25 resultados para 3He
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Nile tilapia weighing 8.29-11.02 g were fed a practical diet at seven ration levels (starvation, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4% body weight per day and satiation) twice a day at 30 degrees C. Feed consumption, apparent digestibility, nitrogenous excretion and growth were determined directly, and heat production was calculated by difference of energy budget. The relationship between specific growth rate in wet weight (SGR(w), percentage per day) and ration size (RL, percentage per day) was a decelerating curve described as SGR(w) = 2.98 (1 - e(-0.61(RL-0.43))). The apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter and protein showed a decreasing pattern with increasing ration while the apparent digestibility coefficient of energy was not significantly affected by ration size. The proportion of gross energy intake lost in nitrogenous excretion tended to decrease with increasing ration. Feed efficiency was highest, and the proportion of gross energy intake channelled to heat production was lowest, at an intermediate ration level (2% per day). The energy budget at the satiation level was: 100IE = 16.9FE + 1.2(ZE + UE) + 62.3HE + 19.6RE, where IE, FE, (ZE + UE), HE and RE represent gross energy intake, faecal energy, excretory (non-faecal) energy loss, heat production and recovered energy (growth), respectively. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
系统研究了 3 0MeV u40 Ar+ 1 1 2 ,1 2 4 Sn反应中的轻粒子同位素产额比随角度和初始激发能的变化关系 .对于两个反应体系 ,均观察到3He 4He和6Li 7Li的产额比随角度的增加而增加 ,6He 4He和8Li 7Li随角度的增加而减小 .统计发射的运动学效应不能完全符合实验结果 .各种单同位素产额比与靶核的N Z比有关 ,表现出同位旋效应 ,而由双同位素比提取的核温度几乎没有靶核相关性
本文首先介绍了当前核物理的热点问题之一,放射性核束物理中的对称能密度依赖性问题。讨论了对称能的概念、研究意义、介绍了了重离子碰撞输运模型IBUU04。接下来,文章主要研究的是重离子反应中粒子发射的同位旋效应,从而进一步研究对称能的信息。基于IBUU04输运模型,模拟了Sn的两种同位素124Sn+124Sn和112Sn+112Sn在束流能量为50MeV每核子,碰撞参数为2 fm,4 fm,8 fm 的核反应。利用反应的数据,分析了n/p和双n/p的对称能效应以及碰撞参数的依赖性。结果表明:在大碰撞参数的碰撞中,高能核子的双中质比有很明显的对称能效应。同时,还研究了能量为400MeV/A,Sn的同位素的反应中π介子的产生,π-/π+、双π-/π+ 的对称能效应。文章的结尾,我们讨论了A=3的镜像核t和3He发射的对称能效应及碰撞参数依赖性,t-3He流的对称能效应,t/3He同n/p的发射关联。结果表明:在丰中子反应系统,中心碰撞下t/3He同n/p有着关联;大碰撞参数下t/3He有较好的对称能效应,t-3He相对流和微分流有着较好的对称能效应。最后,我们给出了本文的基本结论,就当前工作中的问题和今后发展的方向做出了的展望
本文在碎裂反应实验的基础上研究了原子核的团簇结构以及晕核的特性。由兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)提供的6He和6Li次级束与Be靶的反应,用24单元的CsI(Tl)阵列探测器测量了6He和6Li的碎裂产物的能量以及小范围内的角分布。用脉冲形状的方法鉴别出了6He与6Li的轻带电粒子碎片。通过重构不变质量谱的方法得到了RGM预言的6He和6Li的3核子共振态。拟合实验数据发现6Li在Ex=22.9MeV和Ex=30.3MeV出现t+3He团簇共振态,6He在Ex=19.2MeV和Ex=29.8MeV出现t+t团簇共振态。并且与理论以及其它的实验的结果进行了比较。这是在实验上首次通过重构不变质量谱的方法直接观测到6He和6Li的三核子共振态。比较了6He和6Li的碎片产生几率,结果表明丰中子的6He产生丰中子碎片的几率要比6Li大,而产生缺中子碎片的几率要比6Li低,结论与BLE的计算是一致的。通过比较6He和6Li反应产生3He和3H的截面角分布,发现丰中子核反应容易产生丰中子的碎片这种现象在前角区更为敏感,随着角度的增大差别逐渐变小。因此前角区的3H与3He的发射产额比是一个鉴别晕核的灵敏探针。用双碎片关联和电粒子产额估算了6He碎裂各出射道的分支比,还估算了6Li碎裂成双带电粒子出射道的相对比例。由出射道的分支比估算了自由发射的中子质子比,并且与QMD的结果进行了比较,发现晕核的自由发射中子质子比要比稳定核大,这也可作为鉴别晕核的一种探针。另外用同位旋相关的BLE(Boltzmann-Langevin Equation)模型计算了轻丰中子核反应中子团簇集团产生的截面,发现3,4n团簇的截面最大,其中4n的产生截面与实验值相近。还计算了丰质子核反应的轻带电粒子发射的同位旋效应,发现质子晕核反应中轻带电粒子的产额相对于稳定核会突然的增大。这也为寻找和判断晕核结构提供了新的手段
针对①中能反应中同位旋自由度是否达到平衡,②同位旋自由度对几中不同方法测量的核温度是否有影响 这两个基本问题,设计了用30和35MeV/u ~(36,40)Ar轰击~(112,124)Sn反应的实验方案。得到如下结果:对于前角5°处的耗散弹核碎裂产物,丰中子同位素与稳定核的产额比随产物出射动能的增加而减小,而丰质子子同位素与稳定核的产额比随动能的增加而增加,呈现明显的剪刀差分布特性。随耗散时间的增大,产物的平均中质比逐渐由弹核的平均中质比向系统的平均中质比过渡。这个结果说明在该反应中,同位旋自由度没有达到完全平衡。而对于20°处的DIC产物,上述剪刀差分布特性变得更不明显,这是同位旋自由度由非平衡向平衡过渡的表现。后角轻粒子的能谱分析表明,初始热核的同位旋会影响斜率核温度的提取,由于丰中子轻粒子~6He在~(40)Ar + ~(112)Sn系统中的蒸发被抑制,相比~(40)Ar + ~(112)Sn而言,其蒸发比较容易发生在衰变链早期,因此提取的温度偏高,同样,丰质子轻粒子~3He的温度在~(40)Ar + ~(112)Sn中略高。但中后角的同位素产额分析表明,反应系统的同位旋对双同位素比核温度几乎没有影响。核温度作为热核的热力学量,是独立于测量方法的,这种不同的方法得出的差异主要来源于同位旋对衰变机制的影响。作为一个尝试,将中高能反应中的熵的提取推广到这个能区,发现两个系统的熵几乎一致。在量子统计模型框架下,考察核温度与熵的关系发现,~(40)Ar + ~(112)Sn反应的挤出时刻密度略高于~(40)Ar + ~(112)Sn。
根据轻带电粒子小相对动量关联测量中得到的关联函数来研究轻带电粒子发射的时间与空间的演化是天体物理中Hanbury-Browm及Twiss效应在核物理中的一个应用,在1977年及1986年Kooning及Davi.Boal分别将这种概念应用于pp关联及复杂粒子关联。在这些理论模型的基础之上,小相对动量关联粒子的测量已成为当今中能重离子核反应中研究反应时空发展动力学的重要研究方法。由于这种方法在实验上还可能测至某些非稳态粒子的衰变,因此在统计平衡的假定下,可以通过测量非稳态粒子的相对布居来得到某些有关核温度的信息,为此我们在兰州HIRFL加速器上开展了~(12)C (46.7MeV/u)诱发核反应的轻带电粒子小相对动量的关联测量。通过对pp关联函数的研究得出对于~(58)Ni靶质子发射的空间大约为4.8fm,通过对~5Li、~6Li~*、~8Be等非稳态粒子的测量,得到的核温度约为3MeV。通过比较不同靶核对关联函数的影响,发现随着靶核质量的增加,pp关联的关联函数的Rmax值越来越小,说明了质子来源的空间越来越大。通过研究pp关联对两个关联粒子能量之和的依赖关系我们发现对于高能的条件下pp关联的关联函数的最大值要高一些,对于~(58)Ni靶相应的空间大小为r_0 = 3.5fm,并且发现在高能条件下关联函数的峰值对靶核依赖关系不是十分强,相反,当两个关联质子的总能量比较低时,关联函数更强烈地依赖于靶核。对于α-α关联,研究其关联函数对二粒子能量之和的依赖关系发现对于高能条件下得出的温度为T = 1.6MeV,而低能时的结果为T = 2.3MeV,一种解释可以认为在探测器所在的角度(θ = 20°)高能轻带电粒子很可能来自于类产弹物的发射。因此也可以解释为什么对应的质子的发射空间比较小、相应的温度比较低。较低能量的轻带电粒子主要来自中心碰撞,相应的温度要高一些,对应的质子发射的空间要大一些。在该实验中我们还研究了H元素各种同位素的产额比,实验发现对于p/d比值及d/t比值随角度的变化不是非常大,同时我们还在测量角为20°处,比较了H元素各种同位素产额比对靶核的依赖关系,并对这些结果进行了讨论。为了进行上述实验研究,我们研制了一个九单元的CsI(Tl)阵列探测器,并采用了光二级管读出这种新技术,实验中采用过零时间法及新型的电子学线路非常好地鉴别了p,d,t,~3He,~4He五种轻带电粒子,并且得到了比Si半导体ΔE-E望远镜低的能量下阈,(在离线分析中E_(th) = 8MeV),通过该项实验研究我们认为CsI(Tl)十光二级管读出探测器具有各方面的优越性,是中能重离子核反应中测量轻带电粒子的一种非常有前途的探测器
编辑同志: 自从Pons和Fleischmann今年三月份宣布实现了室温条件下“核聚变”以来,世界上很多实验室都争相进行重复实验。证明核聚变发生的重要事实是中子测定、Y-射线测定、热量测定以及反应产物的分析。如果发生核聚变,则有~3He、~4He和T等产物。我们采用质谱方法对所谓“冷核聚变”产物进行了定性分析。得出一些有益结果。仪器及实验条件:VG7070E双聚焦质谱仪,EI电离源,电子能量70eV,发射电流2mA,收集电流
中西太平洋富钴结壳稀有气体核素含量和同位素组成具有明显的区域性特征。依其He同位素比值与大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)He同位素比值的相对大小,可将富钴结壳分为低3He/4He型和高3He/4He型两类,麦哲伦海山、马尔库斯-威克海岭、马绍尔群岛海山链和中太平洋海山产出低3He/4He型结壳,莱恩群岛海山链产出高3He/4He型结壳。 富钴结壳稀有气体以下地幔来源为主,低3He/4He型与高3He/4He型结壳稀有气体特征的差异是二者产出海山链下地幔源区类型不同的表现。低3He/4He型结壳中的稀有气体主要来自受俯冲再循环大洋地壳影响的HIMU型地幔源区,高3He/4He型结壳中的稀有气体主要来自受捕获大气组分沉积物再循环作用影响的EM型地幔源区。地幔源区类型的差异是引起两类结壳稀有气体组成差异的根本原因。 富钴结壳铂族元素(PGE)特征随海山链而变化,PGE各元素之间也有明显的分异,暗示了结壳PGE来源的多样性和富集机制的差异性。地外物质对富钴结壳PGE的贡献有限,富钴结壳PGE主要来自海底幔源岩石的蚀变作用和陆源物质输入。PGE来源印证了富钴结壳稀有气体的地幔来源说。 大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)低温蚀变作用研究和质量平衡理论计算表明,OIB低温蚀变作用为海水提供了大量金属,OIB是富钴结壳重要的矿源场。地幔在富钴结壳成矿中起着重要的作用。
The main research area of this thesis is the Western Depression in the Liaohe Basin. Based on the drilling core observation and mud logging data, the features of the mantle–derived fluids and their effects on oil/gas generation in the Western Depression of the Liaohe Basin,was studied with comprehensive methods of volcanic petrology, sediment petrology, fluid geochemistry, sedimentlogy, and structural geology, and use of polarized light microscope, fluorescence microscope, electron microscope, fluid and melt inclusion test, and isotopic test of nature gas etc. The observation of drill cores in study area and other studies reveal that the main passageway of the volcanic eruption in the Cenozoic was the Xibaqian-Gaosheng fault, and the volcanic rocks of each stage were distributed around it. Mantle-derived fluid which affected on oil/gas generation formed later than the volcanic spew and those fluids entered into the depression through the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault. The volatile fraction analysis of the melt inclusion reveals the presence of two kinds of mantle fluids; they are hydrogen-rich fluid and carbon dioxide-rich fluid. These the two kinds of fluids were mainly distributed in olivine and pyroxene respectively. The hydrothermal veins development have multiple stages, from high temperature quartz vein to low temperature calcite vein and analcime vein, in which the fluid inclusion extremity component are methane and carbon dioxide, which indicate that when mantle-derived fluids ascended and entered into the basin, most of these fluids interacted with the organic matter in the basin even though some of these entered into atmosphere. The present isotopic test of the nature gas reveals the high 3He/4He value between the region of the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault, which also imply the feature of origin in mantle. This phenomenon indicates that the Mesozoic basement faults and the main Cenozoic faults had connected crust and the mantle during the basin evolution, so the mantle derived fluids could enter the basin along those faults. The main source rocks of the ES3 and ES4 members of the Shahejie Formation began to expel hydrocarbon at the end period of the ES1 member of the Shahejie Formation, and reached its peak during the period of the Dongying Formation deposition. During these periods, the mantle derived-fluids entered the basin constantly along the main faults, and supplied lots of hydrogen for hydrocarbon generation. Though the volcanic rocks and the mantle-derived fluids in the Eastern Depression were more developed than in the Western Depression, the source rocks and the deep fluids were not interacted better than the Western Depression because of the affection of structural evolution. In the Eocene, the Eastern Depression did not deposit the ES4 member of the Shahejie Formation, furthermore, the mantle-fluid formed in the Fangshengpao stage escaped to the atmosphere, which confined the later stage hydrocarbon generation capability.
Geofluid in sedimentary basins is related to petroleum generation, migration, accumulation and preservation, and is a topic of geological frontier. By integrating the multi-discipline methods of petroleum geochemistry, sedimentology, hydrogeology, petroleum geology and experimental geochemistry, the thesis has carried out experiments of microcline dissolution in solutions with organic acids, crude oil, brines with high total dissolved solids (TDS), and has dealt with Al distribution between the crude oil and the brines after the experiments. Cases for study includes Central Tarim, Hetianhe Gas Field and Kucha forland basin with data containing fluid chemistry and isotopic compositions, thin sections of sandstones and carbonates, homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions, isotopic compositions of bulk rock and autigenic minerals. The aims are to elucidate fluid origin and flow in the three areas, effect of hydrocarbon emplacement on diagenesis, and to show occurrence of microbe-mediated, and thermochemical sulfate reduction in the Tarim Basin. Microcline dissolution experiments show that after 100 hour, part of the dissolved Al distributes in the crude oil, and the Al concentrations in the crude oil rise when organic acids are added. The result can be used to explain that most oilfield waters in the Tarim Basin are characterized by less than 3mg/L Al. Crude oil added to the solutions can enhance microcline dissolution, which is also observed in the case - Silurian sandstones with early crude oil emplacement in the Central Tarim. Al and Si have higher concentrations in the experiments of oxalic acid than of acetic acid under the same pH conditions, suggesting that there exist Al-oxalate and Si-oxalate complexes. Presence of acetate can enhance the activity of Ca and Al, but Al concentrations have not been increased significantly due to formation of small Al-acetate complex during the experiments. Relationships between δD and δ~(18)O in conjunction with chemistry of oilfield waters show that the waters are evaporated connate waters, which subsequently mixed with meteoric water, and were influenced by water-rock interactions such as salt dissolution, dolomitization of calcite, albitization of feldspar. In the Hetianhe Gas Field where salt dissolution took place, δD and δ~(18)O values can be used to trace nicely meteoric water recharge area and flow direction, but TDS can not. Part of the waters have high TDS but very light δD and δ~(18)O. When combined with paleo-topography, or fluid potentials, meteoric water is suggested to flow eastward in the Hetianhe Gas Field, which is the same with the Central Tarim. Whist in the Kuche forland basin, meteoric water may have permeated Cambrian-Ordovician strata. Relationship between ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and 1/Sr can be used to indicate migration and mixing of brines from carbonate strata (low ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio but high Sr content), clastic strata (high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio but low Sr content) and crystalline basement (high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio and heavy δ~(18)O value). Using this approach, it can be found that ~(87)Sr-depleted brine from Ordovician carbonates have migrated up to and mixed with ~(87)Sr-enriched waters from Silurian and Carboniferous sandstones, and that Silurian brines have mixed with meteoric water. In the Kuche forland basin, brines from the Cambrian and Ordovician carbonates have higher ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios than those from the overlying sandstones, when combined with chemistry, δ~(15)N and ~3He/~4He ratios of the coexisting natural gases, suggesting that the brines were derived from the basement. There exists some debate on the effect of hydrocarbon emplacement on mineral diagenesis. Case-study from Silurian sandstones in the Central Tarim show that quartz has kept overgrowing secondarily when oil saturation was decreased by meteoric water flushing subsequently to hydrocarbon emplacement. Silicon precipitates on the water-wet quartz surface, leading to decreased Si concentration close to the surface. A Si grads can result in Si diffusion, which supplies Si for quartz overgrowth. Hydrocarbon oxidation-sulfate reduction is an important type of organic-inorganic interaction. Not only can it make secondary alteration of hydrocarbons, but generate H_2S and CO_2 gases which can improve reservoir property. Thermochemical sulfate reduction took place at the temperatures more than 125 ℃ to 140 ℃ in the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonates, the products - H_2S and CO_2 gases migrated up to the Silurian, and precipitated as pyrite and calcite, respectively. The pyrite has an average δ~(34)S value close to those of Ordovician seawater and anhydrite, and calcite has δ~(13)C value as low as -21.5‰. In the Hetianhe Gas Field, sulfate reduction bacteria carried by meteoric water flowing eastward may have preferentially depleted ~(12)C of light hydrocarbon gases, and results in heavier δ~(13)C values of the residual hydrocarbon gases and higher molar CO_2 in the natural gases in the west than in the east. Coexisting pyrite has δ~(34)S values as low as -24.9‰.
月壤厚度的研究对未来月球探测、登月与月球资源开发均具有十分重要的意义。它是恢复月球起源和演化历史的重要参数,也是估算月球3He 资源量的必要前提。本文将月壤厚度的研究方法归纳为直接和间接两类,直接方法主要是利用月震数据对月壤厚度进行推算,间接方法包括基于撞击坑形态、分布以及地基雷达遥感数据估算月壤厚度两种。随着定量微波遥感的发展,结合我国嫦娥探月工程的实施,利用高分辨率被动微波遥感亮温反演月壤厚度为月壤厚度的研究指出一个新的方向。
报道了辽宁宽甸、吉林辉南和河北汉诺坝新生代玄武岩中幔源包体的稀有气体丰度和同位素组成. 与大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和其他地区相比, 我国东北部幔源包体具有较低的稀有气体丰度、类似或低于MORB的3He/4He比值、低于MORB的40Ar/36Ar比值、类似大气的38Ar/36Ar和Ne-Kr-Xe同位素组成等特征. 这些结果表明我国东北部岩石圈地幔的不均一性, 即存在类似于宽甸的亏损地幔和类似于辉南地区的富集地幔. 3个地区低40Ar/36Ar比值可能暗示着岩石圈地幔中随板块消减而加入了大气稀有气体成分.
根据对高青-平南断裂带两侧的气藏进行气体组分及碳同位素地球化学分析发现:两侧分布的是不同的气体类型,南侧主要是以甲烷为主的烃类气藏,其CH4含量在88.83%-99.26%之间,碳同位素值为-55.17‰~ -35.00‰之间,结合该地区的地质特征认为该区CH4气藏为混合气藏,其来源主要有3种:油型伴生气、幔源岩浆脱气以及CO2还原气。而北侧主要是以CO2为主的非烃类气藏,其CO2含量在60.72%-99.99%之间,碳同位素值为:9.8‰-3.41‰,3He/4He值主要在4.45×10^-6~6.35×10^-6之间,主要是幔源-岩石化学成因的混合气。通过分析两侧气体组分及碳同位素特征,初步判断高青-平南断裂带两侧烃类气体形成于同一时期,主要可能是早期强烈的岩浆喷发后形成,而高青地区的二氧化碳气藏主要是由后期的岩浆脱气形成。两类气藏组分差异的最主要原因是由后期的岩浆活动影响造成.