189 resultados para kinetics


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Isothermal crystallization, subsequent melting behavior and non-isothermal crystallization of nylon 1212 samples have been investigated in the temperature range of 160-171 degreesC using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Subsequent DSC scans of isothermally crystallized samples exhibited three melting endotherms. The commonly used Avrami equation and that modified by Jeziorny were used, respectively, to fit the primary stage of isothermal and non-isothermal crystallizations of nylon 1212. The Avrami exponent n was evaluated, and was found to be in the range of 1.56-2.03 for isothermal crystallization, and of 2.38-3.05 for non-isothermal crystallization. The activation energies (DeltaE) were determined to be 284.5 KJ/mol and 102.63 KJ/mol, respectively, for the isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization processes by the Arrhenius' and the Kissinger's methods.


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In order to improve its thermal stability, poly(propylene carbonate)(PPC) was end-capped by different active agents. Thermogravimetric data show that the degradation temperature of uncapped PPC was lower than that of end-capped PPC. The kinetic parameters of thermal degradation of uncapped and end-capped PPC were calculated according to Chang's method. The results show that different mechanisms operate during the whole degradation temperature range for uncapped PPC. In the first stage, chain unzipping dominates the degradation. With increasing temperature, competing multi-step reactions occur. In the last stage, random chain scission plays an important role in degradation. For end-capped PPC, random chain scission dominates the whole degradation process.


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Analysis of the isothermal and nonisothermal transitions of hexagonal crystal formation from the melt (transition 1) and of monoclinic crystal formation from hexagonal crystals (transition 2) for trans-1,4-polybutadiene (TPBD) was carefully carried out by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Isothermal transitions I and 2 are described by Avrami exponents (n) of approximate to1, whereas nonisothermal transitions I and 2 are described by n approximate to 4. These different eta values indicate that different crystallization mechanisms took place for different crystallization driving forces under isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization. The Ozawa equation was also used to analyze the nonisothermal crystallization data. For transition I at lower temperature, the Ozawa equation fits the data well; however, at higher temperature, there is an inflection that shifts to lower crystallinity with increasing temperature. Inflections are also observed with the Ozawa analysis for transition 2. Furthermore, the crystallinities at the turning points are almost in the same range as those determined by Avrami analysis for nonisothermal transitions I and 2, which suggests that the Ozawa analysis inflections are due to secondary crystallization. However, TEM revealed no morphology discrepancy between the TPBD hexagonal crystals formed from melt by isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization.


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The interfacial behavior of sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid (CA-100) at various diluents/(H, Na)Cl interfaces was examined using the Du Nouy ring method. Different adsorption isotherms such as the Gibbs and Szyszkowski were in good agreement with the experimental data. The values of interfacial excess at saturated interface increase in the following order: n-heptane > kerosene > cyclohexane > CCl4 > toluene > benzene > chloroform. The effects of temperature, acidity, and ionic strength of the aqueous phase on the interfacial activity of CA- 100 were also examined. The interfacial-activity data were used to discuss the mechanism and kinetics of yttrium (Y) extraction.


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The extraction kinetics of ytterbium with sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid (CA-100) in heptane have been investigated using a constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow. The influence of stirring speed and temperature on the rate indicated that the extraction rate was controlled by the experiment conditions. The plot of interfacial area on the rate showed a linear relationship. This fact together with the low solubility in water and strong surface activity of CA-100 at heptane-water interfaces made the interface the most probable locale for the chemical reactions. The influences of extractant concentration and hydrogen ion concentration on the extraction rate were investigated, and the forward and reverse rate equations for the ytterbium extraction with CA-100 were also obtained. Based on the experimental data, the apparent forward extraction rate constant was calculated. Interfacial reaction models were proposed that agree well with the rate equations obtained from experimental data.


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The kinetics of the thermal degradation of poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) were investigated with different kinetic methods with data from thermogravimetric analysis under dynamic conditions. The apparent activation energies obtained with different integral methods (Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Coats-Redfern) were consistent with the values obtained with the Kinssinger method (99.93 kJ/mol). The solid-state decomposition process was a sigmoidal A(3) type in terms of the Coats-Redfern and Phadnis-Deshpande results. The influence of the heating rate on the thermal decomposition temperature was also studied. The derivative thermogravimetry curves of PPC confirmed only one weight-loss step.


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Blocked isocyanates are widely used in many kinds of one-package coatings, powder coatings and adhesives. They have also been used in water-borne polyurethane. The kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of blocked isocyanates are reviewed and two urethane forming reaction mechanisms by which a blocked isocyanate can react with a nucleophile are provided. Furthermore, effects of isocyanate structure, reaction medium, catalyst and functionality on kinetics of blocked isocyanate are discussed in detail.


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Extraction and interfacial kinetics of Nd3+ and Sm3+ with HER/EHP-kerosene in a hollow fiber membrane extractor were studied. The results show that the extraction reactions in the hollow fiber membrane extractor are the same as those in the liquid-liquid extraction, which can be expressed as a quasi-first-order reaction. The effect of acidity in aqueous phase, concentrations of extractant, Nd3+ and Sm3+ on extraction rate were discussed and the corresponding reaction series were obtained. The reaction equations, reaction rate constants and the separation constant were obtained.


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Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon-46 were investigated with differential scanning calorimetry. The equilibrium melting enthalpy and the equilibrium melting temperature of nylon-46 were determined to be 155.58 J/g and 307.10 degreesC, respectively. The isothermal crystallization process was described by the Avrami equation. The lateral surface free energy and the end surface free energy of nylon-46 were calculated to be 8.28 and 138.54 erg/cm(2), respectively. The work of chain folding was determined to be 7.12 kcal/mol. The activation energies were determined to be 568.25 and 337.80 kJ/mol for isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization, respectively. A convenient method was applied to describe the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon-46 by a combination of the Avrami and Ozawa equations.


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The Yttrium(III) extraction kinetics and mechanism with secnonylphonoxy acetic acid (CA-100) were investigated by a constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The studies of interfacial tension and solubility of extractant and effects of the stirring rate, temperature, specific interfacial area and species concentration on the extraction rate showed that the extraction regime was dependent on the extraction conditions and the most probable reaction zone was at the liquid-liquid interface. The rate equation of extracting yttrium by CA-100 in heptane was Rf = k[Y3+]((a))[H(2)A(2)]((o))(0.88)[H+]((a))(-1.08).


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The non-isothermal crystallization behavior and kinetics of metallocene short chain branched polyethylene were investigated via DSC at cooling rates from 2.5 to 20 degreesC/min, and subsequent heating at rate of 10 degreesC/min. To verify the effect of molecular weight and branching content on crystallization, three group samples were chosen: (1) linear polyethylene with low molecular weight and high molecular weight; (2) low molecular weight polyethylene with low branching content and high branching content; (3) high molecular weight polyethylene with low branching content and high branching content. The results show that crystallization temperature, crystallinity, melting temperature and crystallization rate are highly branching content-dependent. Molecular weight effect is less important, compared to branching content. A dramatic decrease of crystallization temperature, crystallinity, crystallization rate and melting temperature was observed for branched samples. The non-isothermal kinetics was analyzed via the methods, developed by Gupta and Mo Zhi-shen, and good agreement was obtained.


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The kinetics of RE (La, Gd, Er, Yb and Y) extraction with sec-octylphenoxy acetic acid was investigated using a constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow at 303 K. The natures of the extracted complexes have some effect on the extraction rate which is controlled by the reaction rate of M(III) and extractant molecules at two-phase interface for Er(III), Yb(III) and Y(III), by a mixed chemical reaction-diffusion for Gd(III) and a diffusion for La( III). The extractant molecules tend to adsorb at the interface. So an interfacial extraction reaction model was derived.


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Studies of the extraction kinetics of cerium(IV) from H2SO4-HF solutions with Cyanex 923 in n-heptane have been carried out using a constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow. The experimental hydrodynamic conditions were chosen so that the contribution of diffusion to the measured rate of reaction was minimized. The data were analyzed in terms of pseudo-first order constants. The results were compared with those of the system without HF. It was concluded that the addition of HF reduces the activation energy for the forward rate from 46.2 to 36.5 U mol(-1) while it has an opposite effect on the activation energy for the reverse process(the activation energy increased from 23.3 to 90.8 U mol(-1)). Thus, HF can accelerate the rate of cerium(IV) extraction. At the same time, the extraction rate is controlled by a mixed chemical reaction-diffusion rather than by a chemical reaction alone. A rate equation has also been obtained.


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The thermal decomposition mechanism of maleated poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) was investigated by FTIR and H-1 NMR. The results of experiments showed that the random chain scission of maleated PHB obeyed the six-membered ring ester decomposition process. The thermal decomposition behavior of PHB and maleated PHB with different graft degree were studied by thermogravimetry (TGA) using various heating-up rates. The thermal stability of maleated PHB was evidently better than that of PHB. With increase in graft degree, the thermal decomposition temperature of maleated PHB gradually increased and then declined. Activation energy E. as a kinetic parameter of thermal decomposition was estimated by the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Kissinger methods, respectively. It could be seen that approximately equal values of activation energy were obtained by both methods.