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急流牙甲族Sperchopsini属于鞘翅目Coleoptera牙甲科Hydrophilidae的水牙甲亚科Hydrophilinae,共包括五属,即水龟虫属 Hydrocassis、革牙甲属 Ametor、Sperchopsis、Anticura、Cylomissus,世界共计有25种,我国分布有2属18个种。 本文回顾了水甲虫、牙甲科以及急流牙甲族的研究简史;综述了水甲虫在分类学、保护生物学、形态学、遗传学、分子生物学等方面研究进展,总结了水甲虫与生态因子的关系以及水甲虫作为生态系统健康指示物的可行性。还简要介绍了昆虫分子系统学,以及细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)和rDNA内部转录间隔区(ITS)在昆虫学研究中的应用。 通过对收集到的700余号急流牙甲族的标本观察和分类研究,发现了一新种(内蒙水龟甲Hydrocassis mongolica sp.nov.)。并且对已知全部种类重新作了描述,特别是长茎革牙甲 Ametor elongatus雄性外生殖器部分,首次对7个种类(长茎革牙甲 Ametor elongatus、粗革牙甲 Ametor scabrosus、帝水龟甲 Hydrocassis imperialis、伪舟水龟甲Hydrocassis pesudoscapha、条纹水龟甲Hydrocassis scapulata、舟水龟甲 Hydrocassi scapha、四川水龟甲Hydrocassis sichuana)的雌性个体进行了描述。编制了急流牙甲族的分属、分种检索表。 采用支序分类学的方法对中国急流牙甲族种类的系统发育关系进行探讨。结果显示革牙甲属内的A. latus、A. rudesculptus、A. rugosus 及A. scabrosus 构成单系(不包括A. elongates),支持皱革牙甲A. rugosus和A. latus属于革牙甲属。水龟虫属内H. anhuiensis、H. baoshanensis、H. lacustris、H. pseudoscapha、H. scaphoides、H. scapulata、H. sichuana、H. taiwana、H. uncinata、H. schillhammeri构成一个单系。水龟虫属包括两大类群,一类群包括H. anhuiensis、H. lacustris、H. scapulata、H. sichuana 、H. taiwana,另一类群包括H. baoshanensis、H. scaphoides、 H. schillhammeri 、H. uncinata。两类群的不同之处在于后一类群的阳基侧突上有一齿状凸起。 测序了H. scapulata、H. sichuana和H. mongolica雌雄各一个个体的COI和ITS2序列。全部的COI基因序列为828bp,编码275个氨基酸。H. scapulata的ITS2序列有446bp,H. sichuana的有456bp,H. mongolica的有455bp。用MEGA 3.1计算比对距离(pairwise distances)和构建邻近系统树。结果显示对于COI,种内的比对距离分别是0(H. scapulata)、0.008(H. mongolica)、0.004(H. sichuana),种间的比对距离在0.024-0.045之间。对于ITS2,种内的比对距离分别为0.005(H. scapulata)、0(H. mongolica)、0.007(H. sichuana),种间的比对距离在0.028-0.047之间。H. sichuana和新种间的比对距离在0.024-0.037(COI)和0.044(ITS2)。比对距离揭示出种内低于0.008,种间在0.024-1.078之间。因而,它们之间应该是种间关系而不是种内的关系。COI数据集和ITS2数据集所构建的系统树存在一定的差异,前者显示四川水龟甲和条纹水龟甲是姐妹种,后者显示新种和条纹水龟甲是姐妹种。总之,在内蒙古自治区发现的为一新的物种。


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Urbanization can exert a profound influence on land covers and landscape characteristics. In this study, we characterize the impact of urbanization on land cover and lacustrine landscape and their consequences in a large urban lake watershed, Donghu Lake watershed (the largest urban lake in China), Central China, by using Landsat TM satellite images of three periods of 1987, 1993 and 1999 and ground-based information. We grouped the land covers into six categories: water body, vegetable land, forested land, shrub-grass land, open area and urban land, and calculated patch-related landscape indices to analyze the effects of urbanization on landscape features. We overlaid the land cover maps of the three periods to track the land cover change processes. The results indicated that urban land continuously expanded from 9.1% of the total watershed area in 1987, to 19.4% in 1993, and to 29.6% in 1999. The vegetable land increased from 7.0% in 1987, 11.9% in 1993, to 13.9% in 1999 to sustain the demands of vegetable for increased urban population. Concurrently, continuous reduction of other land cover types occurred between 1987 and 1999: water body decreased from 30.4% to 23.8%, and forested land from 33.6% to 24.3%. We found that the expansion of urban land has at least in part caused a decrease in relatively wild habitats, such as urban forest and lake water area. These alterations had resulted in significant negative environmental consequences, including decline of lakes, deterioration of water and air quality, and loss of biodiversity.