241 resultados para South Orange


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Pseudobagrus brachyrhabdion sp. nov., from the Yuan Jiang and Xiang Jiang of the middle Yangtze River drainage in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces, South China, is described herein. It is distinguished from all other Pseudobagrus species with a truncate or slightly emarginated caudal fin by an unique combination of the following characters: supraoccipital plate and nuchal plate broadly interspaced and covered with skin; nasal barbels only at most reaching anterior margin of eye; maxillary barbels reaching slightly beyond posterior margin of eye; outer mandibular barbels extending to posterior margin of eye; dorsal fin with a somewhat convex distal margin, origin nearer to pectoral-fin insertion than to pelvic-fin insertion; dorsal-fin spine shorter than pectoral spine, with a somewhat serrated posterior margin; pectoral-fin spine with a smooth anterior margin; anal fin with 20-23 rays, base length 23.8-32.0% of standard length, posterior end of anal-fin base anterior to posterior end of adipose fin base; no longitudinal black band extending along flank; eyes large, diameter 16.3-23.7% of head length; and number of vertebrae 5 + 43-46.


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Effects of water temperature (17, 21, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and body size (14.75-281.41 g initial body weight) on food consumption, growth, feed conversion, and dry matter content in orange-spotted grouper fed to satiation were investigated. The combined effect of temperature (T, degrees C) and body weight (W, g) on maximum food consumption (C-max, g/day) was described as: InCmax= -7.411+0.828 lnW+0.317T-0.004 7T(2), and the optimum feeding temperature was 33.9 degrees C. The combined effect of temperature and body weight on growth (G) was described as: InG= -4.461-0.208lnW+0.394T-0.006 3T(2). The optimum growth temperature was 31.4 degrees C, whereas overall growth rates were high at 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Feed conversion efficiencies (FCE, %), increasing first and then decreasing with increasing temperature, averaged from 1.8 to 2.1 in terms of dry weight of food fish. The optimum temperature for FCE tended to be lower than that for growth or feeding. Dry matter content increased with both increasing water temperature (17, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and body weight, and the combined effect of temperature and body weight on dry matter content (DM, %) was described as: lnDM =3.232+0.01 4 lnW-0.004 4T+0.001 2TlnW.


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Triplophysa lixianensis, a new nemacheiline loach species, is described from the Min Jiang of the upper Yangtze River drainage in Sichuan Province, South China. It can be separated from all other species of Triplophysa by having a unique combination of the following characters: posterior chamber of gas bladder greatly reduced or absent; caudal peduncle columnar with a roughly round cross- section at its beginning; anterior edge of lower jaw completely exposed or uncovered by lower lip; intestine short, forming a zigzag loop below stomach; dorsal- fin origin closer to caudal- fin base than to snout tip; pelvic fin inserted anterior to dorsal- fin origin; snout length 50.6 - 57.5 % of head length; eye diameter 12.3 15.4 % of head length; caudal peduncle length 25.1 - 27.1 % of standard length; anal fin with five branched rays; lower lip greatly furrowed with two thick lateral lobes; and body smooth or scaleless.


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A new genus and two new species are described from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi Province, South China. Hongshuia, new genus, can be distinguished from all other Asian genera of the Labeonini by having a lower lip with its median lobe modified into a round, fleshy plate peripherally greatly protruded so as to form a ring-like fold that is posteromedially continuous with the mental region, and centrally sunken so as to form a round, flat, fleshy pad. This genus is distinct from all other Asian labeonine genera of the Garrina except for one newly described species of Parasinilabeo ( P. longibarbus), Pseudocrossocheilus, and Sinocrossocheilus, in the presence of well-developed maxillary barbels. Hongshuia differs from the above three genera in the lower lip morphology, and further from both Pseudocrossocheilus and Qianlabeo in the number of pharyngeal tooth rows and from Sinocrossocheilus in the colour pattern. Two new species, H. banmo and H. paoli, differ in the distribution density and degree of development of papillae on the rostral fold, depth of indentations on the distal edge of the rostral fold, presence or absence of papillae on the lower lip, size and shape of tubercles on the tip of the snout and anterior portion of the lachrymal, length, position and colour pattern of the dorsal fin, and snout length.


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Myelin basic protein (MBP), as a major component of the myelin sheath, has been revealed to play an important role informing and maintaining myelin structure in vertebrate nervous system. In teleost, hypothalamus is an instinctive brain center and plays significant roles in many physiological functions, such as energy metabolism, growth, reproduction, and stress response. In comparison with other MBP identified in vertebrates, a smallest MBP is cloned and identified from the orange-spotted grouper hypothalamic cDNA plasmid library in this study. RT-PCR analysis and Western blot detection indicate that the EcMBP is specific to hypothalamus, and expresses mainly in the tuberal hypothalamus in adult grouper. Immunofluorescence localization suggests that EcMBP should be expressed by oligodendrocytes, and the expressing cells should be concentrated in hypothalamus and the area surrounding hypothalamus, such as NPOpc, VC, DP, NLTm, and NDLI The studies on EcMBP expression pattern and developmental behaviour in the brains of grouper embryos and larvae reveal that the EcMBP-expressing cells are only limited in a defined set of cells on the border of hypothalamus, and suggest that the EcMBP-expressing cells might be a subpopulation of oliaodendrocyte progenitor cells. This study not only identifies a smallest MBP isoform specific to hypothalamus that can be used as a molecular marker of oligodendrocytes in fish, but also provides new insights for MBP evolution and cellular distribution. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Acrossocheilus spinifer sp. nov. is described from the river basins in Fujian Province and the Han Jiang basin in Guangdong Province, south China. It is one of the barred Acrossocheihis species sharing five or six vertical bars on the flanks, with each bar being two scales in width. Acrossocheilus spinifer sp. nov. is morphologically most similar to Acrossocheilus wenchowensis. but distinguished from it by: a colour pattern of all vertical bars extending ventrally to the second scale row below the lateral line, and having the second bar placed posterior to the base of the last simple dorsal-fin ray, a blunt snout; and a stout, last simple dorsal-fin ray. Acrossocheilus spinifer sp. nov. resembles Acrossocheilus kreyenbergii and Acrossocheilus stenotaeniatus with which it shares a stout, last simple dorsal-fin ray with a serrated posterior edge, but is separated from both species by having a narrow median interruption in the lower lip, a lower jaw fully covered by the lower lip when viewed ventrally and the second vertical bar placed posterior to the base of the last simple dorsal-fin ray. The absence of a longitudinal stripe extending along the lateral line on the flanks in males readily distinguishes A. spinifer sp. nov. from Four other species, namely Acrossocheilus fasciatus, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, Acrossocheilus parallens, and Acrossocheilus jishouensis. (c) 2006 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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The orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, is an important marine aquaculture fish, but its large-scale aquaculture has been hindered by the rarity of natural males because it is a protogynous hermaphroditic fish. Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad is an important endocrine axis in regulating reproduction and sex differentiation. To reveal the molecular mechanism of hypothalamic physiological functions, we performed he studies on identification of genes expressed in the hypothalamus of male orange-spotted grouper using EST and RT-PCR strategy. A total of 1006 ESTs were sequenced, and 402 (39.96%) clones were identified as known genes and 604 (60.04%) as unknown genes. The 402 clones of known gene products represent transcripts of 18 1 genes. Moreover, the expression patterns of 26 unknown genes were analyzed in various tissues, such as liver, kidney, spleen, fat, heart, muscle, pituitary, hypothalamus, telencephalon, cerebellum, midbrain, medulla oblongata, ovary and testes. Five different categories of expression patterns were observed from them. Several unknown ESTs, such as DN551996, DN551998, DN552082, and DN552070, were detected to be hypothalamus-specific, brains-specific, or hypothalamus and gonad-specific genes. Interestingly, DN551996, not only exhibiting expression differences between ovary and testis, but also showing sex-dependent differences in hypothalamus of grouper, might play significant role in grouper reproduction or sex inversion. Further functional studies on these genes will provide more information on molecule regulation mechanism of sex inversion in groupers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All fights reserved.


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Follicle consists of an oocyte and a lot of surrounding follicular cells, and significant interactions exist between the oocyte and the somatic cells. In this study, a novel cDNA has been screened from a subtractive cDNA library between tail bud embryos and blastula embryos in the protogynous hermaphrodite orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Its full-length cDNA is 821 bp, and has an ORF of 414 by for encoding a peptide of 137 aa, which shows 38%, 37%, 33%, and 33% homology with 4 putative proteins screened from zebrafish (Danio rerio). Conserved domain search in NCBI reveals a single C2 domain existing in the C2 domain superfamily proteins, and has only 7 beta strands in comparison with 8 beta strands of C2 domains in other C2 domain superfamily proteins. Artificial sex reversal, RT-PCR analysis and Western blot detection demonstrated ovary-specific expression of the C2 domain factor, and therefore the novel gene was designated as E. coioides ovary-specific C2 domain factor, EcOC2 factor. Moreover, predominant expression of EcOC2 factor was further revealed in grouper mature ovary, and its strong immunofluorescence signals were located between granulosa cells and oocyte zona radiata in grouper mature follicles. The data indicate that the novel EcOC2 factor might be a main component that associates between granulosa cells and the oocyte during oocyte maturation, and might play significant roles in regulating oocyte maturation and ovulation. Further studies on its developmental behaviour and physiological functions will elucidate the interactions between oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells and the underlying molecular mechanisms. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel fish-specific apolipoprotein (apo-14 kDa) has been recently cloned from eel and pufferfish. However, its expression pattern has not been elucidated. in this study, EcApo-14 has been screened from hypothalamic cDNA library of male orange-spotted grouper, which shows 62.9%, 51%, 46.9%, 43.2%, and 31.9% identities to Apo-14 of European flounder, pufferfish, Japanese eel, gibel carp, and grass carp, respectively. RT-PCR analysis reveals that this gene is first transcribed in neurula embryos and maintains a relatively stable expression level during the following embryogenesis. EcApo-14 transcripts are at a very high level during embryonic and early larval development in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL), and decrease in YSL and form intense staining in liver at 3 days after hatching. In adult tissues, EcApo-14 is predominantly expressed in liver and brain. The data suggested that EcApo-14 might play an important role in liver and brain morphogenesis and growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Acrossocheilus malacopterus n. sp. is described from the Yuan Jiang (Red River) and Zhu Jiang basins in I South China. It is separated from other congeners by a combination of the following characters: an inconspicuously stripped body, 16 circumpeduncular scales, 47-49 lateral line scales, depth of caudal peduncle 7.8-9.3% SL, snout length 37.9-41.7% SL, dorsal-fin length 18.7-21.0% SL and last simple dorsal-fin ray slender with 8-10 fine serrations along posterior margin.


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The acid-volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), total metals, and chemical partitioning in the sediment cores of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) were studied. The concentrations of total metals, AVS, and SEM in the sediment cores were generally low in the river outlet area, increased along the seaward direction, and decreased again at the seaward boundary of the estuary. The amounts of AVS were generally greater in deeper sediments than in surface sediments. SEM/AVS was > 1 in the surface sediments and in the river outlet cores. The ratio was < 1 in the sediments down the profiles, suggesting that AVS might play a major role in binding heavy metals in the deep sediments of the PRE. The SEM may contain different chemical forms of trace metals in the sediments, depending on the metal reaction with 1 M cold HCl in the AVS procedure compared with the results of the sequential chemical extraction. The SEM/AVS ratio prediction may overestimate trace metal availability even in the sediments with high AVS concentrations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA encoding thyroid-stimulating hormone beta-subunit (TSHbeta) from orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides. It contains 913 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding 146 amino acids with a 20 amino acid signal peptide. The grouper mature TSHbeta has 75, 70, 61, 59, 41, 42 and 40% identities to that of rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon, zebrafish, European eel, chicken. mouse and human, respectively. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the TSHbeta mRNA was expressed abundantly not only in pituitary but also in gonads. A more interesting finding is to reveal the differential TSHbeta expressions between the ovaries and the transitional gonads or testes in natural individuals of orange-spotted grouper and red-spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara, and in artificial sex reversal individuals of red-spotted grouper induced by MT feeding. In situ hybridization localization provided direct evidence that the TSHbeta was transcribed in the germ cells. In the growing oocytes, the TSHbeta transcripts were concentrated on the ooplasm periphery. In testicular tissues, the intensively expressed TSHbeta cells were found to be spermatogonia and spermatocytes in the spermatogenic cysts. This is the first report of a TSHbeta expressed in the gonads of any vertebrates in addition to the expected expression in the pituitary, and it expresses more transcripts in the gonads during sex reversal or testis than in the ovaries both in E. coioides and E. akaara. Importantly, the TSHbeta identification in germ cells allows us to further investigate the functional roles and the molecular mechanisms in gametogenesis of groupers, especially in sex reversal and in spermatogenesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of inorganic carbon (C-i) acquisition by the economic brown macroalga, Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (Sargassaceae), was investigated to characterize its photosynthetic physiology. Both intracellular and extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) were detected, with the external CA activity accounting for about 5% of the total. Hizikia fusiforme showed higher rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution at alkaline pH than those theoretically derived from the rates of uncatalyzed CO2 production from bicarbonate and exhibited a high pH compensation point (pH 9.66). The external CA inhibitor, acetazolamide, significantly depressed the photosynthetic oxygen evolution, whereas the anion-exchanger inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate had no inhibitory effect on it, implying the alga was capable of using HCO3- as a source of C-i for its photosynthesis via the mediation of the external CA. CO2 concentrations in the culture media affected its photosynthetic properties. A high level of CO2 (10,000 ppmv) resulted in a decrease in the external CA activity; however, a low CO2 level (20 ppmv) led to no changes in the external CA activity but raised the intracellular CA activity. Parallel to the reduction in the external CA activity at the high CO2 was a reduction in the photosynthetic CO2 affinity. Decreased activity of the external CA in the high CO2 grown samples led to reduced sensitiveness of photosynthesis to the addition of acetazolamide at alkaline pH. It was clearly indicated that H. fusiforme, which showed CO2-limited photosynthesis with the half-saturating concentration of C-i exceeding that of seawater, did not operate active HCO3- uptake but used it via the extracellular CA for its photosynthetic carbon fixation.


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The temperature dependences of the orange and blue emissions in 10, 4.5, and 3 nm ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were investigated. The orange emission is from the T-4(1)-(6)A(1) transition of Mn2+ ions and the blue emission is related to the donor-acceptor recombination in the ZnS host. With increasing temperature, the blue emission has a red-shift. On the other hand, the peak energy of the orange emission is only weakly dependent on temperature. The luminescence intensity of the orange emission decreases rapidly from 110 to 300 K for the 10 nm sample but increases obviously for the 3 nm sample, whereas the emission intensity is nearly, independent of temperature for the 4.5 nm sample. A thermally activated carrier-transfer model has been proposed to explain the observed abnormal temperature behaviour of the orange emission in ZnS:Mn nanoparticles.