各种方式吸引传粉者的最终目的是实现繁殖成功,是植物生活史的重要环节。兰科植物具有雌雄同体的合蕊柱的特殊结构,为了避免花粉-柱头间的干扰,其进化出一系列特殊的花部结构和适应机制,如欺骗性吸引机制、花粉块柄弯曲、花粉干缩等等。流苏贝母兰作为大量开花的克隆植物,其自交不亲和特性是促进异交的重要机制,另外蕊喙在花粉接收24 h 内与柱头发生愈合也是减少同株异花授粉机率的重要花部适应特征。兔耳兰为聚丛状生长的兰科植物,总状花序具多朵花,在传粉过程中通过药帽的阻挡和机械隔离,使携带于昆虫背部的花粉不能进入花内与柱头发生接触,避免同株异花授粉的发生。另外兔耳兰也存在花部适应的机制,蕊喙在花粉接收72 h 内逐渐下弯与柱头愈合,同时有些花的花萼片和侧面的两个花瓣环抱传粉通道入口,避免继续接收花粉,提高雄性适合度。 4. 兰科植物传粉系统和多样性保护 传粉生物学的研究为兰科植物的保护生物学提供了坚固的理论基础和重要的科学依据。绝大部分的兰科植物繁殖成功受到传粉者数量的限制。由于其精巧的花部结构,约67%已知传粉系统的兰科植物仅由唯一的传粉者专性传粉。另外,在某些区域内,还存在着较高程度的传粉者共享。传粉者数量的减少已经威胁到兰科植物的繁殖生存。因此,对兰科植物的保护应不仅仅关注于植物的保护,同时还应致力于传粉系统的保护。
Ecological studies on macrozoobenthos were conducted in two small plateau lakes in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China: Xingyun Lake (XL), a eutrophic lake whose main source of primary production was phytoplankton (Chl a=99.76 +/- 24.01 mu g/L), and Yangzong Lake (YL), a mesotrophic lake. Sampling was carried out from October 2002 to May 2004. Altogether 23 benthic taxa were identified in XL and 21 taxa in YL. The density of benthos in XL was much lower than that in YL, but the biomass was about equal in the two lakes, being 1 423 ind/m(2) and 8.71 g/m(2) in XL and 4 249 ind/m(2) and 8.60 g/m(2) in YL. The dominant species were Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi, Aulodrilus pluriseta and Chironomus sp. in XL and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Aulodrilus pluriseta and Bellamya sp. in YL. Seasonal fluctuation occurred, showing richer species in summer and winter, but the density and biomass varied in different ways in the two lakes. Analyses on functional feeding groups indicate that collector-gatherers were predominant, but the relative abundances of other groups were different. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the water depth, conductivity and chlorophyll a were the key factors affecting macrozoobenthic abundance in the lakes.
花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)是川西干旱河谷地区重要的经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的重要原因之一。花椒凋落物分解是影响花椒林地土壤肥力及花椒产量的重要因素,因此系统研究花椒化感作用是否对花椒凋落物的分解产生影响可以为解决花椒连作障碍导致的产量下降等问题提供科学的理论依据。本文通过室内模拟实验研究了花椒凋落物的四个分解动态以及分解后凋落物浸提液对花椒林地土壤性质的影响;通过野外盆栽实验研究了花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗的生长、花椒凋落物的质量及土壤性质的影响。最终从生理生化角度揭示了花椒的化感作用对凋落物分解的影响机理,为深入解决花椒连作障碍问题、对花椒凋落物采取有效的人工措施提供了科学的理论依据。主要的研究结果如下: 1. 室内分解实验证明,花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内分解速率呈现由大到小的变化趋势,并且凋落物分解呈现明显的毒性动态。凋落物在分解的10 d、30 d 时,分解速率较大,30 d 以后分解速率显著降低。凋落物分解的10 d 左右酚酸释放量最大,此时凋落物的毒性最大,凋落物分解到10 d 以后,酚酸释放量逐渐减少,凋落物的毒性也逐渐减小。 2. 四个分解动态的花椒凋落物浸提液对土壤化学性质产生了显著的影响。花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内,其浸提液使土壤pH值均显著的增加。分解0 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤铵态氮的含量,抑制了纤维素分解菌的生长;分解60 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤酚酸含量,增加了土壤有效磷的含量;分解30 d 和60 d 的凋落物浸提液均显著的促进了好气性纤维素分解菌的生长。这说明花椒凋落物在分解过程中呈现出明显的毒性动态:凋落物分解的初期毒性作用较大,随着分解的继续进行特别是在分解的30 d 以后,其毒性作用慢慢降低。 3. 花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗表现出明显的化感作用。不同浓度的浸提液对花椒幼苗地上及地下生物量、叶面积均产生了显著的抑制作用,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高抑制作用加强。凋落物浸提液对叶片厚度的影响较小,只有Y1对叶片厚度的生长抑制作用显著。 4. 花椒的化感作用改变了凋落物的质量,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液进行处理,Y1使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著降低,纤维素含量显著升高;Y3使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著升高。花椒凋落物质量的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1)> CK(6.41 a-1)> Y3(5.08 a-1)。 5. 花椒的化感作用改变了土壤性质,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液处理的同时,也改变了土壤性质。不同浓度的凋落物浸提液显著的升高了土壤pH值、有机碳含量。各种浓度的凋落物浸提液对土壤多酚氧化酶的活性均起到了显著的促进作用。凋落物浸提液Y1对土壤纤维素分解酶的活性、细菌和真菌的生长也具有显著的促进作用。土壤性质的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.30 a-1)>Y2(9.60 a-1)>CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. 不论是凋落物质量发生改变还是土壤性质发生改变,在凋落物分解的整个过程中,C元素始终处于单调净释放的状态,并且C释放量与分解速率成显著的正相关,即凋落物分解越快,凋落物C释放量越大。凋落物分解过程中,均出现了酚酸大量释放的情况,并与凋落物分解速率成显著正相关。凋落物分解后的木质素含量、木质素/氮均增加,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高,凋落物木质素含量、木质素/氮升高。 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is an important economic crop in dry valley of the Minjiang river (Sichuan, Southwest China), but allelopathy is one of the important reasons for its continuous cropping. Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition affects Zanthoxylum bungeanum soil fertility and its output. So systemically investigate if allelopathy affects litter decomposition could provide the scientific methods to solve the problem of output fall caused by the continuous cropping. In this paper, the releasing dynamics of phenolic acid during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition (0, 10, 30 and 60 days) and the effects of its aqueous extract on soil chemical properties were investigated via the laboratory study. Effects of Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract on the growth of young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings, litter qualities and the soil qualities were investigated via the field study. Finally, we open out the action manner of Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathic effect on the litter decomposition, and provide the theoretical basis to solve the Zanthoxylum bungeanum continuous cropping. The main results showed that: 1. The laboratory litter decomposition experiment showed a trend of decomposition rate from large to small and an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The litter decomposition rate was larger at the tenth and 30th day during 60-day litter decomposition and gradually decreased after 30 days of litter decompostion. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid was the highest at the tenth day, and here, the litter toxicity was the biggest. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid gradually decreased after 10 days of litter decomposition, so the phytotoxicity of litter was gradually decreased with the litter decomposition. 2. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract after four decomposition stages had significantly effect on the soil chemical qualities. The pH value in soil was significantly increased in litter aqueous extract of four decomposition stages. The NH+4-N concentration was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 10-day decomposition which inhibited the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The growth of soil Aerobic cellulose-decomposer was promoted by the litter aqueous extract of 30-day decomposition. Available phosphorus concentration was significantly increased and phenolic acid content was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 60-day decomposition which promoted the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The study results showed an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The phytotoxicity of litter was the largest at the initial stage, but the phytotoxicity gradually decreased with the litter decomposition, especially after 30 days of decomposition. 3. The field study indicated that the Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract had significant allelopathic effects on the growth of young seedlings.Different concentration aqueous extract had signinficant inhibiting effects on biomass and leaf area of young seedlings. The inhibiting effect on the biomass strengthened with the litter aqueous extract concentration augment. Litter aqueous extracts had less effect on the leaf thickness, and only Y1 had significant inhibiting effect on the leaf thickness. 4. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the litter qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, the leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all decreased and the cellulose content increased under Y1 treatment. The leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all increased under Y3 treatment. So the litter decomposition was significant affectded by the litter qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1) > CK(6.41 a-1) > Y3(5.08 a-1). 5. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the soil qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, also changed the soil qualities. Different concentration of litter aqueous extracts had significant effects on the soil pH and organic C content. Every concentration of litter aqueous extracts accelerated the soil Polyphenol Oxidase activity and Y1 accelerated the soil Cellulase activity, the number of soil bacteria and fungi. So the litter decomposition was significant affected by the soil qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.30 a-1) > Y2 (9.60 a-1) >CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. Whether the litter or soil qualities changed, the litter C element at the state of release at all times during the litter decomposition, and the release quantity increased with the decomposition rate augment. Litter released plentiful total penolics content during decomposition, and the release quantity had the positive correlation with the litter decomposition rate. The litter lignin content and the lignin/N all increased with the litter aqueous extracts concentration augment after litter decomposition.
通过盆栽试验比较了施用不同剂量的泥炭 (0 %、2 %、5 %、8%及 10 % )对风沙土改良的效果和对白菜生长及产量的影响。结果表明 ,泥炭能增强风沙土的持水能力 ,降低土壤的pH值 ,增加土壤中有机质、全氮、速效氮和速效磷等的含量 ;白菜根系长度、生物量、高生长和地上部分的生物量均有增加 ,其中 8%泥炭处理为最佳 ,其根系长度、根鲜重、干重、高生长、地上部分鲜重、干重依次比对照增加 71%、4 0 2 %、4 6 4 %、10 7%、84 7%和 10 0 1% ;同时施用泥炭还有利于提高白菜干物质的积累及其品质
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are used extensively as flame-retardants and are ubiquitous in the environment and in wildlife and human tissue. Recent studies have shown that PBDEs induce neurotoxic effects in vivo and apoptosis in vitro. However, the signaling mechanisms responsible for these events are still unclear. In this study, we investigated the action of a commercial mixture of PBDEs (pentabrominated diphenyl ether, DE-71) on a human neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-SH. A cell viability test showed a dose-dependent increase in lactate dehydrogenase leakage and 3-(4,5-dimethylthia-zol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide reduction. Cell apoptosis was observed through morphological examination, and DNA degradation in the cell cycle and cell apoptosis were demonstrated using flow cytometry and DNA laddering. The formation of reactive oxygen species was not observed, but DE-71 was found to significantly induce caspase-3, -8, and -9 activity, which suggests that apoptosis is not induced by oxidative stress but via a caspase-dependent pathway. We further investigated the intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) levels using flow cytometry and observed an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration with a time-dependent trend. We also found that the N-methyl d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK801 (3 mu M) significantly reduced DE-71-induced cell apoptosis. The results of a Western blotting test demonstrated that DE-71 treatment increases the level of Bax translocation to the mitochondria in a dose-dependent fashion and stimulates the release of cytochrome c (Cyt c) from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm. Overall, our results indicate that DE-71 induces the apoptosis of ([Ca2+](i)) in SK-N-SH cells via Bax insertion, Cyt c release in the mitochondria, and the caspase activation pathway.
A novel heteropoly tungstophosphates, H-8[P4W14O58Na4(H2O)(20)] . 16H(2)O, was synthesized by hydrothermal method and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectrum and single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. The thermal stability of the compound was investigated by using TG-DTA. The crystal is triclinic system with space group P (1) over bar, a = 1. 137 9(2) nm, b=1. 363 2(3) nm, c=1. 627 1(3) nm; alpha=78. 20(3)degrees, beta=71, 20(3)degrees, gamma= 71. 62(3)degrees; V = 2. 252 5(8) nm(3), Z=1, M-r= 4 374. 38, D-c = 3. 225 mg/cm(3), mu = 18. 007 mm(-1), F(000)=1 972, R=0. 074 2, R-w=0. 200 4. The result of structure analysis shows that the anion of the compound consists of two PW7O29Na2(H2O)(10) subunits and two linked phosphorous atoms. A kind of microporous with size of 0. 661 4 nm X 0. 318 9 nm was formed in the crystal structure.
<正> 1989年3月日面出现了近四十年来最大的黑子群,发生了剧烈的太阳活动,产生了重大的地球物理效应。对这些事件的联测取得了大量日地物理的资料。为了推动进一步的分析和研究,中国科学院第22周太阳活动峰年日地系统整体行为研究专家组于1990年4月23日至26日在北京召开了“1989年3月和8月重大日地事件观测与分析研
通过模拟分析 ,对激光毛化 18 8不锈钢的疲劳寿命与毛化覆盖率的关系进行研究 ,预测结果与相关实验结果进行对比。结果显示 ,由于激光毛化处理的影响 ,18 8不锈钢的疲劳寿命得到改善 ,而且在毛化覆盖率为 2 0 %左右时 ,材料疲劳性能最好
Czochralski (CZ) crystal growth process is a widely used technique in manufacturing of silicon crystals and other semiconductor materials. The ultimate goal of the IC industry is to have the highest quality substrates, which are free of point defect, impurities and micro defect clusters. The scale up of silicon wafer size from 200 mm to 300 mm requires large crucible size and more heat power. Transport phenomena in crystal growth processes are quite complex due to melt and gas flows that may be oscillatory and/or turbulent, coupled convection and radiation, impurities and dopant distributions, unsteady kinetics of the growth process, melt crystal interface dynamics, free surface and meniscus, stoichiometry in the case of compound materials. A global model has been developed to simulate the temperature distribution and melt flow in an 8-inch system. The present program features the fluid convection, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation models. A multi-zone method is used to divide the Cz system into different zones, e.g., the melt, the crystal and the hot zone. For calculation of temperature distribution, the whole system inside the stainless chamber is considered. For the convective flow, only the melt is considered. The widely used zonal method divides the surface of the radiation enclosure into a number of zones, which has a uniform distribution of temperature, radiative properties and composition. The integro-differential equations for the radiative heat transfer are solved using the matrix inversion technique. The zonal method for radiative heat transfer is used in the growth chamber, which is confined by crystal surface, melt surface, heat shield, and pull chamber. Free surface and crystal/melt interface are tracked using adaptive grid generation. The competition between the thermocapillary convection induced by non-uniform temperature distributions on the free surface and the forced convection by the rotation of the crystal determines the interface shape, dopant distribution, and striation pattern. The temperature gradients on the free surface are influenced by the effects of the thermocapillary force on the free surface and the rotation of the crystal and the crucible.
- 1.1 化合物的生成焓,反应焓及燃烧热
- 1.2 热化学定律
- 1.3 热力学平衡与自由能,化学平衡与反应自由能
- 1.4 质量作用定律及可逆反应的平衡常数
- 1.5 平衡常数和标准反应自由能的关系
- 1.6 温度和压力对平衡常数的影响
- 1.7 绝热火焰温度计算
- 1.8 化学动力学中采用的几个基本概念和定义
- 1.9 反应的分类
- 1.10 阿累尼乌斯(Arrhenius)定律
- 1.11 双分子反应碰撞理论
- 1.12 反应分子数及反应级数
- 1.13 影响化学反应的因素
- 1.14 链锁反应
- 5.1 燃烧波的两种形式――缓燃(或火焰正常传播)及爆震
- 5.3 马兰特和利-恰及利耶的简化分析法
- 5.4 层流火焰传播速度的无量纲分析法
- 5.5 泽尔多维奇和弗朗克-卡门涅茨基的分区近似解
- 5.6 分区近似解的改进
- 5.7 精确解
- 5.8 物理化学参数对S1的影响及对火焰厚度的影响
- 5.9 火焰传播界限
- 5.10 用层流火焰传播速度计算化学动力参数的方法
- 5.11 火焰的基本性质及火焰的几何学
- 5.12 本生灯火焰稳定的条件
- 5.13 层流火焰传播速度的实验测定
- 5.14 单组元燃料滴燃烧