113 resultados para Offshore oil and gas leases


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The main research area of this thesis is Jiyang Depression in the Bohaiwan Basin and its southern margin. The object formation is Ordovician carbonate. The research is based on the outcrop observation and measurement of Ordovician carbonate and the drilling data of the oilfield. The internal reservoir characteristics of carbonate buried hill and its distribution were studied by comprehensive methods of sedimentology, reservoir geology and structural geology and technics of cathodoluminescence(CL)3electron microprobe,casting and C O isotope analysis etc. The influence depth of paleokarst facies formed during the Paleozoic is discriminated as 36-84m. The sollution porosity is well developed in paleokarst facies of Ordovician carbonate and is an important type of internal reservoir of buried hill. It may be infered that the fractures may be formed mainly during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, they were not developed during the early Paleozoic when only micro-fractures might be created. The carbon and oxigen isotope analysis shows that the calcite cements in the fractures of Ordovician carbonate and secondary solution pores were related with meteoric water and three stages of fractures were divided. The reservoir space of Ordovician carbonate are mainly secondary porosity, cavern and fracture. The development of structural fracture was controlled by the lithology and tectonic background. More fractures exist in dolomite than that in limestone. There are also more fractures near the fault and the axis of fold. The development of porous reservoir is mainly controlled by the lithology and diagenesis, especially dolomitization and dissolution. It also results in the heterogeneity vertically. So the lithology is the basic factor for the forming of internal reservoir of buried hill and the tectogenesis and diagenesis are key factors to improve it. The porosity in carbonate might experienced solution-cementation-resolution or recementation. The porosity evolution history was a kind of historical dynamic equilibrium. The internal reservoir of Ordovician carbonate is the comprehensive result of constructive and/or destructive diagenesis. The worm's eye maps of the early Paleozoic and middle-upper Proterozoic were plotted. It was inferred that the paleostress field evoluted from NNW to NW during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Three types of buried hills can be divided: C-P/Pzi, Mz/ Pzi and E/ Pzi. The unconformity of the buried hill of E/ Pzi type, comparatively, was formed and reconstructed latestly, t he p orous r eservoir c ould b e w ell p reseved. T his c ondition w as v ery favorable t o t he migration and accumulation of oil and gas and could form upstanding association of source-reservoir-cap rocks. The buried hills of Mz/ Pzi and C-P/Pz] type were took second place.


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To deal with some key problems in multi-component seismic exploration, some methods are introduced in this thesis based on reading amounts of papers about multi-component seismic theories and methods. First, to find a solution for the detection of the fracture density and orientation in igneous, carbonate and shale reservoirs, a large amount of which exist in domestic oil fields with low exploration and development degree, a new fast and slow shear waves separation method called Ratio Method based on S-wave splitting theory is discussed in this thesis, through which the anisotropy coefficient as well as fracture parameters such as density and azimuthal angle can be acquired. Another main point in this thesis involves the application of seismic velocity ratio (Vp/Vs) to predict the Hthological parameters of subsurface medium. To deal with the unfeasibility of velocity ratio calculation method based on time ratio due to the usually low single-noise ratio of S-wave seismic data acquired on land, a new method based on detailed velocity analysis is introduced. Third, pre-stack Kirchhoff integral migration is a new method developed in recent years, through which both S and P component seismic data as well as amplitude ratio of P/S waves can be acquired. In this thesis, the research on untilizing the P and S wave sections as well as amplitude ratio sections to interpret low-amplitude structures and lithological traps is carried out. The fast and slow shear wave separation method is then be applied respectively to detect the density and azimuthal angle of fractures in an igneous rock gas reservoir and the coal formation in a coal field. Two velocity ratio-calculating methods are applied respectively in the lithological prediction at the gas and coal field after summarizing a large amount of experimental results draw domestically and abroad. P and S wave sections as well as amplitude ratio sections are used to identify low-amplitude structures and lithological traps in the slope area of a oil-bearing sedimentary basin. The calculated data concerning fracture density and azimuthal angle through the introduced method matches well with the regional stress and actual drilling data. The predicted lithological data reflects the actual drilling data. Some of the low-amplitude and lithological traps determined by Kirchhoff migration method are verified by the actual drilling data. These results indicate that these methods are very meaningful when dealing with complex oil and gas reservoir, and can be applied in other areas.


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Gaochentou region is located in the southwest direction of Gaochentou village in Huanghua city of Hebei province. In regionally structural position, It lies in Qikou sag In the middle part of Huanghua depression, which belongs to the east part of the south Dagang structure zone in the middle part of Huanghua depression. Its' very beneficial at regional structure in Gaochentou , and It becomes the advantage area for oil and gas gathered and preserved, Sandstone reservoir of Dongying Formation is main bearing bed .Dongying Formation in Gaochentou region of Huanghua depression is consisted of set of mudstone and sandstone interbeds by deposited delta fades . Dongying Formation can be divided into 3 members from above to below: the first member of Dongying Formation (FMDF), the second member of Dongying Formation (SMDF), and third member of Dongying Formation (TMDF). The lithology of the upper part of FMDF was consisted of mostly middle-grained and fine-grained sandstone, and it is small for the oil-bearing area of the sand bodies .The lithology of the lower part is coarse-grained sandstone bodies which are well connected between sandstone bodies of wells, and the lower part was main bed of oil production in Dongying Formation; SMDF and TMDF are consisted of larger scale set of mudstone, in which the sandbodies are lenticular and pinch out quickly, and the lithology was mostly fine sandstone and silt stone, in which there are little oil and gas .Because the reservoirs in this area are largely influenced by the factors such as lithology, fault and others, and the reservoirs have the strong,heterogeneity , there exists the problem of oil-down and water-up for vertical distribution of oil and gas bearing. It is not very clearly for the three dimension distribution of sandstone , and the geology researchs is not enough. So, it can't satisfy the need of further development and production for Gaochentou oilfield.Having the key problem of oil-down and water-up and the mechanism of the reservoir for Gaochentou area, There are as follow study works, the first, is study of the high-resolution correlation of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies. Dongying Formation was divided into three parasequence sets and each parasequence set was divided into different amount of parasequences. FMDF, as the main oil and gas producing bed, can be divided into seven parasequences. Oil and gas are discovered in six parasequences except the seventh. On the basis of study of sedimentary microfacies, the sediments of Dongying Formation are considered deposited mainly in delta front subfacies. The microfacies types of Dongying Formation are sub-water distirbutary channel, sub-water natural bank, inter distributary channel bay, distributary channel mouth dam, and delta front mat sand.Seismic facies analysis and logging-constrained inversion technique were applied by Author for transverse prediction of sandstone reservoir. Having 4 modes of interwell single sandbodies correlation technique, Author have described distribution characteristics of sandbodies, and established geological reservoir model of Gaochentou reservoir.Author presented that the reservoirs characteristic have very strong heterogeneity ,and In the section of sandstone interlayed with mudstone,the folium sandstone interlayed with each other, and the wedge shaped sandbodies pinched out in the mudstone. So the pinch-out up sandstone trap and lenticular sandstone trap are easily formed. They are most small scale overlying pinches out in the place of slope. This article applies the concept of deep basin oil to resolve reasonably the problem of which the oil is below the water in Gaochentou area. Combined with the study of sedimentary facies, reservoir and other aspects, the mechanism and patterns of deep basin oil are studied on the basis of characteristics in Gaochentou area.On the basis of the above study, the mechanism of the oil and gas' migration and accumulation in isotropic sandstone and heterogeneous sandstone are thoroughly analyzed through experiments on physical modeling. Experiments on physical modeling show that the discrepancy between sand layers with different permeability and thickness has important influence on the direction, path, and injection layer of oil's migration. At the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in high permeability sand layer, the pressure is low, the migration resistance is small, and the oil and gas are more easily displacing the water in sand. So it can act as good transformation layer or reservoir. But at the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in sand layer with low permeability, the pressure is high, the migration resistance is big, and the oil and gas are more difficultly displacing the water in sand. So it can only act as bad or worse transformation layer or reservoir. Even if it cannot act as transformation layer or reservoir, it can act as water layer or dry layer. The discrepancy between sand layers on permeability and thickness can make discrepancy in injection of oil and gas between different layers. Consequently it leads to small amount of oil and gas injection in sand layers with low permeability. Ultimately it affects the oil's accumulation and distribution in different sand layers.At Last, combining analysis of the structure and pool forming condition, The thesis has established models of reservoir formation to predict the advantage distribution of oil and gas bearing , and put forward the prospective target It is not only of theoretical signification for explosion and importance, but also has realistic value in guiding the progressive petroleum exploration and exploitation.


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With the development of oil and gas exploration, the exploration of the continental oil and gas turns into the exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs from the structural oil and gas reservoirs in China. The reserves of the found subtle oil and gas reservoirs account for more than 60 percent of the in the discovered oil and gas reserves. Exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs is becoming more and more important and can be taken as the main orientation for the increase of the oil and gas reserves. The characteristics of the continental sedimentary facies determine the complexities of the lithological exploration. Most of the continental rift basins in East China have entered exploration stages of medium and high maturity. Although the quality of the seismic data is relatively good, this areas have the characteristics of the thin sand thickness, small faults, small range of the stratum. It requests that the seismic data have high resolution. It is a important task how to improve the signal/noise ratio of the high frequency of seismic data. In West China, there are the complex landforms, the deep embedding the targets of the prospecting, the complex geological constructs, many ruptures, small range of the traps, the low rock properties, many high pressure stratums and difficulties of boring well. Those represent low signal/noise ratio and complex kinds of noise in the seismic records. This needs to develop the method and technique of the noise attenuation in the data acquisition and processing. So that, oil and gas explorations need the high resolution technique of the geophysics in order to solve the implementation of the oil resources strategy for keep oil production and reserves stable in Ease China and developing the crude production and reserves in West China. High signal/noise ratio of seismic data is the basis. It is impossible to realize for the high resolution and high fidelity without the high signal/noise ratio. We play emphasis on many researches based on the structure analysis for improving signal/noise ratio of the complex areas. Several methods are put forward for noise attenuation to truly reflect the geological features. Those can reflect the geological structures, keep the edges of geological construction and improve the identifications of the oil and gas traps. The ideas of emphasize the foundation, give prominence to innovate, and pay attention to application runs through the paper. The dip-scanning method as the center of the scanned point inevitably blurs the edges of geological features, such as fault and fractures. We develop the new dip scanning method in the shap of end with two sides scanning to solve this problem. We bring forward the methods of signal estimation with the coherence, seismic wave characteristc with coherence, the most homogeneous dip-sanning for the noise attenuation using the new dip-scanning method. They can keep the geological characters, suppress the random noise and improve the s/n ratio and resolution. The rutine dip-scanning is in the time-space domain. Anew method of dip-scanning in the frequency-wavenumber domain for the noise attenuation is put forward. It use the quality of distinguishing between different dip events of the reflection in f-k domain. It can reduce the noise and gain the dip information. We describe a methodology for studying and developing filtering methods based on differential equations. It transforms the filtering equations in the frequency domain or the f-k domain into time or time-space domains, and uses a finite-difference algorithm to solve these equations. This method does not require that seismic data be stationary, so their parameters can vary at every temporal and spatial point. That enhances the adaptability of the filter. It is computationally efficient. We put forward a method of matching pursuits for the noise suppression. This method decomposes any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms that are selected from a redundant dictionary of functions. These waveforms are chosen in order to best match the signal structures. It can extract the effective signal from the noisy signal and reduce the noise. We introduce the beamforming filtering method for the noise elimination. Real seismic data processing shows that it is effective in attenuating multiples and internal multiples. The s/n ratio and resolution are improved. The effective signals have the high fidelity. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the real seismic data processing, it is proved that the methods in this paper can effectively suppress the random noise, eliminate the cohence noise, and improve the resolution of the seismic data. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.


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In exploration seismology, the geologic target of oil and gas reservoir in complex medium request the high accuracy image of the structure and lithology of the medium. So the study of the prestack image and the elastic inversion of seismic wave in the complex medium come to the leading edge. The seismic response measured at the surface carries two fundamental pieces of information: the propagation effects of the medium and the reflections from the different layer boundaries in the medium. The propagation represent the low-wavenumber component of the medium, it is so-called the trend or macro layering, whereas the reflections represent the high-wavenumber component of the medium, it is called the detailed or fine layering. The result of migration velocity analysis is the resolution of the low-wavenumber component of the medium, but the prestack elastic inversion provided the resolution of the high-wavvenumber component the medium. In the dissertation, the two aspects about the migration velocity estimation and the elastic inversion have been studied.Firstly, any migration velocity analysis methods must include two basic elements: the criterion that tell us how to know whether the model parameters are correct and the updating that tell us how to update the model parameters when they are incorrect, which are effected on the properties and efficiency of the velocity estimation method. In the dissertation, a migration velocity analysis method based on the CFP technology has been presented in which the strategy of the top-down layer stripping approach are adapted to avoid the difficult of the selecting reduce .The proposed method has a advantage that the travel time errors obtained from the DTS panel are defined directly in time which is the difference with the method based on common image gather in which the residual curvature measured in depth should be converted to travel time errors.In the proposed migration velocity analysis method, the four aspects have been improved as follow:? The new parameterization of velocity model is provided in which the boundaries of layers are interpolated with the cubic spline of the control location and the velocity with a layer may change along with lateral position but the value is calculated as a segmented linear function of the velocity of the lateral control points. The proposed parameterization is suitable to updating procedure.? The analytical formulas to represent the travel time errors and the model parameters updates in the t-p domain are derived under local lateral homogeneous. The velocity estimations are iteratively computed as parametric inversion. The zero differential time shift in the DTS panel for each layer show the convergence of the velocity estimation.? The method of building initial model using the priori information is provided to improve the efficiency of velocity analysis. In the proposed method, Picking interesting events in the stacked section to define the boundaries of the layers and the results of conventional velocity analysis are used to define the velocity value of the layers? An interactive integrate software environment with the migration velocity analysis and prestack migration is built.The proposed method is firstly used to the synthetic data. The results of velocity estimation show both properties and efficiency of the velocity estimation are very good.The proposed method is also used to the field data which is the marine data set. In this example, the prestack and poststack depth migration of the data are completed using the different velocity models built with different method. The comparison between them shows that the model from the proposed method is better and improves obviously the quality of migration.In terms of the theoretical method of expressing a multi-variable function by products of single-variable functions which is suggested by Song Jian (2001), the separable expression of one-way wave operator has been studied. A optimization approximation with separable expression of the one-way wave operator is presented which easily deal with the lateral change of velocity in space and wave number domain respectively and has good approach accuracy. A new prestack depth migration algorithm based on the optimization approximation separable expression is developed and used to testing the results of velocity estimation.Secondly, according to the theory of the seismic wave reflection and transmission, the change of the amplitude via the incident angle is related to the elasticity of medium in the subsurface two-side. In the conventional inversion with poststack datum, only the information of the reflection operator at the zero incident angles can be used. If the more robust resolutions are requested, the amplitudes of all incident angles should be used.A natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator is represented, which is the sum of the products of two group functions. One group function vary with phase space whereas other group function is related to elastic parameters of the medium and geological structure.By employing the natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator, the method of seismic wave modeling with the one-way wave equation is developed to model the primary reflected waves, it is adapt to a certain extent heterogeneous media and confirms the accuracy of AVA of the reflections when the incident angle is less than 45'. The computational efficiency of the scheme is greatly high.The natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator is also used to construct prestack elastic inversion algorithm. Being different from the AVO analysis and inversion in which the angle gathers formed during the prstack migration are used, the proposed algorithm construct a linear equations during the prestack migration by the separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator. The unknowns of the linear equations are related to the elasticity of the medium, so the resolutions of them provided the elastic information of the medium.The proposed method of inversion is the same as AVO inversion in , the difference between them is only the method processing the amplitude via the incident angle and computational domain.


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Oil and gas exploration of marine strata in China's Pre-Cenozoic residual basins is regarded as a worldwide puzzle because of existent problems and cruxes. Objectively speaking, the subsurface geologic structure is complicated, and the surface conditions of some areas are tough. On the other hand, there are still many problems to be solved in oil and gas exploration technologies of Pre-Cenozoic marine fades, and theoretic cognition about petroleum geology is not profound yet. Therefore, it is principal to explore integrated geophysical research ways of Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. Seismic prospecting and geophysical integrated interpretation technologies aimed at middle Paleozoic marine facies with deeper burial and complicated geologic conditions have not formed due to bad quality of deep strata data. Pre-Cenozoic strata, and especially extension, thickness and internal structure of Paleozoic strata can not be recognized from seismic profiles, so it is hard to systematically cognize structural features and oil-gas resources prospect of Pre-Cenozoic basins. To further investigation of fabric and structural features, basin prototype, formation and evolution pattern of Pre-Cenozoic basins, and also their control over formation, migration and aggregation of oil and gas, will play a guiding and promotive role in developing new surveying areas, selecting advantageous zones and predicting oil-gas resources.This paper follows the modem macrocontrol theory of "Region constrains local, deep strata controls shallow ones", and uses the integrated geophysical method of "One guide, two hinges, three combinations and multi feedbacks'*. Based on several years of geological and geophysical results of the Shengli Oilfield, and 14 newly-joint regional seismic profiles, deep structure and oil-gas bearing capacity of the Jiyang area are discussed and new cognitions are drawn as below.Seismic identification marks Tr, Tg, Tgl and Tg2 are established for importantPre-Cenozoic geological interfaces, and promoted to the whole Jiyang area.Through area-wide tracking and clogging of important seismic reflection marker,the isochronic framework of pre-Tertiary basin is set up in the Jiyang area for the firsttime, which is vital for basin research.Integrated with geological and geophysical research results, the Jiyang area isdivided into four first-order tectonic sequences- basement, lower tectonic layer,upper tectonic layer, and top tectonic layer. The basement and lower tectonic sequence which are related to Pre-Cenozoic are studied with emphasis.Through the research of regional seismic profiles, the point of view is given thatthe Kongdian Formation of Jiyang is structural transition period. The top-bottomunconformable interface of the Kongdian Formation is found out for the first time,and the basin model is determined primarily, which lay a basis for prototype basinresearch of the Jiyang Kongdian Formation.The distribution status of Middle-Paleozoic is delineated in the Jiyang area.The maximum thickness of Paleozoic lies in the top of the south declivity of half-graben. The thickness gets thinner towards the center of Mesozoic and Cenozoic half-graben basin, and even disappears. Structural action in the west-north affects the distribution of Paleozoic residual strata.6. The features of second-order tectonic sequence of the Jiyang depression isstudied and its evolution history of is rebuilt.Combined with the 5-stage evolution history of the China continent and structure evolution features of the Jiyang area, the structure sedimentary process since Paleozoic is divided into 5 periods - basement forming , Indosinian orogenic, Yanshan negative reversal, Himalayan extension and Neogene subsidence period.Combined with the research results of gravity, magnetic surveying and regionalprofiles, this paper brings forward the idea for the first time that the western boundaryof the Jiyang depression is the Ningjin-Yangpan fracture zone, and forms aside-column assemblage with the Wudi fracture zone.The opinion that under Middle-Cenozoic basins in the middle Jiyang area theremight superimpose an old residual basin is given for the first time. And if it is provedto be true, a new exploration space will be pioneered for Jiyang and even north China.There exists many types of tectonic-stratigraphic traps formed under piezotropy,extension and compound action in Pre-Cenozoic Jiyang. Therein all kinds of burialhills are the most important oil-gas trap type of Pre-Cenozoic, which should besurveyed layeredly according to the layout of oil sources.As such a new challenging project and field, the paper systematically analyses different geophysical responses of the Jiyang area, frames the deep structure of the area, and preliminarily recognizes the Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. It breaks through to a certain extent in both theory and practice, and is expected to provide new geophysical and geotectonic clues for deep exploration in Shengli.


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Facing the problems that Dagang region of Huanghua Depression has high exploration degree and its remaining resource potential and structure are not clear, the theory of Petroleum Accumulation System (PAS) is applied to divide and evaluate the oil/gas systems quantitatively. Then, the petroleum accumulation systems are taken as units to forecast and analyse the oil/gas resources and their structure using statistical methods of sampling analysis of discovery process model and generalized pareto distribution model. The exploration benefit of the unit is estimated using exploration simulation methods. On the basis of the above study, the resource potential of Huanghua Depression is discussed.Huanghua Depression can be diveded into four petroleum accumulation systems, i.e. North PAS5 Middle Qibei PAS, Middle Qinan PAS and South PAS. Each PAS can be diveded futher into several sub- PASs. Using the basic princple of Analytical Hierarchy Process, the method of quantitative evaluation of PAS is established. Then the elements and maturity of PAS are evaluated quantitatively.Taking migration and accumulation units and sub-PASs as prediction units, sampling analysis of discovery process model and generalized pareto distribution model are applied comparatively to forecast the resource structure of eight migration and accumulation units in six PASs of medium-high exploration degree. The results of these two methods are contrasted and analyzed. An examination of X2 data of these two models from exploration samples shows that generalized pareto distribution model is more effective than sampling analysis of discovery process model in Huanghua Depression. It is concluded that minimum and maximum size of reservoir and discovery sequence of reservoirs are the sensitive parameters of these two methods.Aiming at the difficult problem of forecast in low exploration degree, by analysis of relativity between resource parameters and their possible influential geological factors, forecast models for resource parameters were established by liner regressing. Then the resource structure is forecasted in PASs of low exploration degree.Based on the forecast results, beginning with the analysis of exploration history and benefit variation, the exploration benefit variation of the above PASs is fitted effectively using exploration simulation method. The single well exploration benefit of remaining oil resource is also forecasted reasonably.The results of resource forecast show that the total oil resources ofHuanghua Depression amount to 2.28 b illion ton. By the end o f 2 003, the accumulative total proved oil reserve is 0.90 billion ton and the remaining oil resources is 1.38 billion ton. The remaining oil resource is concentrated in Kongdian-Dengmingshi, Banqiao-Beidagang, Qidong-Yangerzhuang and Baidong-Qizhong sub-PASs.


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针对东濮凹陷西部斜坡带复杂断块油藏地质特点,综合应用地质、测井、三维地震、分析化验、测井资料资料,以石油地质学、现代沉积学、储层地质学、油藏工程学等理论为指导,在建立地层格架、分析构造特征、沉积特征、储层发育特征的基础上。着重研究胡状集地区反向断层的形成机理与控油因素,阐明油气的分布规律及成藏规律,预测有利的勘探目标。通过研究取得了以下几点认识或成果: 1、建立了二台阶沙三下13砂组以下深层地层格架。含灰质、钙质的页岩、油页岩可作为全区稳定的对比标志,是划分层位的主要依据。 2、二台阶受石家集和长垣断层的控制,形成了以NNE和NE向展布的成羽状排列的复杂的断裂构造体系。中部和南部发育两组反向断层,形成多个反向屋脊断块。从沙三下13砂组到沙四顶面断层逐渐减少,构造逐渐简单。 3、沉积相类型以扇三角洲前缘亚相为主,自西向东由扇三角洲前缘向前扇三角洲过渡,北部发育盐湖沉积.砂体形态呈扇状和条带状。储层物性受沉积的控制由西向东逐渐变差,随深度增加逐渐变差。 4、反向断层的形成受两种主要模式的控制,伸展-重力成因模式和单剪成因模式;反向断层位于油气聚集的有利位置,且其封堵能力强。 5、油藏类型分为反向断层遮挡油藏和正向断层遮挡油藏;成藏模式有两种,近距离自源—垂向运移成藏模式和远距离它源—侧向运移成藏模式。 6、纵向上受储层物性的控制,油气主要富集在沙三下13-18砂组 ;平面上受构造和沉积相带的控制,油气主要富集在石家集断层下降盘一侧构造高部位和反向断层发育的地区。 7、结合构造和沉积相带的分布,预测4个有利含油区块:沙三下13砂组顶部胡121北块和胡121东块;18砂组顶部胡40块;20砂组顶部胡44块。 通过论文研究,建立了一套适合于斜坡带复杂断块油气成藏模式、油藏分布及油气勘探的研究思路和方法,并在油藏分布规律研究技术上有所突破。论文研究成果将为复杂断块油藏的勘探和开发效果起到重要作用。