543 resultados para Laser-Sintern


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Protons with very high kinetic energy of about 10keV and the saturation effect of proton energy for laser intensity have been observed in the interaction of an ultrashort intense laser pulse with large-sized hydrogen clusters. Including the cluster-size distribution as well as the laser-intensity distribution on the focus spot, the theoretical calculations based on a simplified Coulomb explosion model have been compared with our experimental measurements, which are in good agreement with each other.


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Several schemes for coherent quantum control of atomic and molecular processes have been proposed and investigated by using the techniques of adiabatic passage and ultrashort pulses, respectively. Some interesting results have been found.


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We investigate the influence of ionization on the propagation and spectral effects of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in a two-level medium. It is found that when the fractional ionization is weak, the production of higher spectral components makes no difference. However, when the two states are essentially depleted before the peak of the laser pulse, the impact of ionization on the higher spectral components is very significant.


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We have investigated the damage for ZrO2/SiO2 800 nm 45 degrees high-reflection mirror with femtosecond pulses. The damage morphologies and the evolution of ablation crater depths with laser fluences are dramatically different from that with pulse longer than a few tens of picoseconds. The ablation in multilayers occurs layer by layer, and not continuously as in the case of bulk single crystalline or amorphous materials. The weak point in damage is the interface between two layers. We also report its single-short damage thresholds for pulse durations ranging from 50 to 900 fs, which departs from the diffusion-dominated tau(1/2)(p) scaling. A developed avalanche model, including the production of conduction band electrons (CBE) and laser energy deposition, is applied to study the damage mechanisms. The theoretical results agree well with our measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By employing pump-probe back longitudinal diffractometry, the electron density and decay dynamics of a weak plasma channel created by a 1-KHz fs laser in air has been investigated. With ultrashort laser pulses of 50 fs and low energy of 0.6 mJ, we observe weak plasma channels with a length similar to 2 cm in air. An analytical reconstruction method of electron density has been analyzed, which is sensitive to the phase shift and channel size. The electron density in the weak plasma channel is extracted to be about 4x10(16) cm(-3). The diameters of the plasma channel and the filament are about 50 and 150 mu m, respectively, and the measurable electron density can be extended to less than 10(15) cm(-3). Moreover, a different time-frequency technique called linearly chirped longitudinal diffractometry is proposed to time-resolved investigate ultrafast ionization dynamics of laser-irradiated gas, laser interaction with cluster beam, etc.


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The nonlinear dynamics of 1.6-mu m fs laser pulses propagating in fused silica is investigated by employing a full-order dispersion model. Different from the x-wave generation in normally dispersive media, a few-cycle spatiotemporally compressed soliton wave is generated with the contrary contributions of anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) and self-phase-modulation. However, at the tailing edge of the pulse forms a shock wave which generates separate and strong supercontinuum peaked at 670 nm. It is also the origin of conical emission formed both in time and frequency domain with the contribution of normal GVD at visible light.


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Nonlinear propagation of fs laser pulses in liquids and the dynamic processes of filamentation such as self-focusing, intensity clamping, and evolution of white light production have been analyzed by using one- and two-photon fluorescence. The energy losses of laser pulses caused by multiphoton absorption and conical emission have been measured respectively by z-scan technique. Numerical simulations of fs laser propagation in water have been made to explain the evolution of white light production as well as the small-scale filaments in liquids we have observed by a nonlinear fluorescence technique. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Control of multiple filamentation by laser-induced microlens effect due to a nonlinear interaction of two overlapping laser beams inside a glass plate was demonstrated. Individual or multiple spots on the white light pattern which is a product of multiple filamentation through a mesh can be switched on and off with a very high contrast ratio on a femtosecond time scale. This phenomenon can find applications such as ultrafast optical switch and high-speed sampling. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The behavior of population transfer in an excited-doublet four-level system driven by linear polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses is investigated numerically. It is shown that almost complete population transfer can be achieved even when the adiabatic criterion is not fulfilled. Moreover, the robustness of this scheme in terms of the Rabi frequencies and chirp rates of the pulses is explored.


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Using time-of-flight spectrometry, the interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with argon clusters has been studied by measuring the energy and yield of emitted ions. With two different supersonic nozzles, the dependence of average ion energy (E) over bar on cluster size (n) over bar in a large range of (n) over bar approximate to 3 x 10(3) similar to 3 x 10(6) has been measured. The experimental results indicate that when the cluster size (n) over bar <= 3 x 10(5), the average ion energy (E) over bar proportional to (n) over bar (0.5), Coulomb explosion is the dominant expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, the average ion energy gets saturated gradually, the clusters exhibit a mixed Coulomb-hydrodynamic expansion behavior. We also find that with the increasing gas backing pressure, there is a maximum ion yield, the ion yield decreases as the gas backing pressure is further increased.


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Electron acceleration in a tightly focused ultra-intensity linear polarized laser beam is investigated numerically. It has been found that the acceleration is strong phase dependent and is periodic to the variety of the initial laser field phase. When optimal initial parameters are chosen, the electron can be accelerated effectively. The accelerated electrons are emitted in pulses of which the full width is less than the half period of the laser field.


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A study on the interactions of high intensity (similar to 10(16) W/cm(2)) femtosecond laser pulses with rare gas clusters in a dense jet is performed. Energy absorption by Ar and Xe clusters is measured and it can be as high as 90%. Very energetic ions produced in the laser interaction with a dense cluster jet are detected by time-of-flight spectrometry and the maximum ion energy of Xe is up to 1.3 MeV. The average ion energies are found to increase with increasing cluster size and get saturated gradually. The average ion energies also show a strong directionality and the average ion energy in the direction parallel to the laser polarization vector is 40% higher than that perpendicular to it. The findings are discussed in terms of a model of charge-dependent ion acceleration.


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Using an unperturbed scattering theory, the characteristics of H atom photoionization are studied respectively by a linearly- and by a circularly- polarized one-cycle laser pulse sequence. The asymmetry for photoelectrons in two directions opposite to each other is investigated. It is found that the asymmetry degree varies with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase, laser intensity, as well as the kinetic energy of photoelectrons. For the linear polarization, the maximal ionization rate varies with the CE phase, and the asymmetry degree varies with the CE phase in a sine-like pattern. For the circular polarization, the maximal ionization rate keeps constant for various CE phases, but the variation of asymmetry degree is still in a sine-like pattern.


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The photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of atoms irradiated by one-cycle laser pulses satisfy a scaling law. The scaling law denotes that the main features of the PADs are determined by four dimensionless parameters: (1) the ponderomotive number u(p) = U-p/hw, the ponderomotive energy U-p in units of laser photon energy; (2) the binding number E-b = E-b/h(w), the atomic binding energy E-b in units of laser photon energy; (3) the number of absorbed photons q; (4) the carrier-envelope phase phi(0), the phase of the carrier wave with respect to the envelope. We verify the scaling law by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, compared to that in long-pulse case. A possible experimental test to verify the scaling law is suggested.