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The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is proposed for short-to-intermediate-term earthquake prediction [Yin, X.C., Chen, X.Z., Song, Z.P., Yin, C., 1995. A New Approach to Earthquake Prediction — The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory, Pure Appl. Geophys., 145, 701–715]. This method is based on measuring the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to the Coulomb Failure Stress change induced by Earth tides on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, the LURR time series usually climb to an anomalously high peak prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the size of critical seismogenic region selected for LURR measurements has great influence on the evaluation of LURR. In this study, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. This new algorithm, by combining the LURR method with our choice of identified area with increased Coulomb stress, is devised to improve the sensitivity of LURR to measure criticality of stress accumulation before a large earthquake. Retrospective tests of this algorithm on four large earthquakes occurred in California over the last two decades show remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomalies. For some strong events of lesser magnitudes occurred in the same neighborhoods and during the same time periods, significant anomalies are found if circular areas are used, and are not found if increased Coulomb stress areas are used for LURR data selection. The unique feature of this algorithm may provide stronger constraints on forecasts of the size and location of future large events.
A detailed analysis of kinking of an interface crack between two dissimilar anisotropic elastic solids is presented in this paper. The branched crack is considered as a distributed dislocation. A set of the singular integral equations for the distribution function of the dislocation density is developed. Explicit formulas of the stress intensity factors and the energy release rates for the branched crack are given for orthotropic bimaterials and misoriented orthotropic bicrystals. The role of the stress parallel to the interface, sigma0 is taken into account in these formulas. The interface crack can advance either by continued extension along the interface or by kinking out of the interface into one of the adjoining materials. This competition depends on the ratio of the energy release rates for interface cracking and for kinking out of the interface and the ratio of interface toughness to substrate toughness. Throughout the paper, the influences of the inplane stress sigma0 on the stress intensity factors and the energy release rates for the branched crack, which can significantly alter the conditions for interface cracking, are emphasized.
The magnetic flux tube concentrating strong magnetic field is the basic configuration of magneticfield in the solar atmosphere. In the present paper, the equilibrium of isolated magnetic flux tube inthe solar atmosphere is discussed. In the viewpoint of mathematics, the boundary condition is nonlinearand the position of boundary needs to be determined by the physical condition although the equation ofmagnetic potential is linear for the linear force-free field. Analytical solutions to the arches of bothuniform circular cross-section and non-uniform cross section have been obtained. The results show thatthe nonlinear problem may have or not have any solution according to different azimuthal components of the magnetic field; the number of solutions to the nonlinear problem is four at most, and two in some cases. In the present paper, the analytical solutions to the approximations of both fat and slender arches are given in detail, and the general features of magnetic arch structure are shown.
By using time-of-flight spectroscopy, the ionization and explosion of large argon clusters ( (n) over bar = 3 x 10(3) - 3 x 10(6)) in the intense femtosecond pulsed laser field (60 fs,2 x 10(16) W/cm(2)) has been studied, and the dependence of average energy of ions emitted from argon clusters on the gas backing pressure has been measured. By comparing the average ion energies obtained with two different supersonic conical nozzles and considering the Hagena's scaling law of clusters, we have found that the average ion energy is determined by the cluster size when the laser parameters are kept unchanged. The experimental results indicated that when the cluster size is less than 3 x 10(5) atoms per cluster, the Coulomb repulsion force is the dominating factor in the expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, for 3 x 10(5) < (n) over barn < 3 x 10(6), the expansion is the result of the combined effect of both the Coulomb repulsion force and the hydrodynamic force, and the latter will play the dominating role for increasing cluster size.
细胞分裂素(cytokinin,CTK)是五大类植物激素之一,它参与了植物许多生理过程与代谢的调控,主要有促进细胞的分裂和扩大,诱导芽、根和叶绿体的分化,促进种子与果实的发育,解除顶端优势,延缓叶片衰老及增强植物胁迫抗性,调节叶绿体发育基因、营养代谢基因及其它功能基因的表达,调控营养物质的运输和分配等。其调节的植物生理过程也受到其他不同因素的影响。细胞分裂素也是参与植物信号途径间相互作用的一类重要激素。 早期有关细胞分裂素生理作用的研究是基于外源激素的施用来进行的。由于通过外源施用细胞分裂素,其在植物体内的吸收,转运及代谢过程的复杂性和未知性,使得实验研究的因果关系难以确定。随着分子生物学的发展和植物转基因技术的日趋成熟,采用基因工程的方法来研究和探讨细胞分裂素对植物生长发育的调节作用及作用机理是近年来研究的热点,同时也为应用植物激素进行遗传育种提供了广阔的前景。 近年来,越来越多的真核生物启动子的分离克隆,促进了细胞分裂素基因工程的发展。利用具有组织特异性、发育特异性的启动子调控ipt基因,可使ipt基因在植物的特定组织或某一发育阶段进行表达。从而可根据不同的研究目的调控植物转化体中细胞分裂素合成的部位、时间和表达水平。尽管应用一些组织特异启动子融合ipt基因进行了一些细胞分裂素有关生理作用的研究,但是,有关细胞分裂素在胚和种子发育过程中的细胞学方面的研究还很少。 为研究ipt基因在种子发育过程中的作用,我们用大豆种子特异启动子-lectin融合ipt基因转化烟草,获得再生烟草植株。从生理学和细胞学上分析了ipt基因在lectin启动子的控制下的基因表达对种子生长发育的影响。发现在转基因烟草中,lectin-ipt基因的表达促进了种子胚及胚乳的细胞分裂,促使种子胚的生长加快,种子胚的增大为物质的贮存提供了条件,使营养物质更多的向种子运输,主要是可溶性蛋白质含量增加。由此进一步提高了转基因烟草种子干重的增加,种子的萌发与幼苗生长的加快,幼苗鲜重增加。
本文主要通过样线法和样方法相结合,进行了大量的群落学调查和分析,分别从植物区系、物种多样性的垂直分布格局和森林群落类型三个方面分析了神农架植被的基本特征及其物种多样性,结果表明: 1.神农架地区具有很高的物种丰富度,有高等植物3,479种,隶属于1,010属,202科。 其中,蕨类植物305种,80属,32科;种子植物3,174种,930属,170科,其中裸子植物32种,19属,6科,被子植物3,142种,911属,164科;单子叶植物501种,175属,21科,双子叶植物2,641种,736属,143科。植物区系属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。中国特有成分占5.65%,较全国的8.12%低。温热比(温带分布型(8-11)属数与热带分布型(2-7)属数的比值)为1.200,比全国(0.385)高。 调查样方中共出现高等植物784种,隶属于454属,144科,其中蕨类植物41种,32属,16科;种子植物743种,422属,128科,其中裸子植物20种,14属,5科,被子植物723种,408属,123科;单子叶植物86种,58属,11科,双子叶植物637种,350属,112科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。温热比为1.52,草本层>乔木层>灌木层分别为2.18、1.76和1.14。 2.神农架植被类型多样,具有常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、亚高山针叶林、硬叶常绿阔叶林和亚高山灌丛草甸等自然植被类型。本文,依据乔木物种的重要值将神农架地区的森林植被划分出了69个类型。用Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为32组,能基本上反映群落间相似的关系。 3.神农架地区具有完整的植被垂直带谱:海拔900 (1300) m以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔900 (1300) m~1500 (1800)ⅡI为常绿落叶阔叶混交林带;海拔1500 (1800) m-2000 (2200)m为落叶阔叶林带;海拔2000 (2200) m~2400 (2600)m为针阔混交林带:海拔2400 (2600)m以上为亚高山针叶林带。神农架地区植被的垂直带的分化从总体上比较显著,但由于小生境的异质性和人为干扰,垂直带谱又具有一定的模糊性和次生性。南北坡具有一定的差异,但不十分明显,也说明神农架植被的过渡性。 4.神农架物种多样性的垂直分布格局。神农架的物种多样性与海拔的关系,类似于“中间膨胀”规律(mid-altitude bulge),在中低海拔处生物多样性最高。通过二次多项式回归拟合,得到如下拟合曲线: 1)海拔与总体物种数:y= _14.445x2+ 34.74lx+42.07,Xd=1.203km; 2)海拔与乔木层物种数:y=-6.9707x2+ 21.334x+0.2004,Xdrl.530km; 3)海拔与灌木层物种数:y=-6.1599x2+ 9.9747x+30.991,Xd=0.8 lOkm: 4)海拔与草本层物种数:y= _3.9907x2+ 10.455x+15.35,Xd-1.308km; 5)海拔与乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.3337x2+ 0.9877x+0.2537,Xd' 1.480km; 6)海拔与灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=-0.1938xz+ 0.422lx+1.2103,Xd=1.089km: 7)海拔与草本层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.1072x2+ 0.294lx+0.9954,Xd=1.372km; x为海拔( km),y为各物种多样性指标,Xd为物种多样性的最大时的海拔。 从这些拟合曲线中可以看出:总体物种多样性在海拔1200m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高:乔木层物种多样性在海拔1500m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带与落叶阔叶林的过渡带最高;灌木层物种多样性在海拔800-llOOm左右的常绿阔叶林与常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的过渡带最高;草本层物种多样性在海拔1300-1400m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高。 但物种多样性随海拔变化有许多的起伏和波动。这些波动有些反映了群落的垂直带谱随海拔梯度变化的特点,在垂直带谱的过渡区物种多样性往往较高;有些波动反映了一些特殊的生境,有些反映了人为活动的影响,造成了神农架植被的次生性。因此,影响神农架物种多样性垂直分布的因素有:植被本身的性质和特点、过渡带的特点、生境的异质性和人为活动。 5.神农架植被水平地带性的过渡性。海拔1300m以下的植物属的分布区类型的温热比南坡总是比北坡小,而且相差十分显著,反映了神农架作为植被分界线的价值。神农架南坡的基带植被是常绿阔叶林,因此南坡属于中亚热带。北坡的基带植被,虽然也有常绿树种的零星分布,甚至有小块的常绿阔叶林,完全由于小生境所至,分布的主要类型是常绿落叶阔叶混交林,应属于北亚热带。因此,神农架是中、北亚热带重要的过渡地带。神农架地区中北亚热带的具体分界线宜按照分长江干流和汉水的水岭来划界,即猴子石、大窝坑、神农架、神农顶、老君山一线,南坡属于中亚热带,北坡属于北亚热带。 总之,神农架处于我国中、北亚热带的过渡带,具有过渡带的性质,具有很高的物种多样性,拥有完整的植被垂直带谱,具有多种多样的植物群落及其组成的生态系统。而且,具有我国许多特有植物和珍稀濒危保护植物和许多资源植物。因此,神农架植被在我国植被体系中具有重要的地位,是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,是生物多样性保护的关键地区,也应是生物多样性研究的热点地区。 另外,调查分析了黄山和万朝山植被及其物种多样性与垂直分布格局,结果表明: 6.黄山样方中共出现高等植物259种,隶属于263属,110科,其中蕨类植物14种,II属,8科,种子植物345种,152属,105科,其中裸子植物9种,8属,6科,被子植物336种,144属,99科,其中单子叶植物37种,27属,6科,双子叶植物299种,117属,90科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布最多,其次为东亚分布和泛热带分布,再次为东亚北美间断分布、热带亚洲分布以及旧世界温带分布,与神农架和万朝山也较相似,但热带分布的属更多一些。温热比为1.1875,灌木层>草本层>乔木层,分别为1.3818、1.2609和1.2143。 黄山的森林植被类型有针叶林、常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和竹林。Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为22组,反映群落间相似的关系,比较清楚和适用。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了34个类型。黄山物种多样性的与海拔的关系不十分明显。黄山植被的垂直带谱不是十分明显,将其垂直带谱划分为:海拔1300m(1500m)以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔1300m(1500m)-1500m(1600m)常绿落叶阔叶混交林 带;1500m(1600m)以上为落叶阔叶林、黄山松林、山地灌木草丛带。垂直带谱在不同坡向上有差别,东、南、西坡的相似性较大,而北坡与其差别较大。 7.万朝山样方中共出现高等植物490种,隶属于339属,124科,其中蕨类植物21种,18属,11科,种子植物469种,321属,113科,其中裸子植物9种,7属,4科,被子植物460种,314属,109科,其中单子叶植物47种,37属,11科,双子叶植物413种,277属,98科。植物属的分布区类型中,北温带分布所占最多,其次为泛热带分布、东亚分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布,。温热比为1.3366,草本层>乔木层>灌木层,分别为1.5429、1.4063和1.0645。 万朝山的植被类型包括针叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和常绿落时阔叶混交林,但没有典型的常绿阔叶林。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了20个类型。万朝山物种多样性与海拔的关系则不十分明显。万朝山的人为干扰比较强,植被的次生性很大,南、北坡物种多样性随海拔升高的起伏较大。