377 resultados para Multidisciplinary Sciences


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Changing the ratio of light-harvesting pigments was regarded as an efficient way to improve the photosynthesis rate in microalgae, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. In the present study, a mutant of Anabeana simensis (called SP) was selected from retrieved satellite cultures. Several parameters related with photosynthesis, such as the growth, photosynthesis rate, the content of photosynthetic pigment, low temperature fluorescence spectrum (77K) and electron transport rate, were compared with those of the wild type. It was found that the change in the ratio of light-harvesting pigments in the mutant led to more efficient light energy transfer and usage in mutant than in the wild type. This may be the reason why the mutant had higher photosynthesis and growth rates.


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149 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b (Cyt b) genes (1140 bp) of Gymnocypris przewalskii, Gymnocypris eckloni and Gymnocyptis scolistomus from the Lake Qinghai, Yellow River and Qaidam Basin were sequenced and analyzed. Consistent dendrogram indicated that the samples collected from the same species do not constitute a separate monophyletic group and all the samples were grouped into three highly divergent lineages (A, B and C). Among them, Lineage A contained all samples of G. przewalskii from the Lake Qinghai and partial samples of the G. eckloni from the Yellow River. Lineage B contained the remaining samples of G. eckloni from the Yellow River. Lineage C was composed of a monophyletic group by G. eckloni from the Qaidam Basin. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that most of genetic variations were detected within these three mtDNA lineages (93.12%), suggesting that there are three different lineages of Gymnocypris in this region. Our Cyt b sequence data showed that G. przewalskii was not a polytypic species, and G. scolistomus was neither an independent species nor a subspecies of G. eckloni. The divergent mtDNA lineages of G. eckloni from the Yellow River suggested that gene flow between the different populations was restricted to a certain extent by several gorges on the upper reach of the Yellow River. Lineage B of G. eckloni might be the genetic effect from the ancestor which was incorporated with the endemic schizothoracine fishes when the headward erosion of the Yellow River reached to its current headwaters of late. The G. eckloni from Basin Qaidam was a monophyletic group (lineage C) and F-st values within G. eckloni from the Yellow River were higher than 0.98, suggesting that the gene flow has been interrupted for a long time and the G. eckloni from Basin Qaidam might have been evolved into different species by ecology segregation. The correlation between the rakers number of Gymnocypris and population genetic variation was not significant. All Gymnocypris populations exhibited a low nucleotide diversity (pi = 0.00096-0.00485). Therefore the Gymnocyptis populations from Basin Qaidam could have experienced severe bottleneck effect in history. Our result suggested Gym-nocypris populations of Basin Qaidam should give a high priority in conservation programs.


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Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on Spirulina platensis were studied by investigating its photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic pigments and biomass production while exposed to full spectrum solar radiation or depleted of UVR for understanding how and to what extent UVR influences its photosynthetic physiology and production. It was found that UVR brought about an extra inhibition of photochemical efficiency by 26%-30%. The greatest inhibition of photochemical efficiency in S. platensis was observed at noontime, and then recovered to some extent in late afternoon no matter which treatment they were exposed to. The contents of chlorophyll a, phycocyanin and carotenoids increased during initial stage of the exposure, but decreased with elongated exposure. UVR decreased the biomass yield by about 6%. It indicated that filtering out UVR of solar radiation would raise the productivity of S. platensis, which is an important factor that should be considered in the production.


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Reproductive behaviors are poorly known for the Yangtze finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis. In this study, the parentage of an isolated Yangtze finless porpoise population inhabiting the Yangtze Tian-e-Zhou Baiji National Natural Reserve is determined by analysis of microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences, and the porpoise's reproductive behaviors are studied. Overall 4 full parentage assignments and additional 3 single parentage assignments were determined for the population of 23 individuals. The analysis shows that their estimated reproductive cycle is shorter than that reported previously and there probably exists an overlapping between gestation and lactation period. The Study also shows that the female does not show fidelity to a particular male for breeding and vice versa, the oldest males did not monopolize mating and the dominance rank could not be so strict for the porpoise society. Moreover, the porpoise's mating pattern and relatedness among candidate parents are discussed here. These results provide important information for making guidelines of management and conservation for this protected population.


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The mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene is sequenced from 24 ingroups taxa, including 18 species from Labeoninae grouped in 13 genera. Phylogenetic analyses are subjected to neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Labeoninae is basically a monophyletic assemblage and can be divided into 2 major clades: one comprising the genera Cirrhinus, Crossocheilus and Garra; and the other consisting of the genera Labeo, Sinilabeo, Osteochilus, Pseudoorossocheilus, Parasinilabeo. Ptychidio, Semilabeo, Pseudogyricheilus, Rectori and Discogobio. According to our present analysis, the features such as the presence of the adhesive disc on the chin and the pharyngeal teeth in 2 rows used in the traditional taxonomy of Labeoninae provide scarce information for phylogeny of labeonine fishes.


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Vitellogenin (Vtg) is the precursor of yolk protein. Its expression and secretion are estrogen-regulated and are crucial for oocyte maturation. An in vitro xenoestrogen screening model was established by measuring Vtg induction in cultured primary hepatocytes from crucian carp. Vtg production was detected by biotin-avidin sandwich ELISA method while Vtg and cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) mRNA induction were measured by semi- quantitative PCR-primer dropping technique. Vtg and Vtg mRNA were dose-dependently induced by diethylstilbestrol (DES, 0.2-200 ng/mL) in hepatocytes of crucian carp. Co-treatment of the DES-induced hepatocytes with either 2,3,7,8-TCDD (TCDD, 0.1-4 pg/mL) or benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P, 5-1000 ng/mL) resulted in a reduction of Vtg production and an increment of CYP1A1 mRNA expression both in a dose dependent manner, indicating the anti-estrogenic effects of the compounds. However, at lower tested concentrations, TCDD (0.1, 0.2 pg/mL), B[a]P (5 ng/mL) seemed to have a potentiating effect on Vtg expression and secretion, although by their own these compounds had no observable estrogenic effect on Vtg induction. Tamoxifen (a selective estrogen receptor modulators, 1 nmol/L-1 mumol/L), and P-naphtho-flavone (beta-NF, an aryl hydrocarbon receptor inducing compounds, 2.5-1000 ng/mL) also were employed to study the possible interactions in DES-induced Vtg expression. In co-treatment of the DES-induced hepatocytes with beta-NF or tamoxifen, the decrease in Vtg production did parallel induction of CYP1A1 for beta-NF, but tamoxifen inhibited Vtg induction did not parallel induced CYP1A1 expression in all test concentrations. On the contrary, it was found that in co-treatment of the TCDD-induced hepatocytes with DES, TCDD induced CYP1A1 mRNA production was inhibited by DES also. These results implicated a possible cross talk between estrogen receptor- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated pathways in the hepatocytes.


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The expression vector containing phbB and ble genes was constructed and transformed into cell-wall-deficient strain Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-849 by the glass-head method. The transgenic alga was selected and maintained in the TAP agar plates containing 10 mug/mL Zeomycin. Transgenic alga, which could express phbB at the transcriptional level, was obtained and further confirmed with PCR, Southern blot and RT-PCR-DNA hybridization analysis.


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Partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were obtained by PCR amplification for comparisons among nine species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids representing 10 sisorid genera. There are compositional biases in the A-rich impaired regions and G-rich paired regions. A-G transitions are primarily responsible for the Ts/Tv bias in impaired regions. The overall substitution rate in impaired regions is almost two times higher than that in the paired regions. Saturation plots at comparable levels of sequence divergence demonstrate no saturation effects. Phylogenetic analyses using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods support the monophyly of Sisoridae. Chinese sisorid catfishes are composed of two major lineages, one represented by (Gagata (Bagarius, Glyptothorax)) and the other by "glyptosternoids + Pseudecheneis". The glyptosternoids may not be a monophyletic group. A previous hypothesis referring to Pseudecheneis as the sister group of monophyletic glyptosternoids, based on morphological evidence, is not supported by the molecular data. Pseudecheneis is shown to be a sister taxon of Glaridoglanis. Pareuchiloglanis might be paraphyletic with Pseudexostoma and Euchiloglanis. Our results also support the hypothesis that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Pareuchiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi.


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From 2001 to 2002, a new and emergent infectious disease of Ophiocephalus argus occurred in a fishery in Hubei Province, China, with an incidence of 60% similar to 70% and a mortality as high as 100 %. The diseased fish showed an enlarged abdomen, the millet-like nodules in internal organs, and the swollen kidney which was composed of 5 similar to 10 sarcoma-like bodies in cream or gray-white colour or ulcerated into beandregs-like substance. Light microscopic observation revealed the basophilic or acidphilic inclusions in cytoplasm of the cells and the granulomas, a diffusive chronic inflammation in internal organs. Further analysis under an electron microscope indicated that the intracytoplasmic inclusions were rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) that are either spherical or coccoid, with variable size, ranging from 0.5 similar to 1.5 mum in diameter, and enclosed within membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles. RLO had a central nucleoid region with some fine filamentous structures and an electron-dense granule. Its cytoplasm contained abundant ribosomal bodies. Occasionally, RLO appeared to be divided by binary fission. RLOs were also observed in the homogenized tissue of infected fish. The results suggested that the death of cultured O. argus was caused by RLO infection.


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Spermatogonia are the male germ stem cells that continuously produce sperm for the next generation. Spermatogenesis is a complicated process that proceeds through mitotic phase of stem cell renewal and differentiation, meiotic phase, and postmeiotic phase of spermiogenesis. Full recapitulation of spermatogenesis in vitro has been impossible, as generation of normal spermatogonial stem cell lines without immortalization and production of motile sperm from these cells after long-term culture have not been achieved. Here we report the derivation of a normal spermatogonial cell line from a mature medakafish testis without immortalization. After 140 passages during 2 years of culture, this cell line retains stable but growth factor-dependent proliferation, a diploid karyotype, and the phenotype and gene expression pattern of spermatogonial stem cells. Furthermore, we show that this cell line can undergo meiosis and spermiogenesis to generate motile sperm. Therefore, the ability of continuous proliferation and sperm production in culture is an intrinsic property of medaka spermatogonial stem cells, and immortalization apparently is not necessary to derive male germ cell cultures. Our findings and cell line will offer a unique opportunity to study and recapitulate spermatogenesis in vitro and to develop approaches for germ-line transmission.


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Bleached mutants of Euglena gracilis were obtained by treatment with ofloxacin (Ofl) and streptomycin (Sm) respectively. As shown by electron microscopy, the residual plastids contain prothylakoids in an Ofl mutant, and the highly developed and tightly stacked membranous structure found in cells of two Sm, mutants. Nine genes of the plastid genome were examined with PCR, showing that ribosomal protein genes and most other plastid genes were lost in all but one Sm mutant. Using differential display and RT-PCR, it was shown that chloroplast degeneration could cause changes in transcription of certain nucleus-encoded genes during heterotrophic growth in darkness.


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Microbial crusts are attracting much interest in view of their possible uses in environmental conservation and ecological restoration of the and and semiarid regions. Because algae play an irreplaceable important role in the early formation and the strengthening of microbial crusts, they are paid much more attention to than other cryptogams. In this paper, an overview of the current knowledge on the fine structure and development of microbial crust, focusing on the algal biomass, vertical distribution, succession, influential factors on algae, cohesion of soil stabilization, cementing mechanism for soil particles and the microalgal extracellular polymers is given, with particular emphasis on the authors' researches, and some prospects are put forward as well.


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Rainbow trout historic H3 (RH3) promoter was cloned via high fidelity PCR. The cloned RH3 promoter was inserted into a promoter-lacked vector pEGFP-1, resulting in an expression vector pRH3FGFP-1. The linearized pRH3EGFP-1 was microinjected into fertilized eggs of rare minnows and the sequential embryogenetic processes were monitored under a fluorescent microscope. Strong green fluorescence was ubiquitously observed at as early as the gastrula stage and then in various tissues at the fry stage. The results indicate that RH3 promoter, as a piscine promoter, could serve in producing transgenic Cyprinoid such as rare minnow. Promoter activity of RH3, CMV and common carp beta-actin (CA) were compared in rare minnow by the expression of respective recombinant EGFP vectors. The expression of pCMVEGFP occurred earlier than the following one, pRH3EGFP-1, and then pCAEGFP during the embryogenesis of the transgenics. Their expression activities demonstrated that the CMV promoter is the strongest one, followed by the CA and then the RH3.


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Molecular phylogeny of three genera containing nine species and subspecies of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are investigated based on the complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Meantime relationships between the main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes and the stepwise uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are also conducted using the molecular clock, which is calibrated by geological isolated events between the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the Qinghai Lake. Results indicated that the specialized schizothoracine fishes are not a monophyly. Five species and subspecies of Ptychobarbus form a monophyly. But three species of Gymnodiptychus do not form a monophyly. Gd. integrigymnatus is a sister taxon of the highly specialized schizothoracine fishes while Gd. pachycheilus has a close relation with Gd. dybowskii, and both of them are as a sister group of Diptychus maculatus. The specialized schizothoracines fishes might have originated during the Miocene (about 10 MaBP), and then the divergence of three genera happened during late Miocene (about 8 MaBP). Their main specialization occurred during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (3.54-0.42 MaBP). The main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are mostly correlated with the geological tectonic events and intensive climate shift happened at 8, 3.6, 2.5 and 1.7 MaBP of the late Cenozoic. Molecular clock data do not support the hypothesis that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplifted to near present or even higher elevations during the Oligocene or Miocene, and neither in agreement with the view that the plateau uplifting reached only to an altitude of 2000 in during the late Pliocene (about 2.6 MaBP).


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Gloeobacter violaceus, a cyanobacterium lack of thylakoids, is refractory to genetic manipulations because its cells are enveloped by a thick gelatinous sheath and in colonial form. In this study, a large number of single cells were obtained by repeated pumping with a syringe with the gelatinous sheath removed. And an exogenous broad host range plasmid pKT210 was conjugatively transferred into G. violaceus. Analyses with dot-blot hybridization and restriction mapping showed that the exogenous plasmid pKT210 had been introduced into G. violaceus and stably maintained with no alteration in its structure. pKT210 extracted from G. violaceus exconjugants could be transformed into the mcr - mrr - E. coli strain DH10B but not the mcr(+) mrr(+) strain DH5alpha, which suggests that a methylase system may be present in G. violaceus.