116 resultados para Radiation induced skin reactions


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The dissociation routes of the adduct ions [M+CH3CO](+) formed by ion-molecule reaction of isomeric phenylenediamines with acetyl ion from acetone under chemical ionization condition were investigated by using collision-induced dissociation (CID) technique performed at ion kinetic energies of 40eV. The adduct ions are intermediate ion-neutral complexes.


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Aimed at saving the radiation dose required to crosslinking the polyamid-1010, BMI/PA1010 systems containing different amounts of difunctional crosslinking agent N,N'-bis-maleimide-4,4'-biphenyl methane (BMI) were prepared and the structure changes at the crystallographic and supermolecular levels before and after irradiation were studied by using WAXD, SAXS, and DSC techniques. It was found that by incorporation of BMI the microcrystal size L-100 is lowered due to the formation of hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of BMI and the amide hydrogen of PA1010 in the hydrogen bonded plane, and the overall crystallinity W-c is also decreased. The presence of BMI causes the crystal lamella thickness d(c) to decrease and greatly thickens the transition zone d(tr) between the crystalline and amorphous regions. As for the irradiated specimen, the maximum increments in the L-100 and W-c against dose curves decrease with BMI content, and the interception point D-i, at which the L-100 and W-c curves intercept their respective horizontal line of L-100/L-100(0) and W-c/W-c(0)=1, shift to lower dose with an increase in BMI concentration. In addition. the mechanism of the radiation chemical reactions in the three different phases under the action of BMI are discussed with special focus on the interface region. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electron impact mass spectrum (EIMS) of 3-phenyl-1-butyn-3-ol was reported in this paper. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) was used to study the gas phase ion structure of [C8H7](+) formed by the fragmentation of ionized 3-phenyl-1-butyn-3-ol, and that it has the same structure as m/z 103 ions generated by cinnamic acid and alpha-methylstyrene. Deuterium labelling, metastable ion (MI) and CID experimental results indicate the formation of m/z 103 ion resulting from molecular ion of 3-phenyl-1-butyn-3-ol, which is a stepwise procedure via twice proton transfers, rather than concerted process during the successive elimination of methyl radical and neutral carbon monoxide accompanying hydrogen transfer. Moreover, in order to rationalized these fragmentation processes, the bimolecular proton bound complex between benzyne and acetylene intermediate has been proposed.


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Ion-molecule reactions of four isomeric cyclopropane derivatives were investigated under chemical ionization(CI) conditions, using methane, acetone and vinyl acetate as reagent gases, The methane positive-ion CI mass spectra of each of two isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 are identical, and so are the collision-induced dissociation (CTD) spectra of the protonated molecules of each of the two isomer pairs, The protonation reactions for the isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 occurred on the sites of the carboxyl groups and the R groups, respectively, Differences between isomers 1 and 2 are observed in their acetone (A) positive-ion CI mass spectra and in the CID spectra of their adduct ions ([M+H+A](+)), The adduct ions of compounds 2, 3 and 4 with protonated acetone and with protonated acetone dimer are observed in their CI mass spectra, However, only the adduct ions of compound 1 with protonated acetone appear in its CI mass spectrum, The protonated dimers of each of the four compounds are found in their vinyl acetate positive-ion CI mass spectra, and the CID spectra of these dimers for isomers 1 and 2 can also reflect their stereostructural difference. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The dissociation of gaseous metastable ions of m/z 153 and the formation of ions of m/z 139 from the unimolecular fragmentations of ionized tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones were examined by tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, some other fragments accompanying the elimination of either an H2O molecule or an CHO. radical were also observed in the collision-induced dissociation spectra of molecular ions of the compounds bearing an aromatic ring. Collision-induced dissociation and isotopic labeling showed that these processes may involve reactions of intermediate ion/neutral complexes and multistep rearrangements. The corresponding mechanisms are discussed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The influence of gamma-radiation on polyamide 1010 aggregate structures and crystal damage were examined by using wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques. The results revealed that some structural parameters of the aggregated state, the density differences and the degree of crystallinity W-c,W-x, essentially decreased with increasing radiation dose, but the specific surface O-s increased. Crosslinking and scission of irradiated polyamide 1010 samples occurred mainly in amorphous and interphase regions, and crystal damage and amorphization induced by gamma-radiation spread from the interphase and extended into the crystal phase with increasing radiation dose. This result also indicated that the (010) reflection with the hydrogen bond was more susceptible to the action of radiation.


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Raw polymer and compound of hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) were subjected to gamma-ray irradiation. Crosslinking was found to be the main chemical reaction induced by irradiation; the ratio of chain scission to crosslinking as well as


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The structures and decomposition reactions of doubly charged phenylenediamines were studied by means of charge separation (CS) and electron capture induced decomposition (ECID) spectra. The deisomerization of the three isomers is prior to the metastable d


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Melt-crystallized poly(vinylidene fluoride)s (PVF2) with different crystallization histories were irradiated with gamma-rays within the range of irradiation doses 0-83 Mrad. The effects on the crystalline structure and mechanical properties have been measured, compared, and discussed. The degree of crystallinity of the samples was found to increase with radiation dose. The differential scanning calorimeter scans of the quenched samples indicate that there are two melting peaks, and that the area of the lower temperature peak increases while the area of higher temperature peak decreases with increasing dose. Yield stress and breaking stress for all samples are not significantly affected by irradiation but elongation at break is.


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Chitosan was subjected to gamma-ray irradiation in air. It was found that the -NH2 group is more sensitive to irradiation than the -NHCOCH3 group, and moreover, the hydroxyl group increases with increasing radiation dose while the C-O-C group decreases, but no evidence for carbonyl formation was observed.


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琼胶是一种从石花菜等红藻中提取的,目前生产工艺和结构等方面研究比较成熟的海藻多糖,广泛应用于医药、仪器等行业。但是,海藻多糖因为具有分子量大,粘度大,溶解度较小的等特点,而使其应用范围受到限制。利用降解的手段对其进行修饰,降低分子量和粘度,改善溶解性,可以拓展其应用范围。并且根据文献报道,琼 胶寡糖具有一些特殊的生物活性,如抗氧化性,抗炎症等。因此,对琼胶降解的研究具有生要意义。本研究中,为了选择一种合适的降解方法,进行了几种水解方法的尝试,其中包括在不同湿度和酸度下盐酸水解,过氧化氢和醋酸催化水解,Fenton体系羟基自由基降解。对于酸水解和Fenton体系氧化还原降解方法,通过粘度法对反应的速度进行了比较,表明氧化还原降解反应中琼胶的粘度降低比较快,并且具有代表性和新意,确定为本实验的降解琼胶的方法并对氧化还原降解所得的产物进行了活性实验。通过模仿自然界普遍存在的氧化还原降解反应,利用Vc诱导的Fenton体系产生的羟基自由基氧化还原降解琼胶得到低分子量的琼胶。降解产物经过高速离心、60%乙醇沉淀,除去分子量比较大的降解产物和磷酸盐,得到可溶于60%乙醇的分子量估计小于3000的降争产物,其产率为85%。利用经Sephadex-G25凝胶色谱分离所香的不同分子量的级分进行分子量和α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性关系的实验。降解产物对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制率和各级分的浓度呈线性正相关,并且各级分的IC_(50)则随着分子量的降低而降低。另外,对所得的降解产物混合物进行了红外吸收光谱、质子去偶核磁共震碳谱和负离子基质辅助激光诱导-飞行时间质谱结构分析。结果表明,氧化还原降解反应的专一性差,在得到寡糖的同时,在光谱图中出现一些比较复杂的副产物的结构信息。最后,根据MTT法的原理,以有体皮肤成纤维细胞为材料,通过紫外线辐射产生自由基造成氧化损伤,研究降解产物对成纤维细胞的保护作用。当无紫外线辐射时,降解产物对成纤维细胞具有显著的促进生长增殖作用:当经UVa、UBb辐射时则可以显著地表现出对损伤的保护作用,并且这种促进生长和保护作用呈显著的量效关系,表明降解产物具有清除基自由基的作用。但是,因为氧化还原降解以应的机理尚不十分明的以及琼羟胶的特殊结构,使得反应的副产物很难预测,也就使得分离工作难以进行,所以,根据目前所得的信息,尚不能确定是降解产物的什么级分产生的以上两种生物活性。