264 resultados para Fertilization (15N)
Goal, Scope and Background. As one of the consequences of heavy metal pollution in soil, water and air, plants are contaminated by heavy metals in some parts of China. To understand the effects of heavy metals upon plants and the resistance mechanisms, would make it possible to use plants for cleaning and remediating heavy metal-polluted sites. Methods. The research results on the effects of heavy metals on plants and resistant mechanisms are compiled from Chinese publications from scientific journals and university journals, mostly published during the last decade. Results and Discussion. Effects of heavy metals on plants result in growth inhibition, structure damage, a decline of physiological and biochemical activities as well as of the function of plants. The effects and bioavailability of heavy metals depend on many factors, such as environmental conditions, pH, species of element, organic substances of the media and fertilization, plant species. But, there are also studies on plant resistance mechanisms to protect plants against the toxic effects of heavy metals such as combining heavy metals by proteins and expressing of detoxifying enzyme and nucleic acid, these mechanisms are integrated to protect the plants against injury by heavy metals. Conclusions. There are two aspects on the interaction of plants and heavy metals. On one hand, heavy metals show negative effects on plants. On the other hand, plants have their own resistance mechanisms against toxic effects and for detoxifying heavy metal pollution. Recommendations and Outlook. To study the effects of heavy metals on plants and mechanisms of resistance, one must select crop cultivars and/or plants for removing heavy metals from soil and water. More highly resistant plants can be selected especially for a remediation of the pollution site. The molecular mechanisms of resistance of plants to heavy metals should be studied further to develop the actual resistance of these plants to heavy metals. Understanding the bioavailability of heavy metals is advantageous for plant cultivation and phytoremediation. Decrease in the bioavailability to farmlands would reduce the accumulation of heavy metals in food. Alternatively, one could increase the bioavailability of plants to extract more heavy metals.
Goal, Scope and Background. Heavy metal is among one of the pollutants, which cause severe threats to humans and the environment in China. The aim of the present review is to make information on the source of heavy metal pollution, distribution of heavy metals in the environment, and measures of pollution control accessible internationally, which are mostly published in Chinese. Methods. Information from scientific journals, university journals and governmental releases are compiled focusing mainly on Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Partly Al, As, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn and Ni are included also in part as well. Results and Discussion. In soil, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.097, 22.6, 26.0 and 74.2 mg/kg, respectively. In the water of. the Yangtze River Basin, the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.080, 7.91, 15.7 and 18.7 pg/L, respectively. In reference to human activities, the heavy metal pollution comes from three sources: industrial emission, wastewater and solid waste. The environment such as soil, water and air were polluted by heavy metals in some cases. The contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn even reach 3.16, 99.3, 84.1 and 147 mg/kg, respectively, in the soils of a wastewater irrigation zone. These contaminants pollute drinking water and food, and threaten human health. Some diseases resulting from pollution of geological and environmental origin, were observed with long-term and non-reversible effects. Conclusions. In China, the geological background level of heavy metal is low, but with the activity of humans, soil, water, air, and plants are polluted by heavy metals in some cases and even affect human health through the food chain. Recommendations and Outlook. To remediate and improve environmental quality is a long strategy for the polluted area to keep humans and animals healthy. Phytoremediation would be an effective technique to remediate the heavy metal pollutions.
We have evaluated the efficacy of RecA, a prokaryotic protein involved with homologous recombination, to direct site-specific mutagenesis in zebrafish embryos. For this we coinjected a vector containing a mutated enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene plus 236-nucleotide corrective single-stranded DNAs coated with RecA into I-cell zebrafish embryos. Twenty-hours after fertilization, about 5% to 20% of injected embryos showed EGFP expression in I or more cells when RecA-coated corrective DNAs were used, but not when RecA was omitted. Mutated EGFP genes with 1-bp insertions or deletions were inefficiently activated, whereas those with 7-bp insertions were activated about 4-fold more efficiently. RecA-coated template strand had a higher efficiency than its complementary strand in activation of EGFP expression. Prior irradiation of the embryos with UV light enhanced RecA-mediated restoration of gene activity, suggesting that the effects we observed were augmented by one or more factors of zebrafish DNA repair systems.
Gynogenetic silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an intriguing model. system. In the present work, a systemic study has been initiated by introducing suppression subtractive hybridization technique into this model system to identify the differentially expressed genes in oocytes between gynogenetic silver crucian carp and its closely related gonochoristic color crucian carp. Five differential cDNA fragments were identified from the preliminary screening, and two of them are ZP3 homologues. Moreover, the full length ZP3 cDNAs were cloned from their oocyte cDNA libraries. The length of ZP3 cDNAs were 1378 bp for gyno-carp and 1367 bp for gono-carp, and they can be translated into proteins with 435 amino acids. Obvious differences are not only in the composition of amino acids, but also in the number of potential O-linked oligosaccharide sites. In addition, gyno-carp ZP3 amino acid sequence has an unexpected higher identity value with common carp (83.5%) than that with the closely related gono-carp (74.7%). The unique homology may be originated from the ancient hybridization. Northern blot analysis confirmed that expression of the ZP3 gene occurred exclusively in the oocytes. Because O-linked oligosaccharides on ZP3 have been demonstrated to play very important roles in fertilization, it is suggested that the extra O-linked glycosylation sites may be related to the unique sperm-egg recognition mechanism in gynogenesis.
利用中国科学院长武农田生态试验站的长期田间试验(1984年2~007年),研究了小麦产量,耕层有机碳变化,评价了土壤管理和气候因素对土壤有机碳(Soil organic C,SOC)变化的影响。研究涉及6个处理:休闲地(F);不施肥(CK);有机肥(M);氮肥(N);氮、磷肥(NP)和氮、磷、有机肥(NPM)处理。结果表明,施肥可以显著提高作物产量和SOC积累,CK、M、N、NP、NPM处理平均产量依次为1.5、2.6、2.0、3.3、4.0 t/hm2,2007年F、CK、M、N、NP、NPM处理0—20 cm土层SOC积累量依次为-1.09、0.76、8.59、1.02、3.42和9.5 t/hm2。作物产量与SOC含量呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.80),有机碳输入量与SOC含量相关性更好(r=0.97),外源有机碳的输入也是提高SOC的重要措施。施肥措施对作物固碳和SOC影响存在显著(P<0.05)差异。土壤固碳速率(Y)与SOC输入量(X)符合线性方程Y=0.231X-0.0813(r=0.98)。施肥可以提高黄土高原半干旱地区土壤生产力和SOC的积累,且无机肥和有机肥配施效果最佳。
基于苜蓿长期连续种植定位试验,研究了不同施肥与采样位置差异对苜蓿草地地上部分生物量和土壤水分的影响。苜蓿长期连续种植19年后,施肥对苜蓿地上部分生物量的影响不显著;试验样地内呈由外及内植株高度逐渐下降、地上部分生物量积累逐渐减小的"生物漏斗"现象,距样地中心位置不同引起的差异远远超过施肥处理引起的差异。中下层土壤水分也呈类似的漏斗状分布。相关分析表明,苜蓿地上部分生物量与1 m以下土壤水分含量呈显著相关,表明在长期连续种植条件下下层土壤水分状况是决定苜蓿草地生长状况的主要因素。
为了确定合理环保的耕作制度,2007~2008安塞田间定位试验黄土丘陵旱作农区大豆(Glycine maxL)、玉米(Zea maysL)、红小豆(Semen Phaseoli)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosumLinn.)在翻耕化肥(CF)、翻耕有机肥(CM)、翻耕无肥(CN)、免耕化肥(NF)、免耕有机肥(NM)、免耕无肥(NN)等水平下的农田土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性。结果表明:在作物花期,大豆、玉米土壤脲酶活性较高,蔗糖酶活性较低,而红小豆、马铃薯则与之相反,差异极显著。到作物收获后,玉米土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性增高,增幅在83%以上,而马铃薯、红小豆、大豆三种作物土壤脲酶活性降低,降幅在10%以上,蔗糖酶活性增强,增幅在40%以上。从花期到收获后,免耕降低了土壤脲酶活性,提高了土壤蔗糖酶活性,在黄土丘陵沟壑旱作农区两种土壤酶活性表现较优的作物为大豆、玉米,较优的处理为NM玉米、NF大豆,其田间环保效应为:作物生长期间两种酶活性比较高,收获后两种酶活性则降低,有利于提高作物生长期土壤肥效利用率,减少作物收获后温室气体的排放。
施用氮肥是提高作物产量和土壤有机碳(SOC)、氮(TSN)含量的重要养分管理措施。利用长期田间试验(19842~007),定量评价了常规耕作条件下5个施氮水平N 0(N0)、45(N45)、90(N90)、135(N135)和180(N180)kg/hm2处理下,小麦子粒产量、SOC、TSN和氮肥利用效率的变化。研究了施氮水平对黄土旱塬区小麦产量、SOC和TSN积累的影响。结果表明,19842~007年期间,N0、N45、N90、N135和N180处理小麦产量的平均值依次为1.2、2.4、2.9、3.2和3.4t/hm2;N0处理的小麦产量随试验年限而降低,年降低幅度达67 kg/hm2(P<0.001);但增施氮肥处理小麦产量降低趋势得到显著控制,当施氮水平提高到N 90 kg/hm2时,产量随年限呈现出缓慢升高的趋势。随着施氮水平的提高,地上部氮肥利用率由40%(N45)降低到28%(N180)。不同施氮水平条件下,SOC含量随年限呈缓慢升高趋势。23年后(2007年),N0、N45、N90、N135和N180处理下,0—20 cm土层SOC储量依次为16.9、18.2、18.7、19.0和19.1 t/...
为了探明多年免耕下农田恶性杂草发生的机理,提高保护性耕作下作物对农田恶性杂草持久稳定的抑制效果,依据陕西安塞田间4a的定位试验,采用小区调查取样和室内实验相结合的方法,从物种组成、密度特征、多样性以及相似性特征等方面,研究了黄土丘陵旱作农区大豆(Glycine max)、玉米(Zea mays)、红小豆(Semen Phaseoli)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)在翻耕化肥(CF)、翻耕有机肥(CM)、翻耕无肥(CN)、免耕化肥(NF)、免耕有机肥(NM)、免耕无肥(NN)等水平下的农田土壤种子库。结果表明:(1)4种作物24种土样中共萌发出12个物种1965株幼苗,隶属于7科12属。1年生杂草占94%,棒头草(fugax nees ex steud)、苋菜(Acalypha australis)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、早熟禾(Poasphondylodes)为优势种,占87%。(2)在0~20cm土层不同处理间,土壤种子库的密度变动于(282.9±63.4)~(7482.5±1078.3)粒.m-2,其中,红小豆小区>马铃薯小区>大豆小区>玉米小区;翻耕小区>免...
依据黄土旱塬区黑垆土上中国科学院长武站长期定位试验(始于1984年),于2008年3月到6月,测定了冬小麦连作系统中返青期、拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期和收获期土壤呼吸日变化、生育期变化以及土壤可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic C,DOC)和微生物量碳(Soil microbial biomass C,MBC),研究了施肥措施对土壤呼吸、DOC和MBC的影响以及土壤呼吸与碳组分之间的关系。研究涉及6个处理:休闲地(F)、不施肥(CK)、有机肥(M)、氮肥(N)、氮磷肥(NP)和氮磷有机肥(NPM)。结果表明,冬小麦连作系统中土壤呼吸的日变化格局呈单峰曲线,最高值出现在12:00左右(拔节期)和14:30左右(成熟期),最小值出现在0:00~3:00之间或6:00左右;冬小麦土壤呼吸速率拔节期最高,其次是灌浆后期,抽穗期最低;不同施肥条件下,各生育期土壤呼吸速率大小顺序:NPM>M>NP>N>CK>F。土壤水分亏缺是导致抽穗期和灌浆期土壤呼吸速率降低的重要原因。各施肥处理DOC含量高低顺序为灌浆期>抽穗期>成熟期>返青期>拔节期;除M,NPM处理MBC含量拔节期>灌浆期外,各施肥处理MBC含量高低顺序...
以黄土高原长期定位试验为基础,研究施一定量氮肥(90 kg/hm2)的前提下,长期施用磷肥对黄土高原旱作冬小麦的肥料效应。结果表明,长期施用磷肥的农田施磷仍能显著提高小麦的产量,增产量达1393.75~2121.00kg/hm2,增产率为48.41%~73.67%,本试验中施磷39.6 kg/hm2时小麦产量达最大值5000 kg/hm2,这与小麦成穗数最大时的施肥量结果一致;产量与施磷量关系用回归方程Y=-0.8667X2+82.641X+3008.4(R2=0.92)拟合效果良好;施磷主要是通过影响小麦成穗数来影响小麦产量,而对穗粒数和千粒重的促进作用不明显;施磷还可促进小麦对氮磷钾养分的吸收利用,提高肥料的肥效和利用率;施磷过少不能满足作物需求,小麦产量较低,施磷过多小麦产量不会随施肥量的增加继续提高,反而有一定幅度的下降。