121 resultados para Plates


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Based on geophysical and geological data in Jiyang depression, the paper has identified main unconformity surfaces (main movement surfaces) and tectonic sequences and established tectonic and strata framework for correlation between different sags. Based on different sorts of structural styles and characteristics of typical structures, the paper summarized characteristics and distribution of deep structures, discussed evolution sequence of structure, analyzed the relation between tectonic evolution and generation of petroleum. The major developments are as following: Six tectonic sequences could be divided from bottom to top in the deep zone of Jiyang depression. These tectonic sequences are Cambrian to Ordovician, Carboniferous to Permian, lower to middle Jurassic, upper Jurassic to lower Cretaceous, upper Cretaceous and Kongdian formation to the fourth member of Shahejie formation. The center of sedimentation and subsidence of tectonic sequences distinguished from each other in seismic profiles is controlled by tectonic movements. Six tectonic evolution stages could be summarized in the deep zone in Jiyang depression. Among these stages, Paleozoic stage is croton sedimentation basin; Indosinian stage, open folds of EW direction are controlled by compression of nearly SN direction in early Indosinian (early to middle Triassic) while fold thrust fault of EW – NWW direction and arch protruding to NNE direction are controlled by strong compression in late Indosinian (latter Triassic); early Yanshanian stage (early to middle Jurassic), in relatively weak movement after Indosinian compressional orogeny, fluviolacustrine is deposited in intermontane basins in the beginning of early Yanshanian and then extensively denudated in the main orogenic phase; middle Yanshanian (late Jurassic to early Cretaceous), strike-slipping basins are wide distribution with extension (negative reversion) of NW – SE direction; latter Yanshanian (late Cretaceous), fold and thrust of NE – NNE direction and positive reversion structure of late Jurassic to early Cretaceous strike-slipping basin are formed by strong compression of NW–SE direction; sedimentation stage of Kongdian formation to the fourth member of Shahejie formation of Cenozoic, half graben basins are formed by extension of SN direction early while uplift is resulted from compression of nearly EW direction latterly. Compression system, extension system and strike-slip system are formed in deep zone of Jiyang depression. According to identifying flower structure of seismic profiles and analysis of leveling layer slice of 3D seismic data and tectonic map of deep tectonic interface, strike-slip structures of deep zone in Jiyang depression are distinguished. In the middle of the Jiyang depression, strike-slip structures extend as SN direction, NNW direction in Huimin sag, but NNE in Zhandong area. Based on map of relict strata thickness, main faults activity and regional tectonic setting, dynamic mechanisms of deep structure are preliminary determination. The main reason is the difference of direction and character of the plate’s movement. Development and rework of multi-stage tectonic effects are benefit for favorable reservoir and structural trap. Based on tectonic development, accumulation conditions of deep sub-sags and exploration achievements in recent years, potential zones of oil-gas reservoir are put forward, such as Dongying sag and Bonan sag.


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The Central Asian Orogen Belt (CAOB), which is different from the subductional orogen and the collisional orogen, is known as the most important site of crustal growth in the Phanerozoic, and it has been a ‘hot spot’ for studying the orogenic belts. The Chinese West Tianshan Orogen is occupying the west-southern part of the CAOB and is of great importances to understand the orogenic processes and the continental growth in the Central Asia. The West Tianshan Orogen had undergone complex tectonic evolutional processes in Paleozoic times and large volumes granitic rocks have recorded important information about these processes. Litter is known about Phanerozoic continental growth in the Western Tianshan area so far, compared with the other areas of the CAOB, such as eastern Junggar, western Junggar, Altai and Alakol. The aim of this dissertation is to set up the chronology frame of granitoids in western Tianshan, provide new evidence for the tectonic evolution and discuss the Paleozoic continental growth in this area, on the basis of the studies on the isotopic chronology, major element, trace element and Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry of granitoids and the isotopic chronology and geochemistry of the ophiolites in this area, especially the Kule Lake ophiolites. 25 precise SHRIMP U-Pb zircon and LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon ages have been obtained in this dissertation. The granitic rocks in western Tianshan had been formed during two periods: the granitic gneiss with an age of 896Ma, possibly representing the forming age of the Precambrian basement; the granitic rocks with ages varying from 479Ma to 247Ma, recording the Paleozoic orogenic process of western Tianshan. The granitoids in western Tianshan are composed of intermediate-basic rocks, intermediate rocks, intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks, mainly intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks. They are mostly granite, granodiorite, quartz syenite and monzodiorite. Different types of granitic rocks are exposed in different tectonic units. The granitoids on the northern margin of the Yili Plate mainly formed in late Paleozoic (413Ma ~ 281Ma), those with ages varying from 413Ma to 297Ma show continental arc affinities and the magnesian calc-alkalic metaluminous diorite of 281Ma display the geochemical characteristics similar to those of granites formed during the post-orogenic period. The granitiods on the southern margin of the Yili Plate include the adakite diorite of 470Ma which was formd by partial melting of thickened lower crust, the post-collisional alkali-feldspar granite of 430Ma, the volcanic arc granite of 348Ma and the Triassic post-collisional granite. The granitoids in the Central Tianshan Plate formed in 479Ma ~ 247Ma, mainly in 433Ma ~ 321Ma. The granitic rocks with ages of 479Ma ~ 321Ma are magnesian calc-alkalic to alkalic rocks with continental arc affinities. A few post-collisional granitoids of 276Ma ~ 247Ma may have inherited the geochemical characteristics of pre-existing arc magma. The granitic rocks in Southern Tianshan (northern margin of the Tarim plate) formed two stages, 420Ma ~ 411Ma and ca. 285Ma. The magnesian calcic to alkalic granites of 420Ma ~ 411Ma may formed during the extension process of the continental margin. The granite of 285Ma includes mostly ferroan calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic rocks with high SiO2 and high alkaline contents, and obviously negative anomaly of Eu, Ba, Sr, P, Ti, similar to the geochemical characteristics of the A-type granite which is formed during post-collisional extension. The Kule Lake ophiolite in southern Tianshan shows the affinity of N-MORB. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 425±8Ma has obtained for gabbros. Some zircons have given another group of 206Pb/238U age 918Ma, which may indicate the information of the pre-exist old basement rock. The small oceanic basin represented by Kule Lake ophiolite probably developed on the split northern margin of Tarim block. A model for Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the West Tianshan Orogen has been proposed here on the basis of the new results obtained in this dissertation and the previous published data. In Early Cambrian, the Terskey Ocean occurred along the North Nalati fault (NNF), and it separated the Yili plate from the Central Tianshan plate which was probably connected with the Tarim plate. The Terskey Ocean probably subducted towards south under the Central Tianshan plate and towards north under the Yili plate simultaneously. In the early stage of Late Ordovician, the Terskey Ocean had been closed, and the Yili and Central Tianshan plates collided. Meanwhile, extension happened within the joint Central Tianshan and Tarim plates gradually and the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean had been formed. In Early Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean began to subduct beneath the composite Yili-Central Tianshan plate, which was intruded by volcanic arc granitoids. In Middle Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean, which had reached a certain width, was subducting strongly. And this subduction may have produced voluminous granitoids in the Central Tianshan plate. In the latest stage of Carboniferous, the Paleo-South Tianshan ocean closed, and the Yili-Central Tianshan plate and Tarim plate collided. In Late Cambrian, Paleo-Junggar Ocean occurred to north of the Yili plate; and started to subduct towards south under the Yili plate in Ordovician. This subduction may have produced a magma arc on the northern margin of the Yili plate. In Late Carboniferous, the Paleo-Junggar Ocean had been closed. The Yili-Central and Junggar plates amalgamated together. The West Tianhan Orogen may undergo a post-collisional collapse since Permian. And the magmatic activities may continue to early Triassic. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ration of the granitic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains varies from 0.703226 to 0.716343, and Nd(t)from -6.50 to 2.03. The characteristics of Sr-Nd isotope indicate that the source of granitic material is not a sole source, which may be produced by mantle-crust magma mixing. In Paleozoic time, lateral growth of the continental crust along active continental margins was dominant, whereas the vertical growth of continental crust resulted from post- collisional mantle derived magmas was not obvious.


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The Tien Shan is the most prominent intracontinental mountain belt on the earth. The active crustal deformation and earthquake activities provide an excellent place to study the continental geodynamics of intracontinental mountain belt. The studies of deep structures in crust and upper mantle are significantly meaningful for understanding the geological evolution and geodynamics of global intracontinental mountain belts. This dissertation focuses on the deep structures and geodynamics in the crust and upper mantle in the Tien Shan mountain belt. With the arrival time data from permanent and temporal seismic stations located in the western and central Tien Shan, using seismic travel time tomographic method, we inversed the P-wave velocity and Vp/Vs structures in the crust and uppermost mantle, the Pn and Sn velocities and Pn anisotropic structures in the uppermost mantle, and the P-wave velocity structures in the crust and mantle deep to 690km depth beneath the Tien Shan. The tomographic results suggest that the deep structures and geodynamics have significant impacts not only on the deformations and earthquake activities in the crust, but also on the mountain building, collision, and dynamics of the whole Tien Shan mountain belt. With the strongly collision and deformations in the crust, the 3-D P-wave velocity and Vp/Vs ratio structures are highly complex. The Pn and Sn velocities in the uppermost mantle beneath the Tien Shan, specially beneath the central Tien Shan, are significantly lower than the seismic wavespeed beneath geological stable regions. We infer that the hot upper mantle from the small-scale convection could elevate the temperature in the lower crust and uppermost mantle, and partially melt the materials in the lower crust. The observations of low P-wave and S-wave velocities, high Vp/Vs ratios near the Moho and the absences of earthquake activities in the lower crust are consistent with this inference. Based on teleseismic tomography images of the upper mantle beneath the Tien Shan, we infer that the lithosphere beneath the Tarim basin has subducted under the Tien Shan to depths as great as 500 km. The lithosphere beneath the Kazakh shield may have subducted to similar depths in the opposite direction, but the limited resolution of this data set makes this inference less certain. These images support the plate boundary model of converge for the Tien Shan, as the lithospheres to the north and south of the range both appear to behave as plates.


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Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and its surroundings (eastern margin of Tibet) is one of the most complicated tectonic areas in the world. As the exhaust opening of the balanced materials of the Tibetan Plateau during the collision of Indan and Eurasian plates, the deep structure beneath EHS surrounding region is referred to as the key to the study of the dynamics of the plateau. EHS3D project, sponsored by NSFC, has been proposed to explore the deep electric features of the area. During the first stage of EHS3D(2006-2008), MT+LMT measurements have been conducted along two lines from Chayu to Qingshuihe (EHS3D-3) and Chayu to Ruoergai (EHS3D-2). This paper will discuss the MT models of EHS3D-3 line. By the data procrssing, including distortion analysis, Robust estimation and strike decomposition, rotated apparent resitivities and phases have been obtained for each station. Then conventional 2-D inversion algorithms (NLCG and RRI) were employed to produce 2-D models. The final preferred 2-D model suggests that the upper crust consists of resistive blocks while in mid-lower crust there are two extensive conductive bodies beneath Lhasa block and Qiangtang terrain respectively. Jinshajiang suture is a gradient belt and Bangong-Nujiang suture appear a conductive belt dipping to the north. . We concluded that the formation of the two conductive bodies attributed to the partial melt and fluids in the lower crust. The regional electric strike derived from decomposition analysis indicates that the crust and upper mantle move in different manners. The upper crust moves like slips of rigid blocks along major slip faults while the lower crust creeps as a flow in the conductive channels.


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The Beishan orogenic collage locates at the triple-joint among Xinjiang, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia Provinces, at which the Siberian, Tarim and North China plates join together. It also occupies the central segment of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The main study area in the present suty focused on the southwest part of the Beishan Mountain, which can be subdivided into four units southernward, the Mazhongshan continental block, Huaniushan Arc, Liuyuan suture zone and Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc. 1. The Huaniushan Arc was formed by northernward dipping subduction from the Orcovician to Permian, in which volcanic rocks ranging from basic to acidic with island arc affinity were widely developed. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger southward, whichs indicates a southward rollback of slab. The granitiod intrusions are mainly composed of I type granites, and their geochemical compositions suggest that they have affinities of island arc settings. In the early Paleozoic(440Ma-390Ma). The Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc, however, were produced in the southernward dipping subduction system from Carboniferous to Permian. Volcanic rocks from basic to acidic rocks are typical calcic-alkaline rocks. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger northernward, indicating subdution with a northernward rollback. The granitiod intrusions mainly consist of I-type granites, of which geochemical data support they belong to island arc granite. 2. Two series of adakite intrusions and eruptive rocks have been discovered in the southern margin of the Huaniushan Island Arc. The older series formed during Silurian (441.7±2.5Ma) are gneiss granitoid. These adakite granites intruded the early Paleozoic Liuyuan accretionary complex, and have the same age as most of the granite intrusions in the Huanniushan Arc. Their geochemical compostions demonstrate that they were derived from partial melting of the subudcted oceanic slab. These characteristics indicate a young oceanic crust subduction in the early Paleozoic. The late stage adakites with compositons of dacites associate with Nb-enriched basalts, and island arc basalts and dacites. Their geochemistries demonstrate that the adakites are the products of subducted slab melts, whereas the Nb-enriched basalt is products of the mantle wedge which have metasomatized by adakite melts. Such a association indicates the existences of a young ocean slab subduction. 3. The Liuyuan suture zone is composed of late Paleozoic ophiolites and two series of accretionary complexes with age of early Paleozoic. The early Paleozoic accretionary complex extensively intruded by early Palozioc granites is composed of metamorphic clastics, marble, flysch, various metamorphic igneous rocks (ultramafic, mafic and dacite), and eclogite blocks, which are connected by faults. The original compositions of the rocks in this complex are highly varied, including MORB, E-MORB, arc rocks. Geochronological study indicates that they were formed during the Silurian (420.9±2.5Ma and 421.1±4.3Ma). Large-scale granitiods intruded in the accretionary complex suggest a fast growth effect at the south margin of the Huaniushan arc. During late Paleozoic, island arc were developed on this accretionary complex. The late Paleozoic ophiolite has an age of early Permian (285.7±2.2Ma), in which the rock assemblage includes ultra-mafic, gabbros, gabbros veins, massive basalts, pillow basalt, basaltic clastic breccias, and thin layer tuff, with chert on the top.These igneous rocks have both arc and MORB affinities, indicating their belonging to SSZ type ophiolite. Therefore, oceanic basins area were still existed in the Liuyuan area in the early Permian. 4. The mafic-ultramafic complexes are distributed along major faults, and composed of zoned cumulate rocks, in which peridotites are surrounded by pyroxenite, hornblendites, gabbros norite and diorite outward. They have island-arc affinities and are consistent with typical Alaska-type mafic-ultramafic complexes. The geochronological results indicate that they were formed in the early Permian. 5. The Liuyuan A-type granite were formed under post-collisional settings during the late Triassic (230.9±2.5Ma), indicating the persistence of orogenic process till the late Triassic in the study area. Geochronological results suggested that A-type granites become younger southward from the Wulungu A-type granite belt to Liuyuan A-type granite belt, which is in good agreement with the accretionary direction of the CAOB in this area, which indicate that the Liuyuan suture is the final sture of the Paleo-Asin Ocean. 6. Structural geological evidence demonstrate the W-E spreading of main tectonic terrenes. These terrenes had mainly underwent through S-N direction contraction and NE strike-faulting. The study area had experienced a S-N direction compression after the Permian, indicating a collisional event after the Permian. Based on the evidene from sedimentary geology, paleontology, and geomagnetism, our studies indicate that the orogenic process can be subdivided into five stages: (1) the pre-orogenic stage occurred before the Ordovicain; (2) the subduction orogenic stage occurred from the Orcovician to the Permian; (3) the collisional orogenic stage occurred from the late Permian to the late Triassic; (4) the post-collision stage occurred after the Triassic. The Liuyuan areas have a long and complex tectonic evolutional history, and the Liuyuan suture zone is one of the most important sutures. It is the finally suture zone of the paleo-Asian ocean in the Beishan area.


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Central Xiemisitai is located on the northwest edge of the Junggar Basin, bounded on the north by Sawuer Mountain, and southward Junggar Basin. Geotectonically, it is within the Chengjisi-Ximisitai-Santanghu island arc of Late Paleozoic, between Siberian and Junggar plates. The volcanics in this area mainly consist of acidic volcanic lava, rock assemblage of esite, dacite, and rhyolite, and the transitional phase is comparatively developed. Besides, Si2O of volcanics here covers a large range of 53.91-79.28t %, K2O of 1.71-6.94t%, and Na2O of 2.29-5.45t%, which is a set of metaluminous- peraluminous high K calc-alkaline to calc alkaline mid-acidic volcanic series. In addition, the volcanics are potassic to high-potassic assemblage, with slight shoshonite in. The REE curve of volcanics in central Xiemisitai is rightward and smooth, inclining to LREE enrichment, which reveals the characteristics of island-arc volcanics. Through the lithology changing from neutral to acidic, the negative anomaly of Eu is increasing. The volcanics here deplete HFSE such as Nb, Ti, P, etc., but relatively rich in LILE like Rb, K, Th, etc., possessing geochemistry characteristics of arc volcanics, which means that the lava source region is watery, under the meta-somatic contamination of subducted components. Moreover, high Ba and Sr show volcanics in epicontinental arc environment, and their contemporaneous granitoid rocks are also marked with the characteristics of volcanic arc granite. In central Xiemisitai, the volcanics zircon age of volcanic rhyolite is 422.5Ma± 1.9Ma, mid-late Silurian. Only one sample zircon has been measured for the present, not very convincing, so volcanics here might not come from Devonian volcanism. Consequently, further confirming the volcanic age will play a key role in the research on the beginning of volcanism in Xiemisitai area and even North Xinjiang. This area includes three copper mineralization types: a) from andesite fracture; b) from rhyolite fracture broken zone, with the copper mineralization distributed by veins along the fissure; and c) from quartz veins. The mineralization of earth surface in S24 ore spot is intensive, and the primary geochemistry reconnaissance anomaly is fairly good. According to display data, the maximum content of Cu is as high as 0.9% and as low as 0.05%. Also, ore-control fracture structure is having a considerable scale in the strike of fracture both horizontally and vertically downwards, and the result of the geophysics stratagem EH-4 system reveals obvious low-resistivity anomaly. As a result, we believe that the S24 plot is expected to be a volcanic copper deposit target area.


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Movements of separation and convergence between the continental plates, as well as the interaction beween the lithosphere and asthenosphere is the dominant factor in plate evolution. Moreover, those phenomena, the formation, enrichment and storage of energy and mineral strorage, as well as intraplate earthquakes are all relate to plate movement and evolution. Therefore, the study of continental lithosphere, is not only helpful to analysing the dynamic model between lithosphere and asthenoshere as well as different plates, but also important to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood. And the lithospheric thickness or Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) is one of the most important parameters in study of continental lithospheric formation and evolution. Chinese continent composed by many small plates, possesses diverse type of lithospheric structure. But our knowledge ahout Chinese continental lithosphere, especially the regional research, is almost based on the low-resolution results of surface wave dispersion analysis and seismic wave tomography. Howere, recently a technique employing S-to-P converted body waves (the S receiver function technique) has been developed that can be used to identify the LAB with a higher resolution. This thesis has collected waveform data of 232 broadband seismic stations that are located in China and neighboring regions. Using teleseismic S-wave and P-wave receiver functions have studied the Chinese continental lithospheric structure. The results of this study indicate that, the thickness of Chinese continental lithosphere become thinner from west to east, and obvious difference exists between different blocks. Four types of lithosphere have been detected: (1) Convergence thicking lithosphere in Tibetan Plateau; (2) Stable lithosphere in Tarim basin and upper Yangtze craton; (4) Active lithosphere in Orogenic belts; (4) Break-up thinning lithosphere in east China craton


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The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific, which is located at the junction of Eurasian plate, Pacific plate and Indian-Australian plate. It was formed by continent breakup and sea-floor spreading in Cenozoic. The complicated interaction among the three major plates made tectonic movement complex and geological phenomena very rich in this area. The SCS is an ideal place to study the formation and evolution of rifted continental margin and sea-floor spreading since it is old enough to have experienced the major stages of the basin evolution but still young enough to have preserved its original nature. As the demand for energy grows day by day in our country, the deep water region of the northern continental margin in the SCS has become a focus of oil and gas exploration because of its huge hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, to study the rifted continental margin of the SCS not only can improve our understanding of the formation and evolution processes of rifted continental margin, but also can provide theoretical support for hydrocarbon exploration in rifted continental margin. This dissertation mainly includes five topics as follows: (1) Various classic lithosphere stretching models are reviewed, and the continuous non-uniform stretching model is modified to make it suitable for the case where the extension of lithopheric mantle exceeds that of the crust. Then simple/pure shear flexural cantilever model is applied to model the basement geometries of SO49-18 profile in the northern continental margin of the SCS. By fitting the basements obtained by using 2DMove software with modeling results, it is found that the reasonable effective elastic thickness is less than 5km in this region. According to this result, it is assumed that there is weak lower crust in the northern continental margin in the SCS. (2) We research on the methods for stretching factor estimation based on various lithosphere stretching models, and apply the method based on multiple finite rifting model to estimate the stretching factors of several wells and profiles in the northern continental margin of the SCS. (3) We improve one-dimension strain rate inversion method with conjugate gradient method, and apply it to invert the strain rate of several wells in the northern continental margin of the SCS. Two-dimension strain rate forward modeling is carried out, and the modeling results show that effective elastic thickness is a key parameter to control basin’s geometry. (4) We simulate divergent upwelling mantle flow model using finite difference method, and apply this newly developed model to examine the formation mechanism of the northwest and central sub-basin in the SCS. (5) We inverse plate thickness and basal temperature of oceanic lithosphere using sea-floor ages and bathymetries of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic based on varied-parameters plate model, in which the heat conductivity, heat capacity and coefficient of thermal expansion depend on temperature or depth. A new empirical formula is put forward based the inversed parameters, which depicts the relation among sea-floor age, bathymetry and heat flow. Then various similar empirical formulae, including the newly developed one, are applied to examine the sea-floor spread issue in the SCS based on the heat flow and bathymetry data of the abyssal sub-basin.


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Since the discovery of coesite-bearing eclogites in Dabie and Sulu region over ten years ago, the Dabie collisional orogen has been the "hot-spot" across the world. While many great progresses have been made for the last decade in the researches on the Dabie and Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks in the following fields, such as, petrology, mineralogy, isotope chronology, and geochemistry, the study of the structural geology on the Dabie orogen is still in great need. Thrust and nappe tectonics commonly developed in any collisional orogenic belt during the syncollisional process of the orogen. It is the same as the Dabic collisional orogen is concerned. The paper put much stress on the thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabic orogenic belt, which have been seldom systematically studied before. The geometric features including the division and the spatial distribution of various thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabie orogen have been first studied, which is followed by the detailed studies on their kinematic characteristics in different scales varying from regional tectonics to microtectonics. In the thesis, new deformation ages have been obtained by the isotopic methods of ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr minerals-whole rock isochrons on the mylonites formed in three ductile shear zones which bounded three different major nappes in the Dabie collisional orogenic belt. And the petrological, geochemical characteristics of some metamorphic rocks as well as the geotectonics of their protoliths, which have also deformed in the ductile shear zone, are analyzed and discussed. In the paper, twelve nappes in the Dabie orogen are first divided, which are bounded by various important NWW or NW-strike faults and three NNE-strike faults. They are Shangcheng Nappe, Huoshan Nappe, Yuexi Nappe, Yingshanjian-Hengzhong Nappe, Huangzhen Nappe, Xishui-Huangmei Nappe, Zhoudang Nappe, Suhe-Huwan Nappe, Xinxian Nappe, Hong'an Nappe, Mulan Nappe and Hhuangpi-Susong Nappe. In the Dabie orogen, three types of thrust and nappe tectonics belonging to two stages have been confirmed. They are: (1) early stage ductile thrust -nappe tectonics which movement direction was top-to-the-south; (2) late stage brittle to ductile-brittle thrust-nappe tectonics which are characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-north and top-to-the-south; (3) the third type also belongs to the late stage which also characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-east and top-to-the-west, and related to the strike-slip movement. The deformation ages of both Wuhe-Shuihou ductile shear zone and Taihu-Mamiao ductile shear zone have been dated by ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar method. ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau ages of biotite and mica from the mylonites in these two shear zones are 219.57Ma and 229.12Ma. The plateau ages record the time of ductile deformation of the ductile shear zones, which made the concerned minerals of the mylonites exhume from amphibolite facies to the middle-upper crustal conditions by the early stage ductile thrust-nappe tectonics. The mineral isochons of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr dating on the same mylonite sample of the metamafic rocks are 156.5Ma and 124.56Ma respectively. The two isochron ages suggest that the mylonitic rock strongly deformed in the amphilbolite facies at 156Ma and then exhumed to the upper crustal green schist condition at 124Ma with the activities of the Quiliping-Changlinggang ductile shear zone which bounded to the southen edge of Xinxian Nappe. Studies of the petrological and geochemical characteristics of some meta-mafic rocks and discussion on the geotectonics of their protoliths indicate that their protoliths were developped in an island arc or back-arc basin or active continental margin in which calc-alkline basalts formed. This means that arc-accretion orogeny had evolved in the margins of North china plate and/or Yangtze plate before these two plates directly collided with each other during the evolution process of Dabie orogen. Three-stage evolution of the thrust-nappe tectonics in Dabie collisional orogen has been induced based on the above-mentioned studies and previous work of others. And a possible 3-stage exhumation model (Thrust-Positive Flower Structure Model) has also been proposed.


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The biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a new type of natural gas genetic theory, and also an clean, effective and high quality energy with shallow burial depth, wide distribution and few investment. Meanwhile, this puts biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in important position to the energy resource and it is a challenging front study project. This paper introduces the concept, the present situation of study and developmental trend about biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in detail. Then by using heat simulating of source rocks and catalysis mechanism analysis in the laboratory and studying structural evolution, sedimentation, diagenesis and the conditions of accumulation formation and so on, this paper also discusses catalytic mechanism and evolutionary model of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas formation, and establishes the methods of appraisal parameter and resources prediction about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. At last, it shows that geochemical characteristics and differentiated mark of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas, and perfect natural gas genetic theory, and points out the conditions of accumulation formation, distribution characteristics and potential distribution region on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas m China. The paper mainly focuses on the formation mechanism and the resources potential about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Based on filed work, it is attached importance to a combination of macroscopic and microcosmic analysis, and the firsthand data are obtained to build up framework and model of the study by applying geologic theory. Based on sedimentary structure, it is expounded that structural actions have an effect on filling space and developmental cource of sediments and evolution of source rocks. Carried out sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary system and diagenesis and so on, it is concluded that diagenesis influences developmental evolution of source rocks, and basic geologic conditions of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Applying experiment simulating and catalytic simulating as well as chemical analysis, catalytic mechanism of clay minerals is discussed. Combined diagenecic dynamics with isotope fractionation dynamics, it is established that basis and method of resource appraisal about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. All these results effectively assess and predict oil&gas resources about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas-bearing typical basin in China. I read more than 170 volumes on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas and complete the dissertation' summary with some 2.4 ten thousand words, draw up study contents in some detail and set up feasible experimental method and technologic course. 160 pieces of samples are obtained in oilfield such as Liaohe, Shengli, Dagang and Subei and so on, some 86 natural gas samples and more than 30 crude oil samples. Core profiles about 12 wells were observed and some 300 geologic photos were taken. Six papers were published in the center academic journal at home and abroad. Collected samples were analysised more than 1000 times, at last I complete this dissertation with more than 8 ten thousand words, and with 40 figures and 4 plates. According to these studies, it is concluded the following results and understandings. 1. The study indicates structural evolution and action of sedimentary basin influence and control the formation and accumulation the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Then, the structural action can not only control accommodation space of sediments and the origin, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon matters, but also can supply the origin of energy for hygrocarbon matters foramtion. 2. Sedimentary environments of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas are lake, river and swamp delta- alluvial fan sedimentary systems, having a warm, hot and humid climate. Fluctuation of lake level is from low to high., frequency, and piling rate of sedimentary center is high, which reflect a stable depression and rapidly filling sedimentary course, then resulting in source rocks with organic matter. 3. The paper perfects the natural gas genetic theory which is compound and continuous. It expounds the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a special gas formation stage in continuous evolutionary sequence of organic matter, whose exogenic force is temperture and catalysis of clay minerals, at the same time, having decarbxylation, deamination and so on. 4. The methodology is established which is a combination of SEM, TEM and Engery spectrum analysis to identify microstructure of crystal morphology about clay minerals. Using differential thermal-chromatographic analysis, it can understand that hydrocarbon formation potential of different typies kerogens and catalytic method of all kinds of mineral matrix, and improve the surface acidity technology of clay minerals measured by the pyridine analytic method. 5. The experiments confirm catalysis of clay minerals to organic matter hygrocarbon formation. At low temperature (<300 ℃), there is mainly catalysis of montmorillonite, which can improve 2-3 times about produced gas of organic matters and the pyrolyzed temperature decreased 50 ℃; while at the high temperature, there is mainly catalysis of illite which can improve more than 2 times about produced gas of organic matters. 6. It is established the function relationship between organic matter (reactant) concentration and temperature, pressure, time, water and so on, that is C=f (D, t). Using Rali isotope fractionation effect to get methane isotope fractionation formula. According to the relationship between isotope fractionation of diagenesis and depth, and combined with sedimentary rate of the region, it is estimated that relict gas of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in the representative basin. 7. It is revealed that hydrocarbon formation mechanism of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly from montmorillonite to mixed minerals during diagenesis. In interlayer, a lot of Al~(3+) substitute for Si~(4+), resulting in a imbalance between surface charge and interlayer charge of clay minerals and the occurrence of the Lewis and Bronsted acid sites, which promote to form the carbon cation. The cation can form alkene or small carbon cation. 8. It is addressed the comprehensive identification mark of the biothermo - catalytic transitional zone gas. In the temproal-spatial' distribution, its source rocks is mainly Palaeogene, secondly Cretaceous and Jurassic of Mesozoic, Triassic, having mudy rocks and coal-rich, their organic carbon being 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. The vitrinite reflection factor in source rocks Ro is 0.3-0.65%, a few up to 0.2%. The burial depth is 1000-3000m, being characterized by emerge of itself, reservoir of itself, shallow burial depth. In the transitional zone, from shallow to deep, contents of montmorillonites are progressively reduced while contents of illites increasing. Under SEM, it is observed that montmorillonites change into illite.s, firstly being mixed illite/ montmorillonite with burr-like, then itlite with silk-like. Carbon isotope of methane in the biothermocatatytic transitional zone gas , namely δ~(13)C_1-45‰- -60 ‰. 9. From the evolutionary sequence of time, distribution of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly oil&gas bearing basin in the Mesozoic-Neozoic Era. From the distribution region, it is mainly eastern stuctural active region and three large depressions in Bohaiwang basin. But most of them are located in evolutionary stage of the transitional zone, having the better relationship between produced, reservoir and seal layers, which is favorable about forming the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas reservoir, and finding large gas (oil) field.


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Kunyushan composite granite pluton is located in northeast part of the Sulu UHP collisional belt, Jiaodong peninsula, eastern China. It is regarded as the boundary of the Jiaodong block and the Sulu UHP collisional belt. The body is unique in the Dabieshan-Sulu UHP collisional orogen for its feature of multiple intrusions of diverse types granitoid rocks in a long span after UHP the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates in late Triassic. It can be grouped into four series on the basis of petrology and petrochemistry. They are mid-K calc-alkaline granitoids, strongly peraluminous granites, high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and syenitic granite of shoshonitic series. In this thesis, the later three types of rocks are investigated geochronologically in detail. The grain zircon U-Pb isotope dilution dating technique has been employed in this study. Zircon morphology are presented and discussion on the chemical and physical conditions of the granite formation have been carried out in addtion. Strongly peraluminous granites comprises foliated monzogranite and garnet bearing leucogranite. They occupy more than half of the area of the Kunyushan composite body. Three zircon samples of foliated monzogranites have been analyzed, they yield lower intercept ages mainly in the range of 140-150 Ma. The formation of these rocks was likely to be at 700-600 ℃, implied by zircon morphology. Two zircon samples of the garnet bearing leucogranite yield lower intercept ages from 130 Ma to 140 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of the magma was about 750 °C. Syenitic granite of shoshonitic series occur in the north central part of the body, and the volume is quite small contrast to other types. One zircon sample was chosen from this rock, and yield lower intercept age of 121+1.8/-2.1 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of this rock is up to 900 °C, which is much higher than others'. High-K calc-alkaline granitoids can be divided into two types on the basis of rock texture and structure. One is Kf-porphyritic monzogranite. It's outcrop is quite small. Zircon ages of one sample constrain the emplacement of this rock at about 112 Ma. The other is medium-grain to coarse-grain monzogranite. Zircons from it yield lower intercept age of 100.5+2.9/-4.6 Ma. The variation of zircon morphology suggest that these two monzogranites were outcomes of a single magma at different stage. The former emplaced earlier than the latter. The liquidus temperature of the magma was about 800 ℃ Inherited zircon is ubiquitous in the Kunyushan composite body. Most of the samples yield upper intercept ages of late Proterozoic. It was considered that only the Yangtze plate underwent a crustal growth during late Proterozoic among the two plates which involved into the UHP collision. Inherited zircon of about 200 Ma can also be observed in strongly peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Two samples out of eight yield upper intercept ages of Achaean.


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The Dabie Mountains is a collisional orogenic belt between the North China and Yantze Continental plates. It is the eastern elongation of the Tongbai and Qingling orogen, and is truncated at its east end by the Tan-Lu fault. Jadeite-quartzite belt occurs in the eastern margin of UHPMB from the Dabie Mountains. Geochemical features indicate that the protoliths of the jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite to be supracrustal rocks. The occurrence of micro-inclusions of coesite in jadeite and garnet confirmed that the continental crust can be subducted to great depth (8 0-100km) and then exhumed rapidly with its UHP mineral signature fairly preserved. Therefore, study of UHP jadeite-quartzite provides important information on subduction of continental crustal rocks and their exhumation histories, as well as the dynamics of plate tectonic processes at convergent margins. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the presence of hydrous component in the jadeite-quartzite belt, significant natural variations in the hydrous component content of UHP minerals and to discuss the role of water in petrology, geochemistry and micro-tectonic. On the basis of our previous studies, some new geological evidences have been found in the jadeite-quartzite belt by researches on petrography, mineralogy, micro-tectonic, hydrous component content of UHP minerals and combined with the study on rheology of materials using microprob, ER, TEM. By research and analysis of these phenomenona, the results obtained are as follows: 1. The existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. Jadeites, omphacite, garnet, rutile, coesite and quartz from the jadeite-quartzite belt have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and TEM. Results show that all of these minerals contain trace amount of water which occur as hydroxyl and free-water in these minerals. The two-type hydrous components in UHP minerals are indicated stable in the mantle-depth. The results demonstrated that these ultra-high pressure metamorphic minerals, which were derived from continental crust protoliths, they could bring water into the mantle depth during the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The clusters of water molecules within garnet are very important evidence of the existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. It indicated that the metamorphic system was not "dry"during the ultra-high pressure stage. 2.The distribution of hydrous component in UHP minerals of jadeite-quartzite. The systematic distribution of hydrous components in UHP minerals are a strong indication that water in these minerals, are controlled by some factors and that the observed variations are not of a random nature. The distribution and concentration of hydrous component is not only correlated with composition of minerals, but also a function of geological environment. Therefore, the hydrous component in the minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transported water molecules with decreasing pressure during their exhumation. And these water molecules can not only promote the deformation of jadeite through hydrolytic weakening, but also may be the part of the retrograde metamorphic fluid. 3.The role of water in the deformed UHP minerals. The jadeite, omphacite, garnet are strong elongated deformation in the jadeite-quartzite from the Dabie Mountains. They are (1) they are developed strong plastic deformation; (2) developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall; (3) the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet; and (4) the evolution of micero-tectonic from clusters of water molecular-dislocation loop in omphacite. That indicated that the water weakening controlled the mechanism of deformed minerals. Because the data presented here are not only the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet, but also developed strong elongation, high density of dislocation and high aspect ratios, adding microprobe data demonstrate the studied garnet crystals no compositional zoning. Therefore, this indicates that the diffusion process of the grain boundary mobility did not take place in these garnets. On the basis of above features, we consider that it can only be explained by plastic deformation of the garnets. The clusters of water molecules present in garnet was directly associated with mechanical weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of garnet by glissile dislocations. Investigate of LPO, strain analysis, TEM indicated that these clinopyroxenes developed strong elongation, high aspect ratios, and developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall and free dislocations. These indicated that the deformation mechanism of the clinopyroxenes plastically from the Dabie Mountains is dominant dislocation creep under the condition of the UHP metamorphic conditions. There are some bubbles with dislocation loops attached to them in the omphacite crystal. The bubbles attached to the dislocation loops sometimes form a string of bubble beads and some loops are often connected to one another via a common bubble. The water present in omphacite was directly associated with hydrolitic weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of omphacite by dislocations. The role of water in brittle deformation. Using microscopy, deformation has been identified as plastic deformation and brittle deformation in UHP minerals from the Dabie Mountains. The study of micro-tectonic on these minerals shows that the brittle deformation within UHP minerals was related to local stresses. The brittle deformation is interpreted as being caused by an interaction of high fluid pressure, volume changes. The hydroxyl within UHP minerals transported water molecules with decreasing pressure due to their exhumation. However, under eclogite facies conditions, the litho-static pressure is extreme, but a high fluid pressure will reduce the effective stress and make brittle deformation possible. The role of water in prograde metamorphism. Geochemical research on jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite show that the protoliths of these rocks are supracrustal rocks. With increasing of temperature and pressure, the chlorite, biotite, muscovite was dehydrous reaction and released hydrous component during the subduction of continental lithosphere. The supracrustal rocks were transformed UHP rocks and formed UHP facies assemblage promotely by water introduction, and was retained in UHP minerals as hydrous component. The water within UHP minerals may be one of the retrograde metamorphic fluids. Petrological research on UHP rocks of jadeite-quartzite belt shows that there was existence of local fluids during early retrograde metamorphism. That are: (1) coronal textures and symplectite around relict UHP minerls crystals formed from UHP minerls by hydration reactions; (2) coronal textures of albite around ruitle; and (3) micro-fractures in jadeite or garnet were filled symplectite of Amp + PI + Mt. That indicated that the reactions of early retrograde metamorphism dependent on fluid introduction. These fluids not only promoted retrograde reaction of UHP minerals, but also were facilitate to diffuse intergranular and promote growth in minerals. Therefore, the hydrous component in the UHP minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transport water molecules with decreasing pressure and may take part in the retrograde metamorphic fluid during their exhumation. 7. The role of water in geochemistry of UHP jadeite-quartzite. Geochemical research show that there are major, trace and rare earth element geochemical variations in the jadeite-quartzite from the Changpu district of Dabie Mountains, during retrograde metamorphic processes from the jadeite-quartzite--gneiss. The elements such as SiO_2、FeO、Ba、Zr、Ga、La、Ce、PTN Nd% Sm and Eu increase gradually from the jadeite-quartzite to retrograded jadeite-quartzite and to gneiss, whilst TiO_2. Na_2CK Fe2O_3、Rb、Y、Nb、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb decrease gradually. And its fO_2 keep nearly unchanged during early retrograde metamorphism, but decreased obviously during later retrograde metamorphism. These indicate that such changes are not only controlled by element transformation between mineralogical phases, but also closely relative to fluid-rock interaction in the decompression retrograde metamorphic processes.


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As the largest and highest plateau on the Earth, the Tibetan Plateau has been a key location for understanding the processes of mountain building and plateau formation during India-Asia continent-continent collision. As the front-end of the collision, the geological structure of eastern Tibetan Plateau is very complex. It is ideal as a natural laboratory for investigating the formation and evolution of the Tibetan Plateau. Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) carried out MT survey from XiaZayii to Qingshuihe in the east part of the plateau in 1998. After error analysis and distortion analysis, the Non-linear Conjugate Gradient inversion(NLCG), Rapid Relaxation Inversin (RRI) and 2D OCCAM Inversion algorithms were used to invert the data. The three models obtained from 3 algorithms provided similar electrical structure and the NLCG model fit the observed data better than the other two models. According to the analysis of skin depth, the exploration depth of MT in Tibet is much more shallow than in stable continent. For example, the Schmucker depth at period 100s is less than 50km in Tibet, but more than 100km in Canadian Shield. There is a high conductivity layer at the depth of several kilometers beneath middle Qiangtang terrane, and almost 30 kilometers beneath northern Qiangtang terrane. The sensitivity analysis of the data predicates that the depth and resistivity of the crustal high conductivity layer are reliable. The MT results provide a high conductivity layer at 20~40km depth, where the seismic data show a low velocity zone. The experiments show that the rock will dehydrate and partially melt in the relative temperature and pressure. Fluids originated from dehydration and partial melting will seriously change rheological characteristics of rock. Therefore, This layer with low velocity and high conductivity layer in the crust is a weak layer. There is a low velocity path at the depth of 90-110 km beneath southeastern Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas from seismology results. The analysis on the temperature and rheological property of the lithosphere show that the low velocity path is also weak. GPS measurements and the numerical simulation of the crust-mantle deformation show that the movement rate is different for different terranes. The regional strike derived from decomposition analysis for different frequency band and seismic anisotropy indicate that the crust and upper mantle move separately instead of as a whole. There are material flow in the eastern and southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, the faults, the crustal and upper mantle weak layers are three different boundaries for relatively movement. Those results support the "two layer wedge plates" geodynamic model on Tibetan formation and evolution.


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With the improving of mantle convection theory, the developing of computing method and increasing of the measurement data, we can numerically simulate more clearly about the effects on some geophysical observed phenomenons such as the global heat flow and global lithospheric stress field in the Earth's surface caused by mantle convection, which is the primary mechanism for the transport of heat from the Earth's deep interior to its surface and the underlying force mechanism of dynamics in the Earth.Chapter 1 reviews the historical background and present research state of mantle convection theory.In Chapter 2, the basic conception of thermal convection and the basic theory about mantle flow.The effects on generation and distribution of global lithospheric stres s field induced by mantle flow are the subject of Chapter 3. Mantle convection causes normal stress and tangential stresses at the bottom of the lithosphere, and then the sublithospheric stress field induces the lithospheric deformation as sixrface force and results in the stress field within the lithosphere. The simulation shows that the agreement between predictions and observations is good in most regions. Most of subduction zones and continental collisions are under compressive. While ocean ridges, such as the east Pacific ridge, the Atlantic ridge and the east African rift valley, are under tensile. And most of the hotspots preferentially occur in regions where calculated stress is tensile. The calculated directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are largely in accord with that of the observation except for some regions such as the NW-Pacifie subduction zone and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in which the directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are different. It shows that the mantel flow plays an important role in causing or affecting the large-scale stress field within the lithosphere.The global heat flow simulation based on a kinematic model of mantle convection is given in Chapter 4. Mantle convection velocities are calculated based on the internal loading theory at first, the velocity field is used as the input to solve the thermal problem. Results show that calculated depth derivatives of the near surface temperature are closely correlated to the observed surface heat flow pattern. Higher heat flow values around midocean ridge systems can be reproduced very well. The predicted average temperature as a function of function of depth reveals that there are two thermal boundary layers, one is close to the surface and another is close to the core-mantle boundary, the rest of the mantle is nearly isothermal. Although, in most of the mantle, advection dominates the heat transfer, the conductive heat transfer is still locally important in the boundary layers and plays an important role for the surface heat flow pattern. The existence of surface plates is responsible for the long wavelength surface heat flow pattern.In Chapter 5, the effects on present-day crustal movement in the China Mainland resulted from the mantle convection are introduced. Using a dynamic method, we present a quantitative model for the present-day crustal movement in China. We consider not only the effect of the India-Eurasia collision, the gravitational potential energy difference of the Tibet Plateau, but also the contribution of the shear traction on the bottom of the lithosphere induced by the global mantle convection. The comparison between our results and the velocity field obtained from the GPS observation shows that our model satisfactorily reproduces the general picture of crustal deformation in China. Numerical modeling results reveal that the stress field on the base of the lithosphere induced by the mantle flow is probably a considerable factor that causes the movement and deformation of the lithosphere in continental China with its eflfcet focuing on the Eastern China A numerical research on the small-scale convection with variable viscosity in the upper mantle is introduced in Chapter 6. Based on a two-dimensional model, small-scale convection in the mantle-lithosphere system with variable viscosity is researched by using of finite element method. Variation of viscosity in exponential form with temperature is considered in this paper The results show that if viscosity is strongly temperature-dependent, the upper part of the system does not take a share in the convection and a stagnant lid, which is identified as lithosphere, is formed on the top of system because of low temperature and high viscosity. The calculated surface heat flow, topography and gravity anomaly are associated well with the convection pattern, namely, the regions with high heat flow and uplift correspond to the upwelling flow, and vice versa.In Chapter 7, we give a brief of future research subject: The inversion of lateral density heterogeneity in the mantle by minimizing the viscous dissipation.


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The foreland basin on the northern margin of the lower reach of the Yangtze river (the lower Yangtze foreland basin) is tectonically situated in the basin-mountain transitional area along the southeastern flank of the Dabie mountains. The early formation and development of the basin is closely related to the open-up of the Mian-Lue paleo-oceanic basin on the southern margin of the Central Orogenic System represented by Qinling-Dabei orogenic belt, while the tectonic evolution of the middle-late stage of the basin is mainly related to development of the Mian-Lue tectonic zone that occurred on the basis of the previous Mian-Lue paleo-suture. The foreland basin of the northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river was formed during the middle-Triassic collision between the Yangtze and North China plates and experienced an evolution of occuirence-development-extinction characterized by marine facies to continental facies and continental margin to intracontinent in terms of tectonic setting.The foreland basin (T2-J2) was developed on the basis of the passive continental marginal basin on the south side of the Mian-Lue paleo-ocean and superimposed by late Jurassic-Tertiary fault basin. The tectonic setting underwent a multiple transformation of rifting-collisional clososing-tensional faulting and depression, which resulted in changes of the property for the basin and the final formation of the superposed compose basin in a fashion of 3-story-building. According to the tectonic position and evolution stages of plate collision happening on the southeastern margin of the Dabie mountains, and tectono-tratigraphic features shown by the foreland basin in its main formational period, the evolution of the foreland basin can be divided into four stages: 1) pre-orogenic passive margin (P2-Ti). As the Mian-Lue ocean commenced subduction in the late-Permian, the approaching of the Yangtze and North China plates to each other led to long-periodical and large-scale marine regression in early Triassic which was 22 Ma earlier than the global one and generated I-type mixed strata of the clastic rocks and carbonate, and I-type carbonate platform. These represent the passive stratigraphy formed before formation of the foreland basin. 2) Foreland basin on continental margin during main orogenic episode (T2.3). The stage includes the sub-stage of marine foreland basin (T2X remain basin), which formed I-type stratigrphy of carbonate tidal flat-lagoon, the sub-stage of marine-continental transition-molasse showing II-type stratigraphy of marine-continental facies lake - continental facies lake. 3) Intracontinental foreland basin during intracontinental orogeny (Ji-2)- It is characterized by continental facies coal-bearing molasses. 4) Tensional fault and depression during post-orogeny (J3-E). It formed tectono-stratigraphy post formation of the foreland basin, marking the end of the foreland evolution. Fold-thrust deformation of the lower Yangtze foreland basin mainly happened in late middle-Jurassic, forming ramp structures along the Yangtze river that display thrusting, with deformation strength weakening toward the river from both the Dabie mountains and the Jiangnan rise. This exhibits as three zones in a pattern of thick-skinned structure involved the basement of the orogenic belt to decollement thin-skinned structure of fold-thrust from north to south: thrust zone of foreland basin on northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river, foreland basin zone and Jiannan compose uplift zone. Due to the superposed tensional deformation on the earlier compressional deformation, the structural geometric stratification has occurred vertically: the upper part exhibits late tensional deformation, the middle portion is characterized by ramp fault -fold deformation on the base of the Silurian decollement and weak deformation in the lower portion consisting of Silurian and Neo-Proterozoic separated by the two decollements. These portions constitutes a three-layered structural assemblage in a 3-D geometric model.From the succession of the lower reach of the Yangtze river and combined with characteristics of hydrocarbon-bearing rocks and oil-gas system, it can be seen that the succession of the continental facies foreland basin overlies the marine facies stratigraphy on the passive continental margin, which formed upper continental facies and lower marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system possessing the basic conditions for oil-gas occurrence. Among the conditions, the key for oil-gas accumulation is development and preservation of the marine hydrocarbon-bearing rocks underlying the foreland basin. The synthetic study that in the lower Yangtze foreland basin (including the Wangjiang-Qianshan basin), the generation-reservoir-cover association with the Permian marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rocks as the critical portion can be a prospective oil-gas accumulation.Therefore, it should aim at the upper Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system in oil-gas evaluation and exploration. Also, fining excellent reservoir phase and well-preserved oil-gas accumulation units is extremely important for a breakthrough in oil-gas exploration.