150 resultados para excitation-energies


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Laser-induced fragmentation of C-60 has been studied using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric technique. The average kinetic energies of fragment ions C-n(+) (n <= 58) have been extracted from the measured full width at half maximum (FWHM) of ion beam profiles. The primary formation mechanism of small fragment ion C-n(+) (n < 30) is assumed to be a two-step fragmentation process: C60 sequential decay to unstable C-30(+) ion and the binary fission of C-30(+). Considering a second photo absorption process in the later part of laser pulse duration, good agreement is achieved between experiment and theoretical description of photoion formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The pp -> pn pi(+) reaction is a channel with the largest total cross section for pp collision in COSY/CSR energy region. In this work, we investigate individual contributions from various N* and Delta* resonances with mass up to about 2 GeV for the pp -> pn pi(+) reaction. We extend a resonance model, which can reproduce the observed total cross section quite well, to give theoretical predictions of various differential cross sections for the present reaction at T-p = 2.88 GeV. It could serve as a reference for identifying new physics in the future experiments at HIRFL-CSR.


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Cross sections for electron impact excitation of lithium from the ground state 1s(2)2s to the excited states 1s2s(2), 1s2p(2), 1s2snp (n = 2-5), 1s2sns (n = 3-5), 1s2pns (n = 3-5), and 1s2pnp (n = 3-5) are calculated by using a full relativistic distorted wave method. The latest experimental electron energy loss spectra for inner-shell electron excitations of lithium at a given incident electron energy of 2500 eV [Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 (2008) 3649] have been reproduced by the present theoretical investigation excellently. At the same time, the structures of electron energy loss spectra of lithium at low incident electron energy are also predicted theoretically, it is found that the electron energy loss spectra in the energy region of 55-57 eV show two-peak structures.


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The multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) method is implemented to study doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) resonances of the helium atom and the interference between photoionization and photo excitation autoionization processes. In order to reproduce the total photoionization sprectra, the excited energies from the ground 1s(2) S-1(0) state to the doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) states and the relevant Auger decay rates and widths are calculated in detail. Further more, the interference profile determined by the so-called Fano parameters q and rho(2) is also reproduced. Good agreement is found between the present results and other available theoretical and experimental results. This indeed shows a promising way to investigate the Fano resonances in photoionization of atoms within the MCDF scheme, although there are some discrepancies in the present calculations of the 2s2p P-3(1) state.


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Cross sections of electron- loss in H( 1s)+ H( 1s) collisions and total collisional destruction of H( 2s) in H( 1s) + H( 2s) collisions are calculated by four- body classical- trajectory Monte Carlo ( CTMC) method and compared with previous theoretical and experimental data over the energy range of 4 - 100 keV. For the former a good agreement is obtained within di. erent four- body CTMC calculations, and for the incident energy Ep > 10 keV, comparison with the experimental data shows a better agreement than the results calculated by the impact parameter approximation. For the latter, our theory predicts the correct experimental behaviour, and the discrepancies between our results and experimental ones are less than 30%. Based on the successive comparison with experiments, the cross sections for excitation to H( 2p), single- and double- ionization and H- formation in H( 2s)+ H( 2s) collisions are calculated in the energy range of 4 - 100 keV for the. rst time, and compared with those in H( 1s)+ H( 1s) and H( 1s)+ H( 2s) collisions.


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The nuclear stopping and the radial flow are investigated with an isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics (IQMD) model for Ni + Ni and Pb + Pb from 0.4 to and 1.2 GeV/u. The expansion velocity as well as the degree of nuclear stopping are higher in the heavier system at all energies. The ratio between the flow energy and the total available energy in center of mass of the colliding systems exhibits a positive correlation to the degree of nuclear stopping. The maximum density (rho(max)) achieved in the compression is comparable to the hydrodynamics prediction only if the non-zero collision time effect is taken into account in the later. Due to the partial transparency, the growing of the maximum density achieved in the central region of the fireball with the increase of beam energy becomes gradually flat in the 1 GeV/u energy regime. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The shell correction is proposed in the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics (Im-IQMD) model, which plays an important role in heavy-ion fusion reactions near Coulomb barrier. By using the ImIQMD model, the static and dynamical fusion barriers, dynamical barrier distribution in the fusion reactions are analyzed systematically. The fusion and capture excitation functions for a series of reaction systems are calculated and compared with experimental data. It is found that the fusion cross sections for neutron-rich systems increase obviously, and the strong shell effects of two colliding nuclei result in a decrease of the fusion cross sections at the sub-barrier energies. The lowering of the dynamical fusion barriers favors the enhancement of the sub-barrier fusion cross sections, which is related to the nucleon transfer and the neck formation in the fusion reactions.


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The electron impact excitation cross sections from the lowest metastable state 5p(5)6sJ = 2 to the six lowest excited states of the 5p(5)6p configuration of xenon are calculated systematically by using the fully relativistic distorted wave method. In order to discuss the effects of target state descriptions on the electron impact excitation cross sections, two correlation models are used to describe the target states based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method. It is found that the correlation effects play a very important role in low energy impact. For high energy impact, however, the cross sections are not sensitive to the description of the target states, but many more partial waves must be included.


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We investigate the ground state properties of some superheavy nuclei, which may be synthesized in future experiments. Special emphases are placed on the alpha decay energies and half-lives. The alpha decay energies and half-lives from different theoretical models are compared and discussed comprehensively. Through these calculations and comparisons, the optimal superheavy elements to be synthesized in future experiments are proposed theoretically.


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We investigate the dependences of the potential energy surfaces (PES) and the fusion probabilities for some cold fusion reactions leading to super-heavy elements on the nuclear shell effect and pairing energy. It is found that the shell effect plays an important role in the fusion of the super-heavy element while pairing energy's contribution is insignificant. The fusion probabilities and evaporation residue cross sections as functions of the Ge-isotope projectile bombarding Pb-208 are also investigated. It is found that evaporation residue cross sections do not always increase with the increasing neutron number of Ge-isotope


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The excitation functions of two very similar reaction channels, Fe-58+Pb-208 ->(265)Hs+1n and Fe-58+Bi-209 ->(266)Mt+1n are studied in the framework of the dinuclear system conception. The fusion probabilities are found to be strongly subject to the structure of the driving potential. Usually the fusion probability is hindered by a barrier from the injection channel towards the compound nuclear configuration. The barrier towards the mass symmetrical direction, however, also plays an important role for the fusion probability, because the barrier hinders the quasi-fission, and therefore helps fusion.


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The single charge transfer process in He-3(2+)+He-4 collisions is investigated using the quantum-mechanical molecular-orbital close-coupling method, in which the adiabatic potentials and radial couplings are calculated by using the ab initio multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction methods. The differential cross sections for the single charge transfer are presented at the laboratorial energies E = 6 keV and 10 keV for the projectile He-3(2+). Comparison with the existing data shows that the present results are better in agreement with the experimental measurements than other calculations in the dominant small angle scattering, which is attributed to the accurate calculations of the adiabatic potentials and the radial couplings.


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Based on the concept of dinuclear system, considering the strong competition between fusion and quasiffision processes, by solving the master equation numerically to calculate the fusion probability of superheavy nuclei, we have estimated the excitation functions for the reactions Ti-50, Fe-58 + Pb-208, Bi-209, and the experimental data are basically reproduced. For different incident energies and different angular momentum, the effects on fusion and survival probability and the contribution to evaporation residue cross section have been given. These results help to further understand the mechanism for, synthesizing superheavy nuclei.


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Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.