128 resultados para SRM module


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Population research is a front area concerned by domestic and overseas, especially its researches on its spatial visualization and its geo-visualization system design, which provides a sound base for understanding and analysis of the regional difference in population distribution and its spatial rules. With the development of GIS, the theory of geo-visualization more and more plays an important role in many research fields, especially in population information visualization, and has been made the big achievements recently. Nevertheless, the current research is less attention paid to the system design for statistical-geo visualization for population information. This paper tries to explore the design theories and methodologies for statistical-geo-visualization system for population information. The researches are mainly focused on the framework, the methodologies and techniques for the system design and construction. The purpose of the research is developed a platform for population atlas by the integration of the former owned copy software of the research group in statistical mapping system. As a modern tool, the system will provide a spatial visual environment for user to analyze the characteristics of population distribution and differentiate the interrelations of the population components. Firstly, the paper discusses the essentiality of geo-visualization for population information and brings forward the key issue in statistical-geo visualization system design based on the analysis of inland and international trends. Secondly, the geo-visualization system for population design, including its structure, functionality, module, user interface design, is studied based on the concepts of theory and technology of geo-visualization. The system design is proposed and further divided into three parts: support layer, technical layer, user layer. The support layer is a basic operation module and main part of the system. The technical layer is a core part of the system, supported by database and function modules. The database module mainly include the integrated population database (comprises spatial data, attribute data and geographical features information), the cartographic symbol library, the color library, the statistical analysis model. The function module of the system consists of thematic map maker component, statistical graph maker component, database management component and statistical analysis component. The user layer is an integrated platform, which provides the functions to design and implement a visual interface for user to query, analysis and management the statistic data and the electronic map. Based on the above, China's E-atlas for population was designed and developed by the integration of the national fifth census data with 1:400 million scaled spatial data. The atlas illustrates the actual development level of the population nowadays in China by about 200 thematic maps relating with 10 map categories(environment, population distribution, sex and age, immigration, nation, family and marriage, birth, education, employment, house). As a scientific reference tool, China's E-atlas for population has already received the high evaluation after published in early 2005. Finally, the paper makes the deep analysis of the sex ratio in China, to show how to use the functions of the system to analyze the specific population problem and how to make the data mining. The analysis results showed that: 1. The sex ratio has been increased in many regions after fourth census in 1990 except the cities in the east region, and the high sex ratio is highly located in hilly and low mountain areas where with the high illiteracy rate and the high poor rate; 2. The statistical-geo visualization system is a powerful tool to handle population information, which can be used to reflect the regional differences and the regional variations of population in China and indicate the interrelations of the population with other environment factors. Although the author tries to bring up a integrate design frame of the statistical-geo visualization system, there are still many problems needed to be resolved with the development of geo-visualization studies.


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The seismic data acquisition system is the most important equipment for seismic prospecting. The geophysicists have been paying high attention to the specification of the equipment used in seismic prospecting. Its specification and performance are of great concerned to acquire precisely and accurately seismic data, which show us stratum frame. But, by this time, limited by the technology, most of the Broad-band Seismic Recorder (BSR) for lithosphere research of our country were bought from fremdness which were very costliness and maintained discommodiously. So it is very important to study the seismic data acquisition system.The subject of the thesis is the research of the BSR, several items were included, such as: seismic data digitizer and its condition monitor design.In the first chapter, the author explained the significance of the implement of BSR, expatiated the requirement to the device and introduced the actuality of the BSR in our country.In the second chapter, the collectivity architecture of the BSR system was illustrated. Whereafter, the collectivity target and guideline of the performance of the system design were introduced. The difficulty of the system design and some key technology were analyzed, such as the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC), system reliability technology and so on.In the third chapter, some design details of BSR were introduced. In the recorder, the former analog to digital converter (ADC) was separated from the later data transition module. According to the characteristic of seismic data acquisition system, a set high-resolution 24-bit ADC chip was chosen to the recorder design scheme. As the following part, the noise performance of the seismic data channel was analyzed.In the fourth chapter, the embedded software design of each board and the software design of the workstation were introduced. At the same time the communication protocol of the each module was recommendedAt the last part of this thesis, the advantages and the practicability of the BSR system design were summarized, and the next development items were suggested.


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用0.5mol/LHCl提取黄土、古土壤中的酸溶相成分,并用混合树脂法和硼特效树脂法两方法叠加以硼进行分离和纯化,Cs2BO2^+法测同位素比值。结果表明,虽然混合树脂法和硼特效脂法都是较成熟的方法,但用来处理杂质离子含量相对高而硼含量低的样品深液并不成功。两种方法叠加处理后达到理想的效果,重复处理黄土-古土壤样品的精度(2RSD)在0.4‰~0.4‰之间,,这与标样(mST SRM 951)水平(0.3‰)接近,说明处理方法是可行的。用此方法首次测定了洛川黄土.古土壤沉积物中酸溶相的硼同位煮组成。


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氧化还原敏感元素硒的地球化学循环非常复杂, 它的循环主要受氧化还原势、酸碱度、温度、压力等条件的控制。长期以来,关于硒的主要研究集中在环境生物地球化学领域。对于硒的地质地球化学行为的研究,学者们认为硒不可能独立形成矿床,它主要以伴生元素的形式赋存于一些热液矿床(如,拉尔玛硒-金热液矿床等)。 二十世纪末, 我国学者开始关注硒的矿床地球化学行为, 发现了目前唯一的渔塘坝沉积型的独立硒矿床。另外,下寒武统底部黑色岩系(如,遵义牛蹄塘组)处于地球发展演化的关键时期且富集了众多的有用金属元素, 因此它引起了全世界广大地质学家的普遍关注和重视。这些黑色岩系的共同特点是含有大量的有机质和丰富的金属元素(PGE,Cu,Ni,Mo,Au,U,V,Mn,Fe,Co,Bi,Cr,Se等)。但遵义牛蹄塘组中Ni-Mo多金属层的成因一直争论不休。 本文以拉尔玛硒-金热液矿床、渔塘坝独立硒矿床、遵义黄家湾含Ni-Mo-Se多金属层剖面为研究对象,主要通过硒稳定同位素的测试和不同化学形态的分析结合其他的地球化学参数(如,C-S-Fe体系,氧化还原敏感元素),示踪富硒地层的沉积环境,研究不同地质体系中硒稳定同位素的组成,进而完善硒同位素的理论体系,探讨硒富集过程中的形态迁移途径,并为矿床的形成提供更完善的地球化学证据。通过一系列的研究工作,我们取得了以下几点认识: (1) 通过不同的消解方法准确测定了低硒,高硒样品的总硒含量,相对标准偏差小于10%,而且不同的消解方法测得同样的结果, 满足了地质样品中微量元素的测试要求。由于不同消解方式存在自身的优缺点,我们建议根据不同的样品类型,不同的研究目的选取合适的消解方法。 (2) 通过巯基棉吸附装置达到了纯化富集样品硒的目的, 硒的回收率一般大于90%, 满足同位素测试的需要。应用自制的氢化物发生器与Nu-MC-ICP-MS联用,实现了在线气体进样测试硒稳定同位素的目的。 采用标准样品匹配测试方法校正仪器测试过程中的质量分馏。 硒稳定同位素的测试精度为2δ=0.30‰, 标准NIST SRM 3149采用与样品同样的处理方法,没有发现前处理过程的同位素分馏。 (3) 传统地球化学参数对沉积环境的指示意义。通过氧化还原敏感微量元素及其与TOC的关系和C-S-Fe体系的分析,对渔塘坝独立硒矿床的多元素富集及沉积环境, 遵义黑色岩系沉积环境进行了详细的解释。TS-TFe的关系表明样品中有过量的硫存在,可能为有机硫或为其他亲硫元素提供有利的沉淀条件。C-S-Fe体系及微量元素指数V/(V + Ni) 说明渔塘坝矿区的硅质岩和页岩的沉积环境为缺氧到静海环境, Ni/Co、V/Cr几乎不能作为该区缺氧环境的指示参数, 后者可能由于Cr的外源输入(碎屑、热液等)所致。 C-S-Fe体系及微量元素指数V/(V + Ni)体系指示遵义黑色岩系的沉积环境为微含氧到缺氧的条件, 但对于Ni-Mo矿而言, V/(V + Ni)体系指示其为含氧条件沉积,这可能与Ni-Mo多金属层的成因有关。但铁的硫化度可以指示Ni-Mo多金属层极端的缺氧还原环境。 (4) 硒的形态对古氧化还原条件和矿物质来源的示踪意义。黑色岩系的硒形态分布不同于海洋沉积物,体现了成岩作用对硒形态分布的改变。黑色岩系中硒的主要形态为有机结合态和硫化物/硒化物结合态。硫化物/硒化物结合态比例与铁的硫化程度(DOS)之间明显的相关关系说明在海洋环境中硒主要通过氧化还原反应富集在富有机质的沉积物与沉积岩中。这种相关关系与岩石类型没有关系,这使得将硫化物、硒化物结合的Se(-II)比例作为一个氧化还原条件示踪剂更加可行。DOS与硫化物/硒化物结合态硒的关系,及Se(IV)与Se(-II)的关系均说明遵义牛蹄塘组的K-斑脱岩形成于碱性的氧化环境,Ni-Mo多金属层沉积于微酸性的极端还原环境,而渔塘坝矿床形成于微碱性的还原缺氧环境。生物的同化作用与异化作用之间本身存在互补关系,但这种互补关系却存在不同的转化趋势。不同的转化趋势可能主要受氧化还原反应和酸碱度的控制,其他的地质作用也可能起着重要作用(如,硅酸盐、Fe(II)的含量,硫化物、有机质含量,风化程度等)。同时我们发现相同的氧化还原条件下可能存在不同的富集途径。Ni-Mo多金属层中极少的有机结合态硒暗示海洋同生沉积主要被生物异化还原控制,而沉积物从海洋富集硒的途径主要为直接由Se(VI)和Se(IV)到Se(-II)的还原途径,从高价态到元素态的还原途径可能偶有发生但强度很小。 (5) 硒稳定同位素对矿床成因及物质来源的示踪意义。热液或表生环境中,硒的再次活化迁移对硒同位素的大范围分馏是很重要的。较少的硫化物结合态硒和较大范围的硒同位素组成说明渔塘坝矿床形成时经历了多次氧化还原过程。干酪根硒同位素组成与全岩相似, 而且样品富集轻同位素暗示该矿床硒来的富集主要通过海洋硒的生物吸收同化异化还原与多次无机氧化还原实现。对于拉尔玛金硒矿床而言,未蚀变岩体的硫化物结合态硒富集轻同位素,而后期低温流体的蚀变作用导致蚀变岩体中硫化物结合态硒富集重同位素。干酪根的硒同位素组成暗示热液输入的硒为该矿床硒的主要来源,硒从热液直接进入干酪根的机制是一致的。随着硫含量的增加岩石和矿体中的硒逐渐富集重同位素, 说明海水对矿床富集的贡献是很有限的。遵义黑色岩系中硒同位素组成与Se(-II)之间的关系, 单质硒的缺乏,硒的富集与同位素的关系说明,热液为主要的硒来源,而早寒武世海水中的硒主要通过Se(VI)和Se(IV)到Se(-II)的直接生物还原实现。三个区域的S/Se比值综合说明硫与硒的共同沉降过程中不存在硒的同位素分馏。不同化学形态的分布与不同形态中硒稳定同位素的结合可能会更好的解释硒的全球地球化学循环。 (6) 根据目前硒的同位素分馏体系及所测得的数据,我们初步建立了不同时代、不同成因黑色岩系中硒稳定同位素的分馏模式。


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Since the 19th century, people have long believed that the function of cerebellum was restricted to fine motor control and modulation. In the past two decades, however, more and more studies challenged this traditional view. While the neuroanatomy of the cerebellum from cellular to system level has been well documented, the functions of this neural organ remain poorly understood. This study, including three experiments, attempted to further the understanding of cerebellar functions from different viewpoints. Experiment One used the parametric design to control motor effects. The activation in cerebellum was found to be associated with the difficulty levels of a semantic discrimination task, suggesting the involvement of the cerebellum in higher level of language functions. Moreover, activation of the right posterior cerebellum was found to co-vary with that of the frontal cortex. Experiment Two adopted the cue-go paradigm and event-related design to exclude the effects of phonological and semantic factors in a mental writing task. The results showed that bilateral anterior cerebellum and cerebral motor regions were significantly activated during the task and the hemodynamic response of the cerebellum was similar to those of the cerebral motor cortex. These results suggest that the cerebellum participates in motor imagination during orthographic output. Experiment Three investigated the learning process of a verb generation task. While both lateral and vermis cerebellum were found to be activation in the task, each was correlated a separate set of frontal regions. More importantly, activations both in the cerebellum and frontal cortex decreased with the repetition of the task. These results indicate that the cerebellum and frontal cortex is jointly engaged in some functions; each serves as a part of a single functional system. Taken these findings together, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1.The cerebellum is not only involved in functions related to speech or articulation, but also participates in the higher cognitive functions of language. 2.The cerebellum participates in various functions by supporting the corresponding regions in cerebral cortex, but not directly executes the functions as an independent module. 3.The anterior part of cerebellum is related to motor functions, whereas the posterior part is involved in cognitive functions. 4.While the motor functions rely on the engagement of both sides of the cerebellar hemispheres, the higher cognitive functions mainly depend on the right cerebellum.


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Human being’s visual attentional system is the direct results of millions of years of evolutionary selection. As an adaptation to the environment, the most prominent function of attentional system is to facilitate the effective selection and subsequent processing of the most critical information and events from the environment with the aim of enhancing a given individual’s chance of passing his/her gene to the next generation. In the living environment of ancestral human beings, animals were undoubtedly one of those stimulus categories of great evolutionary significance. Since the process of animal-related information had life-or-death consequences for ancestral human beings, some researchers proposed a so-called animate monitoring hypothesis which states that there exists a category-specific module in the attentional system of human beings which specializes in the detection and frequent re-inspection of animal stimuli. Drawing on the available findings and theories regarding the inhibition-of-return effect, the present study utilized several variants of the spatial cueing paradigm to test the two main predictions of animate monitoring hypothesis:(1) animal stimuli in the environment are capable of summon attention in a reflexive way; (2) the inhibitory effect of attentional process on animal stimuli is less pronounced when compared to stimuli of other categories. The results of the present study provide supportive evidence to the existence of a category-specific module for animals in the attentional system. The present study contributes to the further understanding of the important role played by attentional mechanism in solving the critical adaptive problem faced by ancestral human beings during the course of evolution.


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In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, it has many problems in the international corporations because of the difference of cultures. This research try to compare the Chinese managers and other conntries' through the investigation of 435 managers and employee from 9 units in Beijing. We used Hofstede's "Value Survey Module" (1980), Compared to Cultures in power distance, uncertainly avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity. We also compared the employee's attitude with three patterns. The conclusions are: 1. There is not significant level difference in three patterns. 2. At PDI、UAI、IDV、MAS the fonr dimensions, our invested results approach Hofsteds's invested results. This is high at PDI, but middle at UAI、IDV、MAS.


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For the design of affinity membranes, protein adsorption in membrane affinity chromatography (MAC) was studied by frontal analysis. According to fast mass transfer, small thickness of affinity membranes and high affinity between the protein and the ligand, an ideal adsorption (IA) model was proposed for MAC and was used together with equilibrium-dispersive (E-D) model to describe the adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto cellulose diacetate/polyethyleneimine (CA/PEI) blend membranes with and without Cu2+ chelating. E-D model was found to better describe the initial region of experimental breakthrough curves. The influence of axial dispersion was revealed and it showed the importance of design of the module to homogenously distribute feed solution. IA model was found to be better for the whole experimental breakthrough curve. According to it, the capacity of affinity membranes and the specificity of the interaction are of equal importance for the design of affinity membranes. An optimum feed concentration was also found in the operation of MAC. The discrepancy between experimental optimum feed concentrations and predicted ones from IA model may be due to the ignorance of some experimental effects such as axial dispersion.