169 resultados para Otindag Sand Land
Water film can serve as a sliding surface and cause landslides on gentle slopes. The development of "water film" in saturated sand is analyzed numerically and theoretically based on a quasi-three-phase model. It is shown that stable water films initiate and grow if the choking state (where the fluid velocity decreases to near zero) remains steady in a liquefied sand column. Discontinuity can occur in pore water velocity, grain velocity and pore pressure after the initiation of a water film. However, the discontinuity and water film can disappear once the choking state is changed. The key to the formation of water film is the choking in the sand column caused by eroded fine grains.
Particle velocity distribution in a blowing sand cloud is a reflection of saltation movement of many particles. Numerical analysis is performed for particle velocity distribution with a discrete particle model. The probability distributions of resultant particle velocity in the impact-entrainment process, particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights and the vertical velocity of ascending particles are analyzed. The probability distributions of resultant impact and lift-off velocities of saltating particles can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact angle comply with an exponential function. The probability distribution of particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights shows a typical single-peak pattern. In the lower part of saltation layer, the particle horizontal velocity distribution is positively skewed. Further analysis shows that the probability density function of the vertical velocity of ascending particles is similar to the right-hand part of a normal distribution function, and a general equation is acquired for the probability density function of non-dimensional vertical velocity of ascending particles which is independent of diameter of saltating particles, wind strength and height. These distributions in the present numerical analysis are consistent with reported experimental results. The present investigation is important for understanding the saltation state in wind-blown sand movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sand storm is a serious environmental threat to humans. Sand particles are transported by saltation and suspension, causing soil erosion in one place and deposition in another. In order to prevent and predict sand storms, the causes and the manners of particle motions must be studied in detail. In this paper a standard k-epsilon model is used for the gas phase simulation and the discrete element method (DEM) is used to predict the movements of particles using an in-house procedure. The data are summarized in an Eulerian-Eulerian regime after simulation to get the statistical particle Reynolds stress and particle collision stress. The results show that for the current case the Reynolds stress and the air shear stress predominate in the region 20-250 mm above the initial sand bed surface. However, in the region below 3 mm, the collision stress must be taken into account in predicting particle movement. (C) 2010 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A three-dimensional CFD-DEM model is proposed to investigate the aeolian sand movement. The results show that the mean particle horizontal velocity can be expressed by a power function of heights. The probability distribution of the impact and lift-off velocities of particles can be described by a log-normal function, and that of the impact and lift-off angles can be expressed by an exponential function. The probability distribution of particle horizontal velocity at different heights can be described as a lognormal function, while the probability distribution of longitudinal and vertical velocity can be described as a normal function. The comparison with previous two-dimensional calculations shows that the variations of mean particle horizontal velocity along the heights in two-dimensional and three-dimensional models are similar. However, the mean particle density of the two-dimensional model is larger than that in reality, which will result in the overestimation of sand transportation rate in the two-dimensional calculation. The study also shows that the predicted probability distributions of particle velocities are in good agreement with the experimental results.
中国拥有92466 Km2的各类高原湿地,具有湿地退化、过度放牧等相似特征,保护与利用矛盾突出。高寒湿地保护区尽管在制度上以核心区、缓冲区来约束当地的放牧等外来干扰行为,但在实际管理中却不能起到应有的作用。 本研究以四川若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区为例,应用3S技术,建立保护区多功能动态分区工作流模型,通过不同植被类型的识别和空间特征分析、不同动物类群在上述植被生境中的时空分布特征分析、保护区主要干扰因素的时空分布特征分析,突出对保护区主要保护对象(湿地生态系统)的保护,对保护区进行管理分区,依据野生动物利用特征和植被生长特征对核心区进行年周期动态利用,缓解保护与发展的矛盾,促进保护区的优化管理。 应用归一化植被指数(NDVI)与植被盖度的相关性,将归一化植被指数(NDVI)转化为植被盖度指数(MDVI),结合保护区牧场划分和时空利用特征专家经验,结果表明,MDVI值在1-139之间主要代表着水体、裸地、沙地等;MDVI140-256为草地和高山灌丛;MDVI210是当地夏牧场和秋冬牧场的划分区间值。 合理的区划需要资金、技术和政策的支持,为保证保护区多核心动态分区的实施,本研究提出了生态工程、牧业发展方式转变、湿地特色产业发展、湿地政策、社区参与和科技支撑等六大保障措施。 In China, 92466 Km2 highland or frigid wetlands are (were) facing major management problems, such as wetland degradation and overgazing. Conflict between conservation and utilization on those wetlands can be found anywhere today. Although many nature reserves have been setup for protection of frigid wetland, and core and buffer zone has been declared to forbid any kinds of disturbance, local farmers still use these areas for grazing. As an example by Sichuan Roige Wetlands National Nature Reserve(SRWNRR), we set up a 3S flow model to analyze the character of year-round distribution patters of vegetation, wildlife, and grazing. Combined and overlapped these characters together, we select multi-core zone and buffer zone, then define a dynamic management period in different zone to optimize protection wetland in the reserve. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI)is highly related with coverage of vegetation. When convert NDVI to MDVI (coverage index, 1-256), index 139 and 210 can be as inflexion to distinguish among water/sand/bared land, summer pasture, and autumn / winter pasture. We use these to select different layers and analyze grazing pattern. To be more realistic, we put forward some strategies to support our multi-core and dynamic management of wetland in Roige, including ecological restoration engineering, changing of stock raising industry, changing of wetland policy, community based management and technology renovation supports.