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abstract {A large-mode-area (LMA) multimode fiber before and after coiling was studied contrastively in the experiment. Single-transverse-mode output was achieved when the fiber laser was coiled around a mandrel of 65 mm radius. After coiling, beam quality factor of the laser dropped from 1.24 to 1.06 and slope efficiency dropped from 64.7% to 54.3%. When the launched pump power was 149 W, the corresponding output power was 94.7 W and 79.4 W, respectively. However, the brightness of the coiled fiber laser was 1.15 times that of the uncoiled. Coiled modal losses of different modes were also calculated for the fiber employed in the experiment. The measured results agree well with the calculated ones.}


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(2,4-C7H11)(2)Yb . DME was synthesized by the reaction of YbCl3 with K(2,4-C7H11)(2,4-dimethylpentadienyl potassium), and the single crystal X-ray diffraction showed that the complex exists in a cis- staggered conformation. Thf crystal of the compound belongs to the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 0.675 2 (1) nm, b = 1.490 6 (1) nm, c = 1.529 3 (2) nm, beta = 97.55 (2)degrees, V = 1.977 79 (4) nm(3), Z = 4, F(000) = 735.8 e, mu = 49.49 cm(-1), R = 0.033 and R-w = 0.032. The title complex can be used as a catalyst for the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA).


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Space-time correlations or Eulerian two-point two-time correlations of fluctuating velocities are analytically and numerically investigated in turbulent shear flows. An elliptic model for the space-time correlations in the inertial range is developed from the similarity assumptions on the isocorrelation contours: they share a uniform preference direction and a constant aspect ratio. The similarity assumptions are justified using the Kolmogorov similarity hypotheses and verified using the direct numerical simulation DNS of turbulent channel flows. The model relates the space-time correlations to the space correlations via the convection and sweeping characteristic velocities. The analytical expressions for the convection and sweeping velocities are derived from the Navier-Stokes equations for homogeneous turbulent shear flows, where the convection velocity is represented by the mean velocity and the sweeping velocity is the sum of the random sweeping velocity and the shearinduced velocity. This suggests that unlike Taylor’s model where the convection velocity is dominating and Kraichnan and Tennekes’ model where the random sweeping velocity is dominating, the decorrelation time scales of the space-time correlations in turbulent shear flows are determined by the convection velocity, the random sweeping velocity, and the shear-induced velocity. This model predicts a universal form of the spacetime correlations with the two characteristic velocities. The DNS of turbulent channel flows supports the prediction: the correlation functions exhibit a fair good collapse, when plotted against the normalized space and time separations defined by the elliptic model.


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There were large losses of exotic species Elodea nuttallii during summer in eutrophic lakes of the middle and lower reaches of the Yanatze River, China. To investigate the main causes, the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was studied and compared with that of native species Ceratopkyllum demersum by using an aquaria system in the laboratory. Under 4500 lx light intensity and 12-h L/12-h D cycle, E. nuttallii cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution at 39 degrees C showed a positive growth rate during the first 15 days, and the growth rate was higher than that at 35 degrees C. But after 15 days, the growth rates became negative for those cultured both at 39 and 35 degrees C. However, the growth rate was positive for more than 20 days for those cultured at 25 degrees C. Under the same conditions, the growth rate, productivity and chlorophyll content of E. nuttallii were significantly higher than that of C. demersum. Heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was also stronger than that of C. demersum. The optimal temperature for the growth of the two plants depended on the experimental period: both plants grew at an optimal rate at higher temperature if the experimental period was short; nevertheless the plants achieved optimal growth at a lower temperature if the experiment was conducted for a longer period. At the same light intensity, the heat tolerance of C. demersum in tap water with sediment was markedly stronger than that of E. nuttallii at 39 degrees C. Average growth rate of C. demersum was 4.5 times higher than that of E. nuttallii within 25 days. The positive growth period lasted for less than 25 days for E. nuttallii and for more than 25 days for C. demersum. When they were cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution and in tap water with sediment, the growth rate of C. demersum increased from 0.4 to 79.4 mg/d.g fresh weight (FW) within 20 days. E. nuttallii increased from 8.3 to 24.4 mg/d-g FW within 20 days. Both grew better in tap water with sediment than in 1/5 Hoaglands solution. The results demonstrated that the nutritional status of the water other than the high temperature affected the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii during summer. E. nuttallii has great ecological safe risk in China.


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As a relatively isolated and unique freshwater population, the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) is the most endangered subpopulation of this species. The objective of this study was to improve our understanding of their reproductive endocrinology by measuring (radioimmunoassay) serum concentrations of FSH, LH, estradiol (E-2), progesterone (P-4) and testosterone (T-2) in free-ranging animals. Blood samples were collected from 66 Yangtze finless porpoises (41 males and 25 females) captured in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Based on significant variation of serum T-2 concentrations in males with body length (BL) > 138 cm, we inferred that they were mature; in these animals, there were significant seasonal variations in serum T-2 concentrations, with the highest concentrations in March and April (502.0 +/- 319.8 ng/dL, mean +/- S.D.) and the lowest in December (79.4 +/- 83.2 ng/dL). Serum T-2 concentrations positively correlated with serum concentrations of LH and weakly correlated with serum concentrations of E-2, whereas there was a significant negative correlation between serum LH and FSH concentrations in males > 138 cm. The smallest apparently pregnant female porpoise had a BL of 130 cm. Serum P-4 concentrations ranged from 13.2 to 112.4 ng/mL (43.9 +/- 28.3 ng/mL) in pregnant females, and fluctuated under 1.0 ng/mL in non-pregnant females with BL > 130 cm. Serum LH concentrations were significantly higher in non-pregnant females > 130 cm versus those females < 130 cm. To our knowledge, this is the first study of endocrine-related maturity and seasonal breeding characteristics of the Yangtze finless porpoise. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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由于Eu~(2+)离子在不同复合氟化物中存在不同的跃迁发射形式,主要有5d → 4f的宽带跃迁,位于365nm-650nm间和4f → 4f的窄带跃迁,中心位置在360nm附近。Eu~(2+)离子的跃迁形式决定于基质的化学组成。本工作就是用多种模式识别方法(KNN,ALKNN,BAYES,LLM,SIMCA和PCA)研究不同复合氟化物基质中Eu~(2+)离子的跃迁发射形式和基质晶体结构之间的关系,找出Eu~(2+)离子产生f → f跃迁其基质构成的一般规律性。收集了90个复合氟化物(AB_mF_n)作为样本集,根据其中Eu~(2+)离子跃迁形式的不同将它们分成两类,一类为具有f → f跃迁的基质45个;另一类为不具有f → f跃迁的基质45个。随机地选用63个基质作为训练集,其余的为验证集。每个基质样本利用其12个晶体结构参数作为描述。由于各参数间差别不大,对原始数据未进行标度化。特征提取是模式识别分析的一个重要步骤,本工作结合变化权重法,BAYES特征量评价法和SIMCA变量相关性评价法的特点,建立了一个以验评价判据式:d(i) = -5.0 + 2.3V(i) + 0.89f(i) + 7.2W(i)根据经验式,选取了变量Z_B/r_(kB),r_(covA)/r_(covB)和Z_B/r_(covB),并删除了变量Xσ_A,Xσ_B,r_(covA)。其它变量由于其D值接近,利用穷举法对它们进行选取,结果M,Z'_A和r_(covB)被选中。这样把这6个被选的变量作为对跃迁发射问题最相关的变量进行进一步分析。采用被选的6维变量对训练集样本施行主成份分析,结果表示前三个主成份已可解释原数据信息量的99%以上。所以分别以主成份1-3及主成份1和主成份3作了三维和二维的映射图。结果表示两类基质样本基本上分在不同区域。进一步分别用12维和6维变量对样本系进行了其它几种模式识别分析。所有这些方法对训练集的分类效果都比较理想。采取6维特征时,其正确分类率达79.4-96.8%,这说明与跃迁问题相关的大部分变量已被选入。但是结果显示,各种方法对训练集的分类有一定的差别。我们认为这是由于各种不同的方法对数据结构要求不同引起的。实验证明Bayes线性判别方法对该样本集数据的分类效果最佳。根据Bayes线性差别方法的执行得到了对基质样本分类模式,由此模式讨论了各结构参数对Eu~(2+)离子光谱结构的影响,并对七个未知基质中Eu~(2+)离子的光谱结构进行了计算机预报,结果表示KTbF_4,KBF_4,NaIn_2F_7和KLu_2F_7为具有f → f跃迁发射的基质,而NaCaF_3,MgBeF_4和MgAlF_5为不具有f → f跃迁发射的基质。


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本文选取长白山北坡森林群落交错区为研究对象,通过大量野外调查,运用树木年轮年代学方法结合植被数量统计分析,对北坡森林群落交错区的植被结构进行了定量研究,探讨了红松、落叶松、鱼鳞云杉、臭冷杉和岳桦的干扰节律及与气候因子的关系,并以此分析了各群落交错区内的植被动态特征。研究结果对交错区的研究和未来气候变化下长白山森林生态系统的发展趋势分析和预测有着重要的理论指导意义。 主要结论:①自然状态下群落交错区植被结构将向相邻的两个群落类型演化,但物种多样性和物种替代速率并不都比相邻群落高;②除红松外,不同树种在不同的群落类型中存活动态有明显差异;③10年平均生长释放频率,在阔叶红松林和暗针叶林交错区,红松、臭冷杉、鱼鳞云杉分别为8.22%、4.76%、和4.79%,样地干扰强度为4.38%;在暗针叶林和岳桦林交错区,臭冷杉和鱼鳞云杉分别为5.91%和7.99%;④主要树种的年表对气候变化的敏感性由高到低顺序依次为:落叶松>岳桦>鱼鳞云杉>红松>臭冷杉,且以生长在群落交错区中树种年表为优;⑤同一群落类型中的不同树种对同一气候因子的响应有明显差异,不同群落类型中的同一树种对气候因子的反应也明显不同;⑥模型预测表明,气候变暖会使目前红松、鱼鳞云杉和岳桦的分布区上移。


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High-spin level structures of 94,95Mo have been reinvestigated via the 16O(82Se, xnγ)94,95Mo(x = 4, 3) reactions at E(82Se) = 460 MeV. The previously reported level schemes of these two nuclei have been largely modified up to ∼11 MeV in excitation energy due to identifications of some important linking transitions. Shellmodel calculations have been made in the model space of π(p1/2, g9/2, d5/2)4 and ν(d5/2, s1/2, d3/2, g7/2, h11/2)2(3) and compared with the modified level schemes. The structures of the newly assigned high-spin states in 94,95Mo have been discussed.


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The photoabsorption processes of Au2+, Au3+, and Au4+ have been investigated experimentally and theoretically in the 70-127 eV region. Using the dual laser-produced plasma technique, the 4f and 5p photoabsorption spectrum has been recorded at 50 ns time delay and was found to be dominated by a great number of lines from 4f-5d, 6d and 5p-5d, 6s transitions, which have been identified by comparison with the aid of Hartree-Fock with configuration interaction calculations. The characteristic feature of the spectrum is that satellite lines from excited configurations containing one or two 6s electrons are more important than resonance lines, and with increasing ionization, satellite contributions from states with one 6s spectator electron gradually become more important than those with two 6s spectator electrons. Based on the assumption of a normalized Boltzmann distribution among the excited states and a steady-state collisional-radiative model, we succeeded in reproducing a spectrum which is in good agreement with experiment.


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采用改进的聚乙烯醇—硼酸包埋固定化微生物法固定芽孢杆菌,并用于处理油污染地表水。结果表明,固定化芽孢杆菌对地表水中油和COD的去除能力均大于游离菌,作用120 h后固定化芽孢杆菌对油的去除率为80.1%,对COD的去除率为79.4%;游离菌对油的去除率为50.4%,对COD的去除率为66.5%。采用改进的聚乙烯醇—硼酸法制得的固定化颗粒机械强度高、传质性能好、水溶膨胀性小,扫描电子显微镜观察表明,改进后的聚乙烯醇凝胶微观结构更适合芽孢杆菌生长。可见,采用微生物固定化技术修复油污染地表水是可行的。