118 resultados para Kuiper belt


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The Sawuer gold belt is located in the transition belt between Siberian plate and Kazakhstan-Junggar plate. Based on the geological and geochemical studies on the Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits, in Sawuer gold mineralization belt, the time-space structure of mineralization and mineralizing factor are studied, the metallogenic regularity is concluded in thistheses. The ore bodies have the regularity that orebody are of the extensive and compressive in the sallow and depth of volcanic apparatue, respectively, and the vertical extension of orebody is more intensive than the horizontal extension. The gold deposits were controlled by the fractures of volcanic apparatus and regional faults, and featured by the hydrothermal alteration and metasomatism type disseminated mineralization and filling type vein mineralization. By virtue of the geological and geochemical studies on the two deposits that the formation of the two deposits are significantly related to the volcanic activity, we propose new ideas about their origin: (1) the two deposits are located in the same strata, and share the same genesis. (2) both of two deposits are volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits. Based on mapping of volcanic lithofacies and structure for the first time, it is discovered that a volcanic apparatus existed in the study area. Volcanic-intrusive activity can be divided into three cycles and nine lithofacies. where the two deposits are hosted in the same volcanic cycle, in this case, the wall-rock should belong to the same strata. The 40Ar-39Ar age method is employed in this work to analyze the fluid inclusions of quartz in the ore bodies from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits. The results show that the main mineralization occurred in 332.05 + 2.02-332.59 + 0.5IMa and 335.53 + 0.32Ma~336.78 + 0.50Ma for Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits respectively, indicating that the two deposits are formed almost at the same time, and the metallogenic epoch of the tow deposits are close to those of the hosting rocks formed by volcanic activity of Sawuer gold belt. This geochronological study supplies new evidence for determining the timing of gold mineralization, the geneses of gold deposits? and identifies that in Hercynian period, the Altai developed tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Early Carboniferous period, except known two metallogenic mineralization periods including tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Devonian period and Late Carboniferous-Permian period respectively. The study of fluid inclusions indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a type of NaCl-HbO fluid with medium-low temperature and low salinity, Au is transported by the type of auric-sulfur complex (Au (HS)2-), the ore is formed in reduction condition. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of fluid inclusions in the major mineralizating stage show that the solutions mainly originated from magmatic water and meteoric water. The fluid mixing and water-rock reaction cause the deposition of Au. The helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in pyrite have been measured from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits in Sawuer gold belt. The results show that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source and is a mixture of mantle- and partial meteoric water-derived fluid, and the reliability of He and Ar isotopic compositions in Hercynian period is discussed. Isotopic studies including H, O, He, C, S, Pb and Sr reveal the same result that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source: the water derived mainly from magmatic water, partially from meteoric water; the mineralizers and ore materials derived mainly from mantle beneath the island arc, and partially from crust. The ore-forming fluids of two deposits are a mixture of mantle-derived fluids being incorporated by crust-derived fluid, and shallow partial meteoric water. Based on these results, it is proposed that the geneses of the two gold deposits are the same, being volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits that the ore-forming fluids filled in fractures of volcanic apparatus and metasomatized the host rocks in the volcanic apparatus. It is the first time we carried out the geophysical exploration, that is, the EH-4 continuous electrical conductivity image system measurement, the results show that relative large-size mineralizing anomalies in underground have been discovered.lt can confirm the law and genesis of the deposits mentioned above, and change the two abandoned mines to current large-size potenial exploration target.


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As far as the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is concerned, there have been lots of different opinions for a long time. Wang et al. (1990, 1992) thought of it was a continuous terrain. Okay (1993) held that it consistes of two different tectonic terrains: the 'hot' and 'cold' eclogite belt. Liu and Wang (1998) held that it is composed of different metamorphic blocks through 'melange' in depth. For this reason, we have choiced Hualiangting reservoir of Taihu county as the study area treat eclogite as the investigated objection in this thesis, and employ the detailed 1 :10000 geological mapping, methods of Petrography and electonic probe anaylsis to probe into the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrains. In the light of the eclogite occurrenc in the field, the analysis of Petrography, the research on metamoiphic P-T path and condition of the peak metamorphic P-T condition, the eclogite in the Taihu area of Dabieshan have been classified into three types eclogite from the south to the north: The zhujiachong type eclogite; The Daba type eclogite; (3) The Jinheqiao type eclogite, their mineral composition, structure, and mineral component vary continuously. These eclogites have the same rnetamoiphic stages, P-T evolution pattern, and their peak P-T condition varies continuously. The zhujiachong type eclogite is formed in the high pressure metamoiphic environment. The Jinheqiao type eclogite is formed in the typical ultra-high pressure environment. The Daba type eclogite is formed in the transformed metamorphic environment between high pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphism. All these evidences show that the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is a continuous metamorphic block and no large fault ever existed.


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With the progress of prospecting, the need for the discovery of blind ore deposits become more and more urgent. To study and find out the method and technology for the discovery of blind and buried ores is now a priority task. New geochemical methods are key technology to discover blind ores. Information of mobile components related to blind ores were extracted using this new methods. These methods were tested and applied based on element' s mobile components migrating and enriched in geophysical-geochemical process. Several kinds of partial extraction techniques have tested based on element' s occurrence in hypergenic zone. Middle-large scale geochemical methods for exploration in forest and swamp have been tested. A serious of methods were tested and applied effetely about evaluation of regional geochemical anomaly, 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system instead of the normal net. 1. Element related with ores can be mobiled to migrate upwards and be absorpted by surface soil. These abnomal components can be concentrated by natural or artificial methods. These trace metalic ions partially exist in dissovlvable ion forms of active state, and partially have been absorbed by Fe-Mn oxide, soil and organic matter in the soil so that a series of reaction such as complex reaction have take place. Employing various partial extraction techniques, metallic ions related with the phase of the blind ores can be extracted, such as the technique of organic complex extraction, Fe-Mn oxide extraction and the extraction technique of metallic ions of various absorption phases. 2.1:200000 regional geochemical evaluation anomaly methods: Advantageous ore-forming areas were selected firstly. Center, concentration, morphological feature, belt of anomaly were choosed then. Geological and geochemical anomalies were combined. And geological and geochemical background information were restrained. Xilekuduke area in Fuyun sheet , Zhaheba area in Qiakuerte sheet, the west-north part in Ertai sheet and Hongshanzui anomaly in Daqiao sheet were selected as target areas, in Alertai, in the north of Xinjiang. in Xilekuduke area, 1:25000 soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was carried out. Cu anomaly and copper mineralization were determined in the center area. Au , Cu anomalies and high polarization anomaly were determined in the south part. Prospecting by primary halo and organic complex extraction were used to prognosis blind ore in widely rang outcrop of bedrock. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system were used in transported overburden outside of mining area. Shallow seismic method and primary halo found a new blind orebody in mining area. A mineralization site was fou and outside of Puziwan gold mine, in the north of Shanxi province. Developing middle-large scale geochemical exploration method is a key technique based 1:200000 regional geochemical exploration. Some conditions were tested as Sampling density , distribution sites of sample, grain size of sample and occurrence of element for exploration. 1:50000 exploration method was advanced to sample clast sediment supplement clast sediment in valley. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was applied to sample residual material in A or C horizon. 1:2000 primary or soil halo methods used to check anomalies and determine mineralization. Daliang gold mineralization in the northern Moerdaoga was found appling these methods. Thermomagnetic method was tested in miniqi copper-polymetallic ore. Process methods such as grain size of sample, heated temperature, magnetic separating technique were tested. A suite of Thermomagnetic geochemical method was formed. This method was applied in Xiangshan Cu~Ni deposit which is cover by clast or Gobi in the eastern Xinjiang. Element's content and contrast of anomaly with Thermomagnetic geochemical method were higher than soil anomaly. Susceptibility after samples were heated could be as a assessment conference for anomaly. In some sectors thermo-magnetic Cu, Ni, Ti anomalious were found outside deposits area. There were strong anomal ies response up ore tested by several kind of partial extraction methods include Thermomagnetic, enzyme leach and other partial extractions in Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit in hungriness area in the northern of Xinjiang. Element's anomalies of meobile were mainly in Fe-Mn oxide and salt. A Copper mineralization site in Xilekuduke anomaly area had been determined. A blind ore was foung by shallow seismic and geochemical method and a mineralization site was found outside this mining area in Puziwan gold deposit in shanxi province. A Gold mineralization site was found by 1:50000 geochemical exploration in Daliang, Inner Mongolia.


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Earlier studies on the distribution of geological environmental indicators in China revealed drastic changes from a zonal climate pattern (planetary-wave-dominant pattern) in the Paleogene to a monsoon-dominant one in the Neogene, which suggested an inception of the initial East-Asian summer monsoon. However, there are different views about the time and causes of the changes.Here, we attempt to compile a series of paleoenvironmental maps based on newly collected climate indicators from the literatures and chronologically constrained evidence of geological maps in order to re-examine the temporal and spatial evolution of climate belts in China during the Cenozoic with special emphasis on the changes of the arid belt. These indicators include mammalian fauna, coal, carbonate concretions, jarosite, salt, gypsum deposits and pollen assemblages etc, with chronological controls that we believe reliable. Pollen assemblages and mammalian fauna have been classified into three categories (arid, semi-arid/sub-humid, humid) to reflect the intensity of aridity/humidity. Salt, jarosite and gypsum deposits are classified as the arid indicators. Carbonate concretions and coal are classified into the semi-arid/sub-humid and humid one respectively. Paleoenvironmental maps at 8 time slices have been reconstructed. They are the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Early Miocene, Middle Miocene, Late Miocene and Pliocene.And furthermore, we attempt to use IAP^AGCM to simulate the evolution of climate belts in emphasizing on the changes of the rain band, and compare the results with the paleoenvironmental maps in order to examine the causes of the drastic paleoenvironmental changes near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. 36 sensitive numerical experiments are carried out using the IAP__AGCM to analyze the impacts of the uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan complex, shrinkage of the Paratethys Sea, expansion of the South China Sea and the development of the polar ice sheets on rain band in China.The main conclusions are as follows:The obtained results essentially confirm the earlier conclusions about a zonal climate pattern in the Paleogene and a different pattern in the Neogene, and illustrate that a monsoon-dominant environmental pattern with inland aridity formed by the Early Miocene, which is temporally consist with the onset of eolian deposits in China.Cenozoic cooling and the formation of polar ice sheets are unlikely the main causes to the changes of environmental patterns mentioned above in China. But northern hemispheric cooling and the ice-sheets can intensify the Siberian High Pressure, and strengthen the winter monsoon circulations and enhance the aridity in the west part of China. These results support the earlier studies.Shrinkage of the Paratethys Sea and uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan complex played important roles in strengthening the East Asian monsoon and induceing the above changes of environmental pattern, which is consistent with the earlier studies. Furthermore, "the monsoon-dominant pattern" appears when the Himalayan-Tibetan complex reaches to about 1000-2000 meters high and the Paratethys Sea retreats to the Turan Plate.4) Expansion of the South China Sea is another significant factor that drives the evolution of environmental patterns. We believe that the above three factors co-act and drive the change of the environmental patterns from a planetary-wave-dominant one to a monsoon-dominant one. However, the impacts of each factor vary by regions. The uplift mainly increases the humidity in Southwestern China and the aridity in northwestern country. The shrinkage mainly increases the humidity in Northern China and also enhances the aridity in the northwestern country. The expansion greatly increases the humidity in the south part of China.


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Yuanmou area lies on the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, the middlesegment of Yunnan-Sichuan North-South Extending Tectonic Belt and the upper reaches of the Yangztze River, which is renowned for its thick late Cenozoic fluvial-lacustrine sequences that yield rich mammalian fossils including hominoid and early human. The sediments provides great potentials for understanding the relationships between uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, evolution of hominoids and other mammalian and evolution and formation of basins in Southwest China since late Miocene. However, lithostratigrphic and chronologic views on them are controversial and hinder further discussion of the relationships of them. To this end, we selected the Baozidongqing section and the Dapoqing section to carry out systematic lithostratigraphic, magnetostratlgraphic and environmental magnetism researches in this area.The Baozidongqing section was dated to about 10.95-7.17 Ma. The age estimation of the topmost hominoid-bearing layer was about 7.43-7.17 Ma. Rock magnetic results show that the dominant magnetic carrier is hematite, with minor amount of magnetite. Both the composition and concentration of magnetic minerals strongly correlate with the lithostratigraphy, indicating that Yuanmou basin is characterized by alternating of long-term torrid-humid climate and short-term dry-hot climate. But the pattern of these short-term hot-dry events, including both the lasting time and the frequency of their occurrence dramatically changed since -8.1 Ma. Our results infer that the drying process of the Asian west interior and a significant uplift of the Tibetan Plateau would have probably caused jointly the extinction of hominoids, or the emigration of hominoids from Yuanmou to adjacent relatively torrid-humid areas.The strata between the upper of the Dapoqing section, the Niujianbao Hill and Shangnabang area can be linked by three mark layers of conglomerate, which is rather continuous and coherent than physical disturbance by new tectonic activities. Rock magnetic studies indicate that hematite is the main magnetic carriers. The section is dated back to about 2.8-1.37 Ma. Its paleocurrent flowed northeastward, which was a close and stagnant river and swamp environment about 2.2 Ma ago. Then it ran northwestward and turned into an open overflown and braid river sedimentary face during 2.2 to 1.57 Ma. Since 1.57 Ma, the paleocurrent flowed intensely northwestern and about 1.37 Ma ago, it ended the basically continuous fluvial-lacustrine deposition.


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The foreland basin on the northern margin of the lower reach of the Yangtze river (the lower Yangtze foreland basin) is tectonically situated in the basin-mountain transitional area along the southeastern flank of the Dabie mountains. The early formation and development of the basin is closely related to the open-up of the Mian-Lue paleo-oceanic basin on the southern margin of the Central Orogenic System represented by Qinling-Dabei orogenic belt, while the tectonic evolution of the middle-late stage of the basin is mainly related to development of the Mian-Lue tectonic zone that occurred on the basis of the previous Mian-Lue paleo-suture. The foreland basin of the northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river was formed during the middle-Triassic collision between the Yangtze and North China plates and experienced an evolution of occuirence-development-extinction characterized by marine facies to continental facies and continental margin to intracontinent in terms of tectonic setting.The foreland basin (T2-J2) was developed on the basis of the passive continental marginal basin on the south side of the Mian-Lue paleo-ocean and superimposed by late Jurassic-Tertiary fault basin. The tectonic setting underwent a multiple transformation of rifting-collisional clososing-tensional faulting and depression, which resulted in changes of the property for the basin and the final formation of the superposed compose basin in a fashion of 3-story-building. According to the tectonic position and evolution stages of plate collision happening on the southeastern margin of the Dabie mountains, and tectono-tratigraphic features shown by the foreland basin in its main formational period, the evolution of the foreland basin can be divided into four stages: 1) pre-orogenic passive margin (P2-Ti). As the Mian-Lue ocean commenced subduction in the late-Permian, the approaching of the Yangtze and North China plates to each other led to long-periodical and large-scale marine regression in early Triassic which was 22 Ma earlier than the global one and generated I-type mixed strata of the clastic rocks and carbonate, and I-type carbonate platform. These represent the passive stratigraphy formed before formation of the foreland basin. 2) Foreland basin on continental margin during main orogenic episode (T2.3). The stage includes the sub-stage of marine foreland basin (T2X remain basin), which formed I-type stratigrphy of carbonate tidal flat-lagoon, the sub-stage of marine-continental transition-molasse showing II-type stratigraphy of marine-continental facies lake - continental facies lake. 3) Intracontinental foreland basin during intracontinental orogeny (Ji-2)- It is characterized by continental facies coal-bearing molasses. 4) Tensional fault and depression during post-orogeny (J3-E). It formed tectono-stratigraphy post formation of the foreland basin, marking the end of the foreland evolution. Fold-thrust deformation of the lower Yangtze foreland basin mainly happened in late middle-Jurassic, forming ramp structures along the Yangtze river that display thrusting, with deformation strength weakening toward the river from both the Dabie mountains and the Jiangnan rise. This exhibits as three zones in a pattern of thick-skinned structure involved the basement of the orogenic belt to decollement thin-skinned structure of fold-thrust from north to south: thrust zone of foreland basin on northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river, foreland basin zone and Jiannan compose uplift zone. Due to the superposed tensional deformation on the earlier compressional deformation, the structural geometric stratification has occurred vertically: the upper part exhibits late tensional deformation, the middle portion is characterized by ramp fault -fold deformation on the base of the Silurian decollement and weak deformation in the lower portion consisting of Silurian and Neo-Proterozoic separated by the two decollements. These portions constitutes a three-layered structural assemblage in a 3-D geometric model.From the succession of the lower reach of the Yangtze river and combined with characteristics of hydrocarbon-bearing rocks and oil-gas system, it can be seen that the succession of the continental facies foreland basin overlies the marine facies stratigraphy on the passive continental margin, which formed upper continental facies and lower marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system possessing the basic conditions for oil-gas occurrence. Among the conditions, the key for oil-gas accumulation is development and preservation of the marine hydrocarbon-bearing rocks underlying the foreland basin. The synthetic study that in the lower Yangtze foreland basin (including the Wangjiang-Qianshan basin), the generation-reservoir-cover association with the Permian marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rocks as the critical portion can be a prospective oil-gas accumulation.Therefore, it should aim at the upper Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system in oil-gas evaluation and exploration. Also, fining excellent reservoir phase and well-preserved oil-gas accumulation units is extremely important for a breakthrough in oil-gas exploration.


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Kela-2 gas field in Tarim Basin is the main supply source for West-to-East Pipeline project, also the largest abnormally-pressured gas field discovered in China currently. The geological characterization, fine geological modeling and field development plan are all the world-class difficult problems. This work includes an integrated geological and gas reservoir engineering study using advanced technology and approaches, the scientific development plan of Kela-2 gas field as well as the optimizations of the drilling, production and surface schemes. Then, it's expected that the Kela-2 gas field can be developed high-efficiently.Kuche depression is one part of the thrust belt of the South Tianshan Mountains, Kela-2 field is located at the Kelasu structural zone in the north of Kuche depression. The field territory is heavily rugged with deeply cut gullies, complex geological underground structure, variable rock types, thrust structure development. Therefore, considerable efforts have been made to develop an integrated technique to acquire, process and interpret the seismic data in complicated mountain region. Consequently a set of seismic-related techniques in the complicated mountain region has been developed and successfully utilized to interpret the structure of Kela-2 gas field.The main reservoir depositional system of Kela 2 gas field is a platform - fan delta - braided river system. The reservoir rocks are medium-fine and extremely fine grained sandstones with high structure maturity and low composition maturity. The pore system structure is featured by medium-small pore, medium-fine throat and medium-low assortment. The reservoir of Kela-2 gas field is characteristic of medium porosity and medium permeability. The pay zone is very thick and its lateral distribution is stable with a good connection of sand body. The overpressure is caused mainly by the strongly tectonic squash activities, and other factors including the later rapid raise and compartment of the high-pressure fluid, the injection of high-pressure fluid into the reservoir.Based on the deliverability tests available, the average binomial deliverability equation is provided applicable for the overall field. The experimental results of rock stress-sensitive tests are employed to analyze the change trend of petrophysical properties against net confining stress, and establish the stress-based average deliverability equation. The results demonstrate the effect of rock deformation on the deliverability is limited to less than 5% in the early period of Kela-2 gas field, indicating the insignificant effect on deliverability of rock deformation.In terms of the well pattern comparisons and development planning optimizations, it is recommended that the producers should be located almost linearly along the structural axis. A total of 9 producers have a stable gas supply volume of 10.76 BCMPY for 17 years. For Kela-2 gas field the total construction investment is estimated at ¥7,697,690,000 RMB with the internal earning rate of 25.02% after taxation, the net present value of ¥7,420,160,000 RMB and the payback period of 5.66 years. The high profits of this field development project are much satisfactory.


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The sedimentary-volcanic tuff (locally called "green-bean rock") formed during the early Middle Triassic volcanic event in Guizhou Province is characterized as being thin, stable, widespread, short in forming time and predominantly green in color. The green-bean rock is a perfect indicator for stratigraphic division. Its petrographic and geochemical features are unique, and it is composed mainly of glassy fragments and subordinately of crystal fragments and volcanic ash balls. Analysis of the major and trace elements and rare-earth elements ( REE), as well as the related diagrams, permits us to believe that the green-bean rock is acidic volcanic material of the calc-alkaline series formed in the Indosinian orogenic belt on the Sino-Vietnam border, which was atmospherically transported to the tectonically stable areas and then deposited as sedimentary-volcanic rocks there. According to the age of green-bean rock, it is deduced that the boundary age of the Middle-Lower Triassic overlain by the sedimentary-volcanic tuff is about 247 Ma.


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中国东南部晚中生代以来的动力学背景一直受到大量学者的关注,特别是大陆岩石圈地幔和大规模岩浆活动事件。华南地区广泛发育的基性脉岩,为研究中国东南部动力学背景提供了载体。前人分别从年代学、矿物学、岩石学和地球化学等方面对广布于华南(福建、广东、江西、海南、湖南等地区)基性岩进行了详细研究,并取得了许多重要成果。 赣杭构造带地处一级大地构造单元扬子地块和华夏地块结合部位,横跨江南元古宙岛弧和华南加里东造山带两个二级构造单元,长期控制两侧地质构造、岩浆活动、沉积、变质及成矿作用。带内发育的基性岩为认识构造带活动情况提供可能。但目前对构造带内的基性岩浆活动的研究较少,应用系统的矿物学、元素和同位素地球化学及同位素年代学等研究方法,对赣杭构造带中生代以来的基性岩体及基性脉岩进行了系统研究。并应用其形成时代、源区性质等结论对中国东南部岩石圈伸展减薄、地幔性质等地球动力学背景中的问题进行探讨。主要取得以下几点认识: 1. 系统进行资料收集,并在此基础上进行野外考察和采样,明确了赣杭构造带发育基性岩的岩石类型主要为辉长岩,辉绿岩及橄榄辉绿岩。主要分布在构造带的南侧,受主/次断裂控制明显。 2. 明确赣杭构造带基性岩体主要为辉长岩,落在粗面玄武岩-玄武岩-玄武粗面安山岩,碱性-亚碱性范围内各有分布,但以亚碱性居多。SiO2范围从45.11-53.47 wt%,MgO的范围从4.06-9.28 wt%,TiO2的范围从0.79-3.63 wt%。微量元素总体富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Ba、Rb)、轻稀土(LREE),而亏损高场强元素(HFSE)(Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf、Ti)和重稀土元素(HREE)。余江、东乡、枧头、虎头等近构造带样品,岩浆来源与OIB近似,Nb、Ta亏损不明显。岩浆源区地幔性质从亏损地幔向富集地幔都有分布,流体熔体的交代作用及地壳物质参与可能是造成富集程度不同的主要原因。基性岩体未受到明显的地壳混染,主要经部分熔融形成,成岩过程中发生了橄榄石和单斜辉石的分离结晶作用。构造带对岩浆源区及深部壳幔物质演化发挥重要作用,还控制着岩浆的上升侵入。 3. 赣杭构造带基性脉岩主要为辉绿岩类,在玄武岩-玄武安山岩范围内,碱性-亚碱性范围内都有分布,以亚碱性占大多数。SiO2的范围从44.44-54.73 wt%,MgO的范围从2.74-7.89 wt%,TiO2的范围从0.91-3.39 wt%。微量元素总体富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Ba、Rb)和轻稀土元素(LREE),而亏损高场强元素(HFSE)(Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf、Ti)。基性岩脉经不同程度部分熔融作用形成,且成岩过程中经历了橄榄石、单斜辉石及少量斜长石的分离结晶作用。样品没有受到明显的地壳混染现象。基性脉岩的源区性质与流体熔体交代作用及地壳物质参与有关。少量下地壳以拆沉形式加入了原始地幔,进而通过流体熔体交代作用,造成了原始地幔的富集。伸展活动的逐渐加大及软流圈的上涌为拆沉提供了有利条件。赣杭构造带对岩浆源区、深部壳幔物质演化及岩浆上升侵入影响显著。 4. 赣杭构造带岩浆活动发育呈现多元化特点,Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征显示有EMⅡ的参与。流体交代特征比较复杂,源区存在金云母和金红石的交代,进一步说明下地壳成分参与了壳幔相互作用。同位素模拟表明古老基底通过源区混合也有所参与。结合前人的研究,提出了本区的成岩模式。赣杭构造带地区伴随岩石圈伸展作用的进行,发生了岩石圈减薄及软流圈地幔的上涌作用,少量下地壳物质拆沉到岩石圈地幔参与了岩浆的形成,构造带重新活化及活动对岩浆形成制约明显。新生代岩石圈地幔对中生代岩石圈地幔继承和改造。 5. 根据K-Ar年龄并结合区域内已有同位素年龄,赣杭构造带上的基性岩具有周期性分布特点,初步分为±180 Ma、145-150 Ma、120-140 Ma、95-110 Ma和65-80 Ma五组,且以120-140 Ma和95-110 Ma的峰值最为集中,代表了赣杭构造带岩浆活动最为强烈的期次。据目前研究,145 Ma限定了中国东南岩石圈伸展作用开始作用的下限,随着研究深入,更早能准确指示转换年龄的证据可能会被发现。大于140 Ma的岩浆比较偏向于构造体制转换下的构造-岩浆活动产物,与岩石圈的减薄及软流圈上涌关系密切。整个华南的岩石圈伸展作用对大规模金属成矿意义明显。赣杭构造带在热源、流体来源及驱动机制等方面对区内的以铀为主的金属成矿作用起到了制约。


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甘肃文县阳山金矿的探明黄金储量已达308t,平均品位4.74g/t,是我国地质勘查储量最大的金矿床。该矿床产于西秦岭造山带,是一个同碰撞形成的类卡林型金矿床,矿体受EW向韧脆性剪切带控制,赋矿围岩为泥盆系碳质千枚岩-板岩-碳酸盐-硅质岩和侵入其中的花岗斑岩脉。流体成矿过程包括:形成石英-绢云母-黄铁矿组合的早阶段,形成石英-黄铁矿-毒砂-方铅矿等多金属组合的主成矿阶段,形成碳酸盐-辉锑矿-石英网脉的晚阶段。 与矿体关系较为密切的花岗斑岩富集LILE 和 LREE, 亏损 Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P 和Ti,ΣREE=54.35~124.01 μg/g ,(La/Yb)N=9.72~27.80,δEu=0.70~0.89, ISr值为0.70806~0.71756,平均0.71107;εNd(t)平均-3.4;Nd模式年龄(T2DM)平均1.34(Ga)。表明花岗斑岩岩浆应源自成熟度较低的中元古代基底地壳物质。花岗斑岩的(206Pb/204Pb)220Ma、(207Pb/204Pb)220Ma和(208Pb/204Pb)220Ma的平均值分别为17.875、15.604和38.296,与秦岭微陆块的中元古代基底和碧口地体碧口群的Pb同位素组成一致。考虑到前人获得碧口群的年龄为1.235~1.367Ga,而秦岭微陆块沿勉略缝合带向南仰冲到碧口地体之上,我们认为由碧口群等组成的俯冲板片的变质脱水熔融作用导致了阳山金矿带花岗斑岩的形成。因此,阳山金矿带的花岗斑岩是扬子与华北大陆中生代碰撞造山过程中形成的同碰撞花岗岩类。 最新的S,Sr和Pb同位素研究表明:热液成矿早阶段的黄铁矿的34S值范围介于-15.5‰~6.59‰之间,总体离散性比较大,显示沉积地层来源的特征,硫同位素组成属离散型,不具有岩浆主导的成矿的塔式效应。花岗岩中黄铁矿硫同位素范围很集中,34S值处于-1.47‰~2.12‰之间,本区花岗斑岩不可能为成矿物质的主要来源。矿石硫化物的初始锶同位素比值范围较大(0.70877~0.71697,平均为0.71258),显示成矿物质并非单一来源,考虑到花岗斑岩先于矿床形成,只在后期构造作用的岩体部分成矿的地质事实,少量矿石中的低锶同位素比值黄铁矿有可能来自作为围岩的花岗斑岩,也可能来自基底物质。矿石硫化物Pb同位素206Pb/204Pb=17.552~18.853,平均18.260;207Pb/204Pb=15.574~15.928,平均15.685;208Pb/204Pb=37.894~39.293,平均38.680,变化范围比较大。μ=9.46~10.06,平均为9.65,ω值介于36.96~42.21,显示了铅源的物质成熟度较高,要求最佳物源是浅变质化学-碎屑沉积建造,恰好与本区泥盆构造层为浅变质细碎屑岩夹薄层灰岩系的特征一致,部分低Sr和Pb同位素比值的成矿物质可能来自于作为围岩的花岗斑岩和/或者基地物质。 总结前人阳山金矿床的H-O-C同位素体系的研究得出,初始成矿流体来源于碳酸盐地层或相似岩石建造的变质或/和改造脱水,成矿流体系统从早到晚、从深到浅,由变质热液演变为大气降水热液。与本文得出的结论一致。 总而言之, 阳山金矿矿成矿流体的来源早期具有变质水特征,应来自赋矿地层或相似岩性组合的改造或变质脱水作用,晚阶段大气水为主的流体性质。成矿物质主要来自于赋矿围岩。流体经过作为部分围岩的花岗斑岩时从中萃取少部分成矿物质,而导致了少部分的低锶、铅同位素的矿石硫化物组成。 在中生代扬子板块北缘(包括碧口地块)向南秦岭陆陆碰撞过程中,扬子北缘板片沿勉略断裂向北俯冲到南秦岭之下,下插板片增温增压,发生变质、脱水和部分熔融。碰撞中期,构造背景由挤压向伸展转变,减压增温的环境导致大量变质流体沿深大断裂向上运移,不断萃取围岩中大量成矿元素,并将成矿元素搬运至有利于流体聚集、成矿物质卸载的空间,使成矿物质富集成矿。阳山金矿床定位于泥盆系构造层中,成矿时代为190Ma左右,紧随花岗斑岩侵入作用(220Ma左右),主成矿作用发生于碰撞作用由挤压-伸展转变期的减压增温环境。成岩、成矿模式与CMF模式吻合。 阳山超大型金矿是世界罕见的碰撞造山带内类卡林型金矿床,其地质地球化学特征复杂、独特,流体性质主要与造山型金矿一致,矿床地质主要与卡林型金矿一致,部分特征兼与造山型和卡林型两类矿床之间,花岗斑岩本身成矿的特点又为阳山所特有,总体具有造山型向卡林型金矿过渡的性质。因此建议以“秦岭式”或“阳山式”类卡林型金矿床代表与阳山金矿具有类似成矿背景及地球化学性质的矿床。


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双泉金矿床是地质工作者最近在东准噶尔地区金矿勘探中的一个新突破,地质研究和勘探程度低导致其成因还不清楚。本文通过对双泉金矿床的控矿特征、矿石矿物组成和结构构造、不同矿化阶段的矿物组合及变形特征、矿石稀土元素、氢氧同位素地球化学特征等方面的研究,探讨了双泉金矿床地质地球化学特征及成矿时代、成矿流体、成矿物质来源等,提出了该矿床的矿床成因,取得如下认识: 双泉金矿床产于下石炭统南明水组地层中,并受控于清水-苏吉泉韧性剪切带。矿石中金矿物主要以显微 (0.2mm~0.2μm)和次显微 (<0.2μm)的裂隙金、晶隙金等形式存在。矿化阶段划分为三阶段,第Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿-毒砂,第Ⅱ阶段金-石英-毒砂-黄铁矿为主要矿化阶段,第Ⅲ阶段矿化弱。利用金矿化相关的热液矿物稳定范围和毒砂的主要成分含量,通过相图得出第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ阶段温度范围分别为330~450℃和300~430℃。对矿石及近矿围岩亲硫元素组合的相关性分析和R类聚类分析得出成矿元素组合为Au-Ag-As-Sb。 卡拉麦里强应变构造带基本控制了金矿带的分布,而其中韧-脆性剪切部位控制了双泉金矿床、矿脉、矿体的产出。韧性剪切带的后两期走滑脆-韧性、脆性剪切变形控制了第Ⅰ、Ⅱ矿化阶段的金矿化。最早于中石炭世开始的区域走滑脆-韧性变形和区域最新赋矿地层主要为石炭系大致限定了双泉金矿床成矿时代为晚石炭世。 双泉金矿床成矿流体的δD为-86~-99(‰),第Ⅰ、Ⅱ矿化阶段的δ18O值随温度降低而降低,根据水岩反应模拟计算得出初始水为变质水。两种矿石稀土元素球粒陨石配分模式呈右缓倾斜型,轻重稀土属弱分离型,δEu弱负异常,与矿区围岩(南明水组地层)基本一致。矿石轻重稀土分异程度介于围岩与蛇绿岩之间,以及热液中有大量与镁铁质、超镁铁质有关的Co、Ni、Cr、Zr、V 等组份,显示成矿流体对蛇绿岩的淋滤迁移和对围岩的叠加改造。这些反映了成矿物质来源与蛇绿岩体与围岩变质有关。 双泉金矿床形成于晚石炭世,是与韧性剪切带有关的,中高温的变质热液型金矿床。


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湘西雪峰山地区是湖南最重要的黄金产地,湖南省80%以上的金矿床均赋存在该区前寒武系的浅变质岩中。柳林汊金矿带位于湘西雪峰山中段的北部,尽管该金矿带发现较早,采矿历史很长,但地质工作程度较低。在系统野外调研的基础上,本课题组首次确认柳林汊一带金矿床为典型的钠长石-石英脉型金矿床,明显有别于雪峰山地区其它石英脉型金矿床。本学位论文以该区四个有典型代表性的钠长石-石英脉型金矿为研究对象,在系统野外地质考察和系统采样的基础上,利用矿物学、元素地球化学、同位素地球化学、流体地球化学等研究手段,对该区金矿床的载金矿物—钠长石进行了较详细的矿物学和地球化学研究。在此基础上初步探讨了柳林汊一带金矿床的成矿流体来源、成矿物质来源、成矿时代及矿床成因。本论文主要取得以下几点新认识: 1.柳林汊金矿带金矿床的矿脉中的这些长石呈肉红色,在镜下通常呈板条状、粒状,解理不发育,双晶以聚片双晶为主,负低突起,干涉色一级灰白到一级淡黄。本文首次确认了该区矿脉中的肉红色长石为低温、高有序度的钠长石,该区的金矿类型为典型的钠长石-石英脉型金矿。 2.该区钠长石具Ab含量高,An、Or含量极低等特征,接近纯钠长石。钠长石中Sr 含量相对较高而稀土含量普遍较低,通常为LREE富集型,无明显的Eu、Ce异常。 3.柳林汊一带金矿脉中钠长石的氧同位素组成为10.2‰~14.5‰,对应的成矿流体的δ18O‰为1.9‰~6.9‰。该区成矿流体可能主要来自经演化的大气降水。 4.与钠长石共生的石英中的包裹体主要以液体包裹体为主。其均一温度为140~300℃,盐度为1~8%NaCl,成矿流体的密度为0.60~0.99g/cm3。该区金矿床成矿流体具中低温、低盐度和中等密度等特征。 5.根据本区金矿床的地质特征,并结合前人对湘西地区金矿床的研究成果,提出该区金矿的成矿物质来源为元古宇板溪群,成矿时代为加里东期,矿床的成因类型为层控的热液改造型金矿床。 关键词:柳林汊金矿带 钠长石 矿物学 元素地球化学 流体包裹体 矿床成因


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Intergenerational cultural transmission is one process leading to cultural continuity and the transmission of value orientations may be seen as a core issue of cultural transmission. Previous research about value transmission revealed that the effectiveness of intergenerational value transmission was influenced by parenting, and parenting’s impact on culture transmission varies according to the cultural context. Value of children (VOC) refers to the functions children serve or the needs they fulfill for parents. VOC is contained in the value system and thus we would explore whether VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation like other values and how parenting impact intergenerational VOC transmission in China. Since there are dramatic differences between Chinese urban and rural context in many aspects, we would explore the effects of the transmission belt in these two social contexts respectively. A total of 200 samples were collected and each sample contained grandmother, mother and adolescent,and the results were as follows: 1. VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation, and the transmissions from grandmothers to adolescents were less effective than the transmissions from mothers to adolescents. 2. Parenting moderated the path of VOC transmission from mothers to adolescents. Authoritarian parenting could enhance the transmission of economical and social VOC factor between generations. And authoritative parenting could enhance the transmission of emotional VOC factor between generations. 3. Authoritarian parenting had significant positive predictive effect on rural adolescents’ VOC and had no predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC. And authoritative parenting had significant positive predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC.