171 resultados para Saltating Grains
瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme L.)是瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)狼毒属的一种多年生野草,有毒。据调查,从20 世纪60 年代开始至今,狼毒在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上不断蔓延、密度不断变大,在一些地段甚至成为优势物种。有关狼毒在高寒草甸蔓延的生态系统效应的研究尚未见报道。本文从系统碳、氮循环的角度,分别研究狼毒在生长和非生长季节对高寒草甸生态系统的影响。同时,从花粉化感的角度,深入研究狼毒对当地同花期物种有性繁殖的影响。系统地研究高寒草甸生态系统物质循环过程,特别是非生长季节微生物和土壤碳氮库的动态变化,有助于揭示狼毒在系统物质循环方面的“物种效应”以及这种效应的季节变化,为丰富有关高海拔生态系统,特别是其非生长季的物质循环的科学理论做出贡献。同时,碳氮循环和花粉化感的研究还有助于深刻地理解狼毒作为一种入侵性很强的杂草的特殊的蔓延机制,从而为狼毒的有效防治、高寒草甸的科学管理提供依据。 针对狼毒在青藏高原高寒草甸上蔓延的生态系统碳氮循环方面的影响,开展以下2 方面的研究:(1)在生长季,研究松潘县尕米寺附近(北纬32°53',东经103°40',海拔3190 m)的两种地形(平地和阳坡)条件下狼毒对土壤碳氮循环影响及可能的原因。狼毒和其它几个主要物种(圆穗蓼(Polygonummacrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum),草地早熟禾(Poa pretensis L.),四川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.),鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine)和鳞叶龙胆(Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb.)的地上凋落物产量以及地上凋落物和根的化学组成被测量。在有-无狼毒斑块下,各种土壤的库(比如,铵态氮、硝态氮、无机磷和微生物生物量)和周转率(包括净矿化、净硝化、总硝化、反硝化和微生物呼吸速率)被测量和比较。(2)在非生长季节,尤其是春季冻融交替期,选取了两个研究地点——尕米寺和卡卡沟(北纬32°59',东经103°41',海拔3400 m),分别测定有狼毒和无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物生物量碳和氮、可溶性有机碳和氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮的动态变化。同时,分别在上述两个地点有-无狼毒的样地上,研究6 个主要物种(狼毒、圆穗蓼、草地早熟禾、四川嵩草、鹅绒委陵菜和鳞叶龙胆)从秋季开始、为期1 年的凋落物分解过程。 针对狼毒花粉化感对同花期其它物种可能的花粉化感作用开展以下工作:在实验室中,用一系列浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液对与它同花期的其它物种以及自身花粉进行测试,测定花粉萌发率;在野外自然条件下的其它物种的柱头上施用上述浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液,观测种子结实率,同时,观察狼毒花粉的种间花粉散布数量。 生长季节的研究结果表明,狼毒地上凋落物氮含量比其它几个主要物种更高,而木质素-总氮比更低。狼毒显著地增加其斑块下表层土壤中有机质的含量,而有-无狼毒的亚表层土壤在有机碳和总磷方面没有显著差异。狼毒表土中硝态氮含量在平地和阳坡比无狼毒土壤分别高113%和90%。狼毒表土中微生物生物量碳和氮量显著高于无狼毒表土。无论是平地还是阳坡,狼毒土壤的总硝化和微生物呼吸速率显著高于无狼毒土壤;而它们的反硝化速率只在平地有显著的差异。狼毒与其它物种间地上凋落物的产量和质量的差异可能是导致有-无狼毒土壤碳氮循环差异的原因。我们假设,狼毒可能通过增加贫氮生态系统土壤中的有效氮含量提高其入侵能力。 非生长季的研究结果表明,在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上,土壤微生物生3物量在11 月的秋-冬过渡期达到第一个峰值;在春季的冻融交替期,微生物生物量达到第二个峰值后又迅速降低。无机氮以及可溶性有机碳氮与微生物生物量有相似的变化过程。微生物碳氮比呈现显著的季节性变化。隆冬季节的微生物生物量碳氮比显著高于生长旺季的微生物碳氮比。这种变化可能暗示冬、夏季微生物的群落组成和对资源的利用有所不同。有-无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物和土壤碳、氮库一般只在秋-冬过渡期有显著差异,有狼毒土壤微生物生物量和土壤碳、氮库显著高于无狼毒土壤;而在之后的冬季和春季没有显著差异。所有6 个物种凋落物在非生长季分解率为24%-50%,均高于生长季的10%到30%。其中在秋-冬过渡期,凋落物开始埋藏的两周时间内,分解最快,达10%-20%。不同物种凋落物全年的分解率和分解过程有显著差异。圆穗蓼在全年的分解都较缓慢(非生长季26%,生长季15%),草地早熟禾和四川嵩草等全年的分解速率比较均匀(非生长季和生长季均为30%,非生长季略高),而狼毒在非生长季分解较快(约50%),而在接下来的生长季分解变得缓慢(约12%)。所有物种的凋落物氮含量在非生长季下降,而在随后的生长季上升。 实验室的花粉萌发试验证明,狼毒花粉对自身花粉萌发没有自毒作用,而其它受试的所有物种(圆穗蓼,秦艽(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii),湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa),鳞叶龙胆,椭圆叶花锚(Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica),蓝钟花(Cyananthus hookeri C. B.Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq.),小米草(Euphrasia pectinata Ten.),川西翠雀花(Delphinium tongolense Franch.),高原毛茛(Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.)Ovcz. var. tanguticus)和鹅绒委陵菜)的花粉萌发率随着狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。大约3 个狼毒花粉的浸提液就可以抑制受试的多数物种的50%的花粉萌发。在鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量分别为5.76 个和3.35 个。狼毒花粉散布数量的差异最可能的原因在于是否有共同的传粉昆虫。花的形状(辐射对称VS 左右对称)、植株或花的密度以及花期重叠性可以部分解释这种差异。在野外试验中,我们发现6 个物种(秦艽、湿生扁蕾、鳞叶龙胆、椭圆叶花锚、蓝钟花和小米草)的种子结实率随狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量(分别是5.76 个和3.35 个)分别达到了抑制它们63%和55%种子结实率的水平。因此,狼毒对鳞叶龙胆和小米草可能存在明显的花粉化感抑制作用。狼毒周围的物种可能通过花期在季节或昼夜上的分异避免受到狼毒花粉化感的影响或者通过无性繁殖来维持种群繁衍,因此狼毒通过花粉化感作用对其周围物种繁殖的影响程度还需要进一步地研究。如果狼毒的花粉化感抑制作用确实存在,那么它可能成为一种自然选择压力,进而影响物种的进化。 Stellera chamaejasme L., a perennial toxic weed, has emerged and quicklydominated and spread in the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau ofChina since the 1960s. In the present study, effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon andnitrogen cycles on the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ingrowing and non-growing season, and its pollen allelopathic effects on the sympatricspecies were determined. The present study that focused on carbon and nitrogencycles, especially on microbial biomass and pools of carbon and nitrogen innon-growing season, could profoundly illuminate plant-species effects on carbon andnutrient cycles and its seasonal pattern and help to understand spread mechanism ofS. chamaejasme as an aggressive weed. The present study also contributed to furtherunderstand carbon and nutrient cycles on alpine regions in non-growing season andprovide a basis on weed control of S. chamaejasme and scientific management in thehigh-frigid ecosystem. Effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles on the high-frigidmeadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study couldbe divided into two parts. (1) In the growing season, we quantified the effects of S.chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles in two types of topographic habitats, theflat valley and the south-facing slope, where S. chamaejasme was favored to spreadlitter and root were measured to explain the likely effects of S. chamaejasme on soilcarbon and nutrient cycles. The sizes of various soil pools, e.g. nitrite, ammonium,inorganic phosphorus and microbial biomass, and turnover rates including netmineralization, gross nitrification, denitrification and microbial respiration weredetermined. (2) In the non-growing season study, microbial biomass carbon andnitrogen, soluble organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate weredetermined through the non-growing season, especially in the processes offreeze-thaw of spring in two high-frigid sites, i.e. Kaka valley and Gami temple, onthe eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Meanwhile, litter decomposition of six commonspecies, including Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var.Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis L., Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine and Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., were also examined under theabove-mentioned experimental design through one whole-year, which began in theautumn in 2006. In the study of pollen allelopathy, several work, including in vitro study oneffects of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme on sympatric species and pollenfrom itself, field experiments on effects of pollen extract with the same regime ofconcentrations on seed set and field observation on heterospecific pollen transfer ofS. chamaejasme to six of those sympatric species has been done. The results in the growing season showed that aboveground litter of S.chamaejasme had higher tissue nitrogen and lower lignin: nitrogen ratio than thoseco-occurring species. S. chamaejasme significantly increased topsoil organic matter,whereas no significant differences were found for organic C and total P in subsoilbetween under-Stellera and away-Stellera locations. The nitrate in Stellera topsoilwas 113% and 90% higher on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope,respectively. Both microbial biomass C and N were significantly higher in Stelleratopsoil. Gross nitrification and microbial respiration were significantly higher inStellera topsoil both on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope, whereassignificant differences of denitrification were found only on the flat valley. Thedifferences in the quantity and quality of aboveground litter are a likely mechanismresponsible for the changes of soil variables. We assumed that S. chamaejasme couldenhance their spread by increasing nutrient availability in N-deficient ecosystems. The results in the non-growing season showed that microbial biomass achievedthe first summit in late autumn and early winter on the eastern Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. In the stages of freeze-thaw of spring, microbial biomass firstly achieved thesecond summit and subsequently sharply decreased. Inorganic nitrogen, solubleorganic carbon and nitrogen had a similar dynamics with that of microbial biomass.Ratio of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had an obviously seasonal pattern.The highest microbial C: N were in the non-growing season, which weresignificantly higher than those in the growing season. The seasonal pattern inmicrobial biomass C: N suggested that large changes in composition of microbialpopulation and in resources those used by microbes between summer and winter.Generally, microbial biomass and pools size of carbon and nitrogen in Stellera soilwere significantly higher than those under adjacent locations in late autumn andearly winter, but there were not significant differences in winter and in spring. Litterof all the focal species (Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Donvar. Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.,Potentilla anserina L. var. anserine and G. squarrosa Ledeb.) decomposed about24%-50% in the non-growing season, which were higher than those in the growingseason (ranged from 10% to 30%). Litter decomposed 10%-20% within the first twoweeks in late autumn and early winter. Significant differences in the whole-yeardecomposition rate and in the processes of decomposition were found among species.Polygonum macrophyllum decomposed slowly through the whole year (26% and15% in the non-growing season and in the growing season, respectively). Certainspecies, such as P. pretensis L. and K. setchwanensis, decomposed at a similar rate(30% both in the non-growing and in the growing season, slightly higher in the8growing season than those in the growing season), whereas S. chamaejasmedecomposed more rapidly (about 50%) in the non-growing season and subsequentlydecomposition became slow (about 12%) in the growing season. Litter nitrogencontents of all the focal species firstly decreased in the non-growing season and thenincreased in the growing season. In vitro experiments of pollen allelopathy, the results showed that pollen from S.chamaejasme was not autotoxic, whereas pollen germination in all the sympatricspecies (Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum, Gentianamacrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa,Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica, Cyananthushookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq., Euphrasia pectinata Ten., Delphiniumtongolense Franch., Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz. var. tanguticus andPotentilla anserina L. var. anserina) decreased nonlinearly as the increasingconcentrations of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme. Pollen Extract of threepollens from S. chamaejasme generally inhibited 50% pollen germination of most ofthe focal species. 5.76 and 3.35 pollens from S. chamaejasme were observed in fieldon stigmas of G. squarrosa and E. pectinata, respectively. Differences inheterospecific pollen transfer of S. chamaejasme could be attributed to the primaryreason whether they shared common pollinators. Flower morphology (e.g.zygomorphic or actinomorphic), plant or floral density and concurrence in floweringphonologies could explain, in part, the differences in heterospecific pollen transfer.In field experiments, the results showed that seed set in six sympatric species(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Mavar. paludosa, Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica,Cyananthus hookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq. and Euphrasia pectinata Ten.)decreased nonlinearly as the increasing concentrations of extract of pollen from S.chamaejasme. According to the nonlinear curves, the amounts of pollens from S.chamaejasme on stigmas of G. squarrosa and of E. pectinata (i.e. 5.76 grains and3.35 grains, respectively) could reduce 63% and 55% seed set of G. squarrosa and ofE. pectinata, respectively. Thus, allelopathic effects of S. chamaejasme on G.squarrosa and E. pectinata could be realistic. The sympatric species of S.chamaejasme could avoid pollen allelopathy of S. chamaejasme to sustainthemselves. This highlights the need to study how much pollen allelopathy in S.chamaejasme influences the sympatric species through divergence in seasonal ordiurnal flowering phonologies or through asexual reproduction. If pollen allelopathyin S. chamaejasme was confirmed, it could be as a pressure of natural selection andthus play an important role in species evolution.
本研究通过我国CDBI、 KUN、PE、SZ等主要标本馆约3, 500份馆藏标本的研究和野外考察相结合,对我国蔷薇属(Rosa L.)芹叶组(Sect. pimpinellifoliae DC. ex Ser.)植物以及相关组的一些种进行了性状特征、形态和微形态的研究,对该组的一些种的形态特征描述进行了补充,同时给出详细的地理和海拔范围分布图。综合花粉以及种子(瘦果)形态的研究结果重新制订了分种检索表,同时,对该组一些形态相近容易混淆的种进行了对比研究,特别对一直存在争议的绢毛复合体(绢毛蔷薇R. sericea Lindl.和峨眉蔷薇R. omeiensis Rolfe)进行了大量宏观形态特征的研究,并用光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电镜(SEM)对二者的花粉及种子形态、微形态进行对比研究和分析,主要研究内容包括: 1. 芹叶组孢粉研究 对芹叶组的10个种及相关的4个组共17个种(18个样品)的植物花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察和比较研究。研究结果表明:蔷薇属植物花粉粒大小为中等偏小,极轴长23.98[21.82(R. graciliflora Rehd. et Wils.)~29.18(R. tsinglingensis Pax. et Hoffm.)] μm,赤道轴长28.65[24.15(R. graciliflora)~34.70(R. davidii Crép.)] μm;花粉属辐射对称等极单花粉,花粉形态赤道面观呈球形到超长球形;极面观为三裂圆形或近圆形,三孔沟,孔缘加厚,具中部突起的桥状盖。花粉外壁纹饰为条纹状,光镜下形态特征相差不大;在电镜下外壁条纹和脊沟内穿孔的形状、大小和频度等特征,常具组至种水平上的可见变异,可作为组至种水平划分的依据。 根据花粉外壁条纹特征及穿孔形状和数目等特征,本研究将这些植物的花粉归为5个类型,并编制了分组检索表。同时,根据条纹状的清晰度,排列方式、条纹形状、穿孔大小及其频度等方面的差异,各有特点,对该组的10个种编制了分种检索表。 2. 芹叶组种子形态研究 应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对我国蔷薇属芹叶组14个种及相关组5个组共36种植物的种子宏观形态及种皮微形态特征进行了观察研究。结果显示,蔷薇属种子形态多样,形状分别为肾形、卵形或锥形等;种子颜色以淡棕色、褐色以及土黄色为主;种子大小种间相差悬殊,相对体积为(长×宽×厚)36.66(4.79~114.47) mm3。光镜下,种子宏观形态特征具组内一致性,在扫描电镜下种子表面结构特征因种而异,其纹饰以网纹为主,可分为3种类型,即近平滑型、负网纹型和网纹型。研究结果表明,蔷薇属种子表面纹饰与地理分布关系不大,具有组及种内稳定性。其种子形态、大小、表而纹饰类型等特征可作为蔷薇属组及种水平上的分类依据。 结合蔷薇属花粉形态研究结果,得出蔷薇属种皮微形态特征与花粉外壁纹饰特征相吻合,在代表组及种的特征上具相关性的结论。同时根据种子形态、微形态结构特征的组间区别和种间差异编制了分组及芹叶组14个种的分种检索表。 3. 绢毛蔷薇复合体的研究 通过对大量标本的研究、野外观察以及扫描电镜对绢毛蔷薇复合体的花粉形态和种皮表面结构进行研究,通过对小叶、花粉及种子的形态定量分析结果支持Rowley (1959)的观点,将峨眉蔷薇处理为绢毛蔷薇的一个变种。 综上研究结果得出,蔷薇属植物的小叶片数目、花被基数以及花粉及种子形态等性状是较为稳定的,这些特征可很好的作为分类学依据。 The morphology, pollen exine sculpture and seed coat structure of the species of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and related sections were studied.About 3,500 herbarium specimens at CDBI, KUN, PE, and SZ were examined. Field work in Sichuan and Yunnan were conducted. Revisions of some species were carried out and a new key to species of sect. Pimpinellifoliae was proposed based on morphology, pollen exine sculpture and seed coat structure, Detailed morphological descriptions, geographical distributions and the altitudinal ranges of some taxa are given. The systematics of the species complex, the Rosa sericea complex (R. sericea Lindl. & R. omeiensis Rolfe), was emphasized. This thesis focused on the following three aspects: 1. Pollen morphology of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae The pollen morphology of 18 samples representing 10 species of the Eurasian Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and 7 additional species of related sections was investigated under LM and SEM. The pollen grains are monadic, actinomorphic, equipolar, medium-sized, spheroidal to perprolate in equatorial view, 3-lobed circular or semi-circular in polar view, crassimarginate, pontoperculate, and with striate exine sculpture. The striate sculpture varies among sections and species. The equatorial axis ranges from 17.97 μm (R. sikangensis) to 29.18 μm (R. tsinglingensis) with an average of 23.98 μm in length, while polar axis varies from 24.15 μm (R. gracilifolra) to 34.70 μm (R. davidii) with an average of 28.65 μm in length. The pollens can be divided into five types based on striate sculpture and a key to the sections sampled was proposed accordingly. The pollen morphology of species of sect. Pimpinellifoliae is more homogeneous and different from other sections sampled and did not support the two-series subdivisions in sect. Pimpinellifoliae. A key is also provided based on characers of pollen morphology among species in sect. Pimpinellifoliae. 2. Seed coat structure of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae The seed coat structure of 39 samples representing 14 species of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and 12 additional species of related sections was investigated under LE and SEM. The seed relative volume (Length × width × thickness) ranges from 4.79 to 114.47 mm3 with an average of 36.66. mm3. The seeds are reniform, ovate or oblong in shape, with orange-brown, light brown or deep brown color. Seed coat sculpture was reticulate or striate-like reticulate. There was no difference in sculpture character of various speices under LM, while three types of seed coat sculpture were identified under SEM and a key to species based on the seed coat sculpture was provided. The three types of seed coat sculpture were nearly smooth, areolate and reticulate. The study of the seed coat sculpture of same species sampled from different populations showed that characters on the seed coat are stable, and thus the size, shape and seed coat sculpture can be used in species level identification. Interestingly, characters in the seed coat sculpture and the pollen morphology in sect. Pimpinellifoliae are consistent at in specific or sectional levels. A key to the 14 species sampled was given based on seed coat sculpture. 3. The study on Rosa sericea complex The Rosa sericea complex contains R. omeiensis and R. sericea. They are morphologically similar to one another and the systematic status of R. omeiensis has been controversial. In this study we examined large numbers of herbarium specimens of R. omeiensis and R. sericea and conducted field observations in the Hengduan Mts.. We also performed SEM study of pollen morphology and seed coat structure of R. omeiensis and R. sericea. We further carried out intensive morphometric study on the leaflet, pollen, and seed morphology. Our results showed that R. omeiensis should be sunk to be a variety of R. sericea, just as Rowley’s treatment in 1959. In conclusion, the features in the number of leaflet and petal, and the morphological character on pollen and seed are relatively stable. Therefore these characters are very useful in taxon delimition.
水稻是重要的粮食作物,其产量的增加和品质的改良都是关系国计民生的大事。就我国现阶段的国情而言,水稻产量在现有水平上稳步提升仍是未来十几年甚至几十年农业生产最重要的目标之一。尽管根据“超级杂交水稻育种”的战略设想和水稻育种实践,通过不断地改进育种技术可望在更高的产量水平上进行水稻杂种优势利用,在稻属植物内还具有很大的产量潜力可以挖掘。然而,仅仅从现有的种质基础出发,要更大幅度提高水稻单产,实现“超级杂交稻”的目标也存在一些困难:现有的推广品种是二倍体,尽管种类众多,但是其基因组的来源相对单一;同时,水稻基因组DNA含量也是作物中最少的,基因组内寻求开发潜力有一定困难;水稻作为C3植物,光合利用效率不高也是制约水稻产量提高的因素之一。因此,寻求常规手段以外的技术突破或者方法创新,是实现“超级杂交稻”的目标的迫切需求。本研究利用秋水仙素能抑制细胞分裂中纺锤丝的收缩、使细胞染色体加倍的作用,对水稻幼穗诱导的愈伤组织细胞进行加倍,并分化出再生植株;创制出水稻同源四倍体新的种质材料,在此基础上选育水稻同源四倍体雄性不育三系材料,并实现水稻同源四倍体的三系配套,开展水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用和四倍体杂交水稻选育研究,建立水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用的新技术体系。这不仅有助于倍性水平杂种优势的开拓和利用,同时也将为我国新世纪“超级稻”育种研究开辟一条新的技术途径。 水稻幼穗诱导愈伤组织并分化成苗是一项成熟、简单的组织培养技术。本研究以普通二倍体水稻亲本为材料,用秋水仙素进行水稻的多倍体化诱导,创制同源四倍体水稻三系亲本材料并对其进行鉴定。多倍体化以秋水仙素诱导的愈伤组织培养为基础,研究不同秋水仙素浓度梯度和愈伤组织诱导培养基组合对诱导四倍体植株的影响。结果表明在MS+2,4 D 1.0mg/L+ KT0.2mg/L+ IAA0.2mg/L 和500mg/L的秋水仙素处理下,水稻愈伤组织染色体加倍(有最高的效率)效果较好,平均加倍频率可达25.26%,其中,材料CDR22和IR26诱导较易成功,加倍频率分别达到75%和26.5%;相对材料94109 1.3%加倍频率和冈46B 10.8%加倍频率,诱导率差异极显著。 对水稻四倍体材料进行了形态学鉴定结果表明,与二倍体水稻对照相比其株高、穗长、花粉育性等主要农艺性状,确定四倍体材料在穗长和千粒重两方面极显著提高,种子的长度和宽度也显著增长。对花粉育性鉴定,确认水稻四倍体不育系材料仍为不育,保持系材料自交和杂交可育,恢复系材料自交和杂交可育。对四倍体材料进行细胞形态、染色体数目等方面进行细胞学鉴定,经核型分析表明水稻四倍体材料具有48条染色体,是二倍体水稻的两倍。水稻四倍体材料根尖分生组织细胞与二倍体的根尖分生组织细胞相比,细胞体积、细胞核和核仁显著增大。四倍体三系材料在细胞有丝分裂中期均可规则排列在赤道板,并能均等地移向两极;后期观察中没有发现染色体分离滞后现象,分裂末期细胞能够形成大小相对均一的子细胞。水稻同源四倍体三系材料细胞分裂未见异常,植株生长发育正常。 从1996年至2006年,针对结实率、有效分蘖、着粒数和穗长等主要农艺性状,通过系谱选育的方法,对培育的同源四倍体水稻亲本材料进行了连续选择和改良,取得较好成效。表现为结实率的改良效果极佳,所有改良材料的平均结实率均呈上升趋势,如D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)等。有效分蘖总体呈现上升趋势,但在不同的年份,如1998和2002存在较大的负向波动。部分材料改良效果明显,如D19B(5.87→13.50)、D什香 (7.00→12.00)等;同时一些材料如DTB和D明恢63虽然总体略有提高,但在不同的年份波动很大,因此存在较大改良阻力,原因还有待进一步研究。着粒数的改良上升趋势比较显著,除保持系的DTB之外,其余材料的平均着粒数有显著提高。穗长的改良阻力较大,虽然不同材料总体上有所提高,但效果并不显著,并且不同年份有较大负向波动(2001)。此外还对株高、剑叶长等性状也进行了选择,但效果不显著,原因有待进一步提高。同源四倍体材料产量相关性状遗传改良幅度不一致,保持系和恢复系间的遗传改良效果也存在差异。这为同源四倍体水稻的进一步利用打下了良好的基础。 籼稻和粳稻亚种间杂交及杂种优势利用的主要障碍就是其低的结实率。而同源四倍体杂交水稻的研究为提高杂交水稻的杂种优势利用创造了新的途径。本研究通过随机区组设计方案,挑选性状优良的二倍体水稻材料,包括雄性不育系,保持系和恢复系进行秋水仙素诱导加倍,从而获得同源四倍体水稻对应的三系材料。利用选育的优良水稻同源四倍体三系材料,配制7个杂交组合,杂交F1代与其恢复系亲本进行比较,用于计算超亲优势(HB);而杂交F1代与生产上大面积推广的二倍体杂交品种汕优63进行比较,用于计算杂种优势。结果显示,同源四倍体杂交水稻的超亲优势表现为:每株有效穗变化幅度为1.4%至105.9%,总粒数为0.5%至74.3%,每穗实粒数为17.6%至255.7%,结实率为9.6%至130.4%。这些农艺性状的改良使得这7个杂种F1的理论产量的超亲优势高达64.8%至672.7%。小区试验中四倍体杂交水稻组合T461A/T4002和T461A/T4193分别比二倍体对照汕优63提高46.3%和38.3%以上,除一个品种以外所有品种产量均接近或高于汕优63的产量。同源四倍体水稻强大的杂种优势表明,亚种间杂交育性低的问题可通过四倍体化及强化选择来解决。此外,同源四倍体杂交水稻器官的巨大性也是其产量提高的有利因素,水稻同源四倍体三系杂种优势利用研究具有一定的理论价值和商业生产潜力。 Rice is one of the major food crops, the improvement of the production and quality of it is an important thing related to the people's livelihood. On China's current national conditions, steadily increase of the rice yield based on the current level is still one of the most important goals in the next decade or even decades of agricultural production. According to the "super hybrid rice breeding" the strategic and rice breeding practice, improvement of the use of hybrid rice heterosis through continuous improvements in breeding technology is expected to get a higher level of rice yield, there are also a great yield potential can be exploited. However, there are also some difficulties to increase rice yield obviously and implement the goal of "super hybrid rice" based on the existing germplasm: Rice varieties in promotion are diploid, although there are many varieties, but their genome are from a comparatively single source; Meanwhile, the rice genome DNA are the least among the crops, it is difficult to exploit the development potential within the genome; Rice as C3 plants, photosynthetic efficiency is not high, it is one of the factors constraint rice yield. Therefore, seeking technological breakthroughs or innovative methods different from conventional means is the urgent needs to reach the target of "super hybrid rice". Using colchicine inhibit spindle contraction during cell division, double the cell chromosome, we induced callus cells from rice panicle to be doubled, and differentiated regeneration; we created a new autotetraploid rice germplasm material, and on that basis we bred male sterility three line autotetraploid rice materials, and the achieved the three line rice autotetraploid matchmaking, researched in autotetraploid rice heterosis usage and tetraploid hybrid rice breeding, constituted a new technology system of autotetraploid hybrid rice heterosis utilization. This not only helps the tetraploid rice heterosis exploration and use, but also inaugurates a new technical means for China in the new century "super rice" breeding research. We chose ordinary diploid rice as materials, using colchicine to induce the polyploidization, created the autotetraploid rice three-line materials and identified them. The polyploidization was based on the colchicine-induced callus tissue culture, and we experimented different colchicine concentrations and culture mediums to induce tetraploid plants, confirmed that the optimal concentration for inducement was 500 mg/L, the average induce rate was 25.26 %. Among all the materials, CDR22 and IR26 had higher induced rate; in contrary, 94109 and GANG46B had lower induced rate, the difference was significant. Autotetraploid materials was identified of both morphological and cytological, compared plant height, length of pollen sterility, and other major agronomic traits with a diploid rice as the control plant, identified that the autotetraploid materials had very significant advantages in ear length and thousand-grain weight, as well as the size of the seeds. Cytology identification included observation of the cell morphology, the number of chromosomes, and karyotype analysis on the autotetraploid materials confirmed that their chromosome number was 48, twice of the diploid rice. Mitoses in the three lines were common: chromosomes arrayed normally in metaphase and separated balanced into the two poles, chromosome moved without lagging in anaphase and daughter cells normally formed in telophase except one. It has been proved that tetraploid rice has normal meiosis as their diploid relatives, which usually including series of sub-phases as interphase, prophase I (five sub-phases), prophase II, metaphase I, II, anaphase I, II and telophase I, II. However, abnormal phenomena, such as formation of tetravalent, trivalent and univalent, chromosome lagging and so on, which would finally block meiosis. Configurations of chromosome in metaphaseⅠwere versatile in structure and form accept the bivalent. That condition varied in different strain, suggesting more complex paring configurations and more versatile genetic characters in tetraploid rice. All these abnormalities in meiosis contributed to low fertility of gamete and might consequently resulted in low seed setting. Successive selection and improvement on seed set, productive tiller per plant, total grains per panicle, panicle length and so on had been carried out from 1996 to 2006. The raise of seed sets was significant in both restorers and maintainers. Seed sets of some strains were improved more significantly than others, for example D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)and et al.. Productive tiller per plant was improved to some extant. The tendency of improvement was rising on the whole but changed in some years such as 1998 and 2002. Part of the stains increased greatly, such as D19B(5.87→13.50)、Dshixiang (7.00→12.00) and so on, but some strains including DTB and Dminghui63 only increased little and decreased in some years by unknown reason. Total grains per panicle increased significantly and all strains except DTB increased. Improvement of panicle length termed to be hard. Different strains showed different capacities for improvement and floating existed in different years for example 2001. It has been proved that other agronomical traits including plant length, flag leaf length and so on could be improved but not significantly by selection also. In a word, agronomical traits could be raised by successive selection that is prerequisite for further utility of autotetraploid rice. Poor fertility is the main barrier for utilizing heterosis between the two rice (Oryza stiva L.) sub-species, indica and japonica. Recently, the development of autotetraploid hybrids (2n=4x=48) has been suggested as a new method for increasing heterosis in hybrid rice. Using standard experimental protocols, the elite diploid rice male sterile, maintainer, and restorer lines were colchine-doubled and autotetraploid counterparts were obtained. Seven resulting hybrids were analyzed for heterobeltiosis (HB), where the F1 was compared to the male parent, and the degree of heterosis, where the F1 was compared to the diploid commercial hybrid, Shanyou 63. The HB among the autotetraploid hybrids ranged from 1.4 to 105.9% for the productive panicles per plant, 0.5 to 74.3% for total kernels per panicle, 17.6 to 255.7% for filled kernels per panicle, and 9.6 to 130.4% for seed set. Improvements in these yield components resulted in the HB for kernel yield ranging from 64.8 to 672.7% among the seven hybrids. Hybrids T461A/T4002 and T461A/T4193 yielded 46.3 and 38.3% more, respectively than Shanyou 63, and all other hybrids but one yielded the same or more than Shanyou 63. The high heterosis for yield suggests that hybrid sterility between two rice sub-species may be overcome by using tetraploid lines followed by intensive selection. Also, the gigantic features of the autotetraploid hybrids may establish a plant structure able to support the higher yield.
糯小麦在食品加工业、淀粉加工业及其它工业上有着重要用途,是近年来许多国家小麦研究的重要课题。国外糯小麦选育尚未突破高产与糯性相结合的难点,国内目前还没有培育出高蛋白强筋型的糯小麦品种,这在一定程度上与缺乏合适的育种方法和高效、实用的糯小麦分子标记辅助育种技术有关。国内外对Wx基因效应的研究主要利用缺体-四体系、重组自交系或近等基因系,还未见有利用遗传背景相同的BC5F2代回交改良群体的报道。 糯性位点近等基因系是小麦淀粉品质育种的重要材料,而我国目前还没有一套中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系。为了选育部分糯小麦、全糯小麦和中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系,我们利用Wx蛋白电泳和高效实用的分子标记技术体系来鉴定糯小麦杂交后代的基因型,结果证明该体系能有效地用于糯小麦的分子标记辅助育种。以中国春糯性位点全套近等基因系为研究材料,对小麦Wx基因的6个STS标记和1个CAPS标记进行了筛选,改良PCR扩增条件以及产物检测方式后,从这些标记中筛选出3个标记,包括鉴定Wx-A1、Wx-D1位点的2个共显性STS标记和Wx-B1位点的1个显性STS标记。利用上述3个分子标记从BC5F2 代回交改良群体中筛选出了8种Wx基因型,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3对基因的分离比例,其中基因型为aabbdd的植株有2株,直链淀粉含量分别为1.81%和0.82%,为全糯小麦;基因型为AAbbdd,aabbDD的部分糯性植株各有1株,直链淀粉含量分别为15.24%和17.57%。以上4株植株的农艺性状和品质性状接近回交亲本“川育12”,并明显优于全糯材料“98Y1441”,表明采用回交法与Wx基因分子标记辅助选择相结合,有助于培育高产、优质的全糯和部分糯小麦。同时,本研究中建立的分子标记技术体系,也为选育具有中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系奠定了基础。 在基因型鉴定的基础上,利用糯小麦杂交后代BC5F2代回交改良群体研究了各基因缺失降低直链淀粉含量的效果和各基因合成直链淀粉的能力,以及直链淀粉含量与农艺性状、品质性状、淀粉糊化特性等的相关性。缺失不同Wx基因的8种基因型,直链淀粉含量差异显著。研究单缺失基因型发现,减少效应最大的是Wx-B1b基因,Wx-B1b和Wx-D1b基因没有显著差异,减少效应最小的是Wx-A1b基因。研究双缺失基因型发现,Wx基因合成直链淀粉的能力,Wx-B1a基因最高,Wx-A1a基因最低,而Wx-B1a和Wx-D1a基因差异很小;直链淀粉含量与株高、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重等农艺性状相关不显著,表明淀粉品质育种可以与高产育种实现有机结合;直链淀粉含量与SDS-沉降值呈显著负相关(r=-0.726),说明直链淀粉含量降低在一定程度上有利于提高小麦营养与加工品质,这一结果至今未见有文献报道;全糯类型的淀粉糊化特性与其他类型显著不同,具有最高的峰值粘度和稀懈值,最低的低谷粘度、最终粘度、反弹值、峰值时间、糊化温度、起始糊化温度,表明糯小麦淀粉在食品和工业上具有特殊用途;稀懈值与直链淀粉含量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.969),其他粘度参数与直链淀粉含量呈显著正相关(最终粘度r=0.797,低谷粘度r=0.910、反弹值r=0.954、峰值时间r=0.970、糊化温度r=0.962、起始糊化温度r=0.932)。以上结论可为糯小麦品种选育和淀粉品质改良提供理论依据。 Waxy wheat is very important in food processing industry, starch processing industry and the other industries, so it is a focus of wheat research in many countries these years. Foreign wheat breeders have not conquered the difficulty of high yield combined with waxy character, and there is no waxy wheat variety with high protein and strong gluten in China at present,all of which were caused by lacking proper breeding methods and effective, applied molecular markers-assisted selection technique at a certain extent. Until now, research about the effect of waxy genes mainly depended on nullisomic-tetrasomic lines, recombinant lines or near-isogenic lines, and it is lacking the reports of using improved BC5F2 backcross progenies under the common genetic background. Near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci are important materials for wheat starch quality breeding. However, there are no such lines under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. To develop partial waxy wheats, waxy wheats and near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background, we use SDS-PAGE of waxy proteins and effective, applied molecular marker-assisted selection technical system to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. The results indicated that such a system is applicable in waxy wheat’s molecular marker-assisted selection effectively. A series of Chinese Spring Wx loci near-isogenic lines were used to identify the specific bands of six STS markers and one CAPS marker of Wx genes. After optimizing PCR amplification and separating of PCR products, three co-dominant and dominant STS-markers were identified at the Wx-A1, Wx-D1 and Wx-B1 loci, respectively, which were used to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. Eight Wx genotypes were developed from the improved BC5F2 backcross progenies, which follows Mendelian segregation. Among them, there were two aabbdd waxy plants whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 1.81% and 0.82%, respectively. In addition, there were partial waxy plants (AAbbdd and aabbDD) whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 15.24 % and 17.57%, respectively. Most agronomic and quality traits of these four plants resembled those of the recurrent parent “Chuanyu 12”, and superior to waxy wheat parent “98Y1441”. This shows that backcross approach in combination with molecular marker-assisted selection of waxy genes is helpful to develop partial and full waxy wheat with good traits in the waxy wheat breeding program. At the same time, molecular marker-assisted selection technical system in this paper, also establish the base for breeding the near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. According to the results of genotype identification, we use waxy wheat’s improved BC5F2 backcross progenies to verify the effects of null alleles on reducing amylose content and determine the amylose synthesis capacity of each Wx gene independently, and investigate the relativity among amylose content with agonomic traits, quality traits, starch pasting properties respectively. There was significant difference in amylose content of the eight genotypes carrying different null Wx alleles. The reducing effect of the single null alleles was the most significant in Wx-B1b, followed by Wx-D1b and Wx-A1b, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1b and Wx-D1b. The results of the double null lines further demonstrated that for the capacity of amylose synthesis, Wx-B1a was the highest, followed by Wx-D1a and Wx-A1a, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1a and Wx-D1a. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were not significantly correlated with plant height, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, 1000-grain weight, which showed that starch quality breeding could integrate with high yield breeding. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were negatively significantly correlated with SDS-sedimentation value(r=-0.726), which suggested that reduction in amylose content is propitious to improve quality at a certain extent. Starch pasting properties of the full waxy type was significantly different from the other seven types, with the highest peak viscosity and breakdown, and lowest valley viscosity, final viscosity, setback, peak time, pasting temperature and starting pasting temperature. It indicated that waxy wheat starch has special use in food and industry. Breakdown was negatively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=-0.969), and the other parameters were positively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=0.797 for final viscosity, r=0.910 for trough viscosity, r =0.954 for setback, r =0.970 for peak time, r=0.962 for pasting temperature and r=0.932 for starting pasting temperature ). The results of the study are very useful for waxy wheat variety breeding and starch quality improvement.
课题组在不断地创制新的同源四倍体材料的同时,连续多年以提高结实率为目的培育、筛选自交系材料,已获得自交繁殖十二年的高代自交系材料。相对于诱导创制初期,材料表现出的结实率低,同种系单株间的差异较大;高代材料已表现出较显著的结实率提升和较一致的农艺性状表型。 本实验选取课题组多年培育的同源四倍体水稻高代自交系材料,通过形态学、农艺性状和细胞遗传学比较,研究水稻同源四倍体与二倍体之间的异同。结果显示,所有同源四倍体材料的染色体组成均为2N=4X=48,花粉母细胞(PMC)减数分裂行为较正常,99%以上的染色体都能在减数分裂中期I(MI)发生联会、配对,形成四价体和二价体,这与理论染色体组构成相符。在减数分裂过程中,结实率较高的材料染色体异常现象较少而结实率较低的材料染色体异常现象较严重。统计分析表明,二价体和四价体的比例对结实率没有显著影响,但是三价体的数目对结实率有一定影响。这一结果表明了结实率和细胞减数分裂行为可能存在相关性,同源四倍体的减数分裂行为为筛选高结实率的同源四倍体种系提供了依据。 然后,对同源四倍体水稻高代自交系材料进行农艺性状和品质性状的统计与分析。主要针对结实率、每穗实粒数、有效分蘖和穗长等主要农艺性状,以及直链淀粉含量这一重要的品质性状进行统计。将统计结果与1996年诱导加倍的初代材料的数据相对比分析,结果显示所有材料经过多代选育培养,其农艺性状已经有了较显著的提高,同时同源四倍体材料的农艺性状稳定性也有了较显著的提升。如结实率的提高幅度较大,所有材料的平均结实率均显著高于加倍初代,而同种材料不同单株间的结实率差异也显著地减少,变异系数(CV)的平均值由1996年的41.15%减少到了2008年的28.81%。其他重要农艺性状也有不同程度的改良,种内变异系数也相应地降低。此外,实验测量了同源四倍体材料和来源二倍体材料的直链淀粉含量。分析结果显示,部分材料的直链淀粉含量与二倍体亲本产生了较显著的差异,这可能是诱导加倍过程中的遗传变异造成的;同源四倍体材料的种内变异系数(CV)平均值由1996年的6%下降到了2008年的3.88%,显示出在品质性状方面,同源四倍体材料的遗传稳定性也有较显著的增加。同源四倍体材料农艺性状经过多年的选育,表现出一定的提升,同时,经过多年自交纯化,所有材料种系内的性状差异逐渐缩小,说明同源四倍体水稻的遗传稳定性随着自交纯化而增强,这为同源四倍体水稻的进一步选育打下了良好的基础。 最后,通过测量连续两年的自交系材料的遗传多态性,分析材料间遗传差异和种群遗传结构,深入研究连续两代材料间的遗传差异,研究同源四倍体水稻与二倍体材料遗传稳定性之间的差异。实验采用18对SSR微卫星标记对连续两代15个材料,共94份样本进行差异分析。通过扩增条带长度多态性分析,计算不同材料以及同种材料不同世代间的遗传距离,构建同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的分子指纹库,并绘制聚类图。结果显示,同源四倍体和二倍体不同材料间的遗传差异比较大,遗传距离处于0.4757至0.2816之间;而相同品种不同世代材料间的遗传差异较小,但也表现出一定的遗传差异。同种同源四倍体材料不同世代间的遗传差异比二倍体材料更大,两代四倍体材料间遗传距离处于0.1359至0.0485之间;而两代二倍体材料间的遗传距离处于均小于0.0388。结果表明,同源四倍体水稻高代材料具有一定的遗传稳定性,但与来源二倍体材料相比,其世代间的遗传变异性仍然较强。这种结果说明,经过多代的自交纯化培育,同源四倍体水稻材料能够建立起相对稳定的遗传结构,同时,其强于二倍体亲本的变异性有能够为新品种的选育,农艺性状、品质性状的改良提供一定的遗传基础。此外,分析结果表明通过分子标记辅助检验,水稻材料间的遗传多态性能够有效地区分不同的品种,这为水稻品种的分子鉴定提供了一定的依据。 本研究从细胞学鉴定,农艺性状统计分析以及分子标记辅助聚类分析多方面地对同源四倍体水稻高代系进行了研究,对探究同源四倍体水稻的遗传规律,进一步揭示其遗传特性、农艺性状的遗传构成,为进一步选育优质的多倍体水稻提供了一定的理论依据。 This group insists on creating new Autotetraploid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) materials, while improving the seed-setting of them for many years, cultivated and selected the inbred line materials, has obtained the high generation inbred lines after twelve years cultivation. Compared to the early induced materials, which shown the low seed setting, and the large difference between the different plants in the same germ-line; the high generation materials have shown significant improvement in seed setting and more uniform phenotype agronomic traits. The autotetraploid rice high generation inbred lines material, which has been cultivated for more than 12 years, was chose in this experiment. The similarities and differences between autotetraploid and diploid rice was studied through morphological, agronomic and cytogenetic ways. The results showed that all the chromosome of autotetraploid materials are composed of 2N=4X=48, the pollen mother cells (PMC) meiosis behavior is normal, more than 99% chromosomes in metaphase I(MI) were federated and paired to form tetravalents or bivalents, which constitutes a consistent theory of genome. In the meiosis process, the material with a higher seed setting showed less chromosome abnormal than the material whose seed setting is lower. However, statistical analysis showed that the bivalent and tetravalent rate had no significant impact on seed setting, but the number of trivalent had a certain impact on seed setting. The result shows that the seed setting may be related to the meiosis behavior, which provides a basis to cultivate new autotetraploid germ line with high seed setting through the meiotic behavior. Furthermore, the agronomic and quality traits of autotetraploid rice high generation inbred material were statistically analyzed. The statistically analysis was focused on major agronomic traits such as: seed setting, grains per panicle, effective tillers and panicle length, as well as the important quality trait amylose content. The statistic data was compared with the data in 1996, when the first induced generation of autotetraploid material, and the result shows that after a multi-generation breeding, the agronomic traits has been significantly improved in all the materials, while the stability of agronomic traits also significant upgraded. For instant, the seed setting increased significantly, the average seed setting of all materials was significantly higher than the first induced generation, and the differences between different plants in the same species also significantly reduced, the average of the coefficient of variation (CV) was reduced from 41.15% in 1996 to 28.81% in 2008. Other important agronomic traits had improved in different degrees; the coefficient of variation within species is also reduced accordingly. In addition, the amylose content of autotetraploid and diploid materials was measured in this experiment. The results shows that the amylose content of some of the material differed from diploid parents significantly, it may caused by the genetic change during the inducing, autotetraploid materials intra-specific coefficient of variation (CV) average reduced from 6% in 1996 to 3.88% in 2008, shows that this is a significant increase of quality traits stability in autotetraploid rice. Agronomic traits of autotetraploid material shows some improvement after years of breeding, at the same time, after years of purification, all material within the germ-line gradually narrow the differences in traits indicates that autotetraploid rice genetic stability was enhanced, which laid a good foundation for the further autotetraploid rice breeding. Finally, this experiment studied the genetic differences between materials of two generations and researched the difference of genetic stability between diploid and autotetraploid rice materials through investigating the genetic polymorphism, genetic differences between materials and population genetic structure of inbred line materials of two consecutive years.18 pairs of SSR microsatellite markers for 15 materials of two generations were used in this experiment, and the total of 94 samples were analyzed. Through the amplification length polymorphism analysis of different materials and materials in different generations, the genetic distance between materials and generations was analyzed, a diploid and autotetraploid rice molecular fingerprint database and map rendering cluster were constructed. The result shows that the genetic distance is between 0.4757 to 0.2816 among different autotetraploid and diploid materials; the genetic distance between different generations of same species was less, but also shows a certain degree of genetic differences. The inter-generational genetic differences of autotetraploid materials were greater than of the diploid materials, which are 0.1359 to 0.0485 as the genetic distance; comparing with the 0.0388 of diploid materials. The result shows that high generation inbred autotetraploid rice material has a certain genetic stability, but the genetic variation between generations is still strong comparing with the source diploid materials. It indicates that, after many generations of purification cultivation, autotetraploid rice materials established a relatively stable genetic structure, at the same time, stronger variability than its diploid parents are useful in the breeding of new varieties, provides a genetic foundation to the agronomic and quality traits improvement. In addition, the analysis result shows that the through the molecular marker-assisted testing, rice genetic polymorphism between materials can effectively distinguish different species, provides a certain basis for molecular identification of varieties of rice. A series of investigation such as cytological identification, statistical analysis of agronomic traits, molecular marker-assisted cluster analysis was applied in this experiment to research genetic pattern of autotetraploid rice high generation inbred lines, revealed the genetic characteristics and the genetic composition of agronomic traits, provides a theoretical basis for the further selection of high quality autotetraploid rice.
本文主要研究了具有己酸乙酯酯化活性的真菌菌株的筛选和发酵条件优化。从大曲和糟醅样品中分离纯化获得79株产生透明圈的丝状真菌,菌落形态初步识别结果显示分离菌株包括红曲霉属、根霉属及曲霉属等菌株。其中菌株EM-56酯化酶活力最强,发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活为172.36 u。根据显微形态、菌落形态及生理生化特征,初步鉴定该菌株为曲霉科红曲霉属紫色红曲霉(Monascus purpureus)。 在此基础上重点研究了菌株EM-56在不同培养基成分及不同培养条件下的产酶情况,确定了最佳培养基和培养条件。通过单因素实验确定在基础培养基中添加最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为蛋白胨。正交优化实验结果确定了最佳培养基组成:以麸皮为基础培养基,添加葡萄糖 2%,蛋白胨 0.3 %,KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05 %,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06 %。菌株EM-56在上述培养基中的最佳发酵条件为:初始pH 5.5,发酵温度为35°C,发酵时间7d,种龄48h,接种量8%,装瓶量50g / 瓶(500mL)。在最佳培养基和发酵条件下,菌株EM-56发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活达到241.56 u,比优化前提高了40.15%。 In this paper, the research focuses on the selection of fungus with esterifying activity and optimization of fermentation conditions. We isolated 79 strains which had transparent zones from Daqu and fermented grains. The isolated strains contained Monascus、Rhizopus and Aspergillus through primary morphology analysis. The strain of EM-56 which produces strongest esterase was selected. The enzyme activity reached 172.36u. According to related literature, EM-56 was identified as Monascus purpureus through morphology analysis and biochemical determination. We also studied the effects of different medium and fermentation conditions on the esterase production of strain EM-56. The optimal medium and fermentation conditions were determined. Single factor experiment result shows that the optimal carbon source added is glucose and the optimal nitrogen source added is peptone. The optimal fermentation medium determined by orthogonal optimization test is as follows: wheat bran as substrate, glucose 2%, peptone 0.3%, KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06%. The optimal fermentation conditions are: initial pH 5.5, cultural temperature 35°C, cultural time 7d, seed age 48h, inoculation 8%, medium mass 50g / flask(500mL). The esterse activity of EM-56 cultivated in the optimal medium and fermentation conditions reached 241.56u and increased by 40.15% compared with the original activity.
Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.
In this paper, an investigation on the micro-structure of an Fe-base oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloy irradiated with high-energy Ne-20 ions to different doses at a temperature around 0.5T(m) (T-m is the melting point of the alloy) is presented. Investigation with the transmission electron microscopy found that the accelerated growth of voids at grain-boundaries, which is usually a concern in conventional Fe-base alloys under conditions of inert-gas implantation, was not observed in the ODS alloy irradiated even to the highest dose (12000 at.ppm Ne). The reason is ascribed to the enhanced recombination of point defects and strong trapping of Ne atoms at the interfaces of the nano-scale oxide particles in grains. The study showed that ODS alloys have good resistance to the high-temperature inter-granular embrittlement due to inert-gas accumulation, exhibiting prominence of application in harsh situations of considerable helium production at elevated temperatures like in a fusion reactor.
In this study of the synthesis of SAPO-34 molecular sieves, XRD, SEM, XRF, IR and NMR techniques were applied to monitor the crystalloid, structure and composition changes of the samples in the whole crystallization process in order to get evidence for the crystallization as well as Si incorporation mechanism of SATO-34. XRD results revealed that the crystallization contained two stages. In the first 2.5 h (the earlier stage), high up to similar to80% of relative crystallinity could be achieved and the crystal size of SAPO-34 was almost the same as that of any longer time, indicating a fast crystallization feature of the synthesis. In this stage, IR revealed that the formation of SAPO-34 framework structure was accompanied by the diminution of hydroxyls, suggesting that crystal nuclei of SAPO-34 may arise from the structure rearrangement of the initial gel and the condensation of the hydroxyls. NMR results reveal that the template and the ageing period are crucial for the later crystallization of SAPO-34. Preliminary structure units similar to the framework of SAPO-34 have already formed before the crystallization began (0 h and low temperature). Evidence from IR, NMR, and XRF shows that the formation of the SAPO-34 may be a type of gel conversion mechanism, the solution support and the appropriate solution circumstance are two important parameters of the crystallization of SAPO-34. Meanwhile, NMR measurements demonstrated that about 80% of total Si atoms directly take part in the formation of the crystal nuclei as well as in the growth of the crystal grains in the earlier stage (<2.5 h). Evidence tends to support that Si incorporation is by direct participation mechanism rather than by the Si substitution mechanism for P in this stage (<2.5 h). In the later stage (>2.5 h), the relative content of Si increased slightly with a little decrease of Al and P. The increase of Si(4Al) and the appearance of the Si(3Al), Si(2Al), Si(1Al) and Si(OAl) in this stage suggest that substitution of the Si atoms for the phosphorus and for the phosphorus and aluminum pair takes place in the crystallization. The relationship among structure, acidity and crystallization process is established, which suggests a possibility to improve the acidity and catalytic properties by choosing a optimum crystallization time, thus controlling the number and distribution of Si in the framework of SAPO-34. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Twenty-five samples from six subenvironments in the barrier-lagoon systems in northeastern Shandong province, China, are examined. A statistical method is used to study the roundness variation of grains of different sizes. Roundness of very fine pebble and very coarse sand varies significantly in different subenvironments. It is possible to discriminate among aqueous depositional environments using the roundness of grains of these sizes. Roundness of grains finer than 0.84 φ is not distinguishable in different subenvironments.
农业是国民经济的基础 ,粮食是基础的基础。黄土高原地区是中华民族文化的发祥地 ,也是我国历史上早期农牧业生产区和政治中心 ,粮食是该区人民赖以生存的最基本产业。探索其发展规律 ,分析其障碍因素 ,寻求其发展潜力 ,采取“一靠政策 ,二靠科技 ,三靠投入 ,四靠保护 ,五靠工作”的战略措施 ,对同类地区的粮食发展具有重要意义。
The Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-xHo (x = 1, 3 and 5, mass%) alloys were prepared by casting technology, and structures, aging strengthening mechanism and mechanical properties of the alloys were investigated. The age behaviors and the mechanical properties are improved by adding Ho addition. The structures of the alloys are characterized by the present of rosette-shaped equiaxed grains. The peak hardness value of the Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-3Ho alloy is 100 Hv, which is about 30% higher than that of Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr alloy.
The Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-xEr (x = 1, 3 and 5 mass%) alloys were prepared by casting technology, and the microstructures, age hardening behaviors and mechanical properties of alloys have been investigated. Microstructures of the alloys are characterized by the presence of rosette-shaped equiaxed grains. The age hardening behaviors and the tensile properties are enhanced by adding Er element. The maximum aged hardness of Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-5Er alloy is 97, it is nearly 1.24 times higher than that of Er-free alloy.
In this paper, a hollow Au/Pd core/shell nanostructure with a raspberry surface was developed for methanol, ethanol, and formic acid oxidation in alkaline media. The results showed that it possessed better electrocatalyst performance than hollow Au nanospheres or Pd nanoparticles. The nanostructure was fabricated via a two-step method. Hollow Au nanospheres were first synthesized by a galvanic replacement reaction, and then they were coated with a layer of Pd grains. Several characterizations such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to investigate the prepared nanostructures.
LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors were prepared by a Pechini sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence spectra, as well as lifetimes were utilized to characterize the synthesized phosphors. XRD results reveal that the sample begins to crystallize at 600 degrees C and pure LaInO3 phase can be obtained at 800 degrees C. The crystallinity increases upon raising the annealing temperature. The FE-SEM images indicate that LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors are composed of fine and spherical grains around 40-80 nm in size. Under the excitation of UV light and low-voltage electron-beams, LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors show the characteristic emissions of the Eu3+ (D-5(J)-F-7(J) J,J(')=0,1,2,3 transitions). The luminescence colors can be tuned from yellowish warm white to red by changing the doping concentration of Eu3+ to some extent. The corresponding luminescence mechanisms have been proposed.