123 resultados para fungus isolation


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Ergosterimide (1), a natural Diels-Alder adduct of ergosteroid and maleimide, was characterized from the culture extract of Aspergillus niger EN-13, an endophytic fungus isolated from the marine brown alga Colpomenia sinuosa. In addition, four known steroids including (22E,24R)-ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3 beta-ol (2), (22E,24R)-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3one (3), (22E,24R)-5 alpha,8 alpha-epidioxyergosta-6,22-dien-3 beta-ol (4), and (22E,24R)-ergosta-7,22dien-3 beta,5 alpha,6 beta-triol. (5) were also isolated and identified. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by extensive analysis of 1D and 2D NMR and IR spectra and MS data. The plausible biosynthetic pathway of 1 was also discussed. To the best of our knowledge, 1 is the first natural Diels-Alder adduct of steroid and maleimide reported so far. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Asperamides A (1) and B (2), a sphingolipid and their corresponding glycosphingolipid possessing a hitherto unreported 9-methyl-C-20-sphingosine moiety, were characterized from the culture extract of Aspergillus niger EN-13, an endophytic fungus isolated from marine brown alga Colpomenia sinuosa. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods as (2S,2'R,3R,3'E,4E,8E)-N-(2'-hydroxy-3'-hexadecenoyl)-9-methyl-4,8-icosadien-1,3-diol (1) and 1-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(2S,2'R,3R,3'E,4E,8E)-N-(2'-hydroxy-3'-hexadecenoyl)-9-methyl-4,8-icosadien-1,3-diol (2). In the antifungal assay, asperamide A (1) displayed moderate activity against Candida albicans.


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To develop genetic and physical maps for shrimp, accurate information on the actual number of chromosomes and a large number of genetic markers is needed. Previous reports have shown two different chromosome numbers for the Pacific whiteleg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, the most important penaeid shrimp species cultured in the Western hemisphere. Preliminary results obtained by direct sequencing of clones from a Sau3A-digested genomic library of P. vannamei ovary identified a large number of (TAACC/GGTTA)-containing SSRs. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the frequency of (TAACC)(n) repeats in 662 P. vannamei genomic clones that were directly sequenced, and perform homology searches of these clones, (2) confirm the number of chromosomes in testis of P. vannamei, and (3) localize the TAACC repeats in P. vannamei chromosome spreads using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Results for objective I showed that 395 out of the 662 clones sequenced contained single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeat motifs, 199 of which contained variable tandem repeats of the pentanucleotide (TAACC/GGTTA),, with 3 to 14 copies per sequence. The frequency of (TAACC)n repeats in P. vannamei is 4.68 kb for SSRs with five or more repeat motifs. Sequence comparisons using the BLASTN nonredundant and expressed sequence tag (EST) databases indicated that most of the TAACC-containing clones were similar to either the core pentanucleotide repeat in PVPENTREP locus (GenBank accession no. X82619) or portions of 28S rRNA. Transposable elements (transposase for Tn1000 and reverse transcriptase family members), hypothetical or unnamed protein products, and genes of known function such as 18S and 28S rRNAs, heat shock protein 70, and thrombospondin were identified in non-TAACC-containing clones. For objective 2, the meiotic chromosome number of P. vannamei was confirmed as N = 44. For objective 3, four FISH probes (P1 to P4) containing different numbers of TAACC repeats produced positive signals on telomeres of P. vannamei chromosomes. A few chromosomes had positive signals interstitially. Probe signal strength and chromosome coverage differed in the general order of P1 > P2 > P3 > P4, which correlated with the length of TAACC repeats within the probes: 83, 66, 35, and 30 bp, respectively, suggesting that the TAACC repeats, and not the flanking sequences, produced the TAACC signals at chromosome ends and TAACC is likely the telomere sequence for P. vannamei.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important aquaculture pathogen that can infect a wide range of marine and freshwater fish worldwide. In this study, a modified E. tarda strain, TX5RM, was selected by multiple passages of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX5 on growth medium containing the antibiotic rifampicin. Compared to the wild type strain, the rifampicin-resistant mutant TX5RM (i) shows drastically increased median lethal dose and reduced capacity to disseminate in and colonize fish tissues and blood; (ii) exhibits slower growth rates when cultured in rich medium or under conditions of iron depletion; and (iii) differs in the production profile of whole-cell proteins. The immunoprotective potential of TX5RM was examined in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) model as a vaccine delivered via intraperitoneal injection, oral feeding, bath immersion, and oral feeding plus immersion. All the vaccination trials, except those of injection, were performed with a booster at 3-week after the first vaccination. The results showed that TX5RM administered via all four approaches produced significant protection, with the highest protection levels observed with TX5RM administered via oral feeding plus immersion, which were, in terms of relative percent of survival (RPS), 80.6% and 69.4% at 5- and 8-week post-vaccination, respectively. Comparable levels of specific serum antibody production were induced by TX5RM-vaccinated via different routes. Microbiological analyses showed that TX5RM was recovered from the gut, liver, and spleen of the fish at 1-10 days post-oral vaccination and from the spleen, liver, kidney, and blood of the fish at 1-14 days post-immersion vaccination. Taken together, these results indicate that TX5RM is an attenuated E. tarda strain with good vaccine potential and that a combination of oral and immersion vaccinations may be a good choice for the administration of live attenuated vaccines. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The highly pure and active photosystem II (PSII) complex was isolated from Bangia fusco-purpurea (Dillw) Lyngb., an important economic red alga in China, through two steps of sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and characterized by the room absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) reduction, and oxygen evolution rates. The PSII complex from B. fusco-purpurea had the characteristic absorption peaks of chlorophyll (Chl) a (436 and 676 nm) and typical fluorescence emission peak at 685 nm (Ex = 436 nm). Moreover, the acquired PSII complex displayed high oxygen evolution (139 mu mol O-2/(mg Chl h) in the presence of 2.5 mM 2,6-dimethybenzoqinone as an artificial acceptor and was active in photoreduction of DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) by DPC (1,5-diphenylcarbazide) at 163 U/(mg Chl a h). SDS-PAGE also suggested that the purified PSII complex contained four intrinsic proteins (D1, D2, CP43, and CP47) and four extrinsic proteins (33-kD protein, 20-kD protein, cyt c-550, and 14-kD protein).


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R-phycoerythrin was isolated and purified from a red alga, Polysiphonia urceolata Grev, using Streamline column combined with ion-exchange chromatography or hydroxyapatite chromatography. The purity of R-phycoerythrin isolated by Streamline column was up to 1.66 and the yield of R-phycoerythrin could be as high as 0.68 mg/g frozen P. urceolata. All the eluates from Streamline column were divided into two equivalent parts, respectively. One part was pumped into the ion-exchange column loaded with Q-Sepharose and the other was applied to the adsorption column loaded with hydroxyapatite. The purities of R-phycoerythrin purified using these two methods were both up to 3.26, more than 3.2 the commonly accepted criterion. The yield of purified R-phycoerythrin from the ion-exchange chromatography was 0.40 mg/g frozen P. urceolata and that from the hydroxyapatite chromatography could reach 0.34 mg/g frozen P. urceolata. The purified protein had three absorption peaks at 498, 535, and 565 nm and displayed a fluorescence maximum at 580 nm, which was consistent with the typical spectrum of R-phycoerythrin. The purified R-PE was also identified with electrophoresis. Only one single protein band appeared on native-PAGE with silver staining. SDS-PAGE demonstrated the presence of one 20 kDa major subunit, and one low intensity band corresponding to 33 kDa subunit. The results indicate that using the expanded bed adsorption combined with ion-exchange chromatography or hydroxyapatite chromatography, R-phycoerythrin can be purified from frozen P. urceolata on large scale. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We conducted this study to assess the diversity of bacteria associated with the surfaces of algae based on 16S rDNA sequence analyses. Twelve strains of bacteria were obtained from the surfaces of the following four species of algae: Gracilaria textorii, Ulva pertusa, Laminaria japonica, and Polysiphonia urceolata. The isolated strains of bacteria can be divided into two groups: Halomonas and Vibrio, in physiology, biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence analyses. The phylogenetic tree constructed based on 16S rDNA sequences of the isolates shows four obvious clusters, Halomonas venusta, Vibrio tasmaniensis, Vibrio lentus, and Vibrio splendidus. Isolates from the surface of P. urceolata are more abundant and diverse, of which strains P9 and P28 have a 16S rDNA sequence very similar (97.5%-99.8%) to that of V. splendidus. On the contrary, the isolates from the surfaces of G textorii, U. pertusa and L. japonica are quite simple and distribute on different branches of the phylogenetic tree. In overall, the results of this study indicate that the genetic relationships among the isolates are quite close and display a certain level of host species specificity, and alga-associated bacteria species are algal species specific.


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Twenty-nine marine bacterial strains were isolated from the sponge Hymeniacidon perleve at Nanji island, and antimicrobial screening showed that eight strains inhibited the growth of terrestrial microorganisms. The strain NJ6-3-1 with wide antimicrobial spectrum was identified as Pseudoalteromonas piscicida based on its 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The major antimicrobial metabolite, isolated through bioassay-guide fractionation of TLC bioautography overlay assay, was identified as norharman (a beta-carboline alkaloid) by EI-MS and NMR.


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The marine Roseobacter clade comprises one of the largest fractions of heterotrophic marine bacteria and accounts for about 16% of 16S rRNA gene clones retrieved from marine bacterioplankton. Their global distribution seems to be related to oceanic water masses and their environmental and biogeochemical properties. In this study, we report isolation and characterization of novel Roseobacter clade members from the Yellow Sea, China. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences reveals that the new isolates (YSCB1, YSCB2, YSCB3 and YSCB4) are closely related to uncultured Arctic seawater bacterium R7967 (99.57-100% sequence identity) and to the cultured Roseobacter sp. DSS-1 (99.27-99.76% sequence identity) isolated from the southeastern coastal water of the USA. Interestingly, YSCB strains possess unique intracellular chromium-containing aggregates. Therefore, these novel Roseobacter clade members exhibit a peculiar property in mineral biogeneration. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats. Because of their fastidious requirements for growth conditions, only very few axenic MTB cultures have been obtained worldwide. In this study, we report a novel marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture, designated as QH-2, isolated from the China Sea. It was able to grow in semi-solid or liquid chemically defined medium. The cells were amphitrichously flagellated and contained one single magnetosome chain with an average number of 16 magnetosomes per cell. Phosphate and lipid granules were also observed in the cells. Both rock magnetism and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy characterizations indicated that the magnetosomes in QH-2 were single-domain magnetites (Fe3O4). QH-2 cells swam mostly in a straight line at a velocity of 20-50 mu m/s and occasionally changed to a helical motion. Unlike other magnetotactic spirilla. QH-2 cells responded to light illumination. As a consequence of illumination, the cells changed the direction in which they swam from parallel to the magnetic field to antiparallel. This response appears to be similar to the effect of an increase in [O-2]. Analysis of the QH-2 16S rRNA sequence showed that it had greater than 11% sequence divergence from freshwater magnetotactic spirilla. Thus, the marine QH-2 strain seems to be both phylogenetically and magnetotactically distinct from the freshwater Magnetospirillum spp. studied previously. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The present work is the first report of the biochemical characterization of the venom from nematocysts of the jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye. The nematocysts were isolated by autolysis and centrifugation and separated by flow cytometry. Four types of nematocysts were identified: mastigophores, euryteles, and atrichous and holotrichous isorhiza. SDS-PAGE and amino acid analyses demonstrated that most of the proteins in the nematocyst extract were between 10 kDa and 40 kDa, and that glutamic acid was the main amino acid. A hemolytic activity assay showed that the activity of the nematocyst venom (RNV) was strongest in Tris-HCl buffer (50 mmol/L, pH 7.8, 5% glycerol, 0.5 mmol/L EDTA, 0.1 mol/L NaCl). The hemolytic activity was related to protein concentration and the HU50 against chicken erythrocytes was 0.91 A mu g/mL.


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High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) technique in semi-preparative scale has been successfully applied to the separation of bioactive flavonoid compounds, liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin in one step from the crude extract of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Risch. The HSCCC was performed using a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-acetonitrile-water (2:2:1:0.6:2, v/v). Yields of liquiritigenin (98.9% purity) and isoliquiritigenin (98.3% purity) obtained were 0.52% and 0.32%. Chemical structures of the purified liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin were identified by electrospray ionization-MS (ESI-MS) and NMR analysis. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The x- and y-type high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits are conserved seed storage proteins in wheat and related species. Here we describe investigations on the HMW glutenin subunits from several Pseudoroegneria accessions. The electrophoretic mobilities of the HMW glutenin subunits from Pd. stipifolia, Pd tauri and Pd strigosa were much faster than those of orthologous wheat subunits, indicating that their protein size may be smaller than that of wheat subunits. The coding sequence of the Glu-1St1 subunit (encoded by the Pseudoroegneria stipifolia accession PI325181) was isolated, and found to represent the native open reading frame (ORF) by in vitro expression. The deduced amino acid sequence of Glu-1St1 matched with that determined from the native subunit by mass spectrometric analysis. The domain organization in Glu-1St1 showed high similarity with that of typical HMW glutenin subunits. However, Glu-1St1 exhibited several distinct characteristics. First, the length of its repetitive domain was substantially smaller than that of conventional subunits, which explains its much faster electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE. Second, although the N-terminal domain of Glu-1St1 resembled that of y-type subunit, its C-terminal domain was more similar to that of x-type subunit. Third, the N- and C-terminat domains of Glu-1St1 shared conserved features with those of barley D-hordein, but the repeat motifs and the organization of its repetitive domain were more similar to those of HMW glutenin subunits than to D-hordein. We conclude that Glu-1St1 is a novel variant of HMW glutenin subunits. The analysis of Glu-1St1 may provide new insight into the evolution of HMW glutenin subunits in Triticeae species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Juniperus przewalskii (Cupressaceae) is a dominant tree species endemic to the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. This species plays an important role in maintaining the arid ecosystem in this region. However, natural distributions of this species have been declined. In order to develop effective conservation methods, it is important to know the distribution of the genetic diversity within and among populations. In this study, we developed nine new microsatellite loci for this species. We used the combining biotin capture method to enrich AG/CT/AC/GGT microsatellites. The polymorphisms of each locus were further assessed in 12 individuals from four geographically distant populations. The number of alleles per locus varied from three to six and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.58 to 0.70. These loci together provide a useful tool to investigate the genetic diversity of this species. In addition, all markers have been crossly checked in the other four congeneric species.


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A new eremophilenolide 1beta, 10beta-epoxy-6beta-acetoxy-3beta-angeloyloxy-8beta-hydrox y-eremophil-7(11)-en-8, 12alpha-olide (1), together with liguhodgsonal (2), esculetin (3) and beta-sitosterol (4), was isolated from the aerial parts of Ligularia sagitta. The structure of the new constituent (1) was elucidated by spectroscopic methods and confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.