109 resultados para MAGNETIZATION


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The Tarim Block is located between the Tianshan Mountains in the north and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the south and is one of three major Precambrian cratonic blocks of China. Obviously, the Paleozoic paleogeographic position and tectonic evolution for the Tarim Block are very important not only for the study of the formation and evolution of the Altaids, but also for the investigation of the distributions of Paleozoic marine oil and gas in the Tarim Basin. According to the distributions of Paleozoic strata and suface outcrops in the Tarim Block, the Aksu-Keping-Bachu area in the northwestern part of the Tarim Block were selected for Ordovician paleomagnetic studies. A total of 432 drill-core samples form 44 sampling sites were collected and the samples comprise mainly limestones, argillaceous limestones and argillaceous sandstones Based on systematic study of rock magnetism and paleomagnetism, all the samples could be divided into two types: the predominant magnetic minerals of the first type are hematite and subordinate magnetite. For the specimens from this type, characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) could generally be isolated by demagnetization temperatures larger than 600℃; we assigned this ChRM as component A; whilst magnetite is the predominant magnetic mineral of the second type; progressive demagnetization yielded another ChRM (component B) with unblocking temperatures of 550-570℃. The component A obtained from the majority of Ordovician specimens has dual polarity and a negative fold test result; we interpreted it as a remagnetization component acquired during the Cenozoic period. The component B can only be isolated from some Middle-Late Ordovician specimens with unique normal polarity, and has a positive fold test result at 95% confidence. The corresponding paleomagnetic pole of this characteristic component is at 40.7°S, 183.3°E with dp/dm = 4.8°/6.9° and is in great difference with the available post-Late Paleozoic paleopoles for the Tarim Block, indicating that the characteristic component B could be primary magnetization acquired in the formation of the rocks. The new Ordovician paleomagnetic result shows that the Tarim Block was located in the low- to intermediate- latitude regions of the Southern Hemisphere during the Middle-Late Ordovician period, and is very likely to situate, together with the South China Block, in the western margin of the Australian-Antarctic continents of East Gondwana. However, it may have experienced a large northward drift and clockwise rotation after the Middle-Late Ordovician period, which resulted in the separation of the Tarim Block from the East Gondwanaland and subsequent crossing of the paleo-equator; by the Late Carboniferous period the Tarim Block may have accreted to the southern margin of the Altaids.


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There are four chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter briefly synthesizes the basic theories, methods and present-day applying situation of environmental magnetism. The second chapter probes into the magnetic mineral diagenesis in the post-glacial muddy sediments from the southeastern South Yellow Sea and its response to marine environmental changes, using the muddy sediment of Core YSDP103 formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The third chapter illustrates the high-resolution early diagenetic processes by investigating the rapidly deposited muddy sediments during the last 6 ka in Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103 from the near-shore shelf of Korea Strait. The fourth chapter presents the results of detailed rock magnetic investigation of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea in an attempt to provide environmental magnetic evidence for the provenance of the fine-grained deposit. Core YSDP103 was retrieved in the muddy deposit under the cold eddy of the southeastern South Yellow Sea, and the uppermost 29.79 m core represents the muddy sediments formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The lower part from 29.79 to 13.35 m, called Unit A2, was deposited during the period from the post-glacial transgression to the middle Holocene (at about 6 ~(14)C ka BP) when the rising sea level reached its maximum, while the upper part above 13.35 m (called Unit Al) was deposited in a cold eddy associated with the formation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current just after the peak of post-glacial sea level rise. For the the uppermost 29.79 m core, detailed investigation of rock-magnetic properties and analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry were made. The experimental results indicate that the magnetic mineralogy of the core is dominated by magnetite, maghemite and hematite and that, except for the uppermost 2.35 m, the magnetic minerals were subject to reductive diagenesis leading to significant decline of magnetic mineral content and the proportion of low-coercivity component. More importantly, ferrimagnetic iron sulphide (greigite) is found in Unit A2 but absent in Unit Al, suggesting the control of marine environmental conditions on the magnetic mineral diagenesis. Magnetic parameters show abrupt changes across the boundary between the Unit Al and A2, which reflects a co-effect of environmental conditions and primary magnetic components of the sediments on the diagenesis. Alternating zones of high and low magnetic parameters are observed in Unit A2 of Core YSDP103, which is presumably due to periodic changes of the concentration and/or grain size of magnetic minerals carried into the study area. Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103, two studied sediment cores from the Korea Strait contain mud sequences (14 m and 32.62 m in thickness) that were deposited during the last 6,000 years. Analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry of the cores have demonstrated that the sediments have uniform lithology and geochemical properties, however, marked down-core changes in magnetic properties suggest that diagenesis has significantly impacted the magnetic properties. An expanded view of early diagenetic reactions that affect magnetic mineral assemblages is evident in these rapidly deposited continental shelf sediments compared to deep-sea sediments. The studied sediments can be divided into four descending intervals, based on magnetic property variations. Interval 1 is least affected by diagenesis and has the highest concentrations of detrital magnetite and hematite, and the lowest solid-phase sulfur contents. Interval 2 is characterized by the presence of paramagnetic pyrite and sharply decreasing magnetite and hematite concentrations, which suggest active reductive dissolution of detrital magnetic minerals, the absolute minimum abundance of magnetite is reached at the end of this interval. Interval 3 is marked by a progressive loss of hematite with depth, and at the base of this interval, 82% to 88% of the hematite component was depleted and the bulk magnetic mineral concentration was reduced to the lowest value in the entire studied mud section. Interval 4 has an increasing down-core enhancement of authigenic greigite, which is interpreted to have formed due to arrested pyritization resulting from consumption of pore water sulfate with depth. This is the first clear demonstration from an active depositional environment for a delay of thousands of years for acquisition of a magnetization carried by greigite. This detailed view of diagenetic processes in continental shelf sediments suggests that studies of geomagnetic field behavior from such sediments should be conducted with care. Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies based on the magnetic properties of shelf sediments with high sedimentation rates like those in the Korea Strait are also unlikely to provide a meaningful signature associated with syn-depositional environmental processes. The rock magnetic properties of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea, an area surrounded by sands, are investigated with a view to providing information on the sediment provenance. Multiple magnetic parameters such as magnetic susceptibility (%), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), saturation rernanent magnetization (SIRM), coercivities of SIRM (Her), and S ratios (relative abundance of low-coercivity magnetic minerals) are measured for all 179 surface samples, and partial representative samples are examined for their magnetic hysteresis parameters, temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility and x-ray diffraction spectra. Our research indicates that the magnetic mineralogy is dominated by magnetite with a small amount of hematite and is primarily of pseudo-single domain (PSD) to multidomain (MD) nature with a detrital origin. In the surface sediments, the granulometry of magnetic fractions is basically independent of grain sizes of the sediment containing the magnetic grains, and the composition of magnetic minerals remains almost homogeneous, that is, with a relatively constant ratio of low to high coercivity fraction throughout the area. The magnetic concentration in the study area generally decreases to the east or southeast accompanied by magnetic-particle fining to the east or to the northeast. The geographic pattern of magnetic properties is most reasonably explained by a major source of sediment jointly from the erosion of the old Huanghe River deposit and the discharge of the Changjiang River. The rock magnetic data facilitate understanding of the transport mechanism of fine-grained sediments in the outer shelf of the East China Sea.


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Western China is regarded as an assemblage of blocks or microplates. The India/Asia postcollisional kinematics of these blocks has attracted many geologists to pay attentions, especially on the geodynamics and intracontinental deformation of Tibetan and adjoining parts of central Asia. So far there are still many debates on the amount of continental shortening and extrusion within Western China blocks. Paleomagnetism plays a very important role in the paleogeographic reconstruction and depiction of kinematics of the blocks, however the unequilibrium of paleomagentic data obtained from Western China prevents paleomagnetists from studying the kinematics and intracontinental deformation on the Tibetan plateau and the central Asia. Moreover, shallower inclinations observed in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic terrestrial red sediments in central Asia makes it difficult to precisely estimate the northward convergence of Tibetan plateau and its adjacent areas since the onset of the Indian/Asian collision. In this thesis, detailed rock magnetic, chronological and paleomagnetic studies have been carried out on the Tuoyun Basin in the southwestern Tianshan to discuss the possible continental shortening and tectonic movements since the Cretaceous-Tertiary. Ar-Ar geochronological study has been conducted on the upper and lower basalt series from the Tuoyun Basin, yielding that the lower and upper basalt series were extruded during 115-113 Ma and 61.8-56.9 Ma, respectively. Both the age spectrum and inverse isochron show that the samples from the upper and lower basalt series have experienced no significant thermal events since extrusion of the baslts. Rock magnetic studies including temperature dependence of magnetization and susceptibility during a heating-cooling cycle from temperature up to 600 ℃ suggest that the baslt samples from the lower and upper basalt series are ferromagnetically predominant of magnetite and a subordinate hematite with a few sites of titanomagnetite. The predominant magnetic mineral of the intercalated red beds is magnetite and hematite. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility shows that both the baslts and the intercalated red beds are unlikely to have undergone significant strain due to compaction or tectonic stress since formation of the rocks. The stable characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) isolated from the most samples of the upper and lower basalt series and intercalated red beds, passes fold test at the 99% confidence level. Together with the geochronological results, we interpret the characteristic component as a primary magnetization acquired in the formation of rocks. Some sites from both the upper and lower basalts yielded shallower inclinations than the reference field computed from the Eurasia APW, we prefer to argue that these shallow inclinations might be related to geomagnetic secular variation, whereas the shallow inclination in the intercalated red beds is likely to be related to detrital remanent magnetization. Paleomagnetic results from the early Cretaceous-Paleogene basalts indicate that no significant N-S convergence has taken place between the Tuoyun Basin and the south margin of Siberia. Furthermore, the Cretaceous and Tertiary paleomagnetic results suggest that the Tuoyun Basin was subjected to a local clockwise rotation of 20°-30° with respect to Eurasia since the Paleocene time, which is probably subsequent to the Cenozoic northward compression of the Pamir arc.


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Chinese eolian deposits are especially suitable for the studies of paleoclimatic changes, environmental magnetism and remanence acquisition mechanisms. In the past two decades, many studies have documented their magnetic properties. However, some important problems, such as the origin of magnetic minerals, the mechanisms for enhancing magnetic susceptibility and the lock-in effect, remain debatable. Therefore, it is essential to detail the rock-magnetic properties of the eolian deposits. This study shows thermomagnetic analyses, petrographic measurements and soil chemistry methods can be combined to obtain a better understanding of the sequence of magnetic mineral alterations during thermal treatment and of the pedogenic mechanism responsible for the susceptibility enhancement. This helps to further develop the interpretation of paleoclimate records in the Holocene eolian deposits along a NW-SE transect of the loess plateau. A partial heating/cooling method and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed on representative samples of the present-day loess, in order to investigate mineralogical changes during thermal treatment. The temperature-dependent susceptibility (TDS) and XRD results show complex alteration of magnetic phases during heating and cooling. The 300 ℃ susceptibility hump in heating curves might be due to the production of maghemite from less magnetic lepidocrocite during heating. Goethite is transformed into hematite when heating to above 300 ℃. The susceptibility decrease from 300 ℃ to 450 ℃ can be interpreted as the conversion of maghemite to hematite. This thermal instability makes it possible to quantatively estimate the maghemite contribution to the pedogenically-enhanced susceptibility in loess or paleosols. Minor occurrence of thermally-stable maghemite in the present-day loess is possible; nevertheless, the TDS measurements show that the degree of the thermally-induced alteration is closely related to pedogenesis. The TDS measurement and XRD analysis results demonstrate that although magnetite and hematite both exist in the Holocene loess eolian deposits and their modern source area, magnetite is the predominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. Both magnetite and hematite are the primary carriers of the remanent magnetization. Fine-grained maghemite, mainly produced by pedogenesis, is significantly responsible for enhancement of the magnetic susceptibility in the Chinese loess and paleosols. Since the degree of oxidation of magnetite grains depends on climate, the presence of maghemite has paleoclimatic significance, and variations in climate could be reflected as variations in the amount of low-temperature oxidation. If that is the case, the TDS curves can be used to compare the effects of climate at different sampling sites. The TDS results along the studied NW-SE transect suggest that stronger pedogenesis results in higher content of maghemite and greater susceptibility decrease during thermal treatment. This behavior seems to indicate that the final product of pedogenic magnetite in Chinese loess and paleosols is maghemite, which makes significant contributions to the enhanced magnetic susceptibility of Chinese eolian deposits. It is interesting to note that the 510 ℃ Hopkinson/alteration peak is larger in the present-day loess than in the black loam for each section. Obiviously, the Hopkinson/alteration peak of the Holocene eolian deposits is closely related to the degree of pedogenesis, which is a function of climate, and thus the peak itself could be a useful climate indicator. There are three effects that may be important in producing this trend. First, low-temperature oxidation preferentially affects the finer single-domain magnetites responsible for the Hopkinson peak, which is therefore suppressed in the more oxidized loams. Second, the possible production of uniaxial magnetite with shape anisotropy can also lead to a relatively muted Hopkinson peak. There is, additionally, a third alternative, and the one preferred here, that the natural alteration processes involved in pedogenic susceptibility enhancement have probably depleted the supply of iron-bearing precursor phases, so that less new magnetite is formed on heating. In summary, the TDS method is very reliable and highly sensitive in detecting magnetic phase changes in eolian deposits during thermal treatment, which are closely related to pedogenic processes. Thus, the studied NW-SE transect clearly exhibits paleoclimatically-induced mineral- and rock-magnetic variations. It is suggested that TDS can be used as a new method for the analysis of pedogenesis and climatic change.