294 resultados para Rashba spin splitting


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We report a photoluminescence (PL) energy red-shift of single quantum dots (QDs) by applying an in-plane compressive uniaxial stress along the [110] direction at a liquid nitrogen temperature. Uniaxial stress has an effect not only on the confinement potential in the growth direction which results in the PL shift, but also on the cylindrical symmetry of QDs which can be reflected by the change of the full width at half maximum of PL peak. This implies that uniaxial stress has an important role in tuning PL energy and fine structure splitting of QDs.


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Time resolved magneto-optic Kerr rotation measurements of optically induced spin quantum beats are performed on heavily doped bulk (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). An effective g-factor of about 0.2-0.3 over a wide range of temperature for both as-grown and annealed (Ga,Mn)As samples is obtained. A larger effective g-factor at lower temperature and an increase of the spin relaxation with increasing in-plane magnetic field are observed and attributed to the stronger p-d exchange interaction between holes and the localized magnetic ion spins, leading to a larger Zeeman splitting and heavy-hole-light-hole mixing. An abnormal dip structure of the g-factor in the vicinity of the Curie temperature suggests that the mean-field model is insufficient to describe the interactions and dynamics of spins in DMS because it neglects the short-range spin correlation effect. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The spin Hall effect can be induced by both extrinsic impurity scattering and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in the electronic structure. The HgTe/CdTe quantum well has a quantum phase transition where the electronic structure changes from normal to inverted. We show that the intrinsic spin Hall effect of the conduction band vanishes on the normal side, while it is finite on the inverted side. By tuning the Cd content, the well width, or the bias electric field across the quantum well, the intrinsic spin Hall effect can be switched on or off and tuned into resonance under experimentally accessible conditions.


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We have investigated the exciton spin relaxation in a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well. The recombination from free and localized excitons is resolved on the basis of an analysis of the photoluminescence characteristics. The free exciton spin relaxation time is measured to be 192 ps at 10 K, while the localized exciton spin relaxation time is one order of magnitude longer than that of the free exciton. The dependence of the free exciton spin relaxation time on the temperature above 50 K suggests that both the D'yakonov-Perel' and the Elliot-Yafet effects dominate the spin relaxation process. The temperature independence below 50 K is considered to be due to the spin exchange interaction. The ultralong spin relaxation time of the localized excitons is explained to be due to the influence of nonradiative deep centers. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The center-of-mass motion of quasi-two-dimensional excitons with spin-orbit coupling is calculated within the framework of effective mass theory. The results indicate that the spin-orbit coupling will induce a controllable bright-to-dark transition in a quasi-two-dimensional exciton system. This procedure can work as a way to increase the lifetime of excitons. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The thermodynamic properties of the spin-1/2 diamond quantum Heisenberg chain model have been investigated by means of the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) method. Considering different crystal structures, by changing the interactions among different spins and the external magnetic fields, we first investigate the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and specific heat of the distorted diamond chain as a model of ferrimagnetic spin systems. The susceptibility and the specific heat show different features for different ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interactions and different magnetic fields. A 1/3 magnetization plateau is observed at low temperature in a magnetization curve. Then, we discuss the theoretical mechanism of the double-peak structure of the magnetic susceptibility and the three-peak structure of the specific heat of the compound Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2), on which an elegant measurement was performed by Kikuchi [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 227201 (2005)]. Our computed results are consistent with the main characteristics of the experimental data. Meanwhile, we find that the double-peak structure of susceptibility can be found in several different kinds of spin interactions in the diamond chain. Moreover, a three-peak behavior is observed in the TMRG results of magnetic susceptibility. In addition, we perform calculations relevant for some experiments and explain the characteristics of these materials. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the disentanglement evolution of two spin qubits which interact with a general XY spin-chain environment. The dynamical process of the disentanglement is numerically and analytically investigated in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition (QPT) of the spin chain in both weak and strong coupling cases. We find that the disentanglement of the two spin qubits may be greatly enhanced by the quantum critical behavior of the environmental spin chain. We give a detailed analysis to facilitate the understanding of the QPT-enhanced decaying behavior of the coherence factor. Furthermore, the scaling behavior in the disentanglement dynamics is also revealed and analyzed.


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This letter reports on the Raman, optical and magnetic properties of FeNi co-doped ZnO nanowires prepared via a soft chemical solution method. The microstructural investigations show that the NiFe co-dopants are substituted into wurtzite ZnO nanostructure without forming any secondary phase. The co-doped nanowires show a remarkable reduction of 34 nm (267.9 meV) in the optical band gap, while suppression in the deep-level defect transition in visible luminescence. Furthermore, these nanowires exhibit ferromagnetism and an interesting low-temperature spin glass behavior, which may arise due to the presence of disorder and strong interactions of frustrated spin moments of Ni and Fe co-dopants on the ZnO lattice sites. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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Electron-spin dynamics in InAs/GaAs heterostructures consisting of a single layer of InAs (1/3-1 monolayer) embedded in (001) and (311)A GaAs matrix was studied by means of time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy. The spin-relaxation time of the submonolayer InAs samples is significantly enhanced, compared with that of the monolayer InAs sample. The electron-spin-relaxation time and the effective g factor in submonolayer samples were found to be strongly dependent on the photogenerated carrier density. The contribution from both the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism and Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism are discussed to interpret the temperature dependence of spin decoherence at various carrier densities.


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We report on the investigation of electron spin quantum beats at room temperature in GaAsN thin films by time-resolved Kerr rotation technique. The measurement of the quantum beats, which originate from the Larmor precession of electron spins in external transverse magnetic field, yields an accurate determination of the conduction electron g factor. We show that the g factor of GaAs1-xNx thin films is significantly changed by the introduction of a small nitrogen fraction.


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The electronic structure and exciton states of cylindrical ZnO nanorods with radius from 2 to 6 nm are investigated based on the framework of the effective-mass theory. Using the adiabatic approximation, the exciton binding energies taking account of the dielectric mismatch are solved exactly when the total angular momentum of the exciton states L = 0 and L = +/- 1. We find that the exciton binding energies can be enhanced greatly by the dielectric mismatch and the calculated results are almost consistent with the experimental data. Meanwhile, we obtain the optical transition rule when the small spin-obit splitting Delta(so) of ZnO is neglected. Furthermore, the radiative lifetime and linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) of the exciton states are calculated theoretically. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data very well. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3125456]


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Circular dichromatic absorption difference spectroscopy is developed to measure the spin diffusion dynamics of electrons in bulk n-GaAs. This spectroscopy has higher detection sensitivity over homodyne detection of spin-grating-diffracted signal. A model to describe circular dichromatic absorption difference signal is derived and used to fit experimental signal to retrieve decaying rate of spin gratings. A spin diffusion constant of D-s=201 +/- 25 cm(2)/s for bulk n-GaAs has been measured at room temperature using this technique and is close to electron diffusion constant (D-c), which is much different from the case in GaAs quantum wells where D-s is markedly less than D-c.


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We investigate the spin relaxation time of holes in an ultrathin neutral InAs monolayer (1.5 ML) and compare with that of electrons, using polarization-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) experiments. With excitation energies above the GaAs gap, we observe a rather slow relaxation of holes (tau(1h) = 196 +/- 17 ps) that is in the magnitude similar to electrons (tau(1e) = 354 +/- 32 ps) in this ultrathin sample. The results are in good agreement with earlier theoretical prediction, and the phonon scattering due to spin-orbit coupling is realized to play a dominant role in the carrier spin kinetics.


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Spin dynamics in (Ga,Mn)As films grown on GaAs(001) was investigated by Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The Kerr signal decay time of (Ga,Mn)As without external magnetic field applied was found to be several hundreds picoseconds, which suggested that photogenerated polarized holes and magnetic ions are coupled as a ferromagnetic system. Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of relaxation and dephasing (R&D) time and Larmor frequency manifests that Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at low temperature, while D'yakonov-Perel mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at high temperature, and the crossover between the two regimes is Curie temperature.


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For an electron spin in coupling with an interacting spin chain via hyperfine-type interaction, we investigate the dynamical evolutions of the pairwise entanglement of the spin chain, and a correlation function joined the electron spin with a pair of chain spins in correspondence to the electron-spin coherence evolution. Both quantities manifest a periodic and a decaying evolution. The entanglement of the spin bath is significant in distinguishing the zero-coherence status exhibited in periodic and decoherence evolutions of the electron spin. The periodical concurrence evolution of the spin bath characterizes the whole system in a coherence-preserving phase, particularly for the case that the associated periodic coherence evolution is predominated by zero value in the infinite chain-length limit, which was often regarded as the realization of decoherence.