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The near-IR emission spectra of Er3+-Tm3+ codoped 70GeS(2)-20In(2)S(3)-10CsI chalcohalide glasses were studied with an 808 nm laser as an excitation source. A broad emission extending from 1.35 to 1.7 mu m with a FWHM of similar to 160 nm was recorded in a 0.1 mol.% Er2S3, 0.5 mol.% Tm2S3 codoped chalcohalide glass. The fluorescence decay curves of glasses were measured by monitoring the emissions of Tm3+ at 1460 nm and Er3+ at 1540 nm, and the lifetimes were obtained from the first-order exponential fit. The luminescence mechanism and the possible energy-transfer processes are discussed with respect to the energy-level diagram of Er3+ and Tm3+ ions. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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采用丘克拉斯基(Czochralski)技术生长了掺铥硅酸镥(Tm∶Lu2SiO5,Tm∶LSO)晶体;测量了LSO晶体在室温下的非偏振吸收光谱和非偏振荧光光谱;利用窄得-奥菲特(Judd-Ofelt)理论计算了Tm∶LSO晶体的窄得-奥菲特强度参数、振子强度、自发辐射概率、辐射寿命、积分吸收截面和积分发射截面.Tm∶LSO晶体的强度参数为Ω2=9.1355×10-20cm2,Ω4=8.4103×10-20cm2,Ω6=1.5908×10-20cm2;Tm∶LSO晶体在1.9μm附近有明显的发射峰(3F4→3H6跃迁),相应的辐射寿命为2.03 ms,积分发射截面为5.81×10-18cm2,半峰全宽(FWHM)为250 nm.用Tm∶LSO晶体在77 K温度下实现了激光运转.利用792 nm的激光二极管(LD)作为抽运源,获得中心波长为1960 nm的激光输出,抽运阈值为2.13 kW/cm2.


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土壤有机碳是陆地生态系统的一个动态组成部分,其储量、分布及其转化在陆地碳循环中起着重要的作用,是土壤肥力的核心指标之一。土壤有机碳含量的多少及其空间分布特性受气候、母质、地形等结构性因子以及施肥、耕作等随机性因子的影响。作为陆地生态系统中的一个区域化随机变量,土壤有机碳在系统内部垂直和水平方向上发生变化的同时,参与大气圈和生物圈这两个碳库之间的循环。为了揭示土壤有机碳的空间分布特性,传统统计学、地统计学、遥感与地理信息系统等方法被相继引入且逐渐走向成熟,其中,利用遥感与地理信息系统相结合的方法来反演土壤有机碳库储量及其空间分布格局为越来越多的专家学者所重视。本文在对不同方法基本理论进行简单阐述的基础上,对利用Landsat TM影像分析表层土壤有机碳格局的可行性进行了分析,并就遥感技术在反演表层土壤有机碳的空间分布格局中的应用前景进行了展望。 以黑龙江省部分黑土地区为研究对象,在不同时空尺度下分析了表层土壤有机碳与Landsat TM影像的TM1-TM5、TM7六个波段以及由其计算出的NDVI、NDTI、NDI5、NDI7、NDSVI、SAVI、RDVI和MSAVI 8个遥感指数之间的相关性。结果表明当Landsat TM影像的成像时间为2002年9月份时:(1)小尺度下表层土壤有机碳与TM1极显著相关(r=0.32, p<0.01),与TM2、TM3和NDSVI显著相关(p<0.05),相关系数分别为r=0.27,r=-0.29,r=0.26。(2)大尺度下,表层土壤有机碳与TM1、TM2、TM5和NDI5存在极显著的正相关(p<0.01),相关系数分别为r=0.30,r=0.34,r=0.35,r=0.32;而与NDI7之间存在显著相关性(r=0.27, p=0.02)。(3)当空间尺度一定时,在不同的时间尺度下与表层土壤有机碳具有显著相关性的遥感指标不同。(4)在大尺度下利用遥感技术测定法得到的回归模型对表层土壤有机碳空间分布格局具有较好的预测效果(R2=0.7097, p<0.05);(5)在大尺度下海拔高于200 m的地区表层土壤有机碳浓度显著高于海拔低于200 m的地区(p<0.05)。 通过分别利用地统计方法和遥感技术测定法分析海伦市表层土壤有机碳的空间分布格局,以步长为6170m时球状模型对表层土壤有机碳进行了拟合并利用Kriging插值方法得到了海伦市表层土壤有机碳分布格局;将这一结果与我们利用Landsat TM影像通过遥感技术测定方法得到表层土壤有机碳空间格局进行比较发现:在精度一致的前提下,遥感技术测定法在所需样本数量约为地统计方法的一半,同时在所消耗的人力、物力以及在时间上的循环周期等方面,遥感技术测定方法与地统计方法相比也有着明显的优势。


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In this work, we measured 14 horizontal velocity profiles along the vertical direction of a rectangular microchannel with aspect ratio alpha = h/w = 0.35 (h is the height of the channel and w is the width of the channel) using microPIV at Re = 1.8 and 3.6. The experimental velocity profiles are compared with the full 3D theoretical solution, and also with a Poiseuille parabolic profile. It is shown that the experimental velocity profiles in the horizontal and vertical planes are in agreement with the theoretical profiles, except for the planes close to the wall. The discrepancies between the experimental data and 3D theoretical results in the center vertical plane are less than 3.6%. But the deviations between experimental data and Poiseuille's results approaches 5%. It indicates that 2D Poiseuille profile is no longer a perfect theoretical approximation since a = 0.35. The experiments also reveal that, very near the hydrophilic wall (z = 0.5-1 mu m), the measured velocities are significantly larger than the theoretical velocity based on the no-slip assumption. A proper discussion on some physical effects influencing the near wall velocity measurement is given.


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A diode stack end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser at 1342 nm with near-diffraction-limited beam quality by using a hybrid resonator was presented. At a pump power of 139.5 W, laser power of 35.4 W was obtained with a conversion efficiency of 25.4% of the laser diode to laser output. The beam quality M-2 factors were measured to be 1.2 in the unstable direction and 1.3 in the stable direction at the output power of 29 W. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Cr~(2+):ZnSe具有很宽的吸收带和发射带,是中红外波段优秀的可调谐激光材料。从吸收光谱、发射光谱以及角度调谐输出对Cr~(2+):ZnSe晶体的激光输出性能进行了研究。采用真空高温扩散法制备Cr~(2+):ZnSe晶体.获得了高浓度的Cr~(2+)离子掺杂的厚1.7 mm,直径10 mm的薄片ZnSe晶体。使用中心波长2.05μm,最大输出功率8 W的Tm离子掺杂的光纤激光器抽运,使用平凹腔结构搭建谐振腔,获得了最大平均功率1.034 W,中心波长2.367μm,线宽10 nm的连续激光输出。利用角度调谐的方法,对Cr:ZnSe晶体的调谐性能进行了研究,在100 nm范围内获得了调谐输出。


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We demonstrate passive Q-switching of short-length double-clad Tm3+-doped silica fiber lasers near 2 mu m pumped by a laser diode array (LDA) at 790 nm. Polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe microchips with thickness from 0.3 to 1 mm are adopted as the Q-switching elements. Pulse duration of 120 ns, pulse energy over 14 mu] and repetition rate of 53 kHz are obtained from a 5-cm long fiber laser. As high as 530 kHz repetition rate is achieved from a 50-cm long fiber laser at similar to 10-W pump power. The performance of the Q-switched fiber lasers as a function of fiber length is also analyzed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Demonstrations of cw lasing in Cr2+:ZnSe poly-crystal are reported. The laser consists of a 1.7-mm-thick Cr2+:ZnSe poly-crystal disc pumped by a Tm-silica double-clad fibre laser at 2050nm. Using a concave high-reflection mirror with a radius of curvature of 500mm as the rear mirror, the laser delivers up to 1030mW of radiation around 2.367 mu m.


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