133 resultados para calc alkaline rock


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The Beishan orogenic collage locates at the triple-joint among Xinjiang, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia Provinces, at which the Siberian, Tarim and North China plates join together. It also occupies the central segment of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The main study area in the present suty focused on the southwest part of the Beishan Mountain, which can be subdivided into four units southernward, the Mazhongshan continental block, Huaniushan Arc, Liuyuan suture zone and Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc. 1. The Huaniushan Arc was formed by northernward dipping subduction from the Orcovician to Permian, in which volcanic rocks ranging from basic to acidic with island arc affinity were widely developed. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger southward, whichs indicates a southward rollback of slab. The granitiod intrusions are mainly composed of I type granites, and their geochemical compositions suggest that they have affinities of island arc settings. In the early Paleozoic(440Ma-390Ma). The Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc, however, were produced in the southernward dipping subduction system from Carboniferous to Permian. Volcanic rocks from basic to acidic rocks are typical calcic-alkaline rocks. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger northernward, indicating subdution with a northernward rollback. The granitiod intrusions mainly consist of I-type granites, of which geochemical data support they belong to island arc granite. 2. Two series of adakite intrusions and eruptive rocks have been discovered in the southern margin of the Huaniushan Island Arc. The older series formed during Silurian (441.7±2.5Ma) are gneiss granitoid. These adakite granites intruded the early Paleozoic Liuyuan accretionary complex, and have the same age as most of the granite intrusions in the Huanniushan Arc. Their geochemical compostions demonstrate that they were derived from partial melting of the subudcted oceanic slab. These characteristics indicate a young oceanic crust subduction in the early Paleozoic. The late stage adakites with compositons of dacites associate with Nb-enriched basalts, and island arc basalts and dacites. Their geochemistries demonstrate that the adakites are the products of subducted slab melts, whereas the Nb-enriched basalt is products of the mantle wedge which have metasomatized by adakite melts. Such a association indicates the existences of a young ocean slab subduction. 3. The Liuyuan suture zone is composed of late Paleozoic ophiolites and two series of accretionary complexes with age of early Paleozoic. The early Paleozoic accretionary complex extensively intruded by early Palozioc granites is composed of metamorphic clastics, marble, flysch, various metamorphic igneous rocks (ultramafic, mafic and dacite), and eclogite blocks, which are connected by faults. The original compositions of the rocks in this complex are highly varied, including MORB, E-MORB, arc rocks. Geochronological study indicates that they were formed during the Silurian (420.9±2.5Ma and 421.1±4.3Ma). Large-scale granitiods intruded in the accretionary complex suggest a fast growth effect at the south margin of the Huaniushan arc. During late Paleozoic, island arc were developed on this accretionary complex. The late Paleozoic ophiolite has an age of early Permian (285.7±2.2Ma), in which the rock assemblage includes ultra-mafic, gabbros, gabbros veins, massive basalts, pillow basalt, basaltic clastic breccias, and thin layer tuff, with chert on the top.These igneous rocks have both arc and MORB affinities, indicating their belonging to SSZ type ophiolite. Therefore, oceanic basins area were still existed in the Liuyuan area in the early Permian. 4. The mafic-ultramafic complexes are distributed along major faults, and composed of zoned cumulate rocks, in which peridotites are surrounded by pyroxenite, hornblendites, gabbros norite and diorite outward. They have island-arc affinities and are consistent with typical Alaska-type mafic-ultramafic complexes. The geochronological results indicate that they were formed in the early Permian. 5. The Liuyuan A-type granite were formed under post-collisional settings during the late Triassic (230.9±2.5Ma), indicating the persistence of orogenic process till the late Triassic in the study area. Geochronological results suggested that A-type granites become younger southward from the Wulungu A-type granite belt to Liuyuan A-type granite belt, which is in good agreement with the accretionary direction of the CAOB in this area, which indicate that the Liuyuan suture is the final sture of the Paleo-Asin Ocean. 6. Structural geological evidence demonstrate the W-E spreading of main tectonic terrenes. These terrenes had mainly underwent through S-N direction contraction and NE strike-faulting. The study area had experienced a S-N direction compression after the Permian, indicating a collisional event after the Permian. Based on the evidene from sedimentary geology, paleontology, and geomagnetism, our studies indicate that the orogenic process can be subdivided into five stages: (1) the pre-orogenic stage occurred before the Ordovicain; (2) the subduction orogenic stage occurred from the Orcovician to the Permian; (3) the collisional orogenic stage occurred from the late Permian to the late Triassic; (4) the post-collision stage occurred after the Triassic. The Liuyuan areas have a long and complex tectonic evolutional history, and the Liuyuan suture zone is one of the most important sutures. It is the finally suture zone of the paleo-Asian ocean in the Beishan area.


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The dynamic environments of mineralization in Mesozoic Jiaodong gold mine concentrated area can be devided into two types, compressive environment which related to intracontinental collision and extensional environment which related to intracontinental volcanic rift. The altered rock type (Jiaojia type) and quartz vein type (Linglong type) which related to the former one, were discovered for several years, and became the main types of gold deposits in recent years. A new type gold deposit, syn-detachment altered tectonic breccia type gold deposit, such as Pengjiakuang gold deposit and Songjiagou gold deposit has been discovered on the northeastern margin of Jiaolai Basin. In this paper, the new type of gold deposit has been studied in detail. The study area is located at the northeastern boundaries of Jiaolai Basin, and between the Taocun-Jimo Fault and Wji-Haiyang Fault, in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Block. Pengjiakuang gold deposit and Songjiagou gold deposit occur in a arc-shape detachment fault zone between conglomerate of Lower Cretaceous Laiyang Formation and metamorphic complex of Lower Proterozoic Jingshan Group. Regional geological studies show that Kunyuanshan and Queshan granite intrusions and Qingshanian volcanism were formed in different period of lithospheric thinning of East China in Mesozoic. Granite intrusions were formed in compressive environment, while Qingshanian volcanism were formed in extensional environment. They are all related to the detachment of Sulu Orogenic Belt and the sinistral motion of Tanlu Fault. The Pengjiakuang detachment systems which were formed in the the sinistral motion of Tanlu Fault are the important ore-controlling and ore-containing structure. The Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, controlled by detachment structure, was formed before Yanshanian volcanic period concerning with mixture of meteoric water and magmatic water found in fluid inclusions of gold ores. The minerogenetic epoch has been proposed in 90~120Ma. the host rocks have been extensively subjected to pyritization, silicification, sericitization and carbonatization. Individual ore-body has maximum length of 800m, oblique extension of 500~700m and gold grade of 1~43 * 10~(-6). Native gold is disseminated in silicified, phyllic or carbonatized tectonic breccia. Sulfur, carbon and lead isotope studies on gold ores and wall rocks show that the sulfur come from the metamorphic complex of Lower Proterozoic Jingshan Group, carbon comes from the marble in Jingshan Group, while a part of lead comes from the mantle. The mineralizing fluid is rich in Na~+ and Cl~-, but relatively impoverished in K~+ and F~-. According to the date from hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ~(18)OH_2O = 0.59%~4.03%, δDH_2O = -89.5%~97.9%), the conclusion can be reached that the mineralizing fluid of Pengjiakuang gold deposit was a kind of mixed hydrothermal solution which was mainly composed of meteoric water and magmatic water. A genetical model has been formulated. Some apparent anomaly features which show low in the central part and high in the both sides corresponding to the gold-bearing structure, were sum up after analying a vast amount of date by prospecting the orebodies using gamma-ray spectrometer, electrogeochemical parameter technique, controlled source audio magnetic telluric (CSAMT) and shallow surface thermometry in Pengjiakuang gold deposit. The location forecasting problem of buried orebodies has been solved according to these features, and the successful rate is very high in well-drilling. The structural geological-geophysical-geochemical prospecting model has been formulated on the base of the study of geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics of Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, and the optimum combinational process of geophysical and geochemical prospecting techniques has been summed up. A comparative study shows that the Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, the syn-detachment altered tectonic breccia type gold deposit, is different from Jiaojia type gold deposits and Linglong type gold deposits, in Jiaodong Block. In general, if formed under an extensional tectonic condition and located at detachment fault zone along the margin of Mesozoic Jiaolai basin, and the gold mineralization has also close genetic relationship with alkaline magamtism. Being a new type of gold deposit in Jiaodong gold mine concentrated area, it could be potential to explore in the same regions which processed the same ore-forming geological conditions and mineralization informations.


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Since the discovery of coesite-bearing eclogites in Dabie and Sulu region over ten years ago, the Dabie collisional orogen has been the "hot-spot" across the world. While many great progresses have been made for the last decade in the researches on the Dabie and Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks in the following fields, such as, petrology, mineralogy, isotope chronology, and geochemistry, the study of the structural geology on the Dabie orogen is still in great need. Thrust and nappe tectonics commonly developed in any collisional orogenic belt during the syncollisional process of the orogen. It is the same as the Dabic collisional orogen is concerned. The paper put much stress on the thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabic orogenic belt, which have been seldom systematically studied before. The geometric features including the division and the spatial distribution of various thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabie orogen have been first studied, which is followed by the detailed studies on their kinematic characteristics in different scales varying from regional tectonics to microtectonics. In the thesis, new deformation ages have been obtained by the isotopic methods of ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr minerals-whole rock isochrons on the mylonites formed in three ductile shear zones which bounded three different major nappes in the Dabie collisional orogenic belt. And the petrological, geochemical characteristics of some metamorphic rocks as well as the geotectonics of their protoliths, which have also deformed in the ductile shear zone, are analyzed and discussed. In the paper, twelve nappes in the Dabie orogen are first divided, which are bounded by various important NWW or NW-strike faults and three NNE-strike faults. They are Shangcheng Nappe, Huoshan Nappe, Yuexi Nappe, Yingshanjian-Hengzhong Nappe, Huangzhen Nappe, Xishui-Huangmei Nappe, Zhoudang Nappe, Suhe-Huwan Nappe, Xinxian Nappe, Hong'an Nappe, Mulan Nappe and Hhuangpi-Susong Nappe. In the Dabie orogen, three types of thrust and nappe tectonics belonging to two stages have been confirmed. They are: (1) early stage ductile thrust -nappe tectonics which movement direction was top-to-the-south; (2) late stage brittle to ductile-brittle thrust-nappe tectonics which are characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-north and top-to-the-south; (3) the third type also belongs to the late stage which also characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-east and top-to-the-west, and related to the strike-slip movement. The deformation ages of both Wuhe-Shuihou ductile shear zone and Taihu-Mamiao ductile shear zone have been dated by ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar method. ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau ages of biotite and mica from the mylonites in these two shear zones are 219.57Ma and 229.12Ma. The plateau ages record the time of ductile deformation of the ductile shear zones, which made the concerned minerals of the mylonites exhume from amphibolite facies to the middle-upper crustal conditions by the early stage ductile thrust-nappe tectonics. The mineral isochons of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr dating on the same mylonite sample of the metamafic rocks are 156.5Ma and 124.56Ma respectively. The two isochron ages suggest that the mylonitic rock strongly deformed in the amphilbolite facies at 156Ma and then exhumed to the upper crustal green schist condition at 124Ma with the activities of the Quiliping-Changlinggang ductile shear zone which bounded to the southen edge of Xinxian Nappe. Studies of the petrological and geochemical characteristics of some meta-mafic rocks and discussion on the geotectonics of their protoliths indicate that their protoliths were developped in an island arc or back-arc basin or active continental margin in which calc-alkline basalts formed. This means that arc-accretion orogeny had evolved in the margins of North china plate and/or Yangtze plate before these two plates directly collided with each other during the evolution process of Dabie orogen. Three-stage evolution of the thrust-nappe tectonics in Dabie collisional orogen has been induced based on the above-mentioned studies and previous work of others. And a possible 3-stage exhumation model (Thrust-Positive Flower Structure Model) has also been proposed.


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The Cenozoic high-Potassium alkaline magma rocks are widely distributed in the eastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau, such as Mangkang, Deqin, Jianchuan, Haidong in the western Yunnan Province, Yanyuan, Muli in the western Sichuan province, including syenite, minette and trachyte and lamprophyres, which formaed a large alkaline-rich magmatic rock zone along the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan fault. Here we present detailed Geochemical and Geochronology study for the Cenozoic high-K alkline magma rocks from Mangkang, Deqin, Jianchuan, Haidong and Muli, Yanyuan, Yanbian, Yaoan (western Yangtze craton). Rocks of our target area include syenite, minette and trachyte. Geochronologic dating and compilation of existing age data suggest magmatism occurred at 32-38Ma and distribute along the Jinsha suture, from Jinping, Daping, Zhenyuan to Haidong, Jianchuan, Deqin, Mangkang, Zaduo to Qiangtang Bandaohu, Zhentouya. They all share same geochemical features such as rich in potassium and alkaline, rich in LREE, slightly negative Eu anomalies, negative anomalies in Nb, Ta, Ti,. These indicate they come from EMU mantle. Geochronologic dating on western Yangtze craton minette surgest minette in Haidong, Yanyuan, Yanbian, Yaoan, Deqin ocurred at 30-37Ma, well minette in Muli ocurred at IMa. Need more detailed geology study to find differece of these two episode magmatism.


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River is a major component of the global surface water and CO2 cycles. The chemistry of river waters reveals the nature of weathering on a basin-wide scale and helps us understand the exogenic cycles of elements in the continent-river-ocean system. In particular, geochemical investigation of large river gives important information on the biogeochemical cycles of the elements, chemical weathering rates, physical erosion rates and CO2 consumption during the weathering of the rocks within the drainage basin. Its importance has led to a number of detailed geochemical studies on some of the world's large and medium-size river systems. Flowing in the south of China, the Xijiang River is the second largest river in the China with respect to its discharge, after the Yangtze River. Its headwaters drain the YunGui Plateau, where altitude is approximately 2000 meters. Geologically, the carbonate rocks are widely spread in the river drainage basin, which covers an area of about 0.17xl06 km2, i.e., 39% of the whole drainage basin. This study focuses on the chemistry of the Xijiang river system and constitutes the first geochemical investigation into major and trace elements concentrations for both suspended and dissolved loads of this river and its main tributaries, and Sr isotopic composition of the dissolved load is also investigated, in order to determine both chemical weathering and mechanical erosion rates. As compared with the other large rivers of the world, the Xijiang River is characterized by higher major element concentration. The dissolved major cations average 1.17, 0.33, 0.15, and 0.04 mmol I"1 for Ca, Mg, Na, and K, respectively. The total cation concentrations (TZ+) in these rivers vary between 2.2 and 4.4 meq I'1. The high concentration of Ca and Mg, high (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) ratio (7.9), enormous alkalinity and low dissolved SiO2/HCO3 ratio (0.05) in river waters reveal the importance of carbonate weathering and relatively weak silicate weathering over the river drainage basin. The major elements in river water, such as the alkalis and alkaline-earths, are of different origins: from rain water, silicate weathering, carbonate and evaporite weathering. A mixing model based on mass budget equation is used in this study, which allows the proportions of each element derived from the different source to be calculated. The carbonate weathering is the main source of these elements in the Xijiang drainage basin. The contribution of rainwater, especially for Na, reaches to approximately 50% in some tributaries. Dissolved elemental concentration of the river waters are corrected for rain inputs (mainly oceanic salts), the elemental concentrations derived from the different rock weathering are calculated. As a consequence, silicate, carbonate and total rock weathering rates, together with the consumption rates of atmospheric CO2 by weathering of each of these lithologies have been estimated. They provide specific chemical erosion rates varying between 5.1~17.8 t/km2/yr for silicate, 95.5~157.2 t/km2/yr for carbonate, and 100.6-169.1 t/km2/yr for total rock, respectively. CO2 consumptions by silicate and carbonate weathering approach 13><109and 270.5x10 mol/yr. Mechanical denudation rates deduced from the multi-year average of suspended load concentrations range from 92-874 t/km2/yr. The high denudation rates are mainly attributable to high relief and heavy rainfall, and acid rain is very frequent in the drainage basin, may exceed 50% and the pH value of rainwater may be <4.0, result from SO2 pollution in the atmosphere, results in the dissolution of carbonates and aluminosilicates and hence accelerates the chemical erosion rate. The compositions of minerals and elements of suspended particulate matter are also investigated. The most soluble elements (e.g. Ca, Na, Sr, Mg) are strongly depleted in the suspended phase with respect to upper continent crust, which reflects the high intensity of rock weathering in the drainage basin. Some elements (e.g. Pb, Cu, Co, Cr) show positive anomalies, Pb/Th ratios in suspended matter approach 7 times (Liu Jiang) to 10 times (Nanpan Jiang) the crustal value. The enrichment of these elements in suspended matter reflects the intensity both of anthropogenic pollution and adsorption processes onto particles. The contents of the soluble fraction of rare earth elements (REE) in the river are low, and REE mainly reside in particulate phase. In dissolved phase, the PAAS-normalized distribution patterns show significant HREE enrichment with (La/Yb) SN=0.26~0.94 and Ce depletion with (Ce/Ce*) SN=0.31-0.98, and the most pronounced negative Ce anomalies occur in rivers of high pH. In the suspended phase, the rivers have LREE-enriched patterns relative to PAAS, with (La/Yb) SN=1 -00-1 .40. The results suggest that pH is a major factor controlling both the absolute abundances of REE in solution and the fractionation of REE of dissolved phase. Ce depletion in river waters with high pH values results probably from both preferential removal of Ce onto Fe-Mn oxide coating of particles and CeC^ sedimentation. This process is known to occur in the marine environment and may also occur in high pH rivers. Positive correlations are also observed between La/Yb ratio and DOC, HCO3", PO4", suggesting that colloids and (or) adsorption processes play an important role in the control of these elements.


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The Tiezhai intrusive complex is located in the north of the Luxi block, Shandong province, eastern China. It lies ~30 km west of the Tanlu fault, and is at the cross of the Wujing and Jiushan faults. The Tiezhai complex was formed about 120~130 Ma, when large-scale magmatism was active in eastern part of North China. This paper carries out petrochemical and geochemical study on the Tiezhai intrusive complex, and discusses its genesis in detail. The Tiezhai intrusive complex can be subdivided into three rock series. The first is the gabbro-diorite series formed in early stage. Its composition variation shows 01 and Cpx fractional crystallization trend. The second is the porphyritic diorite and monzonite series, showing dominating Hb fractional differentiation. Their composition variation shows Hb fractional crystallization trend. The third is the porphyritic quartz monzonite with K-feldspar megacrysts, showing weakly Hb and Bi fractional crystallization trend. All types of rocks in the Tiezhai complex are belonging to the high-K cac-alkaline series. They have elevated Sr (450-1660 ppm), Ba (210-1780 ppm) and relatively low Rb (30-100 ppm). For the gabbro-dioritic rocks in the early stage, the abundances of Ni (20-250 ppm), Cr (50-350 ppm), V(l30-250 ppm) and Co (20-40 ppm) are high, indicating a mantle origin. All rocks have negative anormalies of Nb, Ta, Ti and P, and enriched LREE and strong differentiated REE patterns. The porphyritic monzonites and quartz monzonites have very low HREE, Yb and Y contents and positive Eu anormalies, similar to adakite. Most rocks have lowε_(Nd)(t) of-1.5~-10.9, and high (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i of 0.704~0.709. The data have characters of enriched lithosphere mantle (EMI). In summary, the Tiezhai intrusive complex was inferred to be generated by a mantle derived magma through fractional crystallization. When the primary magma gathered in some place between crust and mantle, the crystallization started and causing magma evolution. The remaining / evolved magma ascended and emplaced again and again in the upper crust in Tiezhai area. Then Tiezhai complex formed. The porphyritic monzonites and quartz monzonites have major and trace element characters of typical adakite, but they are likely to be generated by Hb fractional crystallization.