13 resultados para 260101 Mineralogy and Crystallography

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The phenyl derivatives of lanthanides Sc(C_6H_5)_3, Y(C_6H_5)_3, LiLa (C_6H_5)_4 and LiPr(C_6H_5)_4 were prepared by Hart et al. in 1970, and dis(cyclopentadienyl) phenyl complexes of lanthanides have been isolated recently. We reported here the synthesis and crystallography parameters of a new type of phenyl derivative of neodymium:


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This thesis mainly concentrates on the geochronology, prtrology, elemental geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in north Da’Hinggan Mountain. By analyzing the data obtained in this study and data from other people, this thesis explored the age distribution, petrology and mineralogy and geochemistry characteristics of the volcanic rocks in north Da’Hinggan Mountain. Furthermore, this thesis speculated upon the source characteristics of these volcanic rocks and their implications for the tectonic evolution and crust accretion. According to the twenty Ar-Ar ages, four zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages and two Zircon U-Pb LA-ICP-MS ages, the duration of the eruption of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in north Da’Hing Mountain was about 160Ma-106Ma. Most of these volcanic rocks belong to early Cretaceous and the late Jurassic volcanic rocks are only restricted in Manzhouli. The bulk of the late Mesozoic volcanic rocks are high-K calc-alkaline rocks. Only a small portion of these volcanic rocks are shoshonites. These rocks are mainly intermediate or acid and the basic rocks usually have higher alkaline contents. Rock types are very complex in this region. These volcanic rocks have a large TiO2 variation and the Al2O3 and alkaline contents are high. From the point of mineralogy, the plagioclases in these volcanic rocks are oligoclases, andesines and labradorites, and the labradorites are more common. Most pyroxenes in these volcanic rocks are augites which belong to clinopyroxene. The source of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks was an enriched lithospheric mantle. When the magma en route to the surface it was contaminated by crust material slightly and had some fractional crystallization. These rocks which mainly belong to high-K calc-alkaline series were one of the results of postorogenic tectonic-magmatic activities. The upwelling in late Mesozoic supplied heat to melt the enriched lithospheric mantle which was resulted from the subduction of paleo-Asian Ocean and/or Mengol-Okhotsk ocean. These late Mesozoic volcanic rocks are also important to the upper crustal accretion of north Da’Hinggan Mountain since the late Mesozoic. These volcanics and the contemporary emplacement of granites and the basaltic underplating in combination fulfilled the crust accretion history in north Da’Hinggan Mountain in Late Mesozoic.


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On the issue of geological hazard evaluation(GHE), taking remote sensing and GIS systems as experimental environment, assisting with some programming development, this thesis combines multi-knowledges of geo-hazard mechanism, statistic learning, remote sensing (RS), high-spectral recognition, spatial analysis, digital photogrammetry as well as mineralogy, and selects geo-hazard samples from Hong Kong and Three Parallel River region as experimental data, to study two kinds of core questions of GHE, geo-hazard information acquiring and evaluation model. In the aspect of landslide information acquiring by RS, three detailed topics are presented, image enhance for visual interpretation, automatic recognition of landslide as well as quantitative mineral mapping. As to the evaluation model, the latest and powerful data mining method, support vector machine (SVM), is introduced to GHE field, and a serious of comparing experiments are carried out to verify its feasibility and efficiency. Furthermore, this paper proposes a method to forecast the distribution of landslides if rainfall in future is known baseing on historical rainfall and corresponding landslide susceptibility map. The details are as following: (a) Remote sensing image enhancing methods for geo-hazard visual interpretation. The effect of visual interpretation is determined by RS data and image enhancing method, for which the most effective and regular technique is image merge between high-spatial image and multi-spectral image, but there are few researches concerning the merging methods of geo-hazard recognition. By the comparing experimental of six mainstream merging methods and combination of different remote sensing data source, this thesis presents merits of each method ,and qualitatively analyzes the effect of spatial resolution, spectral resolution and time phase on merging image. (b) Automatic recognition of shallow landslide by RS image. The inventory of landslide is the base of landslide forecast and landslide study. If persistent collecting of landslide events, updating the geo-hazard inventory in time, and promoting prediction model incessantly, the accuracy of forecast would be boosted step by step. RS technique is a feasible method to obtain landslide information, which is determined by the feature of geo-hazard distribution. An automatic hierarchical approach is proposed to identify shallow landslides in vegetable region by the combination of multi-spectral RS imagery and DEM derivatives, and the experiment is also drilled to inspect its efficiency. (c) Hazard-causing factors obtaining. Accurate environmental factors are the key to analyze and predict the risk of regional geological hazard. As to predict huge debris flow, the main challenge is still to determine the startup material and its volume in debris flow source region. Exerting the merits of various RS technique, this thesis presents the methods to obtain two important hazard-causing factors, DEM and alteration mineral, and through spatial analysis, finds the relationship between hydrothermal clay alteration minerals and geo-hazards in the arid-hot valleys of Three Parallel Rivers region. (d) Applying support vector machine (SVM) to landslide susceptibility mapping. Introduce the latest and powerful statistical learning theory, SVM, to RGHE. SVM that proved an efficient statistic learning method can deal with two-class and one-class samples, with feature avoiding produce ‘pseudo’ samples. 55 years historical samples in a natural terrain of Hong Kong are used to assess this method, whose susceptibility maps obtained by one-class SVM and two-class SVM are compared to that obtained by logistic regression method. It can conclude that two-class SVM possesses better prediction efficiency than logistic regression and one-class SVM. However, one-class SVM, only requires failed cases, has an advantage over the other two methods as only "failed" case information is usually available in landslide susceptibility mapping. (e) Predicting the distribution of rainfall-induced landslides by time-series analysis. Rainfall is the most dominating factor to bring in landslides. More than 90% losing and casualty by landslides is introduced by rainfall, so predicting landslide sites under certain rainfall is an important geological evaluating issue. With full considering the contribution of stable factors (landslide susceptibility map) and dynamic factors (rainfall), the time-series linear regression analysis between rainfall and landslide risk mapis presented, and experiments based on true samples prove that this method is perfect in natural region of Hong Kong. The following 4 practicable or original findings are obtained: 1) The RS ways to enhance geo-hazards image, automatic recognize shallow landslides, obtain DEM and mineral are studied, and the detailed operating steps are given through examples. The conclusion is practical strongly. 2) The explorative researching about relationship between geo-hazards and alteration mineral in arid-hot valley of Jinshajiang river is presented. Based on standard USGS mineral spectrum, the distribution of hydrothermal alteration mineral is mapped by SAM method. Through statistic analysis between debris flows and hazard-causing factors, the strong correlation between debris flows and clay minerals is found and validated. 3) Applying SVM theory (especially one-class SVM theory) to the landslide susceptibility mapping and system evaluation for its performance is also carried out, which proves that advantages of SVM in this field. 4) Establishing time-serial prediction method for rainfall induced landslide distribution. In a natural study area, the distribution of landslides induced by a storm is predicted successfully under a real maximum 24h rainfall based on the regression between 4 historical storms and corresponding landslides.


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Xuanlong-type Hematite Deposits, distributed in Xuanhua and Longguang area in Hebei province and hosted in the Changchengian Chuanlinggou Formation of Mesoproterozoic, is an oldest depositional iron deposit characterized by oolitic and stromatolitic hematite and siderite. This thesis made an systematic study of its sedimentary, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy and sequence stratigraphy. Based on above, the mechanism and background of biomineralization are discussed. There are four types of hematite ores including stromatolite, algal oolite, algal pisolite and oncolite. Based on detailed study on ore texture, the authors think both algal oolite and algal pisolite ores are organic texture ores, and related to the role of microorganisms. The process of blue-green algae and bacteria in the Xuanlong basin absorbing, adsorbing and sticking iron to build up stromatolite is the formation process of Xuanlong-type hematite deposit. Researches on ore-bearing series and ore geochemistry show that the enrichment of elements is closely related to the microorganism activities. Fe_2O_3 is enriched in dark laminations of stromatolite with much organic matter and SiO_2 in light laminations with detrital matters. The trace elements, especially biogenic elements, including V, P, Mo are enriched in ores but relatively low in country rocks. The paper also demonstrates on the sequence stratigraphy of hematite deposits and five sequences and twelve systems are divided. The characteristics of sequence stratigraphy show that the deposit-forming location has obviously selectivity and always exists under a transgressive setting. The oxygen isotope in hematite is about -2.2~5.7‰, which is similar to that of Hamlys iron formation of Australia but more negative than that of volcanic or hydrothermal iron deposits characterized by high positive values. The calculation by the result of oxygen isotope analysis shows that the temperature of ancient sea water was 48.53℃. The negative value of carbon isotope from siderite indicates its biogenic carbon source. Meanwhile, the occurrence of seismite in the ore-beds, which indicates the formation of hematite deposits is associated with frequent shock caused by structural movement such as distal volcano or ocean-bottom earthquake etc, show the occurrence of hematite deposits is eventual, not gradual. In shorts, Xuanlong-type hematite deposits were the result of interaction among geological setting of semi-isolated Xuanglong basin, favorable hot and humid climate condition, abundant iron source, microorganism such as algae and bateria as well as the fluctuation of the sea level.


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In order to know better about the Phanerozoic lithosphere thinning process of Sino-Korea Plate, four Cretaceous intrusion complexes and their ultramafic xenoliths are investigated by this thesis, which are located in Laiwu, Shandong Province, Eastern China, a region far away from plate margin. The four complexes, Kuanshan, Jiaoyu, Jingniushan and Tietonggou, intruded into Archaeozoic granite gneiss and Paleozoic carbonate rocks with scam iron ore at their contact zone. The four complexes can be divided into two magma series, abyssal rocks for the early and hypabyssal rocks for the later. K-Ar dating show that the abyssal rocks intrusion began with 120 ±2 Ma and the hypabyssal rocks intruded about 113 Ma. Abyssal rocks, mainly made up of augite diorites, amphibole diorites and gabbros for the lesser, are chemically characterized with high-Mg (Mg#>0.5) high-K calcalklic rock, which are depleted with Nb, Ta and Ti related to LILE and extremely enriched with Sr and Pb. Comparatively, augite diorites are the most LREE enriched in abyssal rocks, and they show no Eu abnorrnity or weak positive Eu abnormity. Gabbros show the least LREE enrichment with a strong Eu abnormity relatively. In (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1 -ε Nd(T) diagram, the abyssal rocks show a mixing trend , a rapid change in ε Nd(T) with a relatively small change in (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_1. Low radiogenic Sr and Pb composition with high radiogeic Nd composition indicate that the mixing processes happened in lower crust Melt-rock interactions in lower crust might be the most possible processes to produce these high-Mg and high-K calcalklic magmas. Hypabyssal rocks, mainly made up of granite porphyry and dioritic porphrite, show much higher ε Nd(T) than abyssal rocks. Granite porphyry are distinct with an adakite geochemical characteristics, high (La/Yb)_N, Sr/Y and low Rb/Sr ratio. The adakitic granite porphyry indicates a new lower crust produced by underplating within plate. Ultramafic xenoliths had been found only in augite diorites and amphibole diorites. Field investigations show that ultramafic xenoliths in augite diorites had been inherited from amphibole diorites, so ultramafic xenoliths had been only entrained by hydrous dioritic magma. Ultramafic xenoliths are mainly made up of dunite and harzburgite, orthopyroxenite and bistangite are the lessor. Coarse olivines in dunite often show many chromite exsolution lamellae. Opx in orthopyroxenite often show dense chromite exsolution lamellae. The presence of exsolution minerals indicates that ultramafic xenoliths had cooled before entraining. Metasomatism phenomenons are popular in dunite and harzburgite xenoliths, including two kinds of assemblage, cpx+phlogapite and opx+pl. The first metasomatism assemblage indicates an ancient enrichment. Rb-Sr dating of xenoliths shows that the ancient enrichment happened in 223 ± 7Ma. The second metasomatism assemblage indicates a recent, relatively not deep melt-rock interaction, which might be related with the genesis of the high-Mg high-K calcalklic rocks. Mineralogy and geochemistry indicate that these ultramafic xenoliths might sample the crust-mante transition zone (or the base of lower crust, moho). Investigation of high-Mg intrusions and their ultramafic xenoliths in Laiwu indicate that the thinning processes of Sino-Korea Plate can be divided into two stages. The first stage is lithosphere mantle thinning with crust thickening by underplating in lower crust. The second stage is that the thickened lower crust delaminated into the underlying mantle.


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Based on the principle and methods of carbonate sedimentology and reservoir geology, and guided by the theories of carbonate reservoir geology, the palaeokarst of Ordovician carbonate rocks in Tarim Basin has been comprehensively studied with multiple methods from different branches of geology. It is indicated that the features and distribution of palaeokarstification have developed in Ordovician carbonates. The controlling of karstification to Ordovician carbonate reservoirs has been discussed. Regional distribution of carbonate reservoirs controlled by karstification has been predicted within this basin. The main consents and conclusions of the this dissertation is as follows: Nine key indicators to the recognition of palaeokarst are proposed in terms of careful observation upon the well cores, lithological and geochemical analyses, and drilling and logging responses to the karst caves and fractures. The time and environment of cave filling are documented from careful research of lithofacies, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the physical and chemical fillings within karst caves. The caves in Ordovician carbonates were filled in Early Carboniferous in Lunnan area. The muddy filling in upper caves was deposited under subaerial fresh-water setting, while the muddy filling in lower caves was formed in the mixed water body of fresh-water and dominated sea water. Although most chemical fillings are suggested being precipated in the burial diagenetic environment after karstification but mineralogic and geochemical characteristics of some chemical fillings indicates they formed in meteoric environment during the karstification. It is obvious that the palaeokarst has been zoned in vertical profile. It can be divided into four units from top to bottom: surface karst, vadose karst, phreatic and tranquil flow zones. Between two types of limestone karst and dolostone karst are firstly differentiated in Tarim Basin, based on the comparison of features of each karst zone in limestone and dolostone regions. In Tabei area, the lowest depth of karstification is approximately 300 m below the Upper Ordovician unconformity interface, while the bottom depth of karstification in Tazhong area ranges commonly from 300 to 400 m, in rare cases may be up to 750 m below the upper Ordovician unconformity interface. In Lunnan and Tazhong areas, the palaeokarst morphology and the surface hydrosystem are firstly reconstructed based on the top of carboniferous "Shuangfeng limestone bed (Double-Peaks limestone)" as basal. According to the palaeomorphologic feature, karst topography can be divided into three units: karst upland, karst slope, and karst valley. Vadose zone was well developed in karst upland, and it can be found in a quite depth. Both vadose and phreatic zones were well developed in karst slope and upstream valley. In downstream valley, the karstification is not strong, the vadose and phreatic zones are thin in thickness. In Tazhong and Yingmaili areas, karstification is also developed in relict carbonate palaeo-hills which existed as isolated blocks admits clastic strata.


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These are two parts included in this report. In the first part, the zonation of the complexes in its series, lithofacies, the depth of magma source and chambers is discussed in detailed for the first time based on the new data of petrol-chemistry, isotopes, tectono-magma activity of Mesozoic volcano-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Then, the genetic model of the zonality, double overlapped layer system, is proposed. The main conclusions are presented as follows: The Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan were formed by four stages of magma activity on the base of the subduction system formed in late Paleozoic. The Mesozoic magmatic activity began in Meso-Jurassic Epoch, flourished in late Jurassic Epoch, and declined in early Cretaceous Epoch. The complexes consist dominantly of acidic rocks with substantial intermediate rocks and a few mefic ones include the series of calc alkaline, high potassium calc alkaline, shoshonite, and a few alkaline. Most of those rocks are characterized by high potassium. The volcano-plutonic complexes is characterized by zonality, and can be divided mainly into there zones. The west zone, located in northwestern side of gneiss zone in Great Xinggan mountains, are dominated of high potassium basalts and basaltic andesite. The middle zone lies on the southeast side of the Proterozoic gneiss zone, and its southeast margin is along Huangganliang, Wushijiazi, and Baitazi. It composed of dominatly calc-alkaline, high potassium calc-alkaline rocks, deep granite and extrusive rhyolite. The east zone, occurring along Kesheketong Qi-Balinyou Qi-Balinzuo Qi, is dominated of shoshonite. In generally, southeastward from the Proterozoic gneiss zone, the Mesozoic plutons show the zones-mica granitites zone, hornblende-mica granitite zone, mica-hornblende granitite zone; the volcanic rocks also display the zones of calc alkaline-high potassium calc alkaline and shoshonites. In the same space, the late Paleozoic plutons also display the same zonality, which zones are combined of binary granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite and diorite southeast wards from the gneiss. Meso-Jurassic Epoch granite plutons almost distribute in the middle zone on the whole. Whereas late Jurassic Epoch volcanic rocks distribute in the west and east zone. This distribution of the volcano-plutonic complexes reveals that the middle zone was uplifted more intensively then the other zones in Meso-Jurassic and late Jurassic Epoches. Whole rock Rb-Sr isochron ages of the high potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the west zone, the calc-alkaline and high potassium calc-alkaline granite the middle zone, shoshonite in the east zone are 136Ma, 175Ma and 154Ma, respectively. The alkaline rocks close to the shoshonite zone is 143Ma and 126Ma. The isochron ages are comparable well with the K-Ar ages of the rocks obtained previously by other researchers. The compositions of Sr ans Nd isotopes suggest that the source of Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in Great Hinggan Mts. is mostly Paleo-Asia oceanic volcanic-sedimentary rocks, which probably was mixed by antiquated gneiss. The tectonic setting for Mesozoic magmatism was subductive continental margin. But this it was not directly formed by present west Pacific subduction. It actully was the re-working of the Paleozoic subduction system( which was formed during the Paleo-Asia ocean shortening) controlled by west Pacific subduction. For this reason, Although Great Hinggan Mts. is far away from west Pacific subduction zone, its volcanic arc still occurred echoing to the volcanic activities of east China, it, but the variation trend of potassium content in volcano-plutonic complexes of Great Hinggan is just reverse to ones of west Pacific. The primitive magmas occurred in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Include high-potassium calc-alkaline basalt, high potassium calc-alkaline rhyolite, high potassium rhyolite, non-Eu negative anomaly trachy-rhyolite et al. Therefore, all of primitive magmas are either mafic or acid, and most of intermediate rocks occurring in the area are the products of Mesozoic acid magma contaminated by the Paleozoic volcanic- sedimentary rocks. The depth of those primitive magma sources and chambers gradually increase from northwest to southeast. This suggests that Paleozoic subduction still controlled the Mesozoic magmatism. In summary, the lithosphere tectonic system of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. controlling Mesozoic magmatism is a double overlapped layer system developing from Paleozoic subduction system. For this reason, the depth of crust of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. is thicker than that of its two sides, and consequently it causes regional negative gravity abnormity. The second part of this report shows the prolongation of the research work carried on in my doctor's period. Author presents new data about Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions and ages, geochamical features, genesis mineralogy and ore deposit geology of the volcanic rocks in Kunyang rift. On the base of the substantial work, author presents a prospect of copper bearing magnetite ore deposit. The most important conclusions are as follows: 1. It is proved that all of these carbonatites controlled by a ringing structure system in Wuding-Lufeng basin in the central Yunnan were formed in the Mesoproterozoic period. Two stages could be identified as follows: in the first stage, carbonatitic volcanic rocks, such as lavas(Sm-Nd, 1685Ma), basaltic porphyrite dykes(Sm-Nd, 1645Ma), pyroclastic rocks and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, formed in the outer ring; in the second stage, carbonatitic breccias and dykes(Rb-Sr, 1048 Ma) did in the middle ring. The metamorphic age of the carbonatitic lavas (Rb-Sr, 893 Ma) in the outer ring was determined. The magma of carbonatitic volcanic rocks derived mainly form enriched mantle whose basement is depleted mantle that had been metasomated by mantle fluid and contaminated by Archaean lower crust. Carbonatitic spheres were discovered in ore bearing layers in Lishi copper mining in Yimen recently, which formed in calcite carbonatitic magma extrusion. This discovery indicates that the formation of copper ore deposit genesis relates to carbonatitic volcanic activity. The iron and copper ore deposits occurring in carbonatitic volcanic- sedimentary rocks in Kunyang rift results from carbonatitic magmatism. Author calls this kind of ore deposits as subaqueous carbonatitic iron-copper deposit. The magnetic anomaly area in the north of Lishi copper mining in Yimen was a depression more lower than its circumference. Iron and copper ores occurrig on the margin of the magnetic anomaly are volcanic hydrothermal deposit. The magnetic body causing the magnetic anomaly must be magnetite ore. Because the anomaly area is wide, it can be sure that there is a large insidious ore deposit embedding there.


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在新元古代-寒武纪交替阶段(~544Ma)的短短几百万年间,生物种类和数量剧增,这一事件被称之为“寒武纪生物大爆发”(Cambrian Exploration),同时在这一时期,也发生了全球的海洋缺氧事件(Ocean Anoxic Event,OAE)。这些事件造成了在世界范围内的寒武系底部普遍发育了一套富有机质的黑色岩系。在中国南方,从皖南、浙江经赣北、湘西北、贵州至云南一线,下寒武统黑色岩系的分布近2000公里。这些黑色岩系的发育程度在全球背景中很具特色,是全球背景中研究黑色岩系及其相关科学问题的理想场所。 我国南方大陆早寒武世黑色岩系广泛分布且层位稳定,并伴有Mo、Ni、Se、V、Ag、Au、PGE等多种元素富集层。由于其处在特殊的地球演化背景及地质条件,成为目前国内外研究的一个热点区域。基于此,本文在前人工作的基础上,以贵州遵义地区早寒武世黑色岩系中镍钼多金属富集层为研究对象,通过矿物学、元素地球化学、同位素地球化学等研究手段,探讨中国南方早寒武世黑色岩系中镍钼多金属富集层的成因机制。通过研究,取得以下几点认识: (1) 下寒武统镍钼多金属富集层中SiO2含量较低,MgO、Na2O、K2O、MnO、TiO2在炭质页岩和镍钼层中含量差别不大。镍钼多金属富集层中Fe、Ca、P的含量明显高于碳质页岩,这与镍钼层中硫化物、方解石和磷质的显著增加有关。 (2) 镍钼多金属富集层中微量元素Se、Mo、Cd、Ag、Tl、U、Ni,、Bi、Zn、Cu、V等均有较大富集,富集系数为n到n×103。其中尤以Se、Mo最为富集,两者的富集系数均超过30000,其中Mo元素的富集系数大于50000。 (3)通过多种地球化学指标判别,如Se在黑色岩系中超常赋存,U/Th比值远大于1,黑色页岩和镍钼多金属富集层的Ce具有负异常、Eu有微弱的正异常,多种成矿元素的相关关系等这些特征,都暗示了海底喷流热液和生物的共同作用。此外,黑色岩系中V/(V+Ni)的比值反映了它的沉积环境为缺氧环境。 (4)研究区下寒武统黑色岩系中镍钼多金属富集层的矿物组合以黄铁矿、白铁矿、针镍矿、辉砷镍矿、铁辉砷镍矿、紫硫镍矿、赫硫镍矿和碳硫钼矿为主。 矿物生成大多经历了两个成矿阶段:沉积-早期热液阶段和热液-生物阶段。 (5)根据电子探针分析,对于主要富集元素Ni、Mo而言,Ni以出现大量的镍矿物为特征。镍钼多金属富集层中Mo元素主要以“碳硫钼矿”(MoSC)的形式赋存。Se与As元素在硫化物中含量变化十分特征,如在黄铁矿中Se元素较少而As元素含量较高,在碳硫钼矿中情况相反,推测这是由于Se与As元素不同的地球化学性质以及上述两种矿物不同的形成期次造成的。 (6)同位素研究表明,镍钼多金属富集层的硒同位素的分布范围较窄,δ82/76Se范围为-1.56‰- +1.85‰,平均值+0.25‰。根据目前所测得的硒同位素数据,不支持从海水中还原金属元素沉积富集的机制。我们认为当硒通过海底喷流作用释放后,首先以类质同象的方式结合到硫化物相中,这一过程不会造成硒同位素的大的分馏。流体中剩余的少部分硒与海水混合,并且为藻类吸附而沉淀下来,这一过程会造成约1-2‰的硒同位素分馏。这一模式可较好的解释遵义地区下寒武统Ni-Mo-Se富集层的硒同位素组成特征和硒在不同物相中的分配形式。 (7) 镍钼多金属富集层和围岩的有机碳含量为1.75%~13.9%,平均9.16%,有机碳同位素组成为(δ13Corg)-30.6‰~-32.2‰,这一负偏移可能是由于寒武纪早期的海侵作用造成的。


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白牛厂矿床是超大型银多金属矿床,除银储量(>7000t)达到超大型规模外,铅、锌、锡储量均达大型规模,同时伴生大量的分散元素(In、Cd、Ge、Ga等)。矿床位于滇东南个旧和都龙矿田之间,赋存于华南加里东褶皱系滇东南褶皱带西北缘的中寒武统细碎屑岩系之中,北西面以弥勒断裂与扬子地块分界,南西以红河断裂为界与哀牢山断块毗邻,南连越北古陆,东部文麻断裂与南岭褶皱系连为一体,区内地质构造、岩浆活动和矿化作用均较复杂,各构造单元的构造演化对白牛厂银多金属矿床均有不同程度的影响。 白牛厂银多金属矿床自80年代后期被发现以来,已有多家单位和个人在该区开展了一系列的研究工作。但是,在成矿物质及流体来源、矿床成因、矿床与花岗岩的关系等方面都存在诸多争议。本文在深入细致的野外地质工作基础上,对矿石进行了系统的显微镜鉴定,并对部分矿物做了电子探针定量及面扫描分析,详细研究了矿床成矿元素特征及主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、同位素地球化学特征,主要取得以下结论性成果: 1. 银矿物的赋存状态及形成阶段。银主要以硫盐或复硫盐矿物的形式出现,方铅矿是主要的载银矿物。原生银矿物明显分为两组:一组为Ag的黝铜族矿物和Ag的锑硫盐矿物,产于方铅矿的内部或与方铅矿连生形成文象状连晶,与方铅矿具有相似的物源,属热水沉积成因;另一组为Ag的锡硫盐矿物,产于方铅矿边部,往往伴随锡石、黄锡矿、辉锑锡铅矿产出,可见黄锡矿交代锡石形成镶边结构,暗示了其岩浆热液成因。 2. 花岗岩特征及其与成矿的关系。白牛厂矿区花岗岩具有富硅、富碱及高钾低钠特点,属铝过饱和钙碱性岩,与花南改造型花岗岩相似,属同碰撞S型花岗岩,成岩物源主要是基底变质岩重熔作用形成的花岗岩浆,Ag、Pb、Zn、Sn等成矿元素含量较高;与矿石稀土元素对比研究表明,花岗岩稀土配分模式与矿区东南部穿心洞、对门山和阿尾矿段矿石相似,而与矿区西北部白羊矿段矿石相差较大,暗示后期岩浆叠加改造作用主要发生在矿区东南部诸矿段。   3. 矿床含矿沉积建造地球化学特征。通过与中国大厂、个旧典型热水沉积硅质岩,加拿大沙利文矿山的条带状富电气石热液沉积岩和加拿大Agnico-Eugle矿山的铁建造中的条带状燧石岩以及现代海底热水沉积物对应的主量元素、微量元素及稀土元素对比研究,为白牛厂矿床含矿沉积建造提供了热水沉积成因的地球化学证据,指出该区中寒武世可能发生了广泛的热水沉积事件。   4. 成矿物质及成矿流体来源。系统的铅、硫同位素研究表明,中寒武世热水沉积成矿期金属成矿元素及硫主要是由下地壳古老变质岩淋滤出来的;燕山期花岗岩也在矿区东南部叠加改造较强的部位提供了Sn等部分金属成矿元素及硫。碳、氧同位素及矿石稀土元素反映矿床早期成矿流体源于深部岩浆,晚期主要来源于燕山期花岗岩浆。   5. 矿床分散元素特征。分散元素In、Cd、Ga含量较高,平均含量分别为33.21×10-6、389.8×10-6、10.18×10-6,初步估计该矿床In、Cd、Ga储量分别大于180t、20000t、600t,闪锌矿是分散元素In、Cd、Ga主要的载体矿物。 6. 可能的矿床成因模式。白牛厂银多金属矿床是长期以来多种地质作用综合的产物,具有多来源、多期次成矿特点,经历了广泛且具有重要成矿意义的中寒世热水沉积成矿作用和燕山晚期岩浆热液叠加改造作用,热水沉积成矿作用形成了层状、似层状矿体,燕山期岩浆热液在矿区东南部对矿床强烈叠加改造,白牛厂银多金属矿床应属“热水沉积+岩浆热液叠加改造”成因。


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都龙锡锌多金属矿床位于云南省马关县都龙镇,是我国最大的锡石硫化物矿床之一。在野外地质和岩矿鉴定基础上,本文对该矿床的绿泥石、鲕状黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿异构交生体、铁闪锌矿的“黄铜矿疾病”等矿物和特殊组构,开展了比较系统的电子探针、拉曼光谱和X光衍射等微束分析,结合对该矿床的黑云母Ar-Ar年代学、锡石TIMS法U-Pb年代学研究,基本明确了矿床各个成矿期次的具体成矿特点,丰富和完善了该矿床的成矿模式。论文取得的主要认识有: (1)绿泥石与锡矿化同为燕山期岩浆热液作用的产物。绿泥石的形成温度(231~304oC)和环境(还原环境)表明,岩浆热液叠加成矿环境为中、低温的还原环境。 (2)鲕状黄铁矿为热水沉积期的特征矿物,是Fe、Zn、S等成矿元素的主要物源。 (3)磁黄铁矿主要在区域变质晚期,由黄铁矿(主要为鲕状黄铁矿)变质脱硫而成。辣子寨矿段单斜磁黄铁矿的出现,说明燕山期岩浆热液叠加成矿温度在该矿段以中低温为主。 (4)铁闪锌矿的“黄铜矿疾病”主要是黄铜矿交代铁闪锌矿的结果,其中的Fe主要来自变质期形成的铁闪锌矿和磁黄铁矿,而Cu主要来自岩浆热液。 (5)自然铋、自然银、锡石、黄铜矿、方铅矿等矿物广泛共生,且交代、穿切其他矿物,表明岩浆热液期的成矿元素组合主要为Bi+Ag+Sn+Cu+Pb。在该矿床首次发现的自然铋和自然银,指示岩浆热液期为低硫、中低温的还原环境。 (6)利用远红外(IR-Laser)阶段加热技术,获得黑云母的低温段和高温段坪年龄,分别为179.0± 5 .0Ma和195.7± 6.6Ma。在黑云母组构显微分析的基础上,认为179.0± 5 .0Ma大致代表了变质成矿作用的年龄。 (7)都龙锡锌多金属矿床属于多成因复成矿床,其形成主要经历了热水沉积、变质改造和岩浆热液叠加三个过程。热水沉积成矿作用形成的鲕状黄铁矿,可能是后期成矿作用中Fe、Zn、S等成矿元素的主要物源。变质改造成矿作用与印支期晚期区域变形-变质作用有关,形成了大量铁闪锌矿、磁黄铁矿,可能对应于造山后伸展事件。岩浆热液叠加成矿作用与燕山晚期老君山花岗岩有关,发生大规模的锡、铜、银、铅、铋矿化。 另外,本次研究在该矿床中首次发现了自然铋、自然银等自然元素,其矿床成因意义有待进一步研究。