273 resultados para Light bending


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The effects of temperature and light on the growth and geosmin production of Lyngbya kuetzingii were determined. Of the three temperatures tested, 10, 25 and 35A degrees C, the maximal geosmin concentration and geosmin productivity were yielded at 10A degrees C, while the highest chl a production was observed at 25A degrees C. In the studies on light intensity, the maximal geosmin concentration and geosmin productivity were observed at 10 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), while the highest chl a production was at 20 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). It was suggested that more geosmin was synthesized with lower chl a demand. Meanwhile, the relative amounts of extra- and intracellular geosmin were investigated. Under optimum growth conditions (20 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), 25A degrees C; BG-11 medium), the amounts of extracellular geosmin increased as the growth progressed and reached the maximum in the stationary phase, while the intracellular geosmin reached its maximum value in the late exponential phase, and then began to decline. However, under the low temperature (10A degrees C) or light (10 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) conditions, more intracellular geosmin was synthesized and mainly accumulated in the cells. The proportions of extracellular geosmin were high, to 33.33 and 32.27%, respectively, during the stationary phase at 35A degrees C and 20 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). It was indicated that low temperature or light could stimulate geosmin production and favor the accumulation of geosmin in cells, while more intracellular geosmin may be released into the medium at higher temperatures or optimum light intensity.


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Submersed macrophytes in eutrophic lakes often experience high NH4+ concentration and low light availability in the water column. This study found that an NH4+-N concentration of 1 mgL(-1) in the water column apparently caused physiological stress on the macrophyte Potamogeton crispus; L The plants accumulated free amino acids (FAA) and lost soluble carbohydrates (SC) under NH4+ stress. These stressful effects of NH4+ were exacerbated under low light availability. Shading significantly increased NH4+ and FAA contents and dramatically decreased SC and starch contents in the plant shoots. At an NH4+-N concentration of 1 mg L-1 in the water column, neither growth inhibition nor NH4+ accumulation was observed in the plant tissues of P. crispus under normal light availability. The results showed that 1 mg L-1 NH4+-N in the water column was not toxic to P. crispus in a short term. To avoid NH4+ toxicity. active NH4+ transportation out of the cell may cost energy and thus result in a decline of carbohydrate. When NH4+ inescapably accumulates in the plant cell, i.e. under NH4+ Stress and shading, NH4+ is scavenged by FAA synthesis. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Phytoplanktonic species acclimated to high light are known to show less photoinhibition. However, little has been documented on how cells grown under indoor conditions for decades without exposure to UV radiation (UVR, 280-400 nm) would respond differently to solar UVR compared to those in situ grown under natural solar radiation. Here, we have shown the comparative photosynthetic and growth responses to solar UVR in an indoor-(IS) and a naturally grown (WS) Skeletonema costatum type. In short-term experiment (<1 day), phi(PSII) and photosynthetic carbon fixation rate were more inhibited by UVR in the IS than in the WS cells. The rate of UVR-induced damages of PSII was faster and their repair was significantly slower in IS than in WS. Even under changing solar radiation simulated for vertical mixing, solar UVR-induced higher inhibition of photosynthetic rate in IS than in WS cells. During long-term (10 days) exposures to solar radiation, the specific growth rate was much lower in IS than WS at the beginning, then increased 3 days later to reach an equivalent level as that of WS. UVR-induced inhibition of photosynthetic carbon fixation in the IS was identical with that of WS at the end of the long-term exposure. The photosynthetic acclimation was not accompanied with increased contents of UV-absorbing compounds, indicating that repair processes for UVR-induced damages must have been accelerated or upgraded. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Unlike Escherichia coli, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is insensitive to chill (5 degrees C) in the dark but rapidly losses viability when exposed to chill in the light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)). Preconditioning at a low temperature (15 degrees C) greatly enhances the chill-light tolerance of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. This phenomenon is called acquired chill-light tolerance (ACLT). Preconditioned wild-type cells maintained a substantially higher level of alpha-tocopherol after exposure to chill-light stress. Mutants unable to synthesize alpha-tocopherol, such as slr1736, slr1737, slr0089, and slr0090 mutants, almost completely lost ACLT. When exposed to chill without light, these mutants showed no or a slight difference from the wild type. When complemented, the slr0089 mutant regained its ACLT. Copper-regulated expression of slr0090 from P-petE controlled the level of et-tocopherol and ACLT. We conclude that alpha-tocopherol is essential for ACLT of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. The role of a-tocopherol in ACLT may be based largely on a nonantioxidant activity that is not possessed by other tocopherols or pathway intermediates.


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Dark respiration (nonphotorespiratory mitochondrial CO2 release) in the light (R-L) of the intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chorophyta) during emersion was investigated with respect to its response to variations in temperature and desiccation. R-L was estimated by CO2 gas-exchange analysis using the Kok effect method, whereas dark respiration in darkness (R-D) was determined from CO2 release at zero light. Rates of R, were significantly and consistently lower than those of R-D in emersed U. lactuca across all the temperature and desiccation levels measured. This demonstrated that dark respiration was partially depressed in the light, with the percentage inhibition ranging from 32 to 62%. Desiccation exerted a negative effect on R-L and R-D at a high temperature, 33 degrees C, whereas it had much less effect on respiration at low and moderate temperatures, 23 and 28 degrees C. In general, R-L and R-D increased with increasing temperature in U. lactuca during all stages of emersion but responded less positively to temperature change with increasing desiccation. Additionally, the Q(10) value (i.e. the proportional increase of respiration for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature) for R-L calculated over the temperature range of 23 to 33 degrees C was significantly higher than that for R-D in U. lactuca during the initial stages of emersion. Respiratory carbon loss as a percentage of gross photosynthetic carbon gain increased with increasing temperature and/or desiccation but was significantly reduced when estimated using R-L rather than R-D. It is suggested that measurements of R-L and how it changes in a variable environment are as important as estimates of R-D and photosynthesis in determining simultaneous balance between photosynthetic carbon uptake and respiratory carbon loss and in modeling the net daily carbon gain for an intertidal macroalga.


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Redescription of Balantidium ctenopharyngodoni "Chen (Acta Hydrobiol Sin 1:123-164, 1955)", collected from the hindgut of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), especially the segment of 6-10 cm upstream from the anus, from Honghu Lake, Hubei Province, central China in November 2005, is presented in this paper to complete Chen's description at both light and scanning electron microscopic levels. Some revisions were done: the vestibulum is fairly symmetrical, with compactly arranged cilia rather than assembled membrane bordering on the left vestibular side; four contractile vacuoles actually exist in the latter body, three of which surround the posterior portion of the macronucleus, whereas the fourth lies antero-left to it. Somatic monokinetids were compared among the species of genus Balantidium. The cysts were described, and possible infection routes of B. ctenopharyngodoni were also discussed.


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Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 exposed to chill (5 degrees C)-light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) stress loses its ability to reinitiate growth. From a random insertion mutant library of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a sll1242 mutant showing increased sensitivity to chill plus light was isolated. Mutant reconstruction and complementation with the wild-type gene confirmed the role of sll1242 in maintaining chill-light tolerance. At 15 degrees C, the autotrophic and mixotrophic growth of the mutant were both inhibited, paralleled by decreased photosynthetic activity. The expression of sll1242 was upregulated in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 after transfer from 30 to 15 degrees C at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 30 mu mol photons m(-2) S-1. sll1242, named ccr (cyanobacterial cold resistance gene)- 1, may be required for cold acclimation of cyanobacteria in light.


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Through an acclimation period of 10 days, compared to white light, the maximal net photosynthetic rates were significantly higher for gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida cultivated under blue light (400-500 nm), and were lower under red light (600-700 nm). Chlorophyll c and the carotenoid content of gametophytes were similar under blue light and red light but were much lower under white light. The growth rate of female gametophytes under blue light was higher than that under other lights, and the growth rate of male gametophytes showed little variation with respect to blue and white light. Male and female gametophytes were mixed together to form sporophytes under white, blue and red light. After approximately 5 days, 50% gametophytes became fertile under blue and white light, but remained vegetative under red light after 10 days.


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Changing the ratio of light-harvesting pigments was regarded as an efficient way to improve the photosynthesis rate in microalgae, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. In the present study, a mutant of Anabeana simensis (called SP) was selected from retrieved satellite cultures. Several parameters related with photosynthesis, such as the growth, photosynthesis rate, the content of photosynthetic pigment, low temperature fluorescence spectrum (77K) and electron transport rate, were compared with those of the wild type. It was found that the change in the ratio of light-harvesting pigments in the mutant led to more efficient light energy transfer and usage in mutant than in the wild type. This may be the reason why the mutant had higher photosynthesis and growth rates.


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Immunoglobulin light chain cDNA sequences of a perciform fish, the mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi were amplified from head kidney mRNA by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RACE methods using degenerated primer and gene specific ones. In cDNA sequences of the VL region, nucleotide exchanges were present mainly within CDRs, although a lesser degree of variability was also found in FRs. Moreover, the length of CDRI and CDR3 in the mandarin fish is shorter than in most other fish species. In the middle of S. chuatsi CL region, a microsatellite sequence (AGC)(6-8) was found, which is also present in another perciform species, the spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor). The comparison of amino acid sequence of the mandarin fish CL domain with those of other vertebrates showed the highest degree of similarity of 94.5% to the spotted wolffish, while the similarity with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Ig L1 (62.7%) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Ig LG (55.9%) isotypes is also higher. However, there is only 50% identity in the VL regions between the mandarin fish and the wolffish. The sequence similarity of the mandarin fish CL domain with those of higher vertebrate did not readily allow it to be classified as kappa or lambda isotype. The phylogenetic analyses also demonstrated that the CL genes of the mandarin fish and most other teleost fish cluster as a separate branch out of the mammal kappa and lambda branches. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chlorella pyrenoidosa was cultured with 350 and 700 p.p.m.v. CO2 at varied levels of light to see the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on its growth and photosynthesis. The CO2 enrichment did not affect the growth rate (mu), but significantly increased the cell density when light was sufficiently supplied. The CO2 enrichment significantly depressed light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration in the cells grown under a high-light regime, but not those under a low-light regime. The light-saturating point for photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency was not affected by the CO2 enrichment under either the high-light or low-light conditions.


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The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 can grow heterotrophically in complete darkness, given that a brief period of illumination is supplemented every day (light-activated heterotrophic growth, LAHG), or under very weak ( < 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1)) but continuous light. By random insertion of the genome with an antibiotic resistance cassette, mutants defective in LAHG were generated. In two identical mutants, sll0886, a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-family membrane protein gene, was disrupted. Targeted insertion of sll0886 and three downstream genes showed that the phenotype was not due to a polar effect. The sll0886 mutant shows normal photoheterotrophic growth when the light intensity is at 2.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1) or above, but no growth at 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1). Homologs to sll0886 are also present in cyanobacteria that are not known of LAHG. sll0886 and homologs may be involved in controlling different physiological processes that respond to light of low fluence. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Decline of submersed macrophytes in Lake Donghu of China with the progress of eutrophication is assumedly due to low light stress by algae blooming. I conducted a laboratory experiment to study the impact of low-light stress on the growth of Potamogeton maackianus A. Been, a dominant submersed macrophyte of the lake before the 1970s. Plants were grown for six weeks in aquaria with Lake Donghu sediment and enriched water. Light delivered to aquaria was adjusted to simulate the typical Lake Donghu light intensities that exist at several water depths from 0.6m to 1.7m. Biomass growth of the plant was inversely related to light intensity at the simulated depths of greater than or equal to 1.0m (r = 0.96, p < 0.05, n=6) and was negative at the depths of greater than or equal to 1.4m. These results indicate that photosynthetic light saturation and compensation points of the plant in Lake Donghu should be ca. 0,9m and ca. 1.5m depths, respectively. Chlorophyll content, growth of main shoot, total shoot lengths and density of the plant all peaked at 1.2-1.3m simulated depths. These results indicate that P. maackianus responds to low light stress primarily by elongation of shoots, and increase of density. Its biomass growth and nutrient uptake rate did not correlate with the accelerated shoot growth. Below the light intensities of water deeper than 1.2-1.3m, shoot growth rate decreased. The flexible tolerant strategy of P. maackianus to low-light stress suggests that the disappearance of this plant from the lake was not mainly due to eutrophication-induced low-light stress.


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The terrestrial blue-green alga (cyanobacterium), Nostoc flagelliforme, was cultured in air at various levels of CO2, light and watering to see their effects on its growth. The alga showed the highest relative growth rate at the conditions of high CO2 (1500 ppm), high light regime (219-414 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and twice daily watering, but the lowest rate at the conditions of low light (58-114 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and daily twice watering. Increased watering had little effect on growth rate at 350 ppm CO2, but increased by about 70% at 1500ppm CO2 under high light conditions. It was concluded that enriched CO2 could enhance the growth of N. flagelliforme when sufficient light and water was supplied.


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PS II photochemical efficiency (F-v/F-m) of Nostoc flagelliforme was examined after rewetting in order to investigate the light-dependency of its photosynthetic recovery. F-v/F-m was not detected in the dark, but was immediately recognized in the light. Different levels of light irradiation (4, 40 and 400 mu mol photon m(2) s(-1)) displayed different effects on the recovery process of photosynthesis. The intermediate level led to the best recovery of photochemical efficiency; the low light required longer and the high light inhibited the extent of the recovered efficiency. It was concluded that the photosynthetic recovery of N. flagelliforme is both light-dependent and influenced by photon flux density.