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The vibrationally resolved spectra of selected rotamers of m-aminophenol have been recorded by mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy in connection with two-color resonant two-photon excitation scheme. The adiabatic ionization energies of the cis and trans rotamers are 61460 +/- 5 and 61734 +/- 5 cm(-1), respectively. The frequencies of modes 1 (breathing) and 18a (in-plane CH bending) are measured to be 744 and 1097 cm(-1) for the cis, and 736 and 1104 cm(-1) for the trans rotamer, respectively. This indicates that different orientation of the OH with respect to the NH2 substituent only slightly influences these two modes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Geometry optimization and harmonic vibrational frequency calculations have been performed on the (X) over bar (2)A(1) state of NO2 and (X) over bar (1)A(1) state of NO2-. Franck-Condon analyses and spectral simulations were carried out on the NO2((X) over bar (2)A(1))-NO2-((X) over bar (1)A(1)) photo detachment process. In addition, the equilibrium geometry parameters, r(NO)= 1.248 +/- 0.005 Angstrom and angle(ONO) 116.8 +/- 0.5degrees, of the (X) over bar (1)A(1) state of NO2-, are derived by employing an iterative Franck-Condon analysis procedure in the spectral simulation. Our conclusions regarding the anion geometry suggest a reinterpretation of the results of Woo et al. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Molybdenum phosphide (MoP) and supported molybdenum phosphide (MoP/gamma-Al2O3) have been prepared by the temperature-programmed reduction method. The surface sites of the MoP/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst were characterized by carbon monoxide (CO) adsorption with in situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. A characteristic IR band at 2037 cm(-1) was observed on the MoP/gamma-Al2O3 that was reduced at 973 K. This band is attributed to linearly adsorbed CO on Mo atoms of the MoP surface and is similar to IR bands at 2040-2060 cm(-1), which correspond to CO that has been adsorbed on some noble metals, such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Density functional calculations of the structure of molybdenum phosphides, as well as CO chemisorption on the MoP(001) surface, have also been studied on periodic surface models, using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation functional. The results show that the chemisorption of CO on MoP occurred mainly on top of molybdenum, because the bonding of CO requires a localized mininum potential energy. The adsorption energy obtained is DeltaH(ads) approximate to -2.18 eV, and the vibrational frequency of CO is 2047 cm-1, which is in good agreement with the IR result of CO chernisorption on MoP/gamma-Al2O3.


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First principles calculations using the augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method, as implemented in the WIEN2k code, have been used to investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of YBaFe2O5, especially as regards the charge-orbital ordering. Although the total 3d charge disproportion is rather small, an orbital order parameter defined as the difference between t(2g) orbital occupations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ cations is large (0,73) and gives unambiguous evidence for charge and orbital ordering: Strong hybridization between O 2p and Fe e(g) states results in the nearly complete loss of the separation between the total charges at the Fe2+ and Fe3+ atoms.


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The structure, elastic, and electronic properties of OsN2 at various space groups: cubic Fm-3m, Pa-3, and orthorhombic Pnnm were studied by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. Our calculation indicates that the structure in orthorhombic Pnnm phase is energetically more stable compared with cubic systems. It is metallic, mechanically stable and contains diatomic N-N units with the bond distance 1.418 A. These characters are consistent with experimental facts that OsN2 is orthorhombic and metallic. The calculated bulk modulus 394 GPa is also the highest among the considered space groups, slightly larger than previous value 358 GPa. The calculated elastic anisotropic factors and directional bulk modulus showed that OsN2 possess high elastic anisotropy.


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We investigate the cohesive energy, heat of formation, elastic constant and electronic band structure of transition metal diborides TMB2 (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os and Ir, Pt) in the Pmmn space group using the ab initio pseudopotential total energy method. Our calculations indicate that there is a relationship between elastic constant and valence electron concentration (VEC): the bulk modulus and shear modulus achieve their maximum when the VEC is in the range of 6.8-7.2. In addition, trends in the elastic constant are well explained in terms of electronic band structure analysis, e.g., occupation of valence electrons in states near the Fermi level, which determines the cohesive energy and elastic properties. The maximum in bulk modulus and shear modulus is attributed to the nearly complete filling of TM d-B p bonding states without filling the antibonding states. On the basis of the observed relationship, we predict that alloying W and Re in the orthorhombic structure OsB2 might be harder than alloying the Ir element. Indeed, the further calculations confirmed this expectation.


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The electronic structure of CaCu3Mn4O12 and LaCu3Mn4O12 was investigated using a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). The ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic states in these two compounds were investigated and the calculated spin magnetic moments were found to be close to the available experimental values. Calculations of spin polarization for these two oxides show that the ferrimagnetic configurations are the energetically favored ground state, which is consistent with experimental observation. The calculations predict that CaCu3Mn4O12 is a semiconductor and that LaCu3Mn4O12 is a half-metallic material. Furthermore, the relevance of these different electronic structures to the magnetoresistance is discussed.


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Density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations were carried out to predict the structures and the absorption and emission spectra for porphyrin and a series of carbaporphyrins-carbaporphyrin, adj-dicarbaporphyrin, opp-dicarbaporphyrin, tricarbaporphyrin and tetracarbaporphyrin. The ground- and excited-state geometries were optimized at the B3LYP/6-31g(d) and CIS/6-31g(d) level, respectively. The optimized ground-state geometry and absorption spectra of porphyrin, calculated by DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT), are comparable with the available experimental values. Based on the optimized excited-state geometries obtained by CIS/6-31g(d) method, the emission properties are calculated using TDDFT method at the B3LYP/6-31g(d) level. The effects of the substitution of nitrogen atoms with carbon atoms at the center positions of porphyrin are discussed. The results indicate that the two-pyrrole nitrogens are important to the chemical and physical properties for porphyrin.


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The microregion approximation explicit finite difference method is used to simulate cyclic voltammetry of an electrochemical reversible system in a three-dimensional thin layer cell with minigrid platinum electrode. The simulated CV curve and potential scan-absorbance curve were in very good accordance with the experimental results, which differed from those at a plate electrode. The influences of sweep rate, thickness of the thin layer, and mesh size on the peak current and peak separation were also studied by numerical analysis, which give some instruction for choosing experimental conditions or designing a thin layer cell. The critical ratio (1.33) of the diffusion path inside the mesh hole and across the thin layer was also obtained. If the ratio is greater than 1.33 by means of reducing the thickness of a thin layer, the electrochemical property will be far away from the thin layer property.


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Crystal and molecular structure of (2.6-dipropylphenylamide) dimethyl (tetra-methyl cyclopentadienyl) silane titanium dichloride (I) was fully characterized by X-ray diffraction. The crystal is obtained from a mixture of ether/hexane as orthorhombic. with a = 12.658 (3) Angstrom. b = 16.62 (3) Angstrom. c = 11.760 (2) Angstrom. V = 2474.2 (9) Angstrom(3). Z = 4, space group Pnma. R = 0.0399; Componud I compose of the pi-bounded ring with its dimethylsilyl-dipropyl phenyl amido group and the two terminal chloride atoms coordinated to central metal to form a so-called constrained geometry catalyst (CGC) structure. The result of molecular mechanics (MM) calculations on compound I shows that bond lengths and bond angles from the MM calculation are comparable to the data obtained from the X-ray diffraction study. The relation of the structure of CGCs and their catalytic activity by MM calculations is also discussed.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory is applied to a rare-earth ion-doped laser crystal. TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the first 4f5d state in Pr3+:YAG are calculated. The results indicate the density matrix TPA theory is attractive in studying TPA in laser crystals. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory applicable to laser crystals doped with rare earth ions is described. Using this theory, resonant TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the second excited state of the 4f5d configuration in cm(4)s Pr3+:Y3Al5O12 are calculated. The peak value of TPA cross section calculated is 2.75 x 10(-50) cm(4)s which is very close to the previous experimental value 4 x 10(-50) cm(4) s. The good agreement of calculated data with measured values demonstrates that the density matrix resonant TPA theory can predict resonant TPA intensity much better than the standard second-order perturbation TPA theory.