48 resultados para 260301 Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry

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Gold deposits hosted in the Gezhen shear zone at Qingxi, Hainan Island occur in the Precambrian metamorphic rock series and are regionally developed in the N-E direction along the tectonic zone. From northeast to southwest are distributed the Tuwaishan-Baoban gold mining district, the Erjia gold mining district and the Bumo gold mining district, making up the most industrially important gold metallogenesis zone on the Hainan Island. Isotope geochemical studies of the typical gold deposits in this metallogen


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This paper deals with the relations between the Machangqing rockbody which corresponds to the A-type granites and porphyry copper mineralization in terms of petrochemistry, trace element geochemistry, fluid inclusion geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The results show that the Machangqing porphyry copper deposit was formed from the fluid predominated by mag-matic fluid. This kind of ore-forming fluid was just differentiated from the magma responsible for the A-type granites. therefore,as viewed from whereer they contain water or not,the A-type granites can,at least,be divided into two types: water-bearing and water-free.The water-bearing A-type granites can serve as the host ofporphyry copper deposits under certain geological conditions.


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The black rock series of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area are important source rocks and have exceptional characteristics of sediment, biology, element geochemistry, carbon and oxygen isotope, organic geochemistry and etc. These characteristics are the reflection of important geology events. Due to scarce system research, many problems that relate to the development mechanism of source rocks are not solved. And this restricts the exploration of Oil and gas in South China. In this paper, author studied the palaeo-climate, palaeo-structure and palaeo-environment of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area by sedimentology, palaeobiology and geochemistry, especially the element geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The environment model of source rocks is established and some conclusions are drawn. The Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian sediment types in Yangtze area are mostly black shales, next, mudstone, shell limestone and siltystone. During the Late Ordovician and Earily Silurian periods, a series of big upheaval and depressed are distributed in Yangtze area, and the strata pattern of interphase upheaval and depressed led to Yangtze palaeosea isolated with outside sea. So the stagnant and anoxic environment that are the favorable factor of rich organic black shales sediment is formed in Yangtze area. That Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of the lower Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation exhibits moderate chemistry weathering suggests they were deposited under the circumstances of the warm and humid climate. However, the large difference of the CIA values of N.extraordinarius-N.ojsuensis biozone suggests that climate is changeful. Therefore, there were two different kinds of climates in the course of the deposition of the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation. During the Late Ordovician - Earily Silurian periods, in Yangtze palaeosea, the surface water which is full of rich nutriment and abundant bacterium - algae has high palaeo-productivity that is obvious difference in the different space – time. The content of sulphate changes gradually from the surface water columns to the deep water columns. That is, salinity in the surface water columns is serious low and the salinity in deep water columns is normal. Salinity delamination is favor of the forming of deep anoxic environment. During Wufeng period, the oxidated and low sulfate environment exists in the upper Yangtze palaeosea, while the anoxic and normal salinity environment occurs in the lower Yangtze palaeosea. During the Late Wufeng and Guanyinqiao periods, the steady anoxic environment is replaced by oxidated environment. During the Longmaxi period, layered and anoxic environment recur. In Yangtze area, studies of δ13C of sedimentary organic carbon show a positive δ13C excursion up to 4‰ in the Guanyinqiao stage and then, acute negative excursion in the earily Longmaxi stage. These organic carbon isotopes curve are not only efficient measure of carving up strata borderline, but also reflected the change of originality productivity. These organic carbon isotopes curves showed the process of the enhanced embedding of the global organic carbon. Anoxic event is the main factor of increasing organic carbon embedding speed. And the reduced organic carbon embedding in Hirnantian stage is due to the water column with abundant oxygen. The δ34S values are gradually positive excursion from P.pacificus biozone to N.extraordinarius biozone, and reach the maximum in the Upper Hirnantian stage. Then, the δ34S values are negative excursion. The excursions of δ13C and δ34S reflect the acute change of environment. The formation of source rocks is largely dependent on the nature of organisms from which kerogen is derived and the preservation conditions of organic matter, which are fundamentally dependent on a favourable combination of various elements in which organisms live and are subsequently buried. These elements include palaeoclimate, palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Based on above mentioned circumstance, the coupling connection of source rock and the palaeoclimate, and of palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions are confirmed, and the “anoxic-marginal depression-photosynthesis” environemental model is established. It is indicated that anoxic played important role in production of organic matter. The produced organic matter was accumulated in marginal depression of the Yangtze area. The photosynthesis is favor of the high productivity. Source rocks have a good perspective, like that of “hot shale” deposited in North Africa.


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On the basis of the geological field investigations and isotope geochronological studies the Sm-Nd isochron age (513 Ma?0 Ma), Rb-Sr isochron age (511 Ma? Ma) and K-Ar age (312-317 Ma) of the Dapingzhang spilite-keratophyre formation in Yunnan Province are presented. From these geochronological data it is evidenced that this suite of volcanic rocks was formed in the Cambrian and the parent magma was derived from a depleted mantle, which was influenced by crustal contamination and/or seawater hydrothermal


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The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of the upmost layer of Fe-Mn crusts from the western and central Pacific Ocean have been determined. The results indicate that the He and Ar nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios can be classified into two types: low He-3/He-4 type and high He-3/He-4 type. The low He-3/He-4 type is characterized by high He-4 abundances of 191x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1) on average, with variable He-4, Ne-20 and Ar-40 abundances in the range (42.8-421)x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1), (5.40-141)x10(-9)cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1), and (773-10976)x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1), respectively. The high He-3/He-4 samples are characterized by low He-4 abundances of 11.7x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1) on average, with He-4, Ne-20 and Ar-40 abundances in the range of (7.57-17.4)x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1), (110.4-25.5)x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1) and (5354-9050)x10(-9) cm(3.)STP(.)g(-1), respectively. The low He-3/He-4 samples have He-3/He-4 ratios (with RIRA ratios of 2.04-2.92) which are lower than those of MORB (R/R-A=8 +/- 1) and Ar-40/Ar-36 ratios (447-543) which are higher than those of air (295.5). The high He-3/He-4 samples have He-3/He-4 ratios (with R/R-A ratios of 10.4-12.0) slightly higher than those of MORB (R/R-A=8 +/- 1) and Ar-40/Ar-36 ratios (293-299) very similar to those of air (295.5). The Ne isotopic ratios (Ne-20/Ne-22 and Ne-21/Ne-22 ratios of 10.3-10.9 and 0.02774-0.03039, respectively) and the Ar-38/Ar-36 ratios (0.1886-0.1963) have narrow ranges which are very similar to those of air (the Ne-20/Ne-22, Ne-21/Ne-22, Ar-38/Ar-36 ratios of 9.80, 0.029 and 0.187, respectively), and cannot be differentiated into different groups. The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios, together with their regional variability, suggest that the noble gases in the Fe-Mn crusts originate primarily from the lower mantle. The low He-3/He-4 type and high He-3/He-4 type samples have noble gas characteristics similar to those of HIMU (High U/Pb Mantle)- and EM (Enriched Mantle)-type mantle material, respectively. The low He-3/He-4 type samples with HIMU-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Magellan Seamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Island Chain and the Mid-Pacific Seamounts whereas the high He-3/He-4 type samples with EM-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Line Island Chain. This difference in noble gas characteristics of these crust types implies that the Magellan Seamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Island Chain, and the Mid-Pacific Seamounts originated from HIMU-type lower mantle material whereas the Line Island Chain originated from EM-type lower mantle material. This finding is consistent with variations in the Pb-isotope and trace element signatures in the seamount lavas. Differences in the mantle surce may therefore be responsible for variations in the noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios in the Fe-Mn crusts. Mantle degassing appears to be the principal factor controlling noble gas isotopic abundances in Fe-Mn crusts. Decay of radioactive isotopes has a negligible influence on the nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of noble gases in these crusts on the timescale of their formation.


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Post-collisional, potassic igneous rocks are widely distributed in the Hoh Xil area of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the field work, petrography, mineral chemistry, K-Ar geochronology, element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry, this thesis systematically studied the spatial and temporal distribution of the volcanic rocks, chemical characteristics, formation mechanism and partial melting mechanism of the magma source region, geodynamic setting of magmatism, as well as crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC). The results show that: 1. The Miocene (7.77-17.82 Ma) volcanic products dominantly are trachandesite and trachy, and subordinate rhyolites, associated with stike-slip faults and thrust faults, formed morphology of small lava platforms and cinder cones. 2. Phenocrysts in the lavas are augite, andesine, sanidine, calcic amphibole and subordinate orthopyroxene, biotite and Ti-Fe oxides, displaying typical quench texture. Equilibrium temperatures and pressures of clinopyroxene phenocrysts indicate the magma chamber is located in upper-middle crust. 3. Rhyolites are the products of crustal melting and fractionation of shoshonitic magmas. The source region of intermediate magmas is enriched continental lithospheric mantle, which contains residual minerals such as phlogopite, rutile and spinel, and enriched by subducted sediments during earlier multi-episodes of subduction. 4. Upwelling of asthenosphere provides heat for source region melting, and faults provide channels for magma eruption. 5. Northward underthrusting of Indian continental lithosphere and southward of backstop of Asian continental lithosphere resulted in upwelling of hot asthenosphere. Geochemical characteristics of the potassic magmatism in North Tibet are dominantly controlled by source region composition, partial melting, and crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC).


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Mafic granulite xenoliths have been extensively concerned over the recent years because they are critical not only to studies of composition and evolution of the deep parts of continental crust but to understanding of the crust-mantle interaction. Detailed petrology, geochemistry and isotope geochronology of the Early Mesozoic mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths and mafic granulite xenoliths and their host diorites from Harqin area, eastern Inner-Mongolia have been studied here. Systematic Rb-Sr isochron, ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar and K-Ar datings for mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths give ages ranging from 237Ma to 221Ma. Geochemical research and forming temperature and pressure estimates suggest that cumulates are products of the Early Mesozoic mantle-derived magmatic underplating and they formed in the magmatic ponds at the lowermost of the continental crust and are later enclaved by the dioritic magma. Detailed study on the first-discovered mafic granulite xenoliths reveals that their modal composition, mineral chemistry and metamorphic P-T conditions are all different from those of the Precambrian granulite exposed on the earth surface of the North China craton. High-resolution zircon U-Pb dating suggests that the granulite facies metamorphism may take place in 253 ~ 236Ma. Hypersthene single mineral K-Ar dating gives an age of 229Ma, which is believed to represent a cooling age of the granulite. As the host rock of the cumulate and granulite xenoliths, diorites intruded into Archean metamorphic rocks and Permian granite. They are mainly composed of grandodiorite, tonalite and monzogranite and show metaluminous and calc-alkaline features. Whole rock and single mineral K-Ar dating yields age of 221 ~ 223Ma, suggesting a rapid uplift in the forming process of the diorites. Detailed field investigation and geochemical characteristics indicate that these diorites with different rock types are comagmatic rocks, and they have no genetic correlation with cumulate and granulite xenoliths. Geochemical model simulating demonstrates that these diorites in different lithologies are products of highly partial melting of Archean amphibolite. It is considered that the Early Mesozoic underplating induced the intrusion of diorites, and it reflects an extensional geotectonic setting. Compression wave velocity V_P have been measured on 10 representative rock samples from the Early Mesozoic granulite and mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths population as an aid to interpret in-situ seismic velocity data and investigating velocity variation with depth in a mafic lower crust. The experiments have been carried out at constant confining pressures up to 1000MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 ℃ to around 1300 ℃, using the ultrasonic transmission technique. After corrections for estimated in situ crustal pressures and temperatures, elastic wave velocities range from 6.5 ~ 7.4 km s~(-1). On the basis of these experimental data, the Early-Mesozoic continental compression velocity profile has also been reestablished and compared with those of the present and of the different tectonic environments in the world. The result shows that it is similar to the velocity structure of the extensional tectonic area, providing new constraints on the Early Mesozoic continental structure and tectonic evolution of the North-China craton. Combining with some newly advancements about the regional geology, the thesis further proposes some constraints on the Mesozoic geotectonic evolution history, especially the features of deep geology of the North China craton.


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Based on previous studies, boron can be separated from aqueous samples with Amberlite IRA-743 resin. Experiments on the elute temperature, elute volume and the dynamic resin exchange capacity have been performed in this study. Results show that the dynamic exchange capacity of the resin is 4.2mg B/g and at room temperature, boron fixed on the resin within this capacity level can be extracted quantitatively by using 5ml 2%HNO3. A new procedure has been developed for the measurement of boron isotope ratios in water samples using a Neptune MC-ICP-MS, after resolving the memory effect, which is a key problem, and investigating the impacts of mass bias and Si matrix effect. Using this method, it usually takes 20 min to perform one measurement on 0.1ppm boron solution with a precision of 0.23‰ (SD). If the relative deviation between a sample and the standard is large, the washout time needs to be doubled to achieve a higher precision. δ11B values of water samples from Yangbajing geothermal field vary from -10.53 to -9.13‰. Owing to the large difference B concentration and the small B isotope difference between deep geothermal water and surface water, B isotope ratios of the shallow geothermal fluids are dominated by the deep end member rather than the shallower one in the mixing process. As a consequence, δ11B-B relation is indicative basically of a dilution process. Vapor-liquid separation and calcite scaling also greatly influence B isotope fractionation. δ11B values of water samples from Dagejia geothermal field are from -15.98‰ to -11.67‰. Boron in Changma River near the field has two sources, freshwater lakes (Dajiamang Lake and Canke Lake) and geothermal waters. Finally, a preliminary discussion is included on boron geochemical characteristics of the salt lakes in Shuanghu area and other geothermal fields, to provide information for future studies on boron isotope geochemistry of geothermal systems and salt lakes in Tibet.