151 resultados para Optical Wave-guides


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Modulation arms with different widths are introduced to Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) to obtain improved performance. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation have shown that when the widths of the two arms are properly designed to achieve an inherent m pi/2 (m is an odd integer) optical phase difference between the arms, the asymmetric MZI presents higher modulation speed. Furthermore, the carrier-absorption induced divergence of insertion losses in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based MZI optical switches can be obviously improved.


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An improved optical self-heterodyne method utilizing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) tunable laser and an optical fiber ring interferometer is presented in this paper. The interference efficiency can be increased by 7 dB compared with the scheme using the conventional Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The unsteady process that the beating frequency experiences in each tuning period is investigated. According to the measurement results, the wavelength and optical power of the tunable laser will be steady when the square-wave frequency is lower than 300 kHz. It has been shown that when a square-wave voltage is applied to the phase section of the tunable laser, the laser linewidths vary in a wide range, and are much larger than that under dc voltage tuning. The errors caused by the variations in the linewidth of the beat signal and optical power can be eliminated using the proposed calibration procedures, and the measurement accuracy can, therefore, be significantly improved. Experiments show that the frequency responses obtained using our method agree well with the data provided by the manufacturer, and the improved optical self-heterodyne method is as accurate as the intensity noise technique.


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We have demonstrated an electroabsorption modulator (EAM) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) monolithically integrated with novel dual-waveguide spot-size converters (SSCs) at the input and output ports for low-loss coupling to planar light-guide circuit silica waveguide or cleaved single-mode optical fiber. The device is fabricated by means of selective-area MOVPE growth (SAG), quantum well intermixing (QWI) and asymmetric twin waveguide (ATG) technologies with only three steps low-pressure MOVPE growth. For the device structure, in SOA/EAM section, double ridge structure was employed to reduce the EAM capacitances and enable high bit-rate operation. In the SSC sections, buried ridge stripe (BRS) were incorporated. Such a combination of ridge, ATG and BRS structure is reported for the first time in which it can take advantage of both easy processing of ridge structure and the excellent mode characteristic of BRS. At the wavelength range of 1550-1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25 dB DC and more than 10 GHz 3-dB bandwidth is successfully achieved. The beam divergence angles of the input and output ports of the device are as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, resulting in 3.0 dB coupling loss with cleaved single-mode optical fiber. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mode characteristics of equilateral triangle resonators (ETRs) are analyzed based on the symmetry operation of the point group C-3v. The results show that doubly degenerate eigenstates can be reduced to the A(1) and A(2) representations of C-3v, if the longitudinal mode number is a multiple of 6; otherwise, they form the E irreducible representation Of C-3v. And the one-period length for the mode light ray is half of the perimeter of the ETR. Mode Q-factors are calculated by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and compared with those calculated from far-field emission based on the analytical near-field pattern for TE and TM modes. The results show that the far-field emission based on the analytical field distribution can be used to estimate the mode Q-factor, especially for TM modes. FDTD numerical results also show that Q-factor of TE modes reaches maximum value as the longitudinal mode number is a multiple of 7. In addition, photoluminescence spectra and measured Q-factors are presented for fabricated ETR with side lengths of 20 and 30 mu m, and the mode wavelength intervals are compared with the analytical results.


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Quasi-continuous-wave operation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-cascade lasers with high average optical power is demonstrated. Double X-ray diffraction has been used to investigate the quality of the epitaxial material. The compositional gradients and the interface quality are controlled effectively. The corrected average power of per facet about 17 mW and temperature tuning coefficient of the gain peak about 0.91 nm/K from 83 K to 140 K is achieved in pulse operation. Best value of threshold current density is less than 3.0 kA/cm(2) at 83 K. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum rods with an ellipsoidal boundary is given after a coordinate transformation. The energies, wave functions, and transition possibilities are obtained as functions of the aspect ratio e with the same method we used on spherical dots. With an overall consideration of both the transition matrix element and the Boltzmann distribution we explained why the polarization factor increases with increasing e and approaches a saturation value, which tallies quite well with the experimental result. When e increases more and more S-z states are mixed into the ground, second, and third states of J(z)=1/2, resulting in an increase of the emission of z polarization. It is just the linear terms of the momentum operator in the hole Hamiltonian that cause the mixing of S and P states in the hole ground state. The effects of the crystal field splitting energy, temperature, and transverse radius to the polarization are also considered. We also calculated the band gap variation with the size and shape of the quantum rods.


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Absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency using optical parametric down-conversion has been extensively studied for the case of a continuous wave pump. In this paper, we have used the temporally and spatially correlated properties of the down-converted photon pairs generated in a nonlinear crystal pumped by a femtosecond laser pulse to perform an absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency. The measured detector quantum efficiency is in excellent agreement with the measured value in the conventional way. A lens with a long focal length was adopted for efficiently increasing the intensity of the down-conversion entangled photon source.


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We have shown that high energy ion implantation enhanced intermixing (HE-IIEI) technology for quantum well (QW) structures is a powerful technique which can be used to blue shift the band gap energy of a QW structure and therefore decrease its band gap absorption. Room temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) and guided-wave transmission measurements have been employed to investigate the amount of blue shift of the band gap energy of an intermixed QW structure and the reduction of band gap absorption, Record large blue shifts in PL peaks of 132 nm for a 4-QW InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP structure have been demonstrated in the intermixed regions of the QW wafers, on whose non-intermixed regions, a shift as small as 5 nm is observed. This feature makes this technology very attractive for selective intermixing in selected areas of an MQW structure. The dramatical reduction in band gap absorption for the InP based MQW structure has been investigated experimentally. It is found that the intensity attenuation for the blue shifted structure is decreased by 242.8 dB/cm for the TE mode and 119 dB/cm for the TM mode with respect to the control samples. Electro-absorption characteristics have also been clearly observed in the intermixed structure. Current-Voltage characteristics were employed to investigate the degradation of the p-n junction in the intermixed region. We have achieved a successful fabrication and operation of Y-junction optical switches (JOS) based on MQW semiconductor optical amplifiers using HE-IIEI technology to fabricate the low loss passive waveguide. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) microlasers with an output waveguide connected to one of the vertices of the ETR are fabricated using standard photolithography and inductively-coupled-plasma etching techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected 1550 nm ETR laser with side length ranged from 15 to 30 tm are realized at room temperature.


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An ultra-wide-band frequency response measurement system for optoelectronic devices has been established using the optical heterodyne method utilizing a tunable laser and a wavelenath-fixed distributed feedback laser. By controlling the laser diode cavity length, the beat frequency is swept from DC to hundreds GHz. An outstanding advantage is that this measurement system does not need any high-speed light modulation source and additional calibration. In this measurement, two types of different O/E receivers have been tested. and 3 dB bandwidths measured by this system were 14.4GHz and 40GHz, respectively. The comparisons between experimental data and that from manufacturer show that this method is accurate and easy to carry out.


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Nano-vanadium dioxide thin films were prepared through thermal annealing vanadium oxide thin films deposited by dual ion beam sputtering. The nano-vanadium dioxide thin films changed its state from semiconductor phase to metal phase through heating by homemade system. Four point probe method and Fourier transform infrared spectrum technology were employed to measure and anaylze the electrical and optical semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of nano-vanadium dioxide thin films, respectively. The results show that there is an obvious discrepancy between the semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of electrical and optical phase transition. The nano-vanadium dioxide thin films' phase transiton temperature defined by electrical phase transiton property is 63 degrees C, higher than that defined by optical phase transiton property at 5 mu m, 60 degrees C; and the temperature width of electrical phase transition duration is also wider than that of optical phase transiton duration. The semiconductor-to-metal phase transiton temperature defined by optical properties increases with increasing wavelength in the region of infrared wave band, and the occuring temperature of phase transiton from semiconductor to metal also increases with wavelength increasing, but the duration temperature width of transition decreases with wavelength increasing. The phase transition properties of nano-vanadium dioxide thin film has obvious relationship with wavelength in infrared wave band. The phase transition properties can be tuned through wavelength in infrared wave band, and the semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of nano vanadiium dioxide thin films can be better characterized by electrical property.


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We report on chip-scale optical gates based on the integration of evanescent waveguide unitraveling-carrier photodiodes (EC-UTC-PDs) and intra-step quantum well electroabsorption modulators (IQW-EAMs) on n-InP substrates. These devices exhibit simultaneously 2.1 GHz and -16.2 dB RF-gain at 21 GHz with a 450 Omega thin-film resistor and a bypass capacitor integrated on a chip.


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Solutions for fiber-optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) with dispersion fluctuations are derived using matrix operators. On the basis of the propagation matrix product and the hybrid genetic algorithm, we have optimized and compared single- and dual-pump FOPAs with zero-dispersion-wavelength variations. The simulations prove that the design of FOPAs involves multimodal function optimization problems. The numerical results show that dual-pump FOPAs are highly sensitive to dispersion fluctuations whereas dispersion variations have less impact on the gain of single-pump FOPAs. To increase signal gain and reduce ripple, dual-pump FOPAs, instead of single-pump FOPAs, have to be carefully optimized with a suitable multisegment fiber structure rather than a one-segment fiber structure. The different combinations of multisegment fibers can provide highly different gain properties. The increase in gain is at the cost of the ripple.


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Experimental investigations of nondegenerate ultrabroadband chirped pulse optical parametric amplification have been carried out. The general mathematical expressions for evaluating parametric bandwidth, gain and gain bandwidth for arbitrary three-wave mixing parametric amplifiers are presented. In our experiments, a type-I noncollinear phase-matched optical parametric amplifier based on lithium triborate, which was pumped by a 5-ns second harmonic pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG operating at 10 Hz, seeded by a 14-fs Ti:sapphire laser at 800 nm, was presented. The 0.85 nJ energy of input chirped signal pulse with 57-FWHM has been amplified to 3.1 muJ at pump intensity 3 GW/cm(2), the corresponding parametric gain reached 3.6 x 10(3), the 53 nm-FWHM gain spectrum bandwidth of output signal has been obtained. The large gain and broad gain bandwidth, which have been confirmed experimentally, provide great potentials to amplify efficiently the broad bandwidth femtosecond light pulses to generate new extremes in power, intensity, and pulse duration using optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers pumped by powerful nanosecond systems.


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We study the four-wave mixing (FWM) in an opening five-level system with two dressing fields. There are three kinds of doubly dressing mechanisms (parallel cascade, sequential cascade, and nested cascade) in the system for doubly dressed four-wave mixing. These mechanisms reflect different correlations between two dressing fields and different effects of two dressing fields to the FWM. Investigation of these mechanisms is helpful to understand the generated high-order nonlinear optical signal dressed by multi-fields.