135 resultados para Maowusu sandy land


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Based on the data analysis, this study further explores the characteristics of East Asian winter monsoon (hereafter, EAWM, for brevity) as well as the related air-sea-land system, and illustrates how and to what degree anomalous signals of the subsequent Asian summer monsoon are rooted in the preceding EAWM activity. We identified an important air-sea coupled mode, i.e., the EAWM mode illustrated in Section 3. In cold seasons, strong EAWM-related air-sea two-way interaction is responsible for the development and persistence of the SSTA pattern of EAWM mode. As a consequence, the key regions, i.e., the western Pacific and South China Sea (hereafter, SCS, for brevity), are dominated by such an SSTA pattern from the winter to the following summer. In the strong EAWM years, the deficient snow cover dominates eastern Tibetan Plateau in winter, and in spring, this anomaly pattern is further strengthened and extended to the northwestern side of Tibetan Plateau. Thus, the combined effect of strong EAWM-related SSTA and Tibetan snow cover constitutes an important factor in modulating the Asian monsoon circulation. The active role of the EAWM activity as well as the related air-sea-land interaction would, in the subsequent seasons, lead to: 1) the enhancement of SCS monsoon and related stronger rainfall; 2) the northward displacement of subtropical high during Meiyu period and the related deficient rainfall over Meiyu rainband; 3) above-normal precipitation over the regions from northern Japan to northeastern China in summer; 4) more rainfall over the Arabian Sea and Northeast India, while less rainfall over southwest India and the Bay of Bengal. The strong EAWM-related air-sea interaction shows, to some degree, precursory signals to the following Asian summer monsoon. However, the mechanism for the variability of Indian summer monsoon subsequent to the strong EAWM years remains uncertain.


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A new expression for calculating suspended fine-sediment deposition rate is developed based on theoretic analysis and experiments. The resulting equation is applied to simulation of fine sediment deposition in the reclaimed land in the Hangzhou Bay, China. The hydrodynamic environment in this area is solved by use of a long wave model, which gives the 2D-velocity field and considers bathymetric changes due to fine sediment deposition. The expression is proved convenient to use in engineering practice, and the predicted deposition rate agrees with the annual data available from field measurements from the first year to the third year after the construction of the long groin as a reclaiming method.


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A new species of Spionidae, Scolelepis (Scolelepis) daphoinos sp. nov., is described and illustrated from northern China seas. The species was frequently encountered and highly abundant on sand beaches, but rarely found in subtidal areas. It was formerly misidentified as S. (S.) squamata (Muller, 1806) in China but differed from the latter species in several details in morphology, including the presence of obvious reddish pigmentation patches and the absence of unidentate hooded hooks. Another two Scolelepis species, S. (S.) lingulata Imajima, 1992 and S. (S.) variegata Imajima, 1992, are reported for the first time from Chinese waters. Two species of Scolelepis, S. (S.) globosa Wu & Chen, 1964 and S. (S.) lefebvrei (Gravier, 1905), were reported previously; therefore, five species in this genus are known from China in total. A key to all Scolelepis species from Chinese waters is provided.


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Grassland degradation is widespread and severe on the Tibet Plateau. To explore management approaches for sustainable development of degraded and restored ecosystems, we studied the effect of land degradation on species composition, species diversity, and vegetation productivity, and examined the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices (two seeding treatments and a non-seeded natural recovery treatment) on community structure and vegetation productivity in early secondary succession. The results showed: (1) All sedge and grass species of the natural steppe meadow had disappeared from the severely degraded land. The above-ground and root biomass of severely degraded land were only 38 and 14.7%, respectively, of those of the control. So, the original ecosystem has been dramatically altered by land degradation on alpine steppe meadow. (2) Seeding measures may promote above-ground biomass, particularly grass biomass, and ground cover. Except for the grasses seeded, however, other grass and sedge species did not occur after seeding treatments in the sixth year of seeding. Establishment of grasses during natural recovery treatment progressed slowly compared with during seeding treatments. Many annual forbs invaded and established during the 6 years of natural recovery. In addition, there was greater diversity after natural recovery treatment than after seeding treatments. (3) The above-ground biomass after seeding treatment and natural recovery treatment were 114 and 55%, respectively, of that of the control. No significant differences in root biomass occurred among the natural recovery and seeded treatments. Root biomass after rehabilitation treatment was 23-31% that of the control.


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Large-scale grassland rehabilitation has been carried out on the severely degraded lands of the Tibetan plateau. The grasslands created provide a useful model for evaluating the recovery of ecosystem properties. The purposes of this research were: (1) to examine the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices on carbon and nitrogen in plants and soils in early secondary succession; and (2) to evaluate the degree to which severely degraded grassland altered plant and soil properties relative to the non-disturbed native community. The results showed: (1) The aboveground tissue C and N content in the control were 105-97 g m(-2) and 3.356gm(-2), respectively. The aboveground tissue C content in the mixed seed treatment, the single seed treatment, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 137 per cent, 98 per cent, 49 per cent and 38 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The corresponding aboveground tissue N content was 109 per cent, 84 per cent, 60 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. (2) Root C and N content in 0-20 cm depths of the control had an 2 2 average 1606 gm(-2) and 30-36 gm(-2) respectively. Root C and N content in the rehabilitation treatments were in the range of 26-36 per cent and 35-53 per cent, while those in the severely degraded treatment were only 17 per cent and 26 per cent of that in the control. (3) In the control the average soil C and N content at 0-20 cm was 11307 gm(-2) and 846 gm(-2), respectively. Soil C content in the uppermost 20 cm in the seeded treatments, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 67 per cent, 73 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively, while soil N content in the uppermost 20cm was 72 per cent, 82 per cent and 79 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The severely degraded land was a major C source. Restoring the severely degraded lands to perennial vegetation was an alternative approach to sequestering C in former degraded systems. N was a limiting factor in seeding grassland. It is necessary for sustainable utilization of seeding grassland to supply extra N fertilizer to the soil or to add legume species into the seed mix. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The latest two extreme scenarios of last glacial maximum and Holocene climatic optimum marked extreme situations in China. This paper aims to reconstruct the fossil extensions and paleoclimate of deserts in eastern China during this typical period. Aeolian sequence responds the climate change by virtue of alternation of aeolian sand layer and sandy soil layer, which correspond aridity and humidity, respectively. There is a set of contrastive deposits made up of loose sand layer and overlying dark sandy soil below land surface. This developed soil and underlying deep aeolian sand respond to H.O. and late last glacial, i.e. LGM. The typical bottom sand layers of about 50 profiles of Hulun Buir Desert, Horqin Desert and Otindag Desert were dated using OSL to confirm that they did deposid in LGM. Based on the locations of these LGM sand, distrution of gobi-desert-loess and landform control, the distribution in LGM of the three deserts were reconstructed. For the block of eastern mountain, the extreme eastern boundary of Hulun Buir Desert and Otindag Desert are not just functioned by climate background. The east of Horqin Desert is plain, hence eastern boundary of this desert is maily controlled by climate. It is considered that quite a lot of aeolian sand of LGM origined from fluvial deposit by observing regional distribution of river and SEM of sand grains. The environment alternation of of LGM-H.O. is featured by extensive expanse of active dune in LGM and grassland in H.O. Combined grain-size, susceptibility, TOC, colour and SEM measurement, the OSL chronology of relatively continued profiles since LGM of the three deserts are divided into four periods: eolian sand (15-10ka)- sandy soil (10-5ka)- alternation of black sand and yellow sand- reworking of LGM sand as destroy of soil.


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Ordos Basin is a typical cratonic petroliferous basin with 40 oil-gas bearing bed sets. It is featured as stable multicycle sedimentation, gentle formation, and less structures. The reservoir beds in Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoicare are mainly low density, low permeability, strong lateral change, and strong vertical heterogeneous. The well-known Loess Plateau in the southern area and Maowusu Desert, Kubuqi Desert and Ordos Grasslands in the northern area cover the basin, so seismic data acquisition in this area is very difficult and the data often takes on inadequate precision, strong interference, low signal-noise ratio, and low resolution. Because of the complicated condition of the surface and the underground, it is very difficult to distinguish the thin beds and study the land facies high-resolution lithologic sequence stratigraphy according to routine seismic profile. Therefore, a method, which have clearly physical significance, based on advanced mathematical physics theory and algorithmic and can improve the precision of the detection on the thin sand-peat interbed configurations of land facies, is in demand to put forward.Generalized S Transform (GST) processing method provides a new method of phase space analysis for seismic data. Compared with wavelet transform, both of them have very good localization characteristics; however, directly related to the Fourier spectra, GST has clearer physical significance, moreover, GST adopts a technology to best approach seismic wavelets and transforms the seismic data into time-scale domain, and breaks through the limit of the fixed wavelet in S transform, so GST has extensive adaptability. Based on tracing the development of the ideas and theories from wavelet transform, S transform to GST, we studied how to improve the precision of the detection on the thin stratum by GST.Noise has strong influence on sequence detecting in GST, especially in the low signal-noise ratio data. We studied the distribution rule of colored noise in GST domain, and proposed a technology to distinguish the signal and noise in GST domain. We discussed two types of noises: white noise and red noise, in which noise satisfy statistical autoregression model. For these two model, the noise-signal detection technology based on GST all get good result. It proved that the GST domain noise-signal detection technology could be used to real seismic data, and could effectively avoid noise influence on seismic sequence detecting.On the seismic profile after GST processing, high amplitude energy intensive zone, schollen, strip and lentoid dead zone and disarray zone maybe represent specifically geologic meanings according to given geologic background. Using seismic sequence detection profile and combining other seismic interpretation technologies, we can elaborate depict the shape of palaeo-geomorphology, effectively estimate sand stretch, distinguish sedimentary facies, determine target area, and directly guide oil-gas exploration.In the lateral reservoir prediction in XF oilfield of Ordos Basin, it played very important role in the estimation of sand stretch that the study of palaeo-geomorphology of Triassic System and the partition of inner sequence of the stratum group. According to the high-resolution seismic profile after GST processing, we pointed out that the C8 Member of Yanchang Formation in DZ area and C8 Member in BM area are the same deposit. It provided the foundation for getting 430 million tons predicting reserves and unite building 3 million tons off-take potential.In tackling key problem study for SLG gas-field, according to the high-resolution seismic sequence profile, we determined that the deposit direction of H8 member is approximately N-S or NNE-SS W. Using the seismic sequence profile, combining with layer-level profile, we can interpret the shape of entrenched stream. The sunken lenticle indicates the high-energy stream channel, which has stronger hydropower. By this way we drew out three high-energy stream channels' outline, and determined the target areas for exploitation. Finding high-energy braided river by high-resolution sequence processing is the key technology in SLG area.In ZZ area, we studied the distribution of the main reservoir bed-S23, which is shallow delta thin sand bed, by GST processing. From the seismic sequence profile, we discovered that the schollen thick sand beds are only local distributed, and most of them are distributary channel sand and distributary bar deposit. Then we determined that the S23 sand deposit direction is NW-SE in west, N-S in central and NE-SW in east. The high detecting seismic sequence interpretation profiles have been tested by 14 wells, 2 wells mismatch and the coincidence rate is 85.7%. Based on the profiles we suggested 3 predicted wells, one well (Yu54) completed and the other two is still drilling. The completed on Is coincident with the forecastThe paper testified that GST is a effective technology to get high- resolution seismic sequence profile, compartmentalize deposit microfacies, confirm strike direction of sandstone and make sure of the distribution range of oil-gas bearing sandstone, and is the gordian technique for the exploration of lithologic gas-oil pool in complicated areas.