194 resultados para Sessile Drop


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Coherent transport through a quantum dot embedded in one arm of a double-slit-like Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring is studied using the Green's function approach. We obtain experimental observations such as continuous phase shift along a single resonance peak and sharp inter-resonance phase drop. The AB oscillations of the differential conductance of the whole device are calculated by using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism. It is shown that the oscillating conductance has a continuous bias-voltage-dependent phase shift and is asymmetric in both linear and nonlinear response regimes.


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Proton-implanted and annealed p-type Si wafers were investigated by using both transmission electron microscopy and spreading resistivity probe. The novel pn junction [Li et al., Mat. Res. Sec. Symp, Proc. 396 (1996) 745], as obtained by using n-type Si subjected to the process as this work, was not observed in the p-type Si wafers in this work. A drop of superficial resistivity in the sample was found and is explained by the proposed models interpreting the novel pn junction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 1.3-mu m AlGaInAs/InP buried heterostructure (BH) stripe distributed feedback laser with a novel AlInAs/InP complex-coupled grating grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) is proposed and demonstrated. A high characteristic temperature (T-0 = 90K between 20-80 degrees C) and temperature-insensitive slope efficiency (0.25 dB drop from 20 to 80 degrees C) in 1.3 mu m AlGaInAs/InP DFB lasers was obtained by introducing AI(Ga)InAs graded-index separate-confinement heterostructure (GRINSCH) layers and a strained-compensated (SC) multi-quantum well (MQW).


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The in-situ p-type doping of 4H-SiC grown on off-oriented (0001) 4H-SiC substrates was performed with trimethylaluminum (TMA) and/or diborane (B2H6) as the dopants. The incorporations of Al and B atoms and their memory effects and the electrical properties of p-type 4H-SiC epilayers were characterized by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and Hall effect measurements, respectively. Both Al- and B-doped 4H-SiC epilayers were p-type conduction. It was shown that the profiles of the incorporated boron and aluminum concentration were in agreement with the designed TMA and B2H6 flow rate diagrams. The maximum hole concentration for the Al doped 4H-SiC was 3.52x10(20) cm(-3) with Hall mobility of about 1 cm(2)/Vs and resistivity of 1.6 similar to 2.2x10(-2) Omega cm. The heavily boron-doped 4H-SiC samples were also obtained with B2H6 gas flow rate of 5 sccm, yielding values of 0.328 Omega cm for resistivity, 5.3x10(18) cm(-3) for hole carrier concentration, and 7 cm(2)/VS for hole mobility. The doping efficiency of Al in SiC is larger than that of B. The memory effects of Al and B were investigated in undoped 4H-SiC by using SIMS measurement after a few run of doped 4H-SiC growth. It was clearly shown that the memory effect of Al is stronger than that of B. It is suggested that p-type 4H-SiC growth should be carried out in a separate reactor, especially for Al doping, in order to avoid the join contamination on the subsequent n-type growth. 4H-SiC PiN diodes were fabricated by using heavily B doped epilayers. Preliminary results of PiN diodes with blocking voltage of 300 V and forward voltage drop of 3.0 V were obtained.


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Our configurable optical add/drop multiplexers (OADM) are based on thermally tunable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) Bragg gratings. We have simulated the whole device and get ideal performance. We also tried experiments to explore the process of grating waveguide and got useful results.


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Seed bubbles are generated on microheaters located at the microchannel upstream and driven by a pulse voltage signal, to improve flow and heat transfer performance in microchannels. The present study investigates how seed bubbles stabilize flow and heat transfer in micro-boiling systems. For the forced convection flow, when heat flux at the wall surface is continuously increased, flow instability is self-sustained in microchannels with large oscillation amplitudes and long periods. Introduction of seed bubbles in time sequence improves flow and heat transfer performance significantly. Low frequency (similar to 10 Hz) seed bubbles not only decrease oscillation amplitudes of pressure drops, fluid inlet and outlet temperatures and heating surface temperatures, but also shorten oscillation cycle periods. High frequency (similar to 100 Hz or high) seed bubbles completely suppress the flow instability and the heat transfer system displays stable parameters of pressure drops, fluid inlet and outlet temperatures and heating surface temperatures. Flow visualizations show that a quasi-stable boundary interface from spheric bubble to elongated bubble is maintained in a very narrow distance range at any time. The seed bubble technique almost does not increase the pressure drop across microsystems, which is thoroughly different from those reported in the literature. The higher the seed bubble frequency, the more decreased heating surface temperatures are. A saturation seed bubble frequency of 1000-2000 Hz can be reached, at which heat transfer enhancement attains the maximum degree, inferring a complete thermal equilibrium of vapor and liquid phases in microchannels. Benefits of the seed bubble technique are the stabilization of flow and heat transfer, decreasing heating surface temperatures and improving temperature uniformity of the heating surface.


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The not only lower but also uniform MEMS chip temperatures can he reached by selecting suitable boiling number range that ensures the nucleate boiling heat transfer. In this article, boiling heat transfer experiments in 10 silicon triangular microchannels with the hydraulic diameter of 55.4 mu m were performed using acetone as the working fluid, having the inlet liquid temperatures of 24-40 degrees C, mass fluxes of 96-360 kg/m(2)s, heat fluxes of 140-420 kW/m(2), and exit vapor mass qualities of 0.28-0.70. The above data range correspond to the boiling number from 1.574 x 10(-3) to 3.219 x 10(-3) and ensure the perfect nucleate boiling heat transfer region, providing a very uniform chip temperature distribution in both streamline and transverse directions. The boiling heat transfer coefficients determined by the infrared radiator image system were found to he dependent on the heat Axes only, not dependent on the mass Axes and the vapor mass qualities covering the above data range. The high-speed flow visualization shows that the periodic flow patterns take place inside the microchannel in the time scale of milliseconds, consisting of liquid refilling stage, bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence stage, and transient liquid film evaporation stage in a full cycle. The paired or triplet bubble nucleation sites can occur in the microchannel corners anywhere along the flow direction, accounting for the nucleate boiling heat transfer mode. The periodic boiling process is similar to a series of bubble nucleation, growth, and departure followed by the liquid refilling in a single cavity for the pool boiling situation. The chip temperature difference across the whole two-phase area is found to he small in a couple of degrees, providing a better thermal management scheme for the high heat flux electronic components. Chen's [11 widely accepted correlation for macrochannels and Bao et al.'s [21 correlation obtained in a copper capillary tube with the inside diameter of 1.95 mm using R11 and HCFC123 as working fluids can predict the present experimental data with accepted accuracy. Other correlations fail to predict the correct heat transfer coefficient trends. New heat transfer correlations are also recommended.


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We provide three-dimensional numerical simulations of conjugate heat transfer in conventional and the newly proposed interrupted microchannel heat sinks. The new microchannel heat sink consists of a set of separated zones adjoining shortened parallel microchannels and transverse microchambers. Multi-channel effect, physical property variations, and axial thermal conduction are considered. It is found that flow rate variations in different channels can be neglected, while heat received by different channels accounts for 2% deviations from the averaged value when the heat flux at the back surface of the silicon chip reaches 100 W/cm(2). The computed hydraulic and thermal boundary layers are redeveloping in each separated zone due to shortened flow length for the interrupted microchannel heat sink. The periodic thermal developing flow is responsible for the significant heat transfer enhancement. Two effects influence pressure drops across the newly proposed microchannel heat sink. The first one is the pressure recovery effect in the microchamber, while the second one is the head loss when liquid leaves the microchamber and enters the next zone. The first effect compensates or suppresses the second one, leading to similar or decreased pressure drop than that for the conventional microchannel heat sink, with the fluid Prandtl number larger than unity.


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The typical MEMS fabrication of micro evaporators ensures the perfect smooth wall surface that is lack of nucleation sites, significantly decreasing the heat transfer coefficients compared with miniature evaporators fabricated using copper or stainless steel. In the present paper, we performed the boiling heat transfer experiment in silicon triangular microchannel heat sink over a wide parameter range for 102 runs. Acetone was used as the working fluid. The measured boiling heat transfer coefficients versus the local vapor mass qualities are compared with the classical Chen’s correlation and other correlations for macro and miniature capillary tubes. It is found that most of these correlations significantly over-predict the measured heat transfer coefficients. New correlations are given. There are many reasons for such deviations. The major reason is coming from the perfect smooth silicon surface that lowers the heat transfer performances. New theory is recommended for the silicon microchannel heat sink that should be different from metallic capillary tubes.


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The flow behaviors of CH3CCl2F hydrate slurry with volume concentration of 10-70% were studied in a new built flow loop with a diameter of 42.0 mm and length of 30.0 m. Morphologies of the fluids from slurrylike hydrates to slushlike hydrates with increasing of hydrate volume concentration in pipeline were observed. Pressure drops in pipeline also were studied and an exceptional pressure transition zone with hydrate volume concentration between 30% and 40% was found for the first time, which can be used as a notation to judge if the pipeline runs safely or not. Fanning friction factors of the hydrate slurries with all hydrate contents tend to constants between 0.38 and 0.5, which depend on the volume concentration in slurries, when the velocity reaches 1.5 m/s. A simple relation to estimate the pressure drop of hydrate slurry in pipeline was presented and verified. Experimental results were compared to the estimated results, which showed a good agreement. 


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Condensation of steam in a single microchannel, silicon test section was investigated visually at low flow rates. The microchannel was rectangular in cross-section with a depth of 30 pm, a width of 800 mu m and a length of 5.0 mm, covered with a Pyrex glass to allow for visualization of the bubble formation process. By varying the cooling rate during condensation of the saturated water vapor, it was possible to control the shape, size and frequency of the bubbles formed. At low cooling rates using only natural air convection from the ambient environment, the flow pattern in the microchannel consisted of a nearly stable elongated bubble attached upstream (near the inlet) that pinched off into a train of elliptical bubbles downstream of the elongated bubble. It was observed that these elliptical bubbles were emitted periodically from the tip of the elongated bubble at a high frequency, with smaller size than the channel width. The shape of the emitted bubbles underwent modifications shortly after their generation until finally becoming a stable vertical ellipse, maintaining its shape and size as it flowed downstream at a constant speed. These periodically emitted elliptical bubbles thus formed an ordered bubble sequence (train). At higher cooling rates using chilled water in a copper heat sink attached to the test section, the bubble formation frequency increased significantly while the bubble size decreased, all the while forming a perfect bubble train flowing downstream of the microchannel. The emitted bubbles in this case immediately formed into a circular shape without any further modification after their separation from the elongated bubble upstream. The present study suggests that a method for controlling the size and generation frequency of microbubbles could be so developed, which may be of interest for microfluidic applications. The breakup of the elongated bubble is caused by the large Weber number at the tip of the elongated bubble induced by the maximum vapor velocity at the centerline of the microchannel inside the elongated bubble and the smaller surface tension force of water at the tip of the elongated bubble.


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Transient flow patterns and bubble slug lengths were investigated with oxygen gas (O-2) bubbles produced by catalytic chemical reactions using a high speed camera bonded with a microscope. The microreactor consists of an inlet liquid plenum, nine parallel rectangular microchannels followed by a micronozzle, using the MEMS fabrication technique. The etched surface was deposited by the thin platinum film, which is acted as the catalyst. Experiments were performed with the inlet mass concentration of the hydrogen peroxide from 50% to 90% and the pressure drop across the silicon chip from 2.5 to 20.0 kPa. The silicon chip is directly exposed in the environment thus the heat released via the catalytic chemical reactions is dissipated into the environment and the experiment was performed at the room temperature level. It is found that the two-phase flow with the catalytic chemical reactions display the cyclic behavior. A full cycle consists of a short fresh liquid refilling stage, a liquid decomposition stage followed by the bubble slug flow stage. At the beginning of the bubble slug flow stage, the liquid slug number reaches maximum, while at the end of the bubble slug flow stage the liquid slugs are quickly flushed out of the microchannels. Two or three large bubbles are observed in the inlet liquid plenum, affecting the two-phase distributions in microchannels. The bubble slug lengths, cycle periods as well as the mass flow rates are analyzed with different mass concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and pressure drops. The bubble slug length is helpful for the selection of the future microreactor length ensuring the complete hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Future studies on the temperature effect on the transient two-phase flow with chemical reactions are recommended.


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We present a detail investigation on the development of a series of gradient index (GRIN) optical glass microlens and polymer microlens and microlens arrays in our laboratory in recent years. The special glass material GRIN lenses have been fabricated mainly by using ion-exchange technology, which are applied to construct micro-optic devices and other applications. On one hand, we demonstrated the light propagation and imaging properties of GRIN lenses and the results analyzed. On the other hand, we have explored a drop-on-demand ink-jet printing method to produce microlens array using nano-scale polymer droplets involved with a uniform ultraviolet light and heat solidifying process. The experimental setup for manufacturing polymer microlens array and the performance of refractive microlens elements are also given in this paper. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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在米脂山地微灌枣树示范基地研究了一定流量范围、不同灌水量条件下,地表滴灌水分在水平和垂直方向上的运移规律及滴灌结束后的水分再分布特征。试验结果表明:在流量稳定条件下,湿润体的水平和垂直扩散距离均与时间有显著的幂函数关系;在4.6~5.0 L/h的流量范围内,湿润体的水平和垂直扩散距离与灌水量也存在显著的幂函数关系;滴灌停止后24 h内的土壤湿润体扩散很大,湿润体平均含水量降低很快,24 h后的扩散较小,平均含水量下降较小,确定滴灌停止后24 h时的湿润体特征值可作为滴灌系统设计的依据。