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短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)是东湖6—9月的优势种群。作者在实验室恒温条件下,观察了它的发育与生长。这种溢的卵与胚胎发育时间随温度升高而缩短。卵与胚胎发育时间(D)与温度(T)间的迥归方程为: logD=2.0195-1.3784logT 短尾秀体溞的生长速度随龄数而变化,一般可分为3个时期:幼龄为高速生长期,成龄前期为中速生长期,后期则为缓慢生长期。在25℃时有4个幼龄,10个成龄;而在30、35℃时有3个幼龄,12或11个成龄。幼龄的脱皮频率远大于成龄。每个成龄期的平均


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P>An 83-day growth trial was conducted using a flow-through system to examine the effects of different dietary iron levels on growth and hepatic iron concentration in juvenile gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Six purified diets supplemented with different levels of iron (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 mg kg(-1)) (as ferrous sulfate) were fed to triplicate groups of fish (initial weight 2.12 +/- 0.00 g per fish). The results showed that the addition of iron to the basal diet did not significantly affect the specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency (FE), survival, red blood cell amount (RBC), hemoglobin content (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) or mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Hepatic iron concentration and hematocrit (Hct) were significantly influenced by dietary iron level (P < 0.05). On the basis of the iron concentration for the maintenance of optimum hepatic iron concentration and Hct, it was concluded that the dietary iron concentration of juvenile gibel carp should be not less than 202 mg Fe kg(-1) diet.


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A copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD) gene and a manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) gene of the human parasite Clonorchis sinensis have been cloned and their gene products functionally characterized. Genes Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD encode proteins of 16 kDa and 25.4 kDa, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of the two genes contained highly conserved residues required for activity and secondary structure formation of Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD, respectively, and show up to 73.7% and 75.4% identities with their counterparts in other animals. The genomic DNA sequence analysis of Cu/ZnSOD gene revealed this as an intronless gene. Inhibitor studies with purified recombinant Cu/ ZnSOD and MnSOD, both of which were functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, confirmed that they are copper/zinc and manganese-containing SOD, respectively. Immunoblots showed that both C. sinensis Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD should be antigenic for humans, and both, especially the C. sinensis MnSOD, exhibit extensive cross-reactions with sera of patients infected by other trematodes or cestodes. RT-PCR and SOD activity staining of parasite lysates indicate that there are no significant differences in mRNA level or SOD activity for both species of SOD, indicating cytosolic Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD might play a comparatively important role in the C. sinensis antioxidant system.


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Room-temperature operation of cw GaN based multi-quantum-well laser diodes (LDs) is demonstrated. The LD structure is grown on a sapphire (0001) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. A 2.5 mu m x 800 mu m ridge waveguide structure is fabricated. The electrical and optical characteristics of the laser diode under direct current injection at room temperature are investigated. The threshold current and voltage of the LD under cw operation are 110mA and 10.5V, respectively. Thermal induced series resistance decrease and emission wavelength red-shift are observed as the injection current is increased. The full width at half maximum for the parallel and perpendicular far field pattern (FFP) are 12 degrees and 32 degrees, respectively.


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Origin of polarization sensitivity of photonic wire waveguides (PWWs) is analysed and the effective refractive indices of two different polarization states are calculated by the three-dimensional full-vector beam propagation method. We find that PWWs are polarization insensitive if the distribution of its refractive index is uniform and the cross section is square. An MRR based on such a polarization-insensitive PWW is fabricated on an 8-inch silicon-on-insulator wafer using 248-nm deep ultraviolet lithography and reactive ion etching. The quasi-TE mode is resonant at 1542.25 nm and 1558.90 nm, and the quasi-TM mode is resonant at 1542.12 nm and 1558.94 nm. The corresponding polarization shift is 0.13 nm at the shorter wavelength and 0.04 nm at the longer wavelength. Thus the fabricated device is polarization independent. The extinction ratio is larger than 10 dB. The 3 dB bandwidth is about 2.5 nm and the Qvalue is about 620 at 1558.90 nm.


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A self-consistent calculation of the subband energy levels of n-doped quantum wells is studied. A comparison is made between theoretical results and experimental data. In order to account for the deviations between them, the ground-state electron-electron exchange interactions, the ground-state direct Coulomb interactions, the depolarization effect, and the exciton-like effect are considered in the simulations. The agreement between theory and experiment is greatly improved when all these aspects are taken into account. The ground-to-excited-state energy difference increases by 8 meV from its self-consistent value if one considers the depolarization effect and the exciton-like effect only. It appears that the electron-electron exchange interactions account for most of the observed residual blueshift for the infrared intersubband absorbance in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells. It seems that electrons on the surface of the k-space Fermi gas make the main contribution to the electron-electron exchange interactions, while for electrons further inside the Fermi gas it is difficult to exchange their positions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the development of cross-hatch grid surface morphology in growing mismatched layers and its effect on ordering growth of quantum dots (QDs). For a 60degrees dislocation (MD), the effective part in strain relaxation is the part with the Burgers vector parallel to the film/substrate interface within its b(edge) component; so the surface stress over a MD is asymmetric. When the strained layer is relatively thin, the surface morphology is cross-hatch grid with asymmetric ridges and valleys. When the strained layer is relatively thick, the ridges become nearly symmetrical, and the dislocations and the ridges inclined-aligned. In the following growth of InAs, QDs prefer to nucleate on top of the ridges. By selecting ultra-thin In0.15Ga0.85As layer (50nm) and controlling the QDs layer at just formed QDs, we obtained ordered InAs QDs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A stabilized and tunable single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber ring laser has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The laser is structured by combining the compound cavity with a fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter. An injection-locking technique has been used to stabilize the wavelength and output power of the laser. One of the longitudinal modes is stimulated by the injected continuous wave so that this mode is able to win the competition to stabilize the system. A minimum output power of 0.6 dBm and a signal-to-noise ratio of over 43 dB within the tuning range of 1527-1562 nm can be achieved with the proposed technique. A wavelength variation of less than 0.01 nm, a power fluctuation of less than 0.02 dB, and a short-term linewidth of about 1.4 kHz have also been obtained.


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在分析常见入侵攻击的基础上抽象出入侵过程的一般模式,提出针对入侵攻击的取证系统应满足的特征。提出了入侵取证模型,并基于这一取证模型在操作系统内核层实现了取证系统原型KIFS(kernel intrusion forensic system)。在对实际入侵的取证实验中,根据KIFS得到的证据,成功记录并重构了一个针对FreeBSD系统漏洞的本地提升权限攻击的完整过程。


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