192 resultados para Orbiting geophysical observatories.


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We detected the responses of summertime extreme wave heights (H-top10, average of the highest 10% of significant wave heights in June, July and August) to local climate variations in the East China Sea by applying an empirical orthogonal function analysis to Htop10 derived from the WAVEWATCH- III wave model driven by 6 hourly sea surface wind fields from ERA-40 reanalysis over the period 1958-2002. Decreases in H-top10 in the northern East China Sea ( Yellow Sea) correspond to attenuation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, while increases in the south are primarily due to enhancement of tropical cyclone activities in the western North Pacific.


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A new wave retrieval method for the Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (AT-InSAR) phase image is presented. The new algorithm, named parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA), uses the full nonlinear mapping relations. It differs from previous retrieval algorithms in that it does not require a priori information about the sea state or the wind vector from scatterometer data. Instead, it combines the observed AT-InSAR phase spectrum and assumed wind vector to estimate the wind sea spectrum. The method has been validated using several C-band and X-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR observations collocated with spectral buoy measurements. In this paper, X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images of ocean waves are first used to study AT-InSAR wave imaging fidelity. The resulting phase spectra are quantitatively compared with forward-mapped in situ directional wave spectra collocated with the AT-InSAR observations. Subsequently, we combine the parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA) with X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images to retrieve ocean wave spectra. The results show that the ocean wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights estimated from the retrieved ocean wave spectra are in agreement with the buoy measurements.


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C band RADARSAT-2 fully polarimetric (fine quad-polarization mode, HH+VV+HV+VH) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are used to validate ocean surface waves measurements using the polarimetric SAR wave retrieval algorithm, without estimating the complex hydrodynamic modulation transfer function, even under large radar incidence angles. The linearly polarized radar backscatter cross sections (RBCS) are first calculated with the copolarization (HH, VV) and cross-polarization (HV, VH) RBCS and the polarization orientation angle. Subsequently, in the azimuth direction, the vertically and linearly polarized RBCS are used to measure the wave slopes. In the range direction, we combine horizontally and vertically polarized RBCS to estimate wave slopes. Taken together, wave slope spectra can be derived using estimated wave slopes in azimuth and range directions. Wave parameters extracted from the resultant wave slope spectra are validated with colocated National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoy measurements (wave periods, wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights) and are shown to be in good agreement.


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In this paper, we present a simple spring-block model for ocean internal waves based on the self-organized criticality (SOC). The oscillations of the water blocks in the model display power-law behavior with an exponent of -2 in the frequency domain, which is similar to the current and sea water temperature spectra in the actual ocean and the universal Garrett and Munk deep ocean internal wave model [Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 2(1972) 225; J. Geophys. REs. 80 (1975) 291]. The influence of the ratio of the driving force to the spring coefficient to SOC behaviors in the model is also discussed.


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We present a new nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (AT-INSAR) image spectrum. The AT-INSAR, which is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) employing two antennas displaced along the platform's flight direction, is considered to be a better instrument for imaging ocean waves than the SAR. This is because the AT-INSAR yields the phase spectrum and not only the amplitude spectrum as with the conventional SAR. While the SAR and AT-INSAR amplitude spectra depend strongly on the modulation of the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) by the long ocean waves, which is poorly known, the phase spectrum depends only weakly on this modulation. By measuring the phase difference between the signals received by both antennas, AT-INSAR measures the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the ocean waves, which is related to the ocean wave height field by a well-known transfer function. The nonlinear integral transform derived in this paper differs from the one previously derived by Bao et al. [1999] by an additional term containing the derivative of the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the long ocean waves. By carrying out numerical simulations, we show that, in general, this additional term cannot be neglected. Furthermore, we present two new quasi-linear approximations to the nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the AT-INSAR phase spectrum.


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In this study we describe the velocity structure and transport of the North Equatorial Current (NEC), the Kuroshio, and the Mindanao Current (MC) using repeated hydrographic sections near the Philippine coast. A most striking feature of the current system in the region is the undercurrent structure below the surface flow. Both the Luzon Undercurrent and the Mindanao Undercurrent appear to be permanent phenomena. The present data set also provides an estimate of the mean circulation diagram (relative to 1500 dbar) that involves a NEC transport of 41 Sverdrups (Sv), a Kuroshio transport of 14 Sv, and a MC transport of 27 Sv, inducing a mass balance better than 1 Sv within the region enclosed by stations. The circulation diagram is insensitive to vertical displacements of the reference level within the depth range between 1500 and 2500 dbar. Transport fluctuations are, in general, consistent with earlier observations; that is, the NEC and the Kuroshio vary in the same phase with a seasonal signal superimposed with interannual variations, and the transport of the MC is dominated by a quasi-biennial oscillation. Dynamic height distributions are also examined to explore the dynamics of the current system.


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[ 1] Intraseasonal variability of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) during boreal winter is investigated by analyzing available data and a suite of solutions to an ocean general circulation model for 1998 - 2004. This period covers the QuikSCAT and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observations. Impacts of the 30 - 90 day and 10 - 30 day atmospheric intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) are examined separately, with the former dominated by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the latter dominated by convectively coupled Rossby and Kelvin waves. The maximum variation of intraseasonal SST occurs at 10 degrees S - 2 degrees S in the wintertime Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), where the mixed layer is thin and intraseasonal wind speed reaches its maximum. The observed maximum warming ( cooling) averaged over ( 60 degrees E - 85 degrees E, 10 degrees S - 3 degrees S) is 1.13 degrees C ( - 0.97 degrees C) for the period of interest, with a standard deviation of 0.39 degrees C in winter. This SST change is forced predominantly by the MJO. While the MJO causes a basin-wide cooling ( warming) in the ITCZ region, submonthly ISOs cause a more complex SST structure that propagates southwestward in the western-central basin and southeastward in the eastern ocean. On both the MJO and submonthly timescales, winds are the deterministic factor for the SST variability. Short-wave radiation generally plays a secondary role, and effects of precipitation are negligible. The dominant role of winds results roughly equally from wind speed and stress forcing. Wind speed affects SST by altering turbulent heat fluxes and entrainment cooling. Wind stress affects SST via several local and remote oceanic processes.


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Rossby waves are the most important waves in the atmosphere and ocean, and are parts of a large-scale system in fluid. The theory and observation show that, they satisfy quasi-geostrophic and quasi-static equilibrium approximations. In this paper, solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography in barotropic fluids with a shear flow are studied. In order to simplify the problem, the topography is taken as a linear function of latitude variable y, then employing a weakly nonlinear method and a perturbation method, a KdV (Korteweg-de Vries) equation describing evolution of the amplitude of solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography is derived. The results show that the variation of linear topography can induce the solitary Rossby waves in barotropic fluids with a shear flow, and extend the classical geophysical theory of fluid dynamics.


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[1] The evolution of freshwater plumes and the associated salinity fronts in the northern Bay of Bengal ( henceforth the bay) is studied using rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA). The results show that sea surface salinity distribution is featured by eastern-bay and western-bay plumes in the northern bay during different seasons. The western-bay plume begins in early July, peaks in late August, and then turns into a bay-shaped plume with the two plumes in either side of the bay, which peaks in late October. The southward extension of the western-bay plume can be explained by the southwestward geostrophic flow associated with the cyclonic gyre in the northern bay, which counters the northeastward Ekman drift driven by wind stress. The offshore expansion of the western-bay plume is induced by the offshore Ekman drift which also produces a salinity front near the east coast of India. The bay-shaped plume appears when the cyclonic gyre shifts westward and a weak anticyclonic gyre occupies the northeastern bay. As the season advances, the western part of the bay-shaped plume decays while the eastern part persists until the following June, which is believed to be associated with the anticyclonic gyre in the northern bay. The evolution of the plumes except the eastern part of the bay-shaped plume in fall can be partly explained by the seasonal variation of mass transport associated with the Sverdrup balance. The fact that the western-bay (eastern-bay) plume appears when surface freshwater flux in the northeastern bay increases ( decreases) dramatically suggests that the plumes are not produced directly by surface freshwater flux. River discharge seems to be the freshwater source for the plumes and has little to do with the evolution of the plumes.


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Anti-cyclonic eddies northwest of Luzon of the Philippines in summer-fall are identified in the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The generation and propagation of the anti-cyclonic eddies, which are confirmed by satellite ocean color data, are found to be a seasonal phenomenon that is phase-locked to the onset of the southwesterly monsoon and the relaxation of the cyclonic wind curl in the northeastern South China Sea. The eddies originate from northwest of Luzon in summer, move across the northeastern South China Sea to reach the China continental slope in fall, and propagate southwestward along the continental slope in fall-winter, inducing shelfbreak current variations in the western South China Sea in fall-winter. The anti-cyclonic eddy discovered by Li et al. (1998) in the northern South China Sea is found to originate from northwest of Luzon and carry primarily the South China Sea waters. It does not appear to be an eddy shed from the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait area as alluded by Li et al. (1998) and others.


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东海及邻域位于东亚大陆边缘,包括宽阔的陆架,相对较窄的陆坡和西太平洋典型的沟-弧-盆体系。这一地区地质结构、区域构造和形成演化的研究不仅对了解欧亚与太平洋二大板块间的相互作用和全球板块构造发展有重要意义;而且对于寻找丰富的油气和天然气水合物资源,维护我国海洋主权和权益,进行地质灾害预测,保护海洋环境,促进国民经济建设均具有重要意义;同时,对于探索印支运动以来亚洲东部大陆的构造演化也非常重要。独特的大地构造位置,丰富的矿产资源使其成为国内外地学研究的热点,也成为中日海洋划界,海洋主权与权益争夺的重要地区。 本文以《我国海域1:100万地质地球物理系列图编制》项目为依托,收集东海及邻域岩石物性资料,利用东海及邻域重力异常数据和磁力异常数据进行地球物理场特征分析,并进行重磁资料数据处理,主要有解析延拓和小波分析,同时反演了深部界面,包括莫霍面深度,地壳厚度,磁性基底深度和居里面深度,通过地质地球物理综合解释,进而研究区域地质特征和构造区划,并对东海的构造演化进行讨论。 利用东海及邻域最新重力数据进行解析延拓处理中,本文提出分区进行不同延拓高度的解析延拓处理,即从浙闽隆起到东海陆架盆地区,进行上延20km处理;从东海陆坡到琉球弧前盆地区,进行上延10km处理;从琉球海沟到菲律宾海区,进行上延5km处理,在此基础上获得了综合上延布格重力异常数据,并分析其变化规律。随着延拓高度的增加,浅部异常压制增大,异常曲线更加圆滑,深部构造特征更明显,东海布格重力异常自西向东的变化规律更清晰。经过计算统计,分区计算处理方法可行,所得结果可信。 小波分析是重磁场位场分解的有效工具,不仅能提取深部异常,还能更好地将区域异常和局部异常分离。利用东海及邻域最新的布格重力异常数据资料,将小波分析与解析延拓方法相结合,分析对比向上延拓20km的布格重力异常结果与小波分析4阶逼近布格重力异常结果,求取东海及邻域莫霍面的深度,并对重力场及莫霍面深度进行初步研究。其中小波4阶逼近结果代表莫霍面形态,小波4阶细节结果代表东海及邻域凹陷形态。 本文计算的东海莫霍面深度在12~34 km之间变化,莫霍面呈现两凹两凸形态,起伏变化很大。东海地壳厚度为6~34km,东海陆架地区地壳厚度变化与大陆地区相比并不明显,显著减薄开始于冲绳海槽地区,琉球岛弧处地壳厚度明显再度增加,认为东海地壳自西而东从陆壳-过渡壳-洋壳逐渐过渡的。 东海磁性基底主要为火山岩、变质岩和火成岩。磁性基底深度起伏变化较大,东海研究区磁性基底深度在4~12 km之间变化,在各个地区磁性基底深度变化不一,编制的磁性基底深度等值线图反映了磁性基底的展布。 东海居里面总体趋势由陆壳向洋壳变浅,整个东海海域居里面深度在14~29 km之间变化,深度等值线呈浑圆状,并且居里面不是单一的递增或递减的变化,而是呈现起伏变化的特征。 东海地区重磁异常最明显特征是沿NE或NNE向展布,是断裂与构造分带的综合反映。根据东海重磁异常图、莫霍面深度图、地壳厚度图、磁性基底深度图及居里面深度图的分析结果认为,东海总的区域构造背景为东西分带,南北分块。东西分带是印支运动以来的主要构造特征,是中生代以来欧亚板块与太平洋板块相互作用在东海地区的反映;南北分块是印支以前的主要构造特征,是早中生代以前中国陆核形成发育,块体多次结合分离,最终形成中国大陆这一过程的反映。自西向东划分为浙闽隆起区、东海陆架盆地、钓鱼岛岩浆岩带(东海陆坡)、冲绳海槽盆地、琉球隆褶区和菲律宾海盆六大构造单元。 本文应用最新的重力、磁力、地震和区域地质资料,在对物性进行了比较全面分析的基础上,利用先进的数据处理技术,首次提出了分区延拓处理方法和混合处理法,并在实际应用中取得非常好的效果;获得了东海及邻域莫霍面、居里面、磁性基底等几个主要深部界面,综合分析了各个界面的特点和相互之间的关系;进一步探讨了这一地区的深部地壳结构,为油气和天然气水合物等矿产资源调查与评价提供了新成果。


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To characterize evapotranspiration (ET) over grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, we examined ET and its relevant environmental variables in a Kobresia meadow from 2002 to 2004 using the eddy covariance method. The annual precipitation changed greatly, with 554, 706, and 666 mm a(-1) for the three consecutive calendar years. The annual ET varied correspondingly to the annual precipitation with 341, 407, and 426 mm a(-1). The annual ET was, however, constant at about 60% of the annual precipitation. About 85% annual ET occurred during the growing season from May to September, and the averaged ET for this period was 1.90, 2.23, and 2.22 mm/d, respectively for the three consecutive years. The averaged ET was, however, very low (< 0.40 mm/d) during the nongrowing season from October to April. The annual canopy conductance (gc) and the Priestley-Taylor coefficient (a) showed the lowest values in the year with the lowest precipitation. This study first demonstrates that the alpine meadow ecosystem is characterized by a low ratio of annual ET to precipitation and that the interannual variation of ET is determined by annual precipitation.


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We measured the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) in an alpine meadow ecosystem (latitude 37degrees29'-45'N, longitude 101degrees12'-23'E, 3250 m above sea level) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau throughout 2002 by the eddy covariance method to examine the carbon dynamics and budget on this unique plateau. Diurnal changes in gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R-e) showed that an afternoon increase of NEE was highly associated with an increase of R-e. Seasonal changes in GPP corresponded well to changes in the leaf area index and daily photosynthetic photon flux density. The ratio of GPP/R-e was high and reached about 2.0 during the peak growing season, which indicates that mainly autotrophic respiration controlled the carbon dynamics of the ecosystem. Seasonal changes in mean GPP and R-e showed compensatory behavior as reported for temperate and Mediterranean ecosystems, but those of GPP(max) and R-emax were poorly synchronized. The alpine ecosystem exhibited lower GPP (575 g C m(-2) y(-1)) than, but net ecosystem production (78.5 g C m(-2) y(-1)) similar to, that of subalpine forest ecosystems. The results suggest that the alpine meadow behaved as a CO2 sink during the 1-year measurement period but apparently sequestered a rather small amount of C in comparison with similar alpine ecosystems.


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[1] The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may play a significant role in the regional carbon cycle. To assess the CO2 flux and its relationship to environmental controls in the ecosystem, eddy covariance of CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes was measured with an open-path system in an alpine meadow on the plateau at an elevation of 3,250 m. Net ecosystem CO2 influx (Fc) averaged 8.8 g m(-2) day(-1) during the period from August 9 to 31, 2001, with a maximum of 15.9 g m(-2) day(-1) and a minimum of 2.3 g m(-2) day(-1). Daytime Fc averaged 16.7 g m(-2) day(-1) and ranged from 10.4 g m(-2) day(-1) to 21.7 g m(-2) day(-1) during the study period. For the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), gross CO2 uptake (Gc) was significantly higher on cloudy days than on clear days. However, mean daily Gc was higher on clear days than on cloudy days. With high PPFD, Fc decreased as air temperature increased from 10degreesC to 23degreesC. The greater the difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures, the more the sink was strengthened. Daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem (WUEe) was 8.7 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1); WUEe values ranged from 5.8 to 15.3 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1). WUEe increased with the decrease in vapor pressure deficit. Daily albedo averaged 0.20, ranging from 0.19 to 0.22 during the study period, and was negatively correlated with daily Fc. Our measurements provided some of the first evidence on CO2 exchange for a temperate alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is necessary for assessing the carbon budget and carbon cycle processes for temperate grassland ecosystems.


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Proven by the petroleum exploration activities, the karsts-fissure reservoir in carbonate rocks is significant to find out the large scale oil & gas field. They are made up of the four reservoir types: karsts-cave, karsts-crack, crack-cave and fracture-pore-cave. Each reservoir space and each reservoir bed has different features of reservoir heterogeneity and small scale of pore-crack-cave. The fracture-cave reservoir in carbonate rocks is characteristic by multi-types and long oiliness well. The reservoir shape is controlled by the irregular pore-crack-cave. The development level of fracture and karst-cave is the key element of hydrocarbon enriching, high productivity and stable production. However, most of Carbonate formation are buried deeply and the signal-ration-noise of seismic reflection are very low. It is reason why the fracture-cave reservoir are difficult to be predicted effectively. In terms of surveyed and studied lots of the former research outcome, The author applied the methods of synthetical reservoir geophysical prediction from two ways including macrosopic and microcomic technics in terms of the reservoir-cap condition, geophysics and geology feature and difficulty of prediction in carbonate rocks. It is guiden by the new ideas of stratigraphy, sedimentology, sedimentography, reservoir geology and karst geology. The geophysics technology is key technics. In aspects of macroscopic studies, starting off the three efficiencies of controlling the reservoir distribution including sedimental facies, karst and fracture, by means of comprehensive utilization of geology, geophysics, boring well and well log, the study of reservoir features and karst inside story are developed in terms of data of individual well and multiple well. Through establishing the carbonate deposition model, karstic model and fracture model, the macro-distribution laws of carbonatite are carried out by the study of coherence analysis, seismic reflection feature analysis and palaeotectonics analysis. In aspects of microcosmic studies, starting off analysis in reservoir geophysical response feature of fracture and karst-cave model according to guidance of the macroscopic geological model in carbonate reservoir, the methods of the carbonate reservoir prediction are developed by comprehensively utilization of seismic multi-attribution intersection analysis, seismic inversion restricted by log, seismic discontinuity analysis, seimic spectrum attenuation gradient, moniliform reflection feature analysis and multiparameter karst reservoir appraisement.Through application of carbonate reservoir synthetical geophysics prediction, the author r successfully develops the beneficial reservoir distribution province in Ordovician of Katake block 1in middle Tarim basin. The fracture-cave reservoir distributions are delineated. The prospect direction and favorable aims are demonstrated. There are a set of carbonate reservoir prediction methods in middle Tarim basin. It is the favorable basic technique in predicting reservoir of the Ordovician carbonate in middle Tarim. Proven by exploration drilling, the favorable region of moniliform reflection fracture and pore-cave and cave-fracture in lower-middle Ordovician are coincidence with the region of hydrocarbon show. It’s indicated that the reservoir prediction methods described in the study of Ordovician carbonate formation are feasible practicably.