221 resultados para Algal Bloom


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A lysing-bacterium DC10, isolated from Dianchi Lake of Yunnan Province, was characterized to be Pseudomonas sp. It was able to lyse some algae well, such as Microcystis viridis, Selenastrum capricomutum, and so on. In this study, it was shown that the bacterium lysed the algae by releasing a substance; the best lytic effects were achieved at low temperatures and in the dark. Different concentrations of CaCl2 and NaNO3 influenced the lytic effects; the ability to lyse algae decreased in the following order: pH 4 > pH 9 > pH 7 > pH 5.5. It was significant to develop a special technology with this kind of bacterium for controlling the bloom-forming planktonic microalgae.


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The growth and photosynthesis of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech in different nutrient conditions were investigated. Low nitrate level (0.0882 mmol/L) resulted in the highest average growth rate from day 0 to day 10 (4.58 x 10(2) cells mL(-1) d(-1)), but the lowest cell yield (5420 cells mL(-1)) in three nitrate level cultures. High nitrate-grown cells showed lower levels of chlorophyll a-specific and cell-specific light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m(chl a) and P-m(cell)), dark respiration rate (R-d(chl a) and R-d(cell)) and chlorophyll a-specific apparent photosynthetic efficiency (alpha(chl a)) than was seen for low nitrate-grown cells; whereas the cells became light saturated at higher irradiance at low nitrate condition. When cultures at low nitrate were supplemented with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L in late exponential growth phase, or with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L and phosphate at 0.072 mmol/L in stationary growth phase, the cell yield was drastically enhanced, a 7-9 times increase compared with non-supplemented control culture, achieving 43 540 cells mL(-1) and 52 300 cells mL(-1), respectively; however, supplementation with nitrate in the stationary growth phase or with nitrate and phosphate in the late exponential growth phase increased the cell yield by no more than 2 times. The results suggested that continuous low level of nitrate with sufficient supply of phosphate may facilitate the growth of A. tamarense.


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The characterization of the algal Nitzschia hantzschiana solution with (or without) Fe(III) was carried out using fluorescence emission and synchronous-scan spectroscopy. An emission peak (excited at 440 nm) was observed at 675 nm for Nitzschia hantzschiana solution. The effective characterization method used was synchronous-scan fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS). A wavelength difference (Delta lambda) of 90 nm was maintained between excitation and emission wavelengths. The peak was observed at about 236(ex) nm (326(em) nm) for synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Fe(III) was an effective quencher. The relationship between I-0/I (quenching efficiency) and c (concentration of Fe (III) added) was a linear correlation for the algal solution with Fe(III). Effects of pH on synchronous-scan fluorescence intensity were evident.


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Three enclosures (10 x 10 x 1.5-1.3 m in depth) were set beside Dianch Lake, Kunming, People's Republic of China, for the period from July 28 to August 26, 2002. The enclosures were filled with cyanobacterial (Microcystis aeruginosa) water bloom-containing lake water. Lake sediment that contained macrophytes and water chestnut seeds was spread over the entire bottom of each enclosure. Initially, 10 g/m(2) of lysine was sprayed in Enclosure B, and 10 g/m(2) each of lysine and malonic acid were sprayed together in Enclosure C. Enclosure A remained untreated and was used as a control. The concentrations of lysine, malonic acid, chlorophyll a, and microcystin as well as the cell numbers of phytoplankton such as cyanobacteria, diatom, and euglena were monitored. On day 1 of the treatment, formation of cyanobacterial blooms almost ceased in Enclosures B and C, although Microcystis cells in the control still formed blooms. On day 7 Microcystis cells in Enclosure B that had been treated with lysine started growing again, whereas growth was not observed in Microcystis cells in Enclosure C, which had been treated with lysine and malonic acid. On day 28 the surface of Enclosure B was covered with water chestnut (Trapa spp.) and the Microcystis blooms again increased. In contrast, growth of macrophytes (Myriophllum spicatum and Potamogeton crispus) was observed in Enclosure C; however, no cyanobacterial blooms were observed. Lysine and malonic acid had completely decomposed. The microcystin concentration on day 28 decreased to 25% of the initial value, and the pH shifted from the initial value of 9.2 to 7.8. We concluded that combined treatment with lysine and malonic acid selectively controlled toxic Microcystis water blooms and induced the growth of macrophytes. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The phytoplankton community structure, in terms of species composition, total standing crop, and abundance of the dominant algal species, at four stations in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, was investigated monthly from January 1994 to December 1996. A total of 260 taxa was observed, of which Chlorophyta (106 taxa) contributed the highest portion of the total number of taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (82 taxa) and Cyanophyta (32 taxa). The total standing crop measured by means of chlorophyll a content, cell density, and cell biovolume, as well as the abundance of the dominant species, declined in the order of Station I to Station IV. Seasonal changes of the standing crop varied greatly among the four stations. Although the cell density at the four stations showed a single peak within a year, the peak density varied from July to November, dependent on the sampling year and the station. For chlorophyll a content and cell biovolume, multiple peaks were observed at Stations I and II, but a single peak was found at Stations III and IV. The phytoplankton community structure indicated that the trophic status was the highest at Station I (most eutrophic), followed by Station II; Stations III and IV were the least trophic areas. The long-term changes in phytoplankton community structure further suggested that changes in phytoplankton community structure were correlated with water quality, and eutrophication of Donghu Lake had been aggravated since the 1950s.


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Microcystins, one type of the cyanobacterial toxins, show a broad range of hazardous effects on other organisms. Most of the researches on the toxic effects of microcystins have involved in animals and higher plants. Little work, however, has been done on evaluating the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on algae. In this study, the toxicological effects of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) on the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were investigated. For this purpose, six physio-biochemical parameters (cell optical density, reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) were tested in algal cells when exposed to 100 mug(-1) microcystin-RR. The results showed that the growth of Synechococcus elongatus ( expressed as optical density) was significantly inhibited compared with the control. At the same time, the treated algae exhibited a pronounced increase in production of ROS and MDA after 6 days exposure to microcystin-RR. Signi. cant changes in GSH levels and GSH-Px, GSH activities were also detected in algal cells, with higher values being observed in the toxin treated algae after 6 days exposure. GST activities in the treated algae exhibited a decline after exposure and rapid augmentation on day 3, thereafter, they kept at a high level when compared to the control group. GSH contents and GSH-Px activities were also significantly raised in the toxin-treated algae cells from day 3, but they showed a sharp decrease on day 4, which was the onward of cell proliferation. These results suggested that oxidative stress manifested by elevated ROS levels and MDA contents might be responsible for the toxicity of microcystin to Synechococcus elongatus and the algal cells could improve their antioxidant ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventive substances.


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From June 2000 to June 2002, four sites on the mainstem of the Xiangxi River and one site on each of its major tributaries were sampled 16 times each for benthic algae. All total, 223 taxa (most to species and variety levels) were found (193 Bacillariophyta, 20 Chlorophyta, nine Cyanophyta and one Xanthophyta). The diatoms Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthes linearis, and Diatoma vulgare dominated the system, with relative abundance of 33.3%, 18.8%, and 6.4%, respectively. The abundances of all the other taxa were under 5%, and 210 taxa collectively contributed less than 1% of the total abundance. Taxa diversity peaked in winter and reached a minimum in summer. Species richness varied considerably but was not significantly different over time. Maximum algal density occurred in later winter/spring (1.4 x 10(9) ind./m(2)) but was not significantly different from the minimum density, which occurred in August. Chlorophyll a showed similar seasonal fluctuation but also was not significantly different over time. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that water hardness, depth, conductivity, and alkalinity had important influences on variation of epilithic algae in the Xiangxi River system.


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Compared with other approaches for modeling and predicting, artificial neural networks are more effective in describing complex and non-linear systems. The occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms has been a continuous and serious problem over the past decades in hypereutrophic Lake Dianchi. Yet, the main factor(s) initiating these blooms remain(s) unclear. During 2001-2002 at 40 sampling sites in Lake Dianchi, physicochemical parameters possibly relating to the blooms were measured. Parameters directly or indirectly relating to the cyanobacterial blooms were used as driving factors in a back-propagation network to model the concentration of chlorophyll a. According to sensitivity analysis, chemical oxygen demand was identified as a very significant environmental factor for algal growth in Lake Dianchi.


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Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that is particularly toxic to crustaceans. It is therefore applied as a chemotherapeutant in farms for the treatment of pests. The effective concentrations of cypermethrin on the inhibition of Scenedesmus ohliquus growth at 96h (96h EC50) were determined to be 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250mg/L. Algal growth, pigment fractions, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the algal cells were measured in the exponential phase after exposure to cypermethrin. The results show that higher concentration of cypermethrin is inhibitory for growth and other metabolic activities and the 96h EC50 of cypermethrin to S. ohliquus is 112 +/- 9 mg/L; the potential application of SOD activity in S. ohliquus as a sensitive biomarker for cypermethrin exposure is also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using degenerate primers based on conserved regions of the UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UDPGDH) gene, an initial 476-bp DNA fragment was amplified from the water-bloom forming cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905. TAIL-PCR and ligation-mediated PCR were used to amplify the flanking regions to isolate an about 2.5-kb genomic DNA fragment. Sequence analysis revealed an ORF encoding a putative 462 amino acid protein, designated Mud for Microcystis UDPGDH. The Mud amino acid sequence is closely related to UDPGDH sequences from cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 (73% identity, 81% similarity), and bacterium Bacillus subtilis (51% identity and 67% similarity). The cloned mud gene was expressed in Escherichia coli using the pGEX-4T-1 fusion expression vector system to generate a GST-Mud fusion protein that exhibited UDPGDH activity. The cytosolic fraction of M aeruginosa FACHB 905 was subjected to Western analysis with an anti-Mud antibody, which revealed a single band of approximately 49 kD, consistent with the deduced molecular mass of the enzyme. The Mud protein could thus be characterized as a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, which was a key enzyme for polysaccharide synthesis and has, for the first time, been studied in algae.


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Background: A time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay (TRFIA), based on anti-microcystin-LR (MCLR) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and europium-labeled antimouse IgG conjugate, was first developed for microcystin detection. Methods: Anti-MCLR MAbs were prepared by a standard method, and the attained MAbs showed a good cross reactivity with MCLR, MCRR and MCYR. The TRFIA was performed in an indirect competitive mode. The detection method of TRFIA was compared with indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results: The TRFIA exhibited a typical sigmoidal response for MCLR at concentrations of 0.005-50 ng/ml, with a wide quantitative range between 0.01 and 10 ng/ml, indicating the broadest detective range and the most sensitive of all the methods for microcystins (MCs) detection. Additionally, the TRFIA maintained good reliability through its quantitative range, as evidenced by low coefficients of variation (1.6-12.2%). The toxin data of algal samples assayed from TRFIA were in the same range as those with ELISA and HPLC, implying that the method was reliable and practical for the detection of MCs. Conclusions: The TRFIA may offer a valuable alternative or a substitute for conventional ELISA for microcystin detection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It was found that reactive oxygen species in Anabaena cells increased under simulated microgravity provided by clinostat. Activities of intracellular antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase were higher than those in the controlled samples during the 7 days' experiment. However, the contents of gluathione, an intracellular antioxidant, decreased in comparison with the controlled samples. The results suggested that microgravity provided by clinostat might break the oxidative/antioxidative balance. It indicated a protective mechanism in algal cells, that the total antioxidant system activity increased, which might play an important role for algal cells to adapt the environmental stress of microgravity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microbial crusts are attracting much interest in view of their possible uses in environmental conservation and ecological restoration of the and and semiarid regions. Because algae play an irreplaceable important role in the early formation and the strengthening of microbial crusts, they are paid much more attention to than other cryptogams. In this paper, an overview of the current knowledge on the fine structure and development of microbial crust, focusing on the algal biomass, vertical distribution, succession, influential factors on algae, cohesion of soil stabilization, cementing mechanism for soil particles and the microalgal extracellular polymers is given, with particular emphasis on the authors' researches, and some prospects are put forward as well.


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Algal size can affect the rate of metabolism and of growth. Different sized colonies of Nostoc sphaeroides were used with the aim of determining the effects of colony size on photosynthetic physiology and growth. Small colonies showed higher maximum photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll, higher light saturation point, and higher photosynthetic efficiency (a) than large colonies. Furthermore, small colonies had a higher affinity for DIC and higher DIC-saturated photosynthetic rates. In addition, small colonies showed higher photosynthetic rates from 5-45degreesC than large colonies. There was a greater decrease in Fv/Fm after exposure to high irradiance and less recovery in darkness for large colonies than for small colonies. Relative growth rate decreased with increasing colony size. Small colonies had less chl a and mass per unit surface area. The results indicate that small colonies can harvest light and acquire DIC more efficiently and have higher maximum photosynthetic rates and growth rates than large colonies.


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A site investigation was conducted to correlate the relationships between microcystins (MC) concentration and algal growth in Dianchi Lake in China. Laboratory experiments were undertaken to test the effects of sediment adsorption, photoirradiation and biodegradation on microcystins removal. Bioaccumulation of microcystins was also determined using silver carp fish. It was observed that MC concentrations varied in accordance with algae growth in Dianchi Lake. The results obtained in the laboratory demonstrated that the removal of MC with fresh sediments was less than 10%, photoirradiation removed more than 75% MC within two hours, and the biodegradation needed much longer time to produce substantial degradation of MC. The results suggest that bioaccumulation of microcystins in fish was not significant in Dianchi Lake.