186 resultados para HOT-WALL CVD


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The diffusive transport properties in microscale convection flows are studied by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The effective diffusion coefficient D is computed from the mean square displacements of simulated molecules based on the Einstein diffusion equation D = x2 t /2t. Two typical convection flows, namely, thermal creep convection and Rayleigh– Bénard convection, are investigated. The thermal creep convection in our simulation is in the noncontinuum regime, with the characteristic scale of the vortex varying from 1 to 100 molecular mean free paths. The diffusion is shown to be enhanced only when the vortex scale exceeds a certain critical value, while the diffusion is reduced when the vortex scale is less than the critical value. The reason for phenomenon of diffusion reduction in the noncontinuum regime is that the reduction effect due to solid wall is dominant while the enhancement effect due to convection is negligible. A molecule will lose its memory of macroscopic velocity when it collides with the walls, and thus molecules are hard to diffuse away if they are confined between very close walls. The Rayleigh– Bénard convection in our simulation is in the continuum regime, with the characteristic length of 1000 molecular mean free paths. Under such condition, the effect of solid wall on diffusion is negligible. The diffusion enhancement due to convection is shown to scale as the square root of the Péclet number in the steady convection regime, which is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. In the oscillation convection regime, the diffusion is more strongly enhanced because the molecules can easily advect from one roll to its neighbor due to an oscillation mechanism. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3528310


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An experimental study on ignition and combustion of single particles was conducted at normal gravity (1-g) and microgravity (l-g) for three high volatile coals with initial diameter of 1.5 and 2.0 mm, respectively. The non-intrusive twin-color pyrometry method was used to retrieve the surface temperature of the coal particle through processing the images taken by a color CCD camera. At the same time, a mathematical model considering thermal conduction inside the coal particle was developed to simulate the ignition process. Both experiments and modeling found that ignition occurred homogeneously at the beginning and then heterogeneously for the testing coal particles burning at l-g. Experimental results confirmed that ignition temperature decreased with increasing volatile content and increasing particle size. However, contradicted to previous studies, this study found that for a given coal with certain particle size, ignition temperature was about 50–80 K lower at l-g than that at 1-g. The model predictions agreed well with the l-g experimental data on ignition temperature. The criterion that the temperature gradient in the space away from the particle surface equaled to zero was validated to determine the commence of homogeneous ignition. Thermal conduction inside the particle could have a noticeable effect for determining the ignition temperature. With the consideration of thermal conduction, the critical size for the phase transient from homogeneous to heterogeneous is about 700 lm at ambient temperature 1500 K and oxygen concentration 0.23. 2009 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To achieve a better time resolution of a scintillator-bar detector for a neutron wall at the external target facility of HIRFL-CSR,we have carried out a detailed study of the photomultiplier,the wrapping material and the coupling media. The timing properties of a scintillator-bar detector have been studied in detail with cosmic rays using a high and low level signal coincidence. A time resolution of 80 ps has been achieved in the center of the scintillator-bar detector.


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To investigate the hot electrons in highly charged electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma, Bremsstrahlung radiations were measured on two ECR ion sources at the Institute of Modern Physics. Used as a comparative index of the mean energy of the hot electrons, a spectral temperature, Tspe, is derived through a linear fitting of the spectra in a semi-logarithmic representation. The influences of the external source parameters, especially the magnetic configuration, on the hot electrons are studied systematically. This study has experimentally demonstrated the importance of high microwave frequency and high magnetic field in the electron resonance heating to produce a high density of hot electrons, which is consistent with the empirical ECR scaling laws. The experimental results have again shown that a good compromise is needed between the ion extraction and the plasma confinement for an efficient production of highly charged ion beams. In addition, this investigation has shown that the correlation between the mean energy of the hot electrons and the magnetic field gradient at the ECR is well in agreement with the theoretical models.中文摘要:ECR(电子回旋共振)离子源是产生稳定的强流多电荷态离子束流最有效装置。全永磁 ECR 离子源因其独特的特点为很多中小型多电荷态离子束流实验平台与离子注入机等系统所采用,为后者产生重复性好、稳定性强的多电荷态离子束流。本文着重论述了中国科学院近代物理研究所研制的几台全永磁多电荷态ECR离子源及其特性与典型性能,如能产生强流高电荷态离子束流的高性能全永磁离子源LAPECR2,能产生强流中低电荷态离子束流的LAPECR1,能产生多电荷态重金属离子束流的LAPECR1-M等。这些性能稳定的离子源为提高近代物理研究所相关试验平台的性能提供了关键的束流品质保障。


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