133 resultados para lan kooperatiboa


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The energy band structures of LaX(X=N, P, As, Sb) crystals have been studied by using LMTO-ASA method. The calculated energy gaps of these crystals are 2. 30 eV for LaN, 2. 05 eV for LaP, 1. 66 eV for LaAs and 1. 34 eV for LaSb. The results are in good agreement with experimental data, At the same time, using these calculated results of energy band structures of these crystals, the chemical bond properties have been analyzed and calculated, The covalency values of these crystals are 26.15% for LaN, 32.54% for LaP, 33.30% for LaAs and 36.49% for LaSb, which agree satisfactorily with the calculated ones by using PV (Phillips-Vechten) theory.


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The bonding and the 4f orbital effect of lanthanide elements at different valence state in their compounds have been studied by INDO method in this paper. The results obtained show that the bonding of lanthanide compounds is affected by many factors, such as valence state, ionic radius, ligand, coordinate number, space configuration etc. The strength of bonds composed of different ligands with lanthanide is distinctly different. The covalence of Ln-L bonds of lanthanide ions at high valence state in their compounds is larger than that at low valence state, The covalency at low coordinate number is larger than that at high coordinate number. Some lanthanide compounds with special configuration, besides sigma-bond, can form p(pi)-d(pi) dative bond with much overlap, which makes the Ln-L bond increase markedly. The effect of 4f orbitals on bonding is far less than that of 5d orbitals. The Ln 4f orbitals at 3 or 2 valence state may be considered to be essentially localized, while the contribution of 4f orbitals on bonding in 4 valent cerium compounds increases obviously, up to 1%.


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Jussiaea repens L. (JRL) is an edible medicinal plant and is also used as a vegetable by the local people in southwestern China. The crude extract and its four fractions derived from JRL were evaluated for the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging ability, hydroxyl radical-scavenging capacity and the potassium ferricyanide reduction property. The ethyl acetate-soluble fraction (EAF) and EAF6 (a subfraction derived from EAF) were the most valuable fraction and subfraction, respectively. Furthermore, bioactivity-guided chromatographic fractionation revealed that three pure compounds greatly contributed to the antioxidant activities. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the major antioxidant constituents in the extract were systematically conducted by NMR, mass spectral analyses and RP-HPLC. The result demonstrated that rosmarinic acid (2.00 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9.88 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight), and kaempferol 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1.85 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) were the major antioxidative constituents in JRL. These compounds are reported for the first time from this plant.


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In addition to 10 known compounds (7-16), one new brominated diterpene, 10-hydroxykahukuene B (1), two new sesquiterpenes, 9-deoxyelatol (2) and isodactyloxene A (3), one new brominated C-15-acetogenin, laurenmariallene (4), and two new naturally occurring halogenated sesquiterpenes (5 and 6) that were previously obtained as intemediates in a biomimetic synthetic study of rhodolaureol and rhodolauradiol have been isolated and identified from the organic extract of the marine red alga Laurencia mariannensis. The structures of these compounds were established by spectroscopic methods. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of new compounds 1-4 were evaluated.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important Gram-negative enteric pathogen affecting both animals and humans. It possesses a type III secretion system (T3SS) essential for pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD have been shown to form a translocon complex after secretion, while EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for EseB and EseD. In this paper we identify EscA, a protein required for accumulation and proper secretion of another translocon component, EseC. The escA gene is located upstream of eseC and the EscA protein has the characteristics of T3SS chaperones. Cell fractionation experiments indicated that EscA is located in the cytoplasm and on the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutation with in-frame deletion of escA greatly decreased the secretion of EseC, while complementation of escA restored the wild-type secretion phenotype. The stabilization and accumulation of EseC in the cytoplasm were also affected in the absence of EscA. Mutation of escA did not affect the transcription of eseC but reduced the accumulation level of EseC as measured by using an EseC-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification and co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated a specific interaction between EscA and EseC. Further analysis showed that residues 31-137 of EseC are required for EseC-EscA interaction, Mutation of EseC residues 31-137 reduced the secretion and accumulation of EseC in Ed. tarda. Finally, infection experiments showed that mutations of EscA and residues 31-137 of EseC increased the LD50 by approximately 10-fold in blue gourami fish. These results indicated that EscA functions as a specific chaperone for EseC and contributes to the virulence of Ed. tarda.


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The reuse of holdfasts for regeneration of young seedlings or using wild juvenile plants as the seedling source has played the major role in commercial cultivation of the brown alga Hizikia fusiformis in East Asia over the past 20 years. The possibility of employing zygote-derived germlings for producing seedlings has been discussed in the literature, but has not yet become a reality. Three main obstacles have limited the use of zygotes as a main source of seedlings, (1) the dioecious nature of the algal life cycle which may lead to asynchronous male and female receptacle development and thus different timing of egg and spermatozoa expulsion, (2) the low attachment rate when using zygote-derived germlings with developed rhizoids from wild parental plants for seeding production, and (3) the problem of culturing young germlings in regions where water temperature is high in summer. In this investigation, shifting the timing of receptacle formation earlier than in nature was performed by tumbling the algae in a long-day tank (16-h light per day). Synchronization of egg and spermatozoa expulsion and thereafter fertilization were conducted in indoor tanks. Receptacle formation in constant long days could be shifted by 20 days earlier than in plants cultured on long lines in the open sea, or I month earlier than in plants growing on intertidal rocks. Synchronized expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon led to a high rate of fertilization. This was achieved by tumbling the male and female receptacle-bearing branchlets in the same tank at low density in high irradiance. In two independent trials, a total of 1,400,000 zygote-derived germlings were obtained from 620 g (fresh weight) female sporophytes. The germlings shed from the receptacles were at an identical developmental stage indicating high synchronization of expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon followed by fertilization. Approximately 63% ( +/-9.6%) of the germlings were shed from the receptacle between 16 and 24 It after fertilization and 20% ( +/-11.9%) remained on the receptacle for 3 days after fertilization. Germlings were seeded on string collectors before rhizoids started to elongate and the attachment efficiency was enhanced. Young seedlings reached 800 ( +/-50) mum in length in 25 days at 25 degreesC before they were transferred to open sea cultivation. These results provide the basis of a practical way of seedling production by use of zygote-derived germlings in the commercial cultivation of Hizikia fusiformis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The effect of temperature, salinity, nitrogen, culture density and depth on the growth of Gracilaria tenuistipitata were investigated between April 1985 and March 1986 in outdoor ponds in Guangxi Province, South China. The mean annual growth rate was 2.4% per day. Under favourable temperatures of 20-30-degrees-C, daily growth rate may reach as high as 3.3%. Salinity had an obvious effect on growth and photosynthesis and growth peaked at 21 parts per thousand, with a broad plateau between 7-27 parts per thousand. Growth experiments showed that a total nitrogen (NH4-N plus NO3-N) concentration of 4 muM was sufficient to enable the plants to maintain a daily growth rate of 2.7%. The best growth of the plant was obtained at a culture density of 0.5-1 kg M-2 and a culture depth of 30 cm in the pond.


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Two new aristolane sesquiterpenes, namely, aristolan-10-ol-9-one and aristolan-8-en-1-one, were isolated from the red alga Laurencia similis. Their structures were established on the basis of various NMR spectroscopic analyses, including 2D NMR techniques (H-1-H-1 COSY, HMQC, HMBC, and NOESY) and HR-FAB-MS. (c) 2007 Bin Gui Wang. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All rights reserved.


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The esrB gene of Edwardsiella tarda, which encodes a regulator protein of the type III secretion system, was mutated by the unmarked deletion method and reintroduced by allelic exchange into the chromosome of E. tarda LSE40 by means of the suicide vector pRE 112. The LSE40 esrB mutant was highly attenuated when inoculated intraperitoneally into turbot Scophthamus maximus L., showing a 50% lethal dose of 10(8.1) cfu/fish. The esrB mutants were not recoverable from the internal organs at 14 days post-inoculation. Vaccination with a single dose of 10(5)-10(7) cfu/fish of the esrB mutant elicited significant protection against the wildtype strain of E. tarda LSE40 (relative percentage survival > 50%). The protection correlated well with the antibody titres in the serum of vaccinated fish. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pure C-phycocyanin was prepared from Spirulina platensis using one-step anion-exchange chromatography. The C-PC obtained was with an absorption maximum at 620 nm and a fluorescence emission maximum at 640 nm when excited by 580 nm. SPDP is an excellent heterobifunctional crosslinker for thiolating amines. Different molar ratios of SPDP have remarkable influence on the absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-phycocyanin. The absorption maximum and fluorescence emission maximum both decreased and blue-shifted from 640 run to 630 nm as the molar ratios of SPDP increased. It was found that the molar ratios of SPDP to C-phycocyanin was not more than 100 was appropriate to being conjugated with other biomolecules from the absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-phycocyanin.


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The extracts obtained from 28 species of marine algae were evaluated for their antioxidant activity (AA) versus the positive controls butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), gallic acid (GA), and ascorbic acid (AscA). Most of the tested samples displayed antioxidant activity to various degrees. Among them, the extract of Symphyocladia latiuscula exhibited the strongest AA, which was comparable to BHT, GA, and AscA in radical scavenging activity, as shown in the DPPH (alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl) assay, and higher than those of the positive controls in beta-carotene-linoleate assay system. In addition, the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction isolated from the crude extract of S. latiuscula exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in both assay systems. This fraction was further fractionated into seven subfractions (F1-F7) by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). F1 and F4 were found to be the most effective subfractions in scavenging DPPH radical assay and in the beta-carotene-linoleate assay, respectively. The total phenolic content (TPC) and reducing power (RP) for all of the extracts, fractions, and subfractions (F1-F7) were also determined. The TPC of the 28 extracts ranged from 0.10 to 8.00 gallic acid equivalents (mg/g seaweed dry weight) while the RP ranged from 0.07 to 11.60 ascorbic acid equivalents (mg center dot g(-1) seaweed dry weight). Highly positive relationships between AA and TPC as well as between AA and RP were found for the extracts and fractions, while for the subfractions F1-F7 only weak or no such relations were found. The results obtained from this study indicate that further analysis is needed of those marine algal species that contain the most antioxidant activity in order to identify the active principles.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a Gram-negative enteric pathogen that causes disease in both humans and animals. Recently, a type III secretion system (T3SS) has been found to contribute to Ed. tarda pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD were shown to be secreted by the T3SS and to be the major components of the extracellular proteins (ECPs). Based on sequence similarity, they have been proposed to function as the 'translocon' of the T3SS needle structure. In this study, it was shown that EseB, EseC and EseD formed a protein complex after secretion, which is consistent with their possible roles as translocon components. The secretion of EseB and EseD was dependent on EscC (previously named Orf2). EscC has the characteristics of a chaperone; it is a small protein (13 kDa), located next to the translocators in the T3SS gene cluster, and has a coiled-coil structure at the N-terminal region as predicted by COILS. An in-frame deletion of escC abolished the secretion of EseB and EseD, and complementation of Delta escC restored the export of EseB and EseD into the culture supernatant. Further studies showed that EscC is not a secreted protein and is located on the membrane and in the cytoplasm. Mutation of escC did not affect the transcription of eseB but reduced the amount of EseB as measured by using an EseB-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification studies demonstrated that EscC formed complexes with EseB and EseD. The results suggest that EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for the putative translocon components EseB and EseD in Ed. tarda.


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Three new polybrominated 1H-indoles, compounds 1-3, and three new aristolane sesquiterpenes, compounds 4-6, were isolated from the marine red alga Laurencia similis, together with seven known natural products. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of detailed spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric analyses, as well as by comparison with literature data.


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Two new and one known squalenoid-derived triterpenoids. namely, laurenmariannol (1) and (21 alpha)-21-hydroxythyrsiferol (2). and the known thyrsiferol (3) were isolated and identified from the marine red alga Laurencia mariannensis, which was collected off the coast of Hainan and Weizhou Islands of China. The structures of these compounds were established by means of spectroscopic analyses, as well as by comparison with literature data. Compounds I and 2 displayed significant cytotoxic activity against P-388 tumor cells with IC50 values of 0.6 and 6.6 mu g/ml, respectively.


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Identification of protein interaction interfaces is very important for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying biological phenomena. Here, we present a novel method for predicting protein interaction interfaces from sequences by using PAM matrix (PIFPAM). Sequence alignments for interacting proteins were constructed and parsed into segments using sliding windows. By calculating distance matrix for each segment, the correlation coefficients between segments were estimated. The interaction interfaces were predicted by extracting highly correlated segment pairs from the correlation map. The predictions achieved an accuracy 0.41-0.71 for eight intraprotein interaction examples, and 0.07-0.60 for four interprotein interaction examples. Compared with three previously published methods, PIFPAM predicted more contacting site pairs for 11 out of the 12 example proteins, and predicted at least 34% more contacting site pairs for eight proteins of them. The factors affecting the predictions were also analyzed. Since PIFPAM uses only the alignments of the two interacting proteins as input, it is especially useful when no three-dimensional protein structure data are available.